
DEBATES/JOE BIDEN: [Russ Mitchell: “If you were to grade yourself A through F [on the presidential debate], how you did, what grade would you give yourself?”]

“I don’t grade myself. I felt pretty good about my performance and what I did. What I tried doing if you noticed this, I talked to the American people. I looked in the camera telling them what I was going to do. You noticed the president did everything he could to distract from having to talk about the issues. He didn’t talk about COVID, he didn’t talk about his failures there. He didn’t talk about his willingness to accept the outcome of the election. He told white supremacists, the Proud Boys, to stand back and stand by. … Every single time he was asked a substantive question, he went on the attack.”

-Joe Biden, “‘Viciously classless’: Joe Biden tells 3News’ Russ Mitchell his thoughts on President Trump’s behavior after Cleveland debate,” wkyc.com, Sep. 30, 2020