EDUCATION/RACISM: “Getting critical race theory out of our schools is not just a matter of values, it’s also a matter of national survival. We have no choice, the fate of any nation ultimately depends upon the willingness of its citizens to lay down and they must do this, lay down their very lives to defend […]
Category: Racism
2024/INVESTIGATIONS/RACISM: “Trump alleged during a rally in Texas over the weekend that Black prosecutors investigating him are ‘racist,’ and he is again flirting with mob violence, calling for mass protests if they do anything he deems to be ‘wrong or illegal.’ And after teasing a 2024 run — ‘to take back that beautiful, beautiful house […]
BIDEN ADMIN/EDUCATION/MILITARY/RACISM: “Earlier this year, the Biden administration issued new rules, pushing twisted critical race theory into classrooms across the nation and also into our military. Our generals and our admirals are now focused more on this nonsense than they are on our enemies. You see these generals lately on television? They are woke. They’re […]
NBA/RACISM/TRUMP POST-PRESIDENCY: “LeBron James should focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA, which has just recorded the lowest television RATINGS, by far, in the long and distinguished history of the League. His RACIST rants are divisive, nasty, insulting, and demeaning. He may be a great basketball player, but he is […]
CORONAVIRUS/RACISM/TERRORISM: “We will press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and possibility… Few periods in our nation’s history have been more challenging or difficult than the one we’re in now. A once-in-a-century virus silently stalks the country. It’s taken as many lives in one year […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/COVID-19/ECONOMY/RACISM: “Our administration will hit the ground running to deliver immediate, urgent relief to Americans; confront the overlapping crises of COVID-19, the historic economic downturn, systemic racism and inequality, and the climate crisis; and get this government working for the people it serves.” -Joe Biden, “President-elect Biden Announces Additional Key Administration Posts,”, Jan. […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/CRISIS/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “We need to tackle the public health and economic crises we’re facing head-on. That’s why today, I’m announcing my American Rescue Plan. Together we’ll change the course of the pandemic, build a bridge toward economic recovery, and invest in racial justice.″ ––Joe Biden,, January 14, 2021 11:44 am […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/COVID-19/ECONOMY/RACISM: “[W]e have four crises. The first crisis is COVID. Second is the economic, close to recession, and maybe worse. The third crisis is the inequity that exists — the racial inequity that exists. And the fourth crisis is climate.” -Joe Biden, “Interview with President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President- Elect Kamala Harris. Aired […]
2020 ELECTION/CLIMATE CHANGE/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “What is becoming clearer each hour is that record numbers of Americans — from all races, faiths, regions — chose change over more of the same. They have given us a mandate for action on COVID and the economy and climate change and systemic racism.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 6, 2020 […]
2020 ELECTION/CORRUPTION/JOBS/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern history. Donald Trump is the most racist president in modern history. Donald Trump is the worst jobs president in modern history. Why would we give him another four years?“ ––Joe Biden,, November 2, 2020 12:40 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/CIVIL RIGHTS/CLIMATE CHANGE/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/SUPREME COURT/VOTING: “Health care. Civil rights. Climate change. Economic inequality. Racial justice. The Supreme Court. Our democracy. They’re all at stake. Vote.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 2, 2020 10:15 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CLIMATE CHANGE/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/VOTING: “From climate change to racial justice — there is so much on the line in this election. So my team put together a generator to help you show your friends and family what you’re voting for. Head to to try it out.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 2, 2020 4:10 am […]
CIVIL RIGHTS/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “This is our moment to root out systemic racism and build a nation true to our founding ideals. A nation where all men and women are not only created equal — but treated equally. Here’s how we’ll advance racial economic equity:″ ––Joe Biden,, November 1, 2020 3:22 pm […]
PROTESTS/RACISM: “Donald Trump doesn’t believe that systemic racism is a problem. He won’t say Black lives matter. We know they matter. That’s why a season of protest has broken out across the nation. But by the way, protesting is not burning or looting. Violence must never be a tactic tolerated, and it won’t. But these […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “You have to vote because while Donald Trump fails to contain white supremacy, we can deliver on racial justice. Donald Trump, he doesn’t believe there’s any such thing as systemic racism as a problem. He won’t even say black lives matter. Well, you know what I know, black lives do matter […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/COVID-19/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “So I say to you today, if you’re giving me the honor of serving as your president, clear the decks for action. For we will act, we will act on the first day of my presidency to get COVID under control. We’ll act to pass my economic plan that will finally reward […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “I think we have to fundamentally change the way in which we deal with– institutional racism. For example– one of the hardest things, beyond police issues, there’s the issue of accumulation of wealth. There’s an awful lot of Black Americans who are equally as– they’re as qualified as white Americans based on […]
BLM/DEBATES/RACISM: “Well you have to understand the first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter they were chanting ‘Pigs in a blanket’, talking about police, ‘Pigs, Pigs’, talking about our police, ‘Pigs in a blanket, fry’ em like bacon’. I said, ‘That’s a horrible thing’… As far as my relationships with all people, I […]
DEBATES/RACISM: “The fact of the matter is there is institutional racism in America… We have to provide for economic opportunity, better education, better health care, better access to schooling, better access to opportunity to borrow money to start businesses. All the things we can do. And I’ve laid out a clear plan as to how […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump is the most racist president in modern history.″ ––Joe Biden,, October 22, 2020 4:45 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “There is institutional racism in America. We have to give everyone a fair shot.″ ––Joe Biden,, October 22, 2020 4:39 pm […]
ANTIFA/RACISM: “I denounce white supremacy. Okay?… I’ve denounced white supremacy, for years, but you always do it. You always start off with the question. You didn’t ask Joe Biden, whether or not he denounces Antifa… So, are you ready? Are you… Wait. Are you listening? I denounce white supremacy… And frankly, you want to know […]
RACISM: “And if you say we have no need to face racial injustice in this country, you haven’t opened your eyes in America. There have been powerful voices for justice in recent weeks and months. I spent time with George Floyd’s family, his six year old daughter, Gianna, when I met with her, I knelt […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Time and time again, President Trump has refused to condemn white supremacy and stoked the flames of hate for political gain. It’s a pattern — and America deserves better.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 8, 2020 2:45 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/CAMPAIGN/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump has made hate, division, and dog whistles central to his campaign from the very beginning – and last week he couldn’t even condemn white supremacists. It’s a pattern.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 7, 2020 4:25 pm […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “From Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall, we’re at our best when the promise of America is available to all. We cannot and will not allow violence in the streets to threaten the people of this nation. We cannot and will not walk away from our obligation to, at long last, face the […]
POLICE/PROTESTS/RACISM: “This nation is strong enough to both honestly face systemic racism, and strong enough to provide safe streets for our families and small businesses that too often bear the brunt of this looting and burning. We have no need for armed militias roaming America’s streets, and we should have no tolerance for extremist white […]
POLICE/PROTESTS/RACISM: “In recent weeks and months, the country has been roiled by instances of excessive police force, by heart wrenching cases of racial injustice and lives needlessly and senselessly lost, by peaceful protests giving voice to the calls for justice, and by examples of violence and looting and burning that cannot be tolerated. I believe […]
CIVIL RIGHTS/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “I do not believe we have to choose between law and order and racial justice in America.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 6, 2020 10:45 am […]
ANTIFA/RACISM: “No matter what you say, it won’t make any difference. And I have to say — I have said it many times. And let me be clear again. I condemn the KKK. I condemn all white supremacists. I condemn the Proud Boys. I don’t know much about the Proud Boys, almost nothing, but I […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/RACISM: “And this president [Donald Trump] has breathed hate and division under the rocks here. Hate only hides. It doesn’t go away. And it matters what presidents say. And you heard what he said last night [at the Sep. 29, 2020 presidential debate], when he was asked by the moderator, ‘Will you condemn white […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “White supremacy has no place in America. We shouldn’t have to beg the President of the United States to say that.“ ––Joe Biden,, September 30, 2020 12:30 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/DEBATES/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Enough with the racist dog whistles, Donald. You wouldn’t know a suburb unless you took a wrong turn. RT @realDonaldTrump Biden REFUSED to use the term, LAW & ORDER! There go the Suburbs.“ ––Joe Biden,, September 30, 2020 7:46 am […]
RACISM: Chris Wallace: “You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left wing extremist groups. But are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups—” Donald Trump: “Sure.” Wallace: “—and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number […]
RACISM: “The fact is that there is racial insensitivity. People have to be made aware of what other people feel like, what insults them, what is demeaning to them. It’s important people know. Many people don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings, but it makes a big difference. It makes a gigantic difference in the […]
RACISM: [Chris Wallace: “Why did you decide to do that, to end racial sensitivity training?”] “I ended it because it’s racist. I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane. That it a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in […]
RACISM/POLICE/PROTESTS: “There’s systemic injustice in this country, in education and work and in law enforcement and the way in which it’s enforced. But look, the vast majority of police officers are good, decent, honorable men and women. They risk their lives every day to take care of us, but there are some bad apples. And […]
RACISM: [Chris Wallace: “why should voters trust you rather than your opponent to deal with the race issues facing this country over the next four years?”] “It’s about equity and equality. It’s about decency. It’s about the constitution. And we have never walked away from trying to require equity for everyone, equality for the whole […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “This is a gigantic opportunity. As bad as things have gotten, the blinders have sort of been taken off the American people now. They look out there, and we have the pandemic, unemployment. We have race relations that are just been drawn into focus and everything from police brutality to lack of access. […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “This is our moment to tackle systemic racism head-on and build a nation true to our founding ideals. A nation where all men and women are not only created equal — but treated equally. Here’s how we’ll advance racial economic equity:” ––Joe Biden,, September 23, 2020 5:25 am […]
EXECUTIVE ORDERS/RACISM: “President Donald J. Trump is taking action to promote unity in the Federal workforce by combating harmful and offensive race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating. The President signed an Executive Order to end training sessions based on race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating in the Federal workforce, the Uniformed Services, and among Federal […]
CHILDREN/EDUCATION/RACISM: “Critical race theory is being forced into our children’s schools, it’s being imposed into workplace trainings, and it’s being deployed to rip apart friends, neighbors, and families… Teaching this horrible doctrine to our children is a form of child abuse in the truest sense of those words.” -Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump at […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: [Anderson Cooper: “Do you see ways that you’ve benefited from white privilege?”] “Sure, I’ve benefited just because I don’t have to go through what my black brothers and sisters have had to go through, number one.” -Joe Biden, “CNN Presidential Town Hall With Joe Biden,”, Sep. 17, 2020 […]
JOE BIDEN/POLICE/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Joe Biden called police ‘The Enemy,’ and vilified them as a racist, oppressive force. The rhetoric of Joe Biden and the Radical Left puts our Great Law Enforcement in danger.“ ––Donald Trump,, September 17, 2020 5:37 pm […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “[T]here’s institutional racism that exists for brown and black people, and Asian American. Institutional racism. Across the board. In jobs, education… across the board. And the American people have finally had the blinders taken off. They’ve realized what’s happening in the middle of this COVID crisis.” -Joe Biden in an interview with José […]
RACISM: [Pastor Carl Day, audience member: “you have yet to address and acknowledge that there’s been a race problem in America.”] “I hope there’s not a race problem. I can tell you, there’s none with me, because I have great respect for all races, for everybody. This country is great because of it.” -Donald Trump, […]
POLICE/PROTESTS/RACISM: [Laura Galvas, audience member: “In light of ongoing protests surrounding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the recent shooting of Jacob — Jacob Blake, do you feel racial injustices are occurring in this nation? And if so, what can be done to address them?”] “Well, I think they were tragic events, and […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “As a nation, we face one of the most difficult moments in our history, in my view. Four historic crises all at the same time. The worst pandemic in a hundred years, it’s already killed nearly 200,000 people and counting. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression has cost tens of […]
MEDIA/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory’ from Federal Agencies via @BreitbartNews This is a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue. Please report any sightings so we can quickly extinguish!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 5, 2020 1:52 am […]
RACISM/TRUMP ADMIN: “It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti- American propaganda… The President has directed me to ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions. […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I made a mistake about something. I thought you could defeat hate. Hate only hides. It only hides. And when someone in authority breathes oxygen under that rock, it legitimizes those folks to come on out, come out in front of the rocks… I saw those people coming out of Charlottesville, […]
FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/MUSLIMS/RACISM/TERRORISM: “Like Fredo at Fake News @CNN, the very untalented Joy Reid should be fired for this horrible use of the words ‘Muslim Terrorists’. Such xenophobia and racism on MSDNC. Anyone else would be gone, and fast!!! RT @theblaze MSNBC’s Joy Reid compares President Trump, supporters to Muslim terrorists — and even those on […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “With all that’s going on, you have a pandemic, you have economic circumstances bad as it was during the depression, you got a situation where a systemic racism has been stripped bare and everyone has seen it. And you’ve got a climate crisis that is real and this President pretends it doesn’t […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “We can’t let George Floyd and Jacob Blake become just another pair of hashtags. This is a moment of action. It’s long past time we reform policing, reverse systemic racism, and make our communities safer.” -Joe Biden,, Aug. 28, 2020 11:35 am […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/KAMALA HARRIS/RACISM: “The murder and violence toward Black Americans of the 1960s is happening today in broad daylight for the world to witness. A pandemic and economic crisis lays bare the systemic racism that still plagues our way of life. And instead of seeking to heal and unite, too many in our nation […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP ADMIN: “The vast majority of the American people are ready to deal with systemic racism, and all this [Trump] administration does is keep pouring gasoline on the fire. They don’t have a dog whistle, they use a bullhorn. It’s all about division.” -Joe Biden in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, “Joe Biden […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump refuses to even acknowledge there is a racial justice problem in America. To solve this problem, first we have to honestly admit the problem. But he won’t do it. Instead of looking to calm the waters, he adds fuel to every fire. Violence isn’t a problem in his eyes […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “What got me involved in this [2020 election] race when I hadn’t planned on running was what happened in Charlottesville… these guys don’t use a dog whistle, they use a bullhorn… This is not who we are, this is not who America is. They wanna bring about some order and safety and security […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “Equal justice has not been real for Black Americans and so many others. We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism. It is the urgent task before us. We must fight to honor the ideals laid in the original American promise, which we are yet to attain: That all […]
COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “We have to root out to systemic racism… That’s why we have to triple the money we’re spending on Title One schools, those schools that come from low tax base areas, so that we can in fact provide the kind of early education for three and four and five year olds, because we […]
JOE BIDEN/KAMALA HARRIS/RACISM: [Robin Roberts: “So when you have a running mate who makes a comment like, ‘you ain’t Black,’ and leads some people to say, ‘he just doesn’t get it.’ Have you been able to speak truth to him about that?”] “Listen, when Joe and I talk about, and frankly have talked about, over […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “This [coronavirus] pandemic has put a bright light on the disparities that have plagued our nation for too long. We’ve got to make sure these communities get the help they need now — and root out the systemic racism that created these inequalities in the first place.” -Joe Biden,, Aug. 2, 2020 […]
/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “What President Trump has done in spreading his racism — the way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening. No sitting president has ever done this. Never, never, never. No Republican president has done this. No Democratic president. […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “Right now, we’re facing a trio of urgent crises in this nation: a public health crisis as this pandemic is heading in the wrong direction, an economic crisis with millions of Americans out of work and small businesses struggling to survive, and a racial justice crisis, a long overdue national reckoning about the […]
BLM/CONFEDERATE FLAG/RACISM: “When people proudly have their Confederate flags, they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South, they like the South. People right now like the South. I’d say it’s freedom of many things, but it’s freedom of speech… I’m not offended either by Black Lives Matter. That’s freedom of […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “We have to make this at least an era of action to reverse systemic racism, is long overdue with concrete change but it’s coming… What’s happened now with this COVID virus, and so many people affected by it, and so many people unnecessarily died because of it, all of a sudden people are […]
RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: [Interviewer: “You said you hope there’s not systemic racism. Do you think there is?”] “I would like to think there is not. Yeah, I would like to think there is not such systemic racism. And it would be whatever I can do to make myself correct on that thought, I’d like to do […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “Institutions resist change. Racism has been a fixture in our society for hundreds of years. It will take leadership at the highest levels of our government — and sustained grassroots pressure from communities who will no longer stand by silently when injustices are inflicted on people of color. Vitally, it will require all […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/POLICE/RACISM: “For too long, black Americans have lived with a knee on their neck — not only institutional violence but daily injustices like having the police called for sitting in a coffee shop or watching birds in the park. I support the proposal pending in New York to enhance penalties for making a […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “President Donald Trump’s hate-filled, conspiracy-laden rhetoric is inflaming the racial divides in our country, but just fixing the way the president talks won’t cut it. We need to root out systemic racism across our laws and institutions, and we need to make sure black Americans have a real shot to get ahead.” […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM: “The truth of our nation is that too often, the color of your skin alone can endanger your life and, for far too long, systemic racism has oppressed communities of color in the United States. Black and brown communities must no longer be the only ones to bear the weight of pushing for […]
JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “You know, I used to think that you can defeat bigotry. But it only hides. It only hides. And when it’s given oxygen, like it has happened since Charlottesville with this president and in fact brings up the worst and sort of condones activity that is across the board totally inappropriate. […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/RACISM: “In the past several months, countless Asian Americans have been punched and kicked and threatened, told that they’ll be sorry if they don’t leave this country — their country. They’ve been blamed for COVID-19: yelled at by strangers in parking lots, refused service at stores and needlessly, cruelly scapegoated by the […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Over the last few months, countless Asian Americans have been threatened, attacked, and blamed for COVID-19. They’ve cruelly been made the scapegoat by the most powerful man on the planet, President Trump. It has to end.” -Joe Biden,, May 27, 2020 3:38 pm […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a rash of racist messages, verbal and physical attacks, and other incidents of hate directed against AAPIs [Asian American and Pacific Islander]. Such assaults strike at the heart of our country — all the more so at a time when so many AAPIs […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “COVID-19 is amplifying so many inequities in our society. We have to ensure support gets to those who need it immediately, and then do the necessary work to rip out the structural racism that creates these inequalities.” -Joe Biden,, Apr. 13, 2020 12:46 pm […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we’ve heard increasing reports of Asian Americans in communities across our country being targeted with messages of hate… These disgusting and racist acts must stop… Trump’s attempts to deflect responsibility away from his own failures in addressing this pandemic by calling the coronavirus the ‘Chinese Virus’ […]
DEMS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “WOW, BLOOMBERG IS A TOTAL RACIST!“ –Donald Trump,, February 11, 2020 8:40 am […]
DEMS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “South Carolina Democrats are incensed over President Donald Trump’s use of the word ‘lynching’ to describe the impeachment inquiry against him. But that doesn’t mean they’re yanking an invite for him to speak at a historically black college on Friday. An organizer for the upcoming presidential justice forum hosted at Benedict College […]
DEMS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Amazon Washington Post did a story that I brought racist attacks against the ‘Squad.’ No, they brought racist attacks against our Nation. All I do is call them out for the horrible things they have said. The Democrats have become the Party of the Squad!” –Donald Trump,, September 2, 2019 […]
RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @OliverMcGee: Retweet @POTUS isn’t RACIST when @Prince wrote @realDonaldTrump Black Version! ? Donald Trump: Black Version Maybe that’s…” –Donald Trump,, August 18, 2019 10:29 pm […]
RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @MariaBartiromo: Trump rarely uses racial categories. It is the media and Democratic leaders who routinely issue race-based denunciation…” –Donald Trump,, August 18, 2019 10:17 pm […]
RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @BillOReilly: Without direct evidence, branding the President a white supremacy adherent becomes a cheap piece of political propaganda.…” –Donald Trump,, August 15, 2019 6:28 am […]
RACISM/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @DiamondandSilk: .@DiamondandSilk on @LouDobbs talking about who’s really playing the ‘Race Card’” –Donald Trump,, August 12, 2019 2:50 pm […]
RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!” -Donald Trump,, August 9, 2019 1:44 pm […]
CELEBS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves ‘Elite,’ but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order…” –Donald Trump, […]
MEDIA/RACISM/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Numerous critics and media outlets rebuked the conservative Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson Wednesday [8-7-19] after he said white supremacy in America was ‘not a real problem’ on his talk show the night before. His remarks on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ came days after a mass shooting at an El Paso Walmart left 22 […]
DEMS/NANCY PELOSI/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Dems new weapon is actually their old weapon, one which they never cease to use when they are down, or run out of facts, RACISM! They are truly disgusting! They even used it on Nancy Pelosi. I will be putting out a list of all people who have been so […]
DHS/RACISM/TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “White House officials rebuffed efforts by their colleagues at the Department of Homeland Security for more than a year to make combating domestic terror threats, such as those from white supremacists, a greater priority as specifically spelled out in the National Counterterrorism Strategy, current and former senior administration officials as well as […]
DEMS/FBI/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The issue of white extremism is taking on a new and important role in the American political conversation, and it is separate from the problem of guns and the people who will use them to mow down their fellow citizens. The two issues mix together after mass shootings carried out by racially […]
DEMS/ELECTION/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democratic presidential candidates lashed President Trump on Wednesday [8-7-19] with their sternest denunciations yet of his exploitation of racism for political purposes and resistance to gun control, in a day of biting criticism that also highlighted differences between Democrats over how best to understand the recent rise of hate crimes in America. […]
DEMS/GUNS/MASS SHOOTINGS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Mr. Trump’s schedule was meant to follow the traditional model of apolitical presidential visits with victims, law enforcement officials and hospital workers after calamities like the mass shootings that resulted in 31 deaths in Dayton and El Paso and that created a new sense of national crisis over assault weapons and […]
IMMIGRATION/RACISM/RELIGION/TEXAS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In recent years a number of Catholic bishops have denounced President Donald Trump’s immigration policies and harsh rhetoric toward immigrants and people of color. But one church leader went one step further, becoming likely the first Catholic bishop in the United States to publicly accuse Trump of racism. In a series of […]
MASS SHOOTINGS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has announced that he will travel on Wednesday to the scenes of the two weekend mass shootings, defying backlash by some in both communities who have urged him not to come. Trump had been widely expected to pay visits to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, at some […]
DEMS/GOP/MASS SHOOTING/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Ohio’s Republican governor bucked his party to call for expanded gun laws Tuesday [8-6-19] and some Democrats in Texas told President Donald Trump to stay away as both states reeled from a pair of shootings that killed 31 people. A racist screed remained the focus of police investigating the massacre at […]
MASS SHOOTINGS/OBAMA/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Tuesday [8-6-19] attacked former President Barack Obama over the latter’s statement on the weekend’s mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, tweeting edited quotes from Fox News hosts to make his point and again claiming he is ‘the least racist person’ in the world…Obama on Monday afternoon lamented […]
MASS SHOOTINGS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “After two mass shootings rocked the United States last weekend, headlines from Sydney to Paris depicted the bloodshed as America battling itself. International reactions to previous mass shootings focused on the ubiquity of guns in the United States — a culture that many people around the globe see as alien — […]
RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘It’s political season and the election is around the corner. They want to continue to push that racist narrative.’ @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends And I am the least racist person. Black, Hispanic and Asian Unemployment is the lowest (BEST) in the history of the United States!” –Donald Trump,, August 6, 2019 5:57 am […]
MASS SHOOTINGS/MEDIA/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In linking this weekend’s mass shootings to ‘gruesome and grisly video games’ and inadequate treatment of mental illness, President Trump echoed talking points that emerged from conservative media strongholds even before his Monday address from the White House. In his remarks, Mr. Trump condemned ‘racism, bigotry and white supremacy,’ though he […]
MASS SHOOTINGS/RACISM/TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The politics of American gun violence follow a predictable pattern in most cases: outraged calls for action from the left, somber gestures of sympathy from the right, a subdued presidential statement delivered from a prepared text — and then, in a matter of days or even hours, a national turning of […]