ALTERNATIVE ENERGY/DEBATES/ENERGY: “We are energy independent for the first time… I know more about wind than you do. It’s extremely expensive, kills all the birds, it’s very intermittent. It’s got a lot of problems and they happen to make the windmills in both Germany and China. And the fumes coming up– If you’re a believer […]
Tag: Debates 2020
CLIMATE CHANGE/DEBATES/JOBS: “Climate change, climate warming, global warming is an existential threat to humanity. We have a moral obligation to deal with it. And we’re told by all the leading scientists in the world that we don’t have much time. We’re going to pass the point of no return within the next eight to 10 […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/DEBATES: “And we have the best carbon emission numbers that we’ve had in 35 years… Look at China, how filthy it is. Look at Russia. Look at India. It’s filthy. The air is filthy. The Paris Accord, I took us out because we were going to have to spend trillions of dollars and we […]
CRIME/DEBATES/DRUGS: “One of the things that is said, in the ’80s, we passed 100%, all 100 senators voted for it, a bill on drugs and how to deal with drugs. It was a mistake. I’ve been trying to change it since then, particularly the portion on cocaine. That’s why I’ve been arguing that, in fact, […]
BLM/DEBATES/RACISM: “Well you have to understand the first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter they were chanting ‘Pigs in a blanket’, talking about police, ‘Pigs, Pigs’, talking about our police, ‘Pigs in a blanket, fry’ em like bacon’. I said, ‘That’s a horrible thing’… As far as my relationships with all people, I […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/DEBATES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Nobody has done more for the Black community than Donald Trump. And if you look, with the exception of Abraham Lincoln–possible exception, but the exception of Abraham Lincoln, nobody has done what I’ve done… Criminal justice reform, prison reform, opportunity zones… It’s one of the most successful programs. People don’t talk […]
DEBATES/RACISM: “The fact of the matter is there is institutional racism in America… We have to provide for economic opportunity, better education, better health care, better access to schooling, better access to opportunity to borrow money to start businesses. All the things we can do. And I’ve laid out a clear plan as to how […]
DEBATES/IMMIGRATION: “Catch and release is a disaster. A murderer would come in, a rapist would come in, a very bad person would come in — we would take their name, we have to release them into our country… We have to send ICE out and Border Patrol out to find them… They never come back. […]
DACA/DEBATES/DREAMERS/IMMIGRATION: “I’ve made it very clear, within 100 days, I’m going to send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people. And all those so called Dreamers, those DACA kids, they’re going to be legally certified again, to be able to stay in this country, and put on […]
DEBATES/FAMILY SEPARATION/IMMIGRATION: “These 500 plus kids came with parents. They separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin with. Big real tough, really strong. And guess what? They cannot — it’s not coyotes that bring them over, their parents were with them. They got separated from their parents. And […]
DEBATES/FAMILY SEPARATION/IMMIGRATION: “Children are brought here by coyotes and lots of bad people, cartels, and they’re brought here and it’s easy to use them to get into our country. We now have a stronger border as we’ve ever had. We’re over 400 miles of brand new wall, you see the numbers, and we let people […]
DEBATES/MINIMUM WAGE: “These first responders we all clap for as they come down the street, because they’ve allowed us to make it. What’s happening? They deserve a minimum wage of $15. Anything below that put you below the poverty level. And there is no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage, business has gone […]
DEBATES/MINIMUM WAGE: “For small businesses — by raising the minimum wage and helping, I think it should be a state option. Alabama is different than New York, New York is different from Vermont. Every state is different… How are you helping small businesses, when you’re forcing wages.” -Donald Trump on Oct. 22, 2020, “Debate transcript: […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE: “My response is people deserve to have affordable health care — period. Period, period, period. And the Bidencare proposal will, in fact, provide for that affordable health care, lower premiums. What we’re going to do is going to cost some money; it’s going to cost over $750 billion over 10 years to do it. […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN: “I think health care is not a privilege, it’s a right. Everyone should have the right to have affordable health care. And I am very proud of my plan… This is something that’s going to save people’s lives. And this is going to give some people an opportunity, an opportunity to have health […]
COVID-19/DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “[T]he fact is that he’s [Donald Trump] already cost the American people because of his terrible handling of the COVID virus and economic spillover. 10 million people have lost their private [healthcare] insurance, and he wants to take away 22 million more people who have been under Obamacare, and over 110 million people […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/MEDICARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “What I’m going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option — become Bidencare… Secondly, we’re going to make sure we reduce the premiums and reduce drug prices by making sure that there’s competition that doesn’t exist now by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the insurance companies. Thirdly… not one […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “I terminated the individual mandate. That is the worst part of Obamacare, as we call it. The individual mandate — we have to pay a fortune for the privilege of not having to pay for bad health insurance. I terminate it; it’s gone. Now it’s in court, because Obamacare is no good… What […]
DEBATES/NORTH KOREA/OBAMA: “When I met with Barack Obama… He said the biggest problem we have is North Korea. He indicated we will be in a war with North Korea. Guess what, it would be a nuclear war, and he does have plenty of nuclear capability. In the meantime, I have a very good relationship with […]
DEBATES/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP TAXES: “I was put through a phony witch hunt for three years. It started before I even got elected. They spied on my campaign. No president should ever have to go through what I went through. Let me just say this. Mueller and 18 angry Democrats, and FBI agents all over the place spent, […]
DEBATES/TRUMP TAXES: “Stop playing around. You’ve been saying for four years you’re going to release your taxes. Nobody knows, Mr. President, they do know is you’re not paying your taxes or you’re paying taxes that are so low. When last time he said what he paid, he said, ‘I only pay that little because I’m […]
DEBATES/TRUMP TAXES: [Joe Biden: “Why don’t you release your tax return or stop talking about corruption?”] “First of all, I called my accounts — under audit. I’m going to release them [tax returns] as soon as we can. I want to do it, and it will show how successful, how great this company is. But […]
DEBATES/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I never got any money from Russia. I don’t get money from Russia… Between the sanctions, nobody tougher than me on Russia. Between the sanctions between all of what I’ve done with NATO. You know, I’ve got the NATO countries to put up an extra 130 billion, going to $420 billion a […]
DEBATES/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VLADIMIR PUTIN: “I don’t understand why this President is unwilling to take on Putin when he’s actually paying bounties to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, when he’s engaged in activities that are trying to destabilize all of NATO. I don’t know why he doesn’t do it but it’s worth asking the question. Why […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/ELECTIONS: “I made it clear that any country, no matter who it is, that interferes in American elections will pay a price… It has been overwhelmingly clear in this election — I won’t even get into the last one — this [2020] election, that Russia has been involved. China has been involved to some […]
2020 ELECTION/CAMPAIGN FINANCE/DEBATES: “You’re the one that takes all the money from Wall Street. I don’t take it. You [Joe Biden] have raised a lot of money, tremendous amounts of money. And every time you raise money, deals are made. I could raise so much more money. As president and as somebody that knows most […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/EDUCATION: “I want to open the schools. The [coronavirus] transmittal rate to the teachers is very small, but I want to open the schools. We have to open our country. We’re not going to have a country. You can’t do this, we can’t keep this country closed. It is a massive country with a massive […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: “What I would say is I’m going to shut down the virus, not the country. It’s his [Donald Trump’s] ineptitude that caused the country to have to shut down in large part — why businesses have gone under, why schools are closed, why so many people have lost their living and why they’re […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The fact is, when we knew it [coronavirus] was coming, when it hit — What happened? What did the President say? He said don’t worry, it’s going to go away, it’s going to be gone by Easter. Don’t worry, the warm weather. Don’t worry, maybe inject bleach — he said he was […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault that it [coronavirus] came here. It’s China’s fault. You know what, it’s not Joe’s fault that it came here either. It’s China’s fault. They kept it from going into the rest of China, for the most part, but they didn’t keep it from coming […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES: “He [Donald Trump] says that we’re, you know, we’re learning to live with it [coronavirus]. People are learning to die with it. You folks home will have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning. That man or wife going to bed tonight and reaching over to try to touch their, out of […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP’S HEALTH: “I’d love to put myself in the basement or in a beautiful room in the White House and go away for a year and a half until it [coronavirus] disappears. I can’t do that… and I meet a lot of families, including Gold Star families and military families, every meeting I […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES: “I don’t think it’s going to be a dark winter at all. We’re opening up our country. We’ve learned and studied and understand the [coronavirus] disease, which we didn’t know at the beginning. When I closed and banned China from coming in heavily infected, and then ultimately Europe, but China was in January — […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/VACCINES: “And by the way, this [Donald Trump] is the same fellow who told you this is going to end by Easter last time. This the same fellow who told you that, don’t worry, we’re going to end this by the summer. We’re about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter, and he […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES: “If we just wore these masks — the President’s own advisors told them — we could save 100,000 lives. And we’re in a circumstance where the President, thus far, still has no [coronavirus] plan. No comprehensive plan. What I would do is make sure we have everyone encouraged to wear a mask, all the […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES: “220,000 Americans dead [from coronavirus]. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this… anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America. We’re in a situation where there are thousands of deaths a day, a thousand deaths a day. And there are […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES: “We have a [coronavirus] problem that’s a worldwide problem. This is a worldwide problem, but I’ve been congratulated by the heads of many countries on what we’ve been able to do with the — if you take a look at what we’ve done in terms of goggles and masks and gowns and everything else, […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/TRUMP’S HEALTH: “I can tell you from personal experience that I was in the hospital, I had it [coronavirus]. And I got better and I will tell you that I had something that they gave me — a therapeutic, I guess they would call it. Some people could say it was a cure. But I […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES: “So, as you know, 2.2 million people, modeled out, were expected to die [from coronavirus]. We closed up the greatest economy in the world in order to fight this horrible disease that came from China. It’s a worldwide pandemic. It’s all over the world. You see the spikes in Europe and many other places […]
DEBATE: “Well, I think the mute [turning off microphones] is very unfair, and I think it’s very bad that they’re not talking about foreign affairs. They’re supposed to be talking about foreign affairs. And I think that the anchor [debate moderator Kristen Welker] is a very biased person. Her parents are very biased. But that’s […]
DEBATES: [Adrienne Pedersen: So for the debate on Thursday, what do you think of this new muting the mic rule?”] “I think it’s a good idea. I think there should be more limitations on us not interrupting one another… I hope he’s gonna come prepared to talk about what he’s for, but my guess is […]
IMMIGRATION: “Well, what happens is because of the pandemic, much changed on the immigration front. Mexico is heavily infected, as you know. And we’ve made it very, very difficult to come in because of the pandemic, and other reasons, and crime. But we have a very strong border right now, and we have to keep […]
TRUMP BUSINESS/TRUMP TAXES: Donald Trump: “And just so you understand, when you have a lot of real estate, I have real estate, you know a lot of it. Okay? Right down the road, Doral, big stuff, great stuff. When I decided to run, I’m very underlevered, fortunately, but I’m very underlevered. I have a very, […]
ENERGY/FRACKING: “I do not propose banning fracking. I think you have to make sure the fracking is in fact not admitting methane or polluting the well or dealing with what can be small earthquakes and how they’re drilling. So it has to be managed very, very well, number one. Number two. What we have to […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “The problem with Obamacare, it’s not good. We’d like to terminate it, and we want a much less expensive healthcare that’s a much better healthcare, and that’s where we’re aiming. And if we can do that, and we have a very good chance of doing it, but we’ve also brought down the price […]
CRIMINAL JUSTICE/DRUGS/MARIJUANA: “I don’t believe anybody should be going to jail for drug use, they should be going into mandatory rehabilitation. We should be building rehab centers to have these people housed. We should wipe out — we should decriminalize marijuana, wipe out the record so you can actually say in honesty have you ever […]
JOE BIDEN/TAXES: “You have 91 out of every — of the Fortune 500 companies not paying a single solitary penny. If you raise the corporate taxes back to 28 percent, which is a fair tax, you’d raise $1 trillion 300 billion by that one act. If you made sure that people making over $400 grand […]
CORONAVIRUS: [Savannah Guthrie: “Do you support herd immunity as a strategy [on coronavirus]? Essentially, just let people get sick?”] “The cure can not be worse than the problem itself. We did the right thing. We were expected to lose 2,200,000 people, and maybe more than that. We’re at 210,000 people. One person is too much, […]
CORONAVIRUS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VACCINES: “President Trump talks about things that just aren’t accurate about everything from [coronavirus] vaccines; we’re going to have one right away, it’s going to happen and so on. The point is that if the scientist — if the body of science is saying that this is what is ready to be done […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/TRUMP’S HEALTH: Savannah Guthrie: “Your first positive [coronavirus] test was Thursday, October 1st, okay? When was your last negative test? When did you last remember having a negative test?” Donald Trump: “Well, I test quite a bit, and I can tell you that before the debate, which I thought it was a very good debate, […]
CORONAVIRUS/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I laid out a detailed plan relative to school openings in June and July… by that time, the science was becoming clearer and clearer of how this [coronavirus] was spreading so rapidly. But the president kept denying that. If you notice, from March on, I stopped doing big meetings, I started […]
2020 ELECTION/AMY CONEY BARRETT/SUPREME COURT: Savannah Guthrie: “You’ve mentioned that you would like to see Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court in case any challenges come up in connection with the election. Do you expect her to rule for you?” Donald Trump: “Well, I think she’ll have to make that decision. I don’t […]
TRUMP TAXES: [Savannah Guthrie: “It [New York Times reporting] also says that you’ve paid $750 in taxes in the year you were elected. Is that true or not?”] “No, I don’t know. I can tell you this. If they have my tax returns, as you know, they have to go to jail. It’s illegal, but […]
IRS/TRUMP TAXES: “I am under audit. No person in their right mind would release [their taxes], prior to working out the deal with the IRS. And I’ll go a step further. I’m treated very badly by the IRS. They treat me very, very badly. You have people in there from previous administrations that treat me […]
JOBS/TAXES: “We were just hitting 160 million jobs, companies are pouring into our nation because of the tax rate, and if Biden comes in and raises taxes on everybody, including middle income taxes, which he wants to do, you will blow this thing, and you’ll end up with a depression, the likes of which you’ve […]
2020 ELECTION: “But let me just tell you, they talk about the peaceful transfer, right? They spied on my campaign and they got caught. And they spied heavily, on my campaign. And they tried to take down a duly elected sitting president. And then, they talk about, ‘Will you accept a peaceful transfer?’ And the […]
ANTIFA: “Antifa exists. They’re vicious, they’re violent. They kill people, and they’re burning down our cities. And they happen to be radical left.” -Donald Trump via CNBC Television, “NBC News hosts town hall with President Trump — 10/15/2020,”, Oct. 15, 2020 […]
ANTIFA/RACISM: “I denounce white supremacy. Okay?… I’ve denounced white supremacy, for years, but you always do it. You always start off with the question. You didn’t ask Joe Biden, whether or not he denounces Antifa… So, are you ready? Are you… Wait. Are you listening? I denounce white supremacy… And frankly, you want to know […]
CORONAVIRUS: “Excess mortality, we’re a winner on the excess mortality. And what we’ve done has been amazing. And we have done an amazing job. And it’s [coronavirus] rounding the corner and we have the vaccines coming, and we have the therapies coming. And I’ll tell you what, one thing. When I got it, I had […]
JOE BIDEN/IMMIGRATION: “[E]very single solitary generation, the dial has moved closer and closer and more and more to inclusion. And we are a country that is a country of slaves who came here 400 years ago, indigenous people, and everyone else is an immigrant. And we’re a diverse country. Unless we are able to treat […]
AFGHANISTAN/NATO/VLADIMIR PUTIN: “And look what Putin is doing. You know, you have Americans — bounties on American military’s heads in Afghanistan. They have more people there now, by the way, than when I left — when we left, in Afghanistan. And we find ourselves in a situation where he [Donald Trump] spoke to Putin six […]
FOREIGN POLICY/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: [Audience member: “Does President Trump’s foreign policy deserve some credit?”] “A little, but not a whole lot. We find ourselves in a position where we’re more isolated in the world than we’ve ever been… You have Iran closer to having enough nuclear material to build a bomb. North Korea has […]
ENERGY/GREEN NEW DEAL/JOE BIDEN: “My deal’s a crucial framework but not the New Green Deal. The New Green Deal calls for elimination of all non-renewable energy by 2030. You can’t get there. You’re going to need to be able to transition, George, to be able to transition to get to the place where we invest […]
DOJ/JOE BIDEN: “What the Biden Justice Department will do is let the Department of Justice be the Department of Justice. Let them make the judgments of who should be prosecuted. They are not my lawyers. They are not my personal lawyers.” -Joe Biden, “Read the full transcript of Joe Biden’s ABC News town hall,”, […]
COURTS/JOE BIDEN/SUPREME COURT: “[T]here are at least four or five options that are available to determine whether or not you can change the way in which the court lifetime appointment takes place, consistent, arguably, with the Constitution. I have not been a fan of pack — court packing, because I think it just generates what […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “I think that, also, health care overall is very much in jeopardy as a consequence of the president’s going to go directly — after this election, directly to the Supreme Court within a month to try to get Obamacare wiped out, after we have already — 10 million people have already […]
JOE BIDEN/POLICE: “We shouldn’t be defunding cops, we should be mandating the things that we should be doing within police departments and make sure there’s total transparency.” -Joe Biden, “Read the full transcript of Joe Biden’s ABC News town hall,”, Oct. 15, 2020 […]
JOE BIDEN/POLICE: “One of the things I’ve observed is, you know, the neighborhood I grew up — I grew up in Claymont, you either became a cop, a firefighter or a priest. I wasn’t qualified much to do any one of them. But here’s the deal, all kidding aside, most cops don’t like bad cops… […]
CRIME/JOE BIDEN: [Audience member: “What’s your view on the crime bill that you wrote in 1994 which showed prejudice against minorities? Where do you stand today on that?”] “Well, first of all, things have changed drastically. That crime bill, when it voted, the Black Caucus voted for it, every Black mayor supported it across the […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/EDUCATION/JOE BIDEN: “I’d provide for $70 billion for HBCUs for them to be able to have the wherewithal to do what other universities can do because they don’t have the kind of foundational support they need and so that would allow them for example like we did in our administration, the president allowed me […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/VOTING: [Audience member: “So, my question for you then is, besides you ain’t Black, what do you have to say to young Black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that continually fails to not protect them?”] “Well, I’d said, first of all, as my buddy John Lewis […]
JOBS/JOE BIDEN/TAXES: “When I said the tax — the Trump tax cuts, about $1.3 trillion of the $2 trillion in his tax cuts went to the top one-tenth of 1 percent. That’s what I’m talking about eliminating, not all the tax cuts that are out there… Moody’s did an analysis of my — detailed analysis […]
CORONAVIRUS/JOE BIDEN: “[T]he words of a president matter… No matter whether they’re good, bad or indifferent, they matter. And when a president doesn’t wear a mask, or makes fun of folks, like me, when I was wearing a mask for a long time, then people say, well, it mustn’t be that important… And we’re now […]
DEBATES: “You know, my debate, I did well. Everyone thought I won the debate easily, and then two days later they’re saying I interrupted, but the truth is I had to interrupt because he [Joe Biden] was spewing all lies, so everything he said was a lie. And, what I’d do is I’d say, ‘That’s […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: “They didn’t even tell us about the debate [being held virtually], Maria.” [Maria Bartiromo: “So you just learned this this morning?”] “Yeah. We learned it the same way you learned it. They called up two minutes ago and it was announced and– They’re trying to protect Biden. Everybody is. Like that NBC disaster, […]
DEBATES: “I beat him [Joe Biden] in the first debate. At the second debate, we have a ‘never Trumper’ as a host, but that’s okay because I’d beat him in the second debate also. But I’m not going to do a virtual debate… I’m not going to waste my time on a virtual debate. That’s […]
2020 ELECTION/COVID-19/DEBATES: “President Donald Trump said Thursday he would not take part in the next presidential debate with former Vice President Joe Biden after it was moved to a virtual format because of COVID-19 safety concerns… The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Thursday morning [Oct. 8, 2020] the next debate would be remote to ‘protect […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I just thought that it was hard for me to believe the President of the United States would be so viciously classless and do what he did. We knew when his people announced to all of the major outlets that they were going to try to attack my family and to […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: “I thought it was embarrassing for the country the way the president acted to the rest of the world watching us. The next debate is going to be a town hall-type debate and I’m really looking forward to it because as I understand it audience members are going to ask us a question […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: [Russ Mitchell: “If you were to grade yourself A through F [on the presidential debate], how you did, what grade would you give yourself?”] “I don’t grade myself. I felt pretty good about my performance and what I did. What I tried doing if you noticed this, I talked to the American people. […]
ANTIFA/DEBATES: [Reporter: So, Mr. President, did you misspeak when you said ‘stand by’ [at the presidential debate]?”] “Just ‘stand by.’ Look, law enforcement will do their work. They’re going to stand down. They have to stand down. Everybody — they have to stand — whatever group you’re talking about, let law enforcement do the work. […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: “You know Biden lost badly when his supporters are saying he should cancel the rest of the debates. Now, I understand he’s canceling the debates. Let’s see what happens. I think that’s not going to be a good move. I don’t think that’s going to be a good move. Television, with those ratings, […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: “I really enjoyed last night’s debate with Sleepy Joe… The verdict is in and they say that we, we, all of us, won big last night. I don’t know. Did you hear about this? In the history of cable television, it had the highest ratings of any show in the history of cable […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/RACISM: “And this president [Donald Trump] has breathed hate and division under the rocks here. Hate only hides. It doesn’t go away. And it matters what presidents say. And you heard what he said last night [at the Sep. 29, 2020 presidential debate], when he was asked by the moderator, ‘Will you condemn white […]
DEBATES/POLICE/RACISM: [Reporter: “Mr. President, can you explain what you meant last night when you said that the Proud Boys should ‘stand back and stand by’?”] “I don’t know who the Proud Boys are. I mean, you’ll have to give me a definition, because I really don’t know who they are. I can only say they […]
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: “I thought the debate last night was great. We got tremendous reviews on it. We’re hitting what people want — law and order — which Biden was unable to even talk about because he’d lose the radical left — his radical-left followers. I don’t think there’s too many of them left. But I […]
CORONAVIRUS/DEBATES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I saw last night [Sep. 29, 2020] on that debate stage, a self-entitled, self-serving president who thinks everything is about him. He thinks that, if he just yells louder and louder, throws out lie after lie after lie, he’ll get his way. He thinks you’ll forget. Well, he picked the wrong guy. […]
DEBATES/ENDORSEMENT/POLICE: “The sheriff of Multnomah County, Ore., which includes Portland, emphatically denied supporting President Trump on Tuesday evening [Sep. 29, 2020] — shortly after the president made the claim during his debate against Democrat Joe Biden. ‘In tonight’s presidential debate the President said the ‘Portland Sheriff’ supports him,’ Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese tweeted. ‘As […]
DEBATES/ENDORSEMENTS/POLICE: “Democratic nominee Joe Biden would not answer when pressed by President Trump during Tuesday [Sep. 29, 2020] night’s presidential debate about whether he has any backing from law enforcement groups. Both candidates have the backing of various law enforcement groups, but the Trump campaign has leaned into the endorsements much more as the Biden […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES: “A review of the [Sep. 30, 2020 presidential] debate shows the candidates interrupted either Wallace or when their opponent was given the floor more than 90 times in the 90-minute debate — literally an interruption a minute. But Trump was responsible for more than three-fourths of them: 71, compared to Biden’s 22.” -Aaron […]
DEBATES/POLLS: “While the question of who won Tuesday’s presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden lies in the court of public opinion, Spanish-speaking viewers of Telemundo gave their support to Trump… In a poll after the debate, 66 percent of participants told Telemundo they believed Trump won the debate. Only […]
DEBATES: “The Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group, pledged allegiance to President Donald Trump on Tuesday night after he told the group to ‘stand back and stand by’ during the first presidential debate… Trump said to ‘give me a name’ when asked to denounce a specific group, and former Vice President Joe Biden called out […]
2020 ELECTION/VOTING: “I’m urging my supporters to go in to the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s what has to happen. I am urging them to do it. As you know, today there was a big problem. In Philadelphia, they went in to watch. They’re called poll watchers, a very safe, very nice thing. […]
2020 ELECTION/VOTE BY MAIL/VOTING: “His own Homeland Security director, and as well as the FBI director, says that there is no evidence at all that mail-in ballots are a source of being manipulated and cheating. They said that. The fact is that there are going to be millions of people because of COVID that are […]
CLIMATE CHANGE: “We can get to net zero, in terms of energy production, by 2035. Not only not costing people jobs, creating jobs, creating millions of good-paying jobs… And the first thing I will do, I will rejoin the Paris Accord. I will join the Paris Accord because with us out of it, look what’s […]
NATURAL DISASTERS: “As far as the fires are concerned, you need forest management. In addition to everything else, the forest floors are loaded up with trees, dead trees that are years old and they’re like tinder and leaves and everything else. You drop a cigarette in there the whole forest burns down. You’ve got to […]
CLIMATE CHANGE: “I want crystal clean water and air. I want beautiful clean air. We have now the lowest carbon— If you look at our numbers right now, we are doing phenomenally. But I haven’t destroyed our businesses. Our businesses aren’t put out of commission. If you look at the Paris Accord, it was a […]
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Under this president, we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent. When I was vice president, we inherited a recession. I was asked to fix it. I did. We left him a booming economy and he caused the recession. With regard to being weaker, the fact is that I’ve gone […]
RACISM: Chris Wallace: “You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left wing extremist groups. But are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups—” Donald Trump: “Sure.” Wallace: “—and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number […]
CRIME/POLICE: “Look, what I support are the police having the opportunity to deal with the problems they face and I’m totally opposed to defunding the police offices. As a matter of fact police—local police—the only one defunding in his budget calls for a $400 million cut in local law enforcement assistance. They need more assistance. […]