ACA/HEALTHCARE: “I don’t want to terminate Obamacare, I want to REPLACE IT with MUCH BETTER HEALTHCARE. Obamacare Sucks!!!” -Donald Trump, Truth Social, November 28, 2023 […]
Category: Obamacare(ACA)
ACA/HEALTHCARE: “Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH. America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!” -Donald Trump, […]
ACA/HEALTHCARE/OBAMA: “The cost of Obamacare is out of control, plus, it’s not good Healthcare. I’m seriously looking at alternatives. We had a couple of Republican Senators who campaigned for 6 years against it, and then raised their hands not to terminate it. It was a low point for the Republican Party, but we should never […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “For historical purposes remember, I was able to get rid of the INDIVIDUAL MANDATE, the most unpopular and expensive part of ObamaCare. You are no longer forced to pay a fortune for the ‘privilege’ of NOT getting bad healthcare. This ended ObamaCare as we knew it. Thank you!“ ––Donald Trump,, January […]
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Folks, tomorrow is the last day of open enrollment for 2021 coverage. Head to today to find the health insurance plan that works best for you.“ ––Joe Biden,, December 14, 2020 11:00 am […]
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA): “There are just a few days left of Obamacare’s open enrollment for 2021 coverage. Don’t wait — visit today to find an affordable, quality plan that works for you.“ ––Joe Biden,, December 11, 2020 2:06 pm […]
CORONAVIRUS/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP ADMIN: “We’re resigned to feel that there’s nothing we can do [about coronavirus] and we can’t trust one another. That we must accept death, pain and sorrow. We’re in the midst of this deadly pandemic that’s infected almost 15 million Americans. One out of every 22 people in our country, often with […]
HEALTHCARE/MEDICAID/MEDICARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “And so there’s two ways to deal with healthcare. One is to supplement the businesses that are going out of business, or can’t afford to keep their health insurance for their employees. And secondly, to make sure we make it a lot easier to buy into the Affordable Healthcare Act and get more […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “[W]e find that the president is still in court, trying to strip away all of healthcare from the Affordable Care Act, just flat, eliminate it all, get rid of it all. It’s deadly wrong. I think not only should we keep it, we should be adding to it, providing for a public option, […]
DRUGS/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Because of the Affordable Care Act: – People with pre-existing conditions are protected – More than 20 million Americans gained coverage – Nearly 12 million seniors have had their prescription drug costs reduced Now more than ever, we have to protect and build on it.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 12, 2020 7:30 […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP ADMIN: “Well, that didn’t go well. At least not for the state of Texas and the Trump Administration as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in their challenge to ObamaCare. A majority of Justices signaled that they didn’t buy the argument that the entire law should be cashiered because Congress zeroed […]
BIDEN TRANSITION/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “I promise you this: beginning on January 20th, the vice president-elect Harris and I, we’re going to do everything in our power to ease the burden of healthcare on you and your families. I promise you that. As I said, I will protect your healthcare like I protect— as my own family, […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Obamacare is a law that every American should be proud of. It’s why people with pre-existing conditions are protected in this country. It’s a law that delivered vital coverage, as I said before, for 20 million Americans that did not have coverage. It’s a law that reduced prescription drug price costs […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP ADMIN: “The goal of the outgoing [Trump] administration is clear from the brief they filed in the Supreme Court. It asserts, and I quote, ‘The entire ACA thus must fall.’ End of quote… Seventy-nine percent of the American people, including nine out of ten Democrats, eight out of ten independents, and […]
CORONAVIRUS/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “This morning [Nov. 10, 2020]… United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the case of grave importance to the American people. This case represents the latest attempt by the far-right ideologues to do what they’ve repeatedly failed to do for a long time in the courts and the Congress and the […]
BIDEN-HARRIS ADMIN/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today, the Trump Administration is in court, attempting to eliminate the Affordable Care Act. Tune in as I discuss how my administration will expand access to quality, affordable health care.″ ––Joe Biden,, November 10, 2020 8:27 am […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “Donald Trump doesn’t understand healthcare. He thinks it’s a privilege. I think healthcare is a right. By the way, because of the way he ruined the economy, even before the pandemic, 10 million Americans have already lost their employer-based healthcare because the employer has gone out of business. Now he wants to go […]
2020 ELECTION/DRUGS/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA): “As president, I’ll protect and build on Obamacare by: – Giving Americans the choice of a new public option – Lowering premiums, deductibles, and co-pays – Lowering the cost of prescription drugs Learn more:″ ––Joe Biden,, November 1, 2020 5:20 pm […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump is trying to eliminate the entire Affordable Care Act in the middle of a pandemic. If he gets his way, more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions could see their costs skyrocket or be denied coverage altogether. We can’t let him win.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 1, […]
COVID-19/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “Look, Trump got his Supreme Court Justice, and he did it for one overwhelming reason, something he’s been trying to do since the day he got elected, to destroy the Affordable Care Act. He’s going at it again. If they get their way, 100 million Americans will lose protections for pre-existing conditions, […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “In two short weeks, exactly one week after the election, the Trump administration will make its case, asking the Supreme Court to strike down the Affordable Care Act… They’re arguing that the entire law must fall, which would strip 20 million Americans have their health insurance overnight, rip away protections for pre-existing […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA): “As president, I’ll build on Obamacare to ensure every single American has access to quality, affordable health care. Here’s how:″ ––Joe Biden,, October 28, 2020 7:40 am […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Trump got a Supreme Court Justice, and you know why he did it, it’s clear to everybody now, to destroy the Affordable Care Act, to take away the healthcare for 20 million Americans who have it… A hundred million Americans would lose their protections for preexisting conditions… Complications from COVID-19 are going […]
2020 ELECTION/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “Just a few days after Election Day next week, the Supreme Court will hear the case on the Affordable Care Act. While panicked and erratic in mishandling the pandemic, Donald Trump has been crystal clear on one thing — for the past four years, and again just last night on 60 […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We can’t let President Trump tear down Obamacare.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 26, 2020 11:16 am […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “New Hampshire families deserve better than a President who, in the middle of a deadly pandemic, is working to dismantle the Affordable Care Act that provides critical protections to over 570,000 Granite Staters. And they deserve better than President Trump’s attempts to divide our nation and distract us from the fact […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It’s clear Donald Trump will stop at nothing to tear down Obamacare. We can’t let him.″ ––Joe Biden,, October 25, 2020 1:30 pm […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/MEDICARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “What I’m going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option — become Bidencare… Secondly, we’re going to make sure we reduce the premiums and reduce drug prices by making sure that there’s competition that doesn’t exist now by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the insurance companies. Thirdly… not one […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “I terminated the individual mandate. That is the worst part of Obamacare, as we call it. The individual mandate — we have to pay a fortune for the privilege of not having to pay for bad health insurance. I terminate it; it’s gone. Now it’s in court, because Obamacare is no good… What […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/OBAMACARE(ACA)/QUOTE/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “Vote like your health care is on the ballot — because it is. RT @sahilkapur Trump tells @60Minutes in footage he released that he wants to see the Supreme Court wipe out Obamacare. ‘I hope that they end it.’“ ––Joe Biden,, October 22, 2020 7:25 am […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA) “We’ve come up with many [healthcare] plans, Lesley. And we have — They’re already in existence. If — I’ll tell you what, after this interview I will show you short-term, longer-term — I’ll show you different plans. We’ve come up with many plans. And we’ve got the individual mandate act — You know […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: Lesley Stahl: “But if — If the Supreme Court ends this, Obamacare, um —“ Donald Trump: “Well, we’ll have to see what happens. It’s got a ways to go, I mean, we’ll see what happens. I think it’ll end, uh — I think — I — I hope that they end it. […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): Lesley Stahl: “Um, you promised that there was gonna be a new heath package — Healthcare plan.” […] Donald Trump: “It is developed. It is fully developed. It’s going to be announced very soon, when we see what happens with Obamacare, which is not good. When we see what happens with Obamacare. […] […]
COVID-19/OBAMACARE (ACA)/NEVADA: “When President Trump visits Nevada today, he needs to answer for his failed response to COVID-19 that has led to 88,000 Nevadans infected by this virus, his refusal to pass additional financial relief for families desperately in need of help during this economic crisis — including the nearly 200,000 Nevadans still out of […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “I will build on the Affordable Care Act so you can keep your private insurance. You can choose a Medicare-like option. We’re going to increase subsidies that lower your premiums and deductibles.” -Joe Biden via NBC News, “Biden Delivers Remarks In North Carolina | NBC News,”, Oct. 18, 2020 […]
GOP/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SUPREME COURT: “In the middle of this pandemic, why did Republicans have the time to hold a hearing on the Supreme Court instead of addressing this significant economic needs of local communities?… It’s about wiping Obamacare off the books. That’s what it’s about. Because their nominee has said in the past the law […]
2020 ELECTION/AMY CONEY BARRETT/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/NOMINATIONS/OBAMACARE(ACA)/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In the middle of a pandemic, President Trump is trying to eliminate Obamacare and increase health care costs for millions. Now, he’s rushing through a U.S. Supreme Court justice to help him get it done. It’s unconscionable. Make no mistake: Health care is on the ballot.“ ––Joe […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PHARMA: “As president, I’ll protect and build on Obamacare by: – Giving Americans the choice to buy a new public option – Lowering premiums, deductibles, and co-pays – Standing up to prescription drug corporations We’re going to make sure every American has access to the care they need.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 17, […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “I’ll build on the Affordable Care act, where you can choose to keep your private insurance as well as offer Medicaid like public option, which will give private insurance real competition. We’re going to increase subsidies so your premiums are lower. You can afford a plan with lower deductibles, lower out-of-pocket spending.” […]
COVID-19/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “He’s going to take away healthcare coverage for 20 million Americans. They’ll also take away protections for preexisting conditions that more than a hundred million people in America have. Complications of COVID-19 will also add to that. Lung scarring, heart damage could well become the next pre-existing condition. That will toss out […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/MICHIGAN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We can’t let President Trump tear down Obamacare — we have to protect and build on it. Tune in as I speak live from Michigan about my plans to give more Americans access to affordable health care.” ––Joe Biden,, October 16, 2020 9:34 am […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “The problem with Obamacare, it’s not good. We’d like to terminate it, and we want a much less expensive healthcare that’s a much better healthcare, and that’s where we’re aiming. And if we can do that, and we have a very good chance of doing it, but we’ve also brought down the price […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “I think that, also, health care overall is very much in jeopardy as a consequence of the president’s going to go directly — after this election, directly to the Supreme Court within a month to try to get Obamacare wiped out, after we have already — 10 million people have already […]
AMY CONEY BARRETT/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/NOMINATIONS/OBAMACARE(ACA)/RUTH BADER GINSBURG/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump is rushing through Justice Ginsburg’s replacement because he’s laser-focused on destroying the Affordable Care Act. Here’s what’s at stake:″ ––Joe Biden,, October 15, 2020 10:00 am […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump wants to destroy Obamacare. I want to protect and build on it. It’s that simple, folks.“ ––Joe Biden,, October 14, 2020 6:35 am […]
2020 ELECTION/AMY CONEY BARRETT/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/NOMINATIONS/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “If President Trump is successful in forcing through his nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, it will likely repeal the ACA and 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose their protections. Vote like your health care depends on it. Because it does.“ ––Joe Biden,, […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TAXES: “We know what happened the last time a tax cut was passed in 2017 when he [Donald Trump] came into office. Pharmaceutical companies got billions of dollars in tax breaks, and then they turned around and raised prices for medicines that you rely on to stay healthy. And they’re still doing it even […]
COVID-19/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “In the middle of this pandemic, why do the Republicans have time to hold a hearing to pack the court instead of providing significant economic relief and need for localities? I’ll tell you why. It’s about wiping out the Affordable Care Act, to wipe it off the books. Because their nominee has […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump has been trying to throw out Obamacare for years. And now he sees an opportunity to finally get it done, all while ignoring the will of the people. We can’t let him.” ––Joe Biden,, October 13, 2020 4:45 am […]
GOP/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SUPREME COURT: “In the middle of this pandemic, why do Republicans have time to hold a hearing on the Supreme Court instead of providing the significant economic need for localities? I’ll tell you why. It’s about finally getting his wish to wipe out the Affordable Healthcare Act, because their nominee has said in […]
2020 ELECTION/AMY CONEY BARRETT/CHUCK SCHUMER/DEMS/OBAMACARE/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “He should have been prosecuted for the threats he made to the Justices. Pathetic! RT @marklevinshow 1. Chuck Schumer threatened two justices a few months ago if they didn’t rule as he demanded. Now he’s insisting that Judge Barrett recuse herself from ruling on Obamacare and any […]
OBAMACARE (ACA): “The Obamacare, we have run it really well. We got rid of the individual mandate, which was the key to Obamacare, but the most unpopular thing, where you pay a lot of money for the privilege of not having good health care for — and just a disaster. I got rid of it. […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “We’re going to build up a peaceful and safer neighborhood program, like — like you haven’t seen, with the highest standards of policing. We’ll create a healthcare system that delivers better care at a lower cost. Obamacare is a disaster. We want to terminate it, we want to get great healthcare, and […]
MIDDLE CLASS/OBAMACARE (ACA): “What’s the average middle-class person fear most? They’re trying to tear down the Affordable Care Act. We’re going to build on it, adding a new health insurance option. A not-for-profit public option, which is going to give private insurers real competition. We’re going to increase the subsidies so premiums are lower and […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “And a relentless effort to eliminate… the Affordable Care Act, which provides healthcare coverage for 22 million people, over 100 million with pre-existing conditions. This is going on at the same time he’s [Donald Trump] already cost 10 million people their health insurance because their companies have gone bankrupt. It’s unconscionable. […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “How many more dreams have to be extinguished because this President threw in the towel? Instead of focusing on your needs, he’s still trying to take away your health care. I mean, think about that. Just think about it. I’m not, but if I were a playwright, I’m writing a play, you’re in […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “And for our essential workers, we’re not just going to praise you, we’re going to begin to pay you a good wage, be sure you have strong benefits… We’re going to build on the Affordable Care Act, which gave 4 million Hispanic people in this country health insurance, by adding a new health […]
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “We’re going to ease the burden of the major cost in your life. Healthcare. We’ll build on the Affordable Care Act through a new health insurance option, a not-for-profit public option which will give private insurers a real competitor. We’ll increase subsidies for your premiums so they’re lower. So you can afford […]
COVID-19/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “His response during the deadly pandemic is to try to take your healthcare away by asking the Supreme Court to strike the Affordable Care Act in its entirety, wipe it out, taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny you coverage for preexisting conditions. Now, because of COVID, lung […]
OBAMACARE (ACA): [Chris Wallace: “Over the last four years, you have promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, but you have never in these four years come up with a plan, a comprehensive plan, to replace Obamacare.”] “Yes, I have. Of course, I have. The individual mandate… Excuse me. I got rid of the individual mandate, […]
DEBATES/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): Joe Biden: “Number one, he knows what I proposed. What I proposed is that we expand Obamacare and we increase it.” […] Donald Trump: “That’s not what you’ve said and it’s not what your party is saying.” Biden: “That is simply a lie.” Trump: “Your party doesn’t say it. Your party wants to […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Now, what’s at stake here is the President’s made it clear, he wants to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. He’s been running on that, he ran on that and he’s been governing on that. He’s in the Supreme Court right now trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The American people understand the urgency of this moment. They’re voting in droves because their health care hangs in the balance. But Donald Trump doesn’t care — he sees a chance to eliminate Obamacare and rip away health care protections from millions. It’s unconscionable.“ ––Joe Biden,, September 29, 2020 […]
GOP/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “There’s no mystery when it comes to what’s happening with the Supreme Court. President Trump and Republicans have been trying to throw out Obamacare for years — and now they see an opening to get it done. We can’t let them get away with it.” ––Joe Biden,, September 28, […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Obamacare is terrible. It doesn’t work. We’ve made the best of it. We got rid of the individual mandate, which is great. We protect people with — we are going to protect people with preexisting conditions, 100 percent. But if we can end Obamacare and come up with a much better healthcare […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “President Trump is trying to throw out the Affordable Care Act. He’s been trying to do it for the last four years. The Republican party has been trying to eliminate it for a decade. Twice, already, the Supreme Court has upheld that law, the Affordable Care Act. And the Congress, expressing the […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper, alternative if it is terminated in the Supreme Court. Would be a big WIN for the USA!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 27, 2020 4:09 am […]
2020 ELECTION/OBAMACARE (ACA)/SUPREME COURT: “Election Day is just weeks away, and millions of Americans are already voting because the stakes in this election could not be higher. They feel the urgency of this choice – an urgency made all the more acute by what’s at stake at the U.S. Supreme Court… President Trump has been […]
2020 ELECTION/AMY CONEY BARRETT/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/NOMINATIONS/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump is trying to force through the confirmation of a Justice who will help him destroy Obamacare. Health care is at stake. Protections for pre-existing conditions are at stake. We can’t let them win.” ––Joe Biden,, September 26, […]
AMY CONEY BARRETT/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/NOMINATIONS/OBAMACARE(ACA)/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today, President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court — a jurist with a written track record of disagreeing with the Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act. Vote like your health care is on the ballot — because it is.″ ––Joe Biden, […]
COVID-19/OBAMACARE (ACA): “As we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump is trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to eliminate the life-saving Affordable Care Act… If President Trump succeeds, everyone who today has health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act could see their coverage ripped away… Fighting to rip away health care […]
2020 ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Obamacare was—and is—a big deal. As president, I’ll protect and build on it, lower health care costs, and give Americans the opportunity to choose a new public option. We’re going to make sure everyone has access to the affordable health care they need.″ ––Joe Biden,, September 25, 2020 9:44 am […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In the middle of a global pandemic, President Trump is trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to eliminate Obamacare and rip health care protections away from 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. Don’t forget that.“ ––Joe Biden,, September 25, 2020 7:08 am […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “We have a lot of good things happening with respect to healthcare and very positive on preexisting conditions, very positive on the fact that we got rid of the individual mandate, which was the single-most unpopular thing having to do with Obamacare, the Obamacare disaster. And — but we have a lot […]
COVID-19/OBAMACARE (ACA): “President Trump does not have a plan, but I do — to beat COVID-19, build our economy back better, and protect and build upon the Affordable Care Act by giving Americans more choice, reducing health care costs, and making our health care system less complex to navigate.” -Joe Biden, “Statement By Vice President […]
CORONAVIRUS/FLORIDA/OBAMACARE (ACA): “Since President Trump’s last visit to Florida just two weeks ago, over 40,000 more Floridians have tested positive for coronavirus and the state marked 13,000 COVID-related deaths… President Trump’s focus is not on ending this crisis, though; he’s instead fighting to get the U.S. Supreme Court to tear down the entire Affordable Care […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “As President, I will bring people together to protect and build on the Affordable Care Act, lower health care costs for working families and seniors, and ensure that all Americans have access to the quality, affordable coverage they deserve.” -Joe Biden, “Statement By Vice President Joe Biden On President Trump’s Visit To […]
OBAMACARE (ACA): “When I was elected, I inherited a thing called ‘Obamacare.’ Has anybody heard of Obamacare?… It was terrible and very, very expensive. Hurt a lot of people… But, by far, the worst part of Obamacare was this thing called the ‘individual mandate.’… We were able to terminate the individual mandate, but kept the […]
NANCY PELOSI/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “President Trump’s bogus executive order on pre-existing conditions isn’t worth the paper it’s signed on. It is an insult to every family with someone with a pre-existing condition that President Trump thinks he can get away with this farce while he races a justice onto the Supreme Court to strike down […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “The ACA is neither the best nor the only way to ensure that Americans who suffer from pre-existing conditions have access to health-insurance coverage. I have agreed with the States challenging the ACA, who have won in the Federal district court and court of appeals, that the ACA, as amended, exceeds the […]
2020 ELECTION/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump Administration says ‘the entire ACA must fall.’ They are arguing to strip millions of Americans of health care in the middle of a pandemic. We can’t let him win.” ––Joe Biden,, September 24, 2020 12:12 pm […]
COVID-19/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “Donald Trump is before the Supreme Court, trying to strip healthcare coverage away from tens of millions of families. This took away the peace of mind of more than 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions. If he succeeds, insurers could once again discriminate or drop coverage completely for people living with preexisting conditions, […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “First of all, in the middle of this pandemic, what is the President doing? He’s in Federal Court — Federal Court trying to do away with the Affordable Care Act. A hundred million people with preexisting conditions like your mom would not have to pay more for their insurance under […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “We’re going to be doing a healthcare plan very strongly and protect people with preexisting conditions. I will say this, they will not do that, because they have socialized…” [George Stephanopoulos: “You fought to repeal Obamacare, you are arguing… the Supreme Court right now to strike it down, that would do away […]
OBAMA/OBAMACARE (ACA): “He [Obama] did very little in eight years and much of what he’s done, as you know, I terminated. I got rid of the individual mandate which knocked out Obamacare; we took out the individual mandate, which is the single most unpopular aspect of Obamacare, it was a disaster. But that essentially gutted […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “We’re trying to get rid of the remnants of Obamacare, because what we’ve done is, by getting rid of the individual amendment we’ve gutted Obamacare. Now we want to get rid of the remnants, ’cause it’s not good. And after that, we’re going to have a health care that, uh, we should […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SOCIAL SECURITY: “What about Trump’s plan to destroy the Affordable Care Act, and with it, the protections for preexisting conditions that impacts more than 100 million Americans? Does that make you feel safer? Or how about Trump’s plan to defund social security? The social security administration’s chief actuary just released a report […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: [Anderson Cooper: “You think he’s [Donald Trump] actually rooting for violence… because it allows him to claim a law and order mantle?”] “Sure, and because it takes everybody’s eye off the ball… He’s still in court trying to take away the Affordable Care Act, gonna take 100,000— 100 million people […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “[W]hat we did with Obamacare is incredible. We got rid of the individual mandate, which was a horror show for people. It was horrible, it was killing them. Pre-existing conditions, we keep 100 percent, and we have done a great job.” -Donald Trump, “The Next Revolution w/ Steve Hilton – Sunday, August […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA): “We can beat cancer… And so many people deal with it, but we’re going to make continued progress on it. And we’re making progress right now, but we’re going to invest in it. How can you maintain your dignity looking at a child, or a husband, or a wife, a mom, or […]
OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Preexisting conditions, I’m the king of taking care of people with preexisting conditions. If you look at the mandate, the individual mandate, that was the worst part of Obamacare. I got rid of it. That really means you got rid of Obamacare. The truest sense, we did terminate Obamacare, because we got […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “They [Democrats] want to provide government healthcare for illegal aliens. Well, we don’t do that for our people, in most cases. You take a look at what’s happening with healthcare and the great job we’ve done in healthcare and we’ll always protect people with pre-existing conditions, always. We will always do that, but […]
OBAMA/OBAMACARE: “It’s amazing. We knocked out a big portion of what he [President Obama] did, including the wonderful mandate, right? The individual mandated Obamacare, which totally by the way, by far the worst of all of Obamacare. We took it out, essentially that ended Obamacare. And then you say so we knocked out 84% of […]
JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP ADMIN: “Don’t forget that in the middle of this pandemic, the Trump Administration is in court trying to eliminate Obamacare and rip health insurance away from millions. It’s heartless. I’ll protect and build on the ACA to ensure everyone gets the care they need.” -Joe Biden,, Aug. 11, 2020 12:00 pm […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA): “As you know, we’ve done tremendous things having to do with the individual mandate. We got rid of the individual mandate from Obamacare, which really ended Obamacare, as it would be officially known, because the individual mandate was the biggest part… You pay not to have to pay for your healthcare. And that […]
EXECUTIVE ORDERS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “President Donald Trump said Friday he will be pursuing an executive order requiring health insurers to cover all pre-existing conditions, a stipulation already made by the Affordable Care Act… Trump, who did not specify a date he would sign the order, said such a mandate ‘has never been done before.’ But insurance […]
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I was immensely proud to cosponsor the ADA, which was forged through fearless advocacy and tough bipartisan negotiations — a Democratic bill signed by George H.W. Bush, a Republican President… Today, President Trump threatens that progress, consistently disparaging Americans with disabilities with his rhetoric and actions. His administration has attempted […]
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/UNIONS: “We need to pay and support caregivers beyond what they are now. They’re doing God’s work, but home health workers aren’t paid much, they have few benefits. 40% are still on SNAP or Medicaid. So my plan is direct. It gives caregivers and early childhood educators a much needed raise. No one […]
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: [Chris Wallace: “Why does it make sense to overturn Obamacare, which — which people now are — are relying on?”] “First of all, we got rid of the individual mandate… Pre-existing conditions will always be taken care of by me and Republicans, 100 percent… [W]e’re signing a health care plan within two […]