DEBATES: “Joe Biden’s town hall on ABC averaged 14.1 million viewers on Thursday night [Oct. 15, 2020], easily surpassing the Nielsen ratings for President Trump’s town hall on NBC. That alone was a result virtually no one in the TV business expected… The Trump town hall averaged 10.9 million viewers on the NBC broadcast network. […]
Tag: ABC Town Hall
ENERGY/FRACKING: “I do not propose banning fracking. I think you have to make sure the fracking is in fact not admitting methane or polluting the well or dealing with what can be small earthquakes and how they’re drilling. So it has to be managed very, very well, number one. Number two. What we have to […]
CRIMINAL JUSTICE/DRUGS/MARIJUANA: “I don’t believe anybody should be going to jail for drug use, they should be going into mandatory rehabilitation. We should be building rehab centers to have these people housed. We should wipe out — we should decriminalize marijuana, wipe out the record so you can actually say in honesty have you ever […]
JOE BIDEN/TAXES: “You have 91 out of every — of the Fortune 500 companies not paying a single solitary penny. If you raise the corporate taxes back to 28 percent, which is a fair tax, you’d raise $1 trillion 300 billion by that one act. If you made sure that people making over $400 grand […]
CORONAVIRUS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VACCINES: “President Trump talks about things that just aren’t accurate about everything from [coronavirus] vaccines; we’re going to have one right away, it’s going to happen and so on. The point is that if the scientist — if the body of science is saying that this is what is ready to be done […]
CORONAVIRUS/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I laid out a detailed plan relative to school openings in June and July… by that time, the science was becoming clearer and clearer of how this [coronavirus] was spreading so rapidly. But the president kept denying that. If you notice, from March on, I stopped doing big meetings, I started […]
JOE BIDEN/IMMIGRATION: “[E]very single solitary generation, the dial has moved closer and closer and more and more to inclusion. And we are a country that is a country of slaves who came here 400 years ago, indigenous people, and everyone else is an immigrant. And we’re a diverse country. Unless we are able to treat […]
AFGHANISTAN/NATO/VLADIMIR PUTIN: “And look what Putin is doing. You know, you have Americans — bounties on American military’s heads in Afghanistan. They have more people there now, by the way, than when I left — when we left, in Afghanistan. And we find ourselves in a situation where he [Donald Trump] spoke to Putin six […]
FOREIGN POLICY/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: [Audience member: “Does President Trump’s foreign policy deserve some credit?”] “A little, but not a whole lot. We find ourselves in a position where we’re more isolated in the world than we’ve ever been… You have Iran closer to having enough nuclear material to build a bomb. North Korea has […]
ENERGY/GREEN NEW DEAL/JOE BIDEN: “My deal’s a crucial framework but not the New Green Deal. The New Green Deal calls for elimination of all non-renewable energy by 2030. You can’t get there. You’re going to need to be able to transition, George, to be able to transition to get to the place where we invest […]
DOJ/JOE BIDEN: “What the Biden Justice Department will do is let the Department of Justice be the Department of Justice. Let them make the judgments of who should be prosecuted. They are not my lawyers. They are not my personal lawyers.” -Joe Biden, “Read the full transcript of Joe Biden’s ABC News town hall,”, […]
COURTS/JOE BIDEN/SUPREME COURT: “[T]here are at least four or five options that are available to determine whether or not you can change the way in which the court lifetime appointment takes place, consistent, arguably, with the Constitution. I have not been a fan of pack — court packing, because I think it just generates what […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “I think that, also, health care overall is very much in jeopardy as a consequence of the president’s going to go directly — after this election, directly to the Supreme Court within a month to try to get Obamacare wiped out, after we have already — 10 million people have already […]
JOE BIDEN/POLICE: “We shouldn’t be defunding cops, we should be mandating the things that we should be doing within police departments and make sure there’s total transparency.” -Joe Biden, “Read the full transcript of Joe Biden’s ABC News town hall,”, Oct. 15, 2020 […]
JOE BIDEN/POLICE: “One of the things I’ve observed is, you know, the neighborhood I grew up — I grew up in Claymont, you either became a cop, a firefighter or a priest. I wasn’t qualified much to do any one of them. But here’s the deal, all kidding aside, most cops don’t like bad cops… […]
CRIME/JOE BIDEN: [Audience member: “What’s your view on the crime bill that you wrote in 1994 which showed prejudice against minorities? Where do you stand today on that?”] “Well, first of all, things have changed drastically. That crime bill, when it voted, the Black Caucus voted for it, every Black mayor supported it across the […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/EDUCATION/JOE BIDEN: “I’d provide for $70 billion for HBCUs for them to be able to have the wherewithal to do what other universities can do because they don’t have the kind of foundational support they need and so that would allow them for example like we did in our administration, the president allowed me […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN/VOTING: [Audience member: “So, my question for you then is, besides you ain’t Black, what do you have to say to young Black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that continually fails to not protect them?”] “Well, I’d said, first of all, as my buddy John Lewis […]
JOBS/JOE BIDEN/TAXES: “When I said the tax — the Trump tax cuts, about $1.3 trillion of the $2 trillion in his tax cuts went to the top one-tenth of 1 percent. That’s what I’m talking about eliminating, not all the tax cuts that are out there… Moody’s did an analysis of my — detailed analysis […]
CORONAVIRUS/JOE BIDEN: “[T]he words of a president matter… No matter whether they’re good, bad or indifferent, they matter. And when a president doesn’t wear a mask, or makes fun of folks, like me, when I was wearing a mask for a long time, then people say, well, it mustn’t be that important… And we’re now […]
RACISM: [Pastor Carl Day, audience member: “you have yet to address and acknowledge that there’s been a race problem in America.”] “I hope there’s not a race problem. I can tell you, there’s none with me, because I have great respect for all races, for everybody. This country is great because of it.” -Donald Trump, […]
POLICE/PROTESTS/RACISM: [Laura Galvas, audience member: “In light of ongoing protests surrounding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the recent shooting of Jacob — Jacob Blake, do you feel racial injustices are occurring in this nation? And if so, what can be done to address them?”] “Well, I think they were tragic events, and […]
CORONAVIRUS: [George Stephanopoulos: “But we’re still – are dealing with 195,000 deaths [from coronavirus] in the United States right now… Does it make you think, is there anything I could have done differently?”] “I think we could have had two million deaths if we didn’t close out the country…” [George Stephanopoulos: “So you regret nothing?”] […]
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Now, I’m not going to make people feel like I want to — look, we’re a leader of a great country. We want to keep it that way. I don’t want to scare people. I don’t want to make people panic. And you’re not going to go out and say, oh, this […]
ANTHONY FAUCI/CORONAVIRUS: [George Stephanopoulos: “But you know we have 4 percent of the world’s population, more than 20 percent of the [coronavirus] cases, more than 20 percent of the deaths.”] “Well, we have 20 percent of the cases because of the fact that we do much more testing. If we wouldn’t do testing you wouldn’t […]
POLICE: “Police are so afraid today that if they do something slightly wrong, slightly wrong and their pensions gone, their jobs gone, who knows what happens. Their live is ruined; their wife or their husband will leave. The whole thing, it’s a very scary thing to do… These are great people for the most part. […]
IMMIGRATION: “So we are doing something with immigration that I think is going to be very strong because we want people to come into our country… We want them to come in — a lot of people but we want them to come in through a legal system. Through a system that — they love […]
HILLARY CLINTON/NORTH KOREA/OBAMA: “Look at North Korea, how that’s worked out. We haven’t — the sanctions are on. Everything’s the same. We haven’t spent anything. We’re getting along with him. I get along with Kim Jong-un. That was supposed to be a war. If President Obama were president, if Hillary Clinton ever got in, that […]
FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I’m fighting a battle. It’s a big battlefield, and I have a lot of forces against me. I have the media, which I call the fake news, because a lot of it is fake — and I mean a big full — as you understand. A lot of it is fake. […]
POLICE/PROTESTS: “I think there’s problems, but I also think there’s some very big problems where, if you don’t give the police back their authority — right now, police are afraid they’re going to lose their pension, they’re going to lose their job if they talk to somebody in the wrong way. When I watched New […]
CORONAVIRUS/VACCINES: [George Stephanopoulos: “You were saying it [coronavirus] was going to disappear.”] “It is going to disappear. It’s going to disappear, I still say it.” [George Stephanopoulos: “But not if we don’t take action, correct?”] “No, I still say it. It’s going to disappear, George… It would go away without the vaccine, George, but it’s […]
CORONAVIRUS/JOE BIDEN: [Julie Bard, audience member: “Why don’t you support a mandate for national mask wearing [for coronavirus]? And why don’t you wear a mask more often?”] “Well, I do wear them when I have to and when I’m in hospitals and other locations. But I will say this. They said at the Democrat convention […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS: “At the beginning, before anybody knew what it [coronavirus] was, I spoke with President Xi and he said, we are doing it well, we are having it under control. And I was very open with that. He told me that it was under control, that everything was, and it turned out to be not […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS: [Paul Tubiana, audience member: “I thought you were doing a good job with the pandemic response until about May 1st. Then you took your foot off the gas pedal. Why did you throw vulnerable people like me under the bus?”] “Well, we really didn’t, Paul. We’ve worked very hard on the pandemic. We’ve worked […]