ANTIFA: “Antifa is bad news. Nobody wants to do anything with Antifa except me. If I wasn’t here, Antifa would be running this country right now. They’d be running the country. They always like to blame the radical right. It’s not the radical right. It’s the radical left. And it’s largely Antifa and groups like […]
Tag: Portland
ANTIFA/DEMS: [Mike Savage: “Everyone is worried about the street thugs. They don’t know why these street thugs, and Antifa, and the others are allowed to burn, and loot, and shoot cops with impunity.”] “So, it’s all Democrat states, it’s all Democrat cities, every one of ’em. These are thugs, the Antifa’s no good, and, you […]
2020 ELECTION/ANTIFA/CIVIL UNREST/FBI/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “These are Biden fools. ANTIFA RADICALS. Get them FBI, and get them now! RT @KittyLists Archive, Abraham Lincoln Statue – Portland“ ––Donald Trump,, October 12, 2020 1:41 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Taking advantage of fools. Law & Order! Portland, call in the Feds! RT @KittyLists PSU campus ‘cop shop’ smashed #Portland“ ––Donald Trump,, October 12, 2020 1:37 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CIVIL UNREST/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Put these animals in jail, now. The Radical Left only knows how to take advantage of very dumb ‘leadership’ fools. This is Biden! Law & Order! RT @KittyLists Statue being pulled down a bit ago, posted by this account, which seems to be Tracy Molina. #Portland“ ––Donald Trump, […]
2020 ELECTION/CIVIL UNREST/POLICE/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “The Radical Left fools in Portland don’t want any help from real Law Enforcement which we will provide instantaneously. Vote!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 12, 2020 1:30 am […]
DEBATES/ENDORSEMENT/POLICE: “The sheriff of Multnomah County, Ore., which includes Portland, emphatically denied supporting President Trump on Tuesday evening [Sep. 29, 2020] — shortly after the president made the claim during his debate against Democrat Joe Biden. ‘In tonight’s presidential debate the President said the ‘Portland Sheriff’ supports him,’ Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese tweeted. ‘As […]
NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “We brought in the National Guard. We told Seattle we’re coming in and they left that night. We’re all set to go in. I was so disappointed. I was disappointed. We were going to make a big statement, but we couldn’t because they said, ‘Okay.’ They left. Shouldn’t have told them. Next time, […]
CIVIL UNREST/DEMS/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS “They are not ‘peaceful protesters’, as Sleepy Joe and the Democrats call them, they are THUGS – And it is all taking place in Democrat run cities. Call me and request Federal HELP. We will solve your problems in a matter of minutes – And thanks to the U.S. Marshalls in Portland!“ […]
CIVIL UNREST/NEW YORK/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Rochester N.Y., Brooklyn N.Y., Portland – All had bad nights, all weakly run by Radical Left Democrat Governors and Mayors! Get the picture?“ ––Donald Trump,, September 7, 2020 4:09 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/CONGRATS/PROTESTS: “Congratulations to the U.S. Marshals on a job well done in Portland. LAW & ORDER!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 5, 2020 5:24 pm […]
CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/FBI/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/PROTESTS: “Why aren’t the Portland Police ARRESTING the cold blooded killer of Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson. Do your job, and do it fast. Everybody knows who this thug is. No wonder Portland is going to hell! @TheJusticeDept @FBI“ ––Donald Trump,, September 3, 2020 5:40 pm […]
CIVIL UNREST: “American warriors did not defeat fascism and oppression overseas only to watch our freedoms be trampled by violent mobs here at home. We stopped those violent mobs very easily. All they have to do is say, ‘Please, come in, Mr. President.’ We’ll have it done in one hour. ‘Please, come in.’ It’s one […]
CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/PROTESTS: “Mayor [Ted] Wheeler just got harassed out of his own home in Portland by so-called ‘friendly protesters’. The Anarchists, Agitators and Looters treat him HORRIBLY, even though he is so nice and respectful to them. Criminals only understand strength!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 2, 2020 10:18 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/POLICE/PROTESTS: “Some things just don’t get any crazier. Just call me Kate, problem over! RT @theblaze Oregon sheriffs unload on Dem Gov. Kate Brown for trying to use their deputies to quell Portland violence“ ––Donald Trump,, September 1, 2020 11:54 pm […]
CIVIL UNREST/DHS: “Portland, Oregon, we could have that done so quickly, so easily, your head would spin. It would end immediately. Last night, they attacked the mayor’s house. It’s ridiculous. All they have to do is ask, and we’ll be there within — literally within minutes. We’re set. We’re all set to go in. We […]
NATIONAL GUARD/POLICE: “Kenosha has been ravaged by anti-police and anti-American riots. They have been hit so hard, and we were able to get involved… My administration coordinated with the state and local authorities to very, very swiftly deploy the National Guard, surge federal law enforcement to Kenosha, and stop the violence. And I strongly support […]
MEDIA: “Portland has been like this — I read an article today — for 50 years this has been going on. I’d like to stop it, and we could stop it quickly. All they have to do is say, ‘Okay, President, now we’re ready. Now we’re ready.’ When I watched that scene last night, with […]
MEDIA/PROTESTS: “I saw last night where these radical anarchists were trying to get into the mayor’s house [in Portland], and lots of bad things were happening to this poor, foolish, very stupid mayor. I mean, how he could be mayor, I have no idea… Only a fool would stick up for them like that. These […]
JOE BIDEN: “Yesterday, after the violence in Portland, I put out a statement decrying violence under any political banner, and challenged the President to do the same. Today, I traveled to Pittsburgh to explain how the President was making America less safe — on COVID, on the economy, on crime, on racism, on violence — […]
PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Portland, Oregon, Mayor Ted Wheeler had a strong message for President Donald Trump after a man was shot and killed in Portland amid clashes between Black Lives Matter protesters and a pro-Trump caravan on Saturday. ‘Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first time in decades that America has […]
PROTESTS: [Reporter: “I notice you did not mention that your supporters were also in Portland this weekend, firing paintball guns at people, some form of pepper spray. So do you want to also take this chance to condemn what your supporters did in Portland?”] “Well, I understand they had large numbers of people that were […]
DHS/DOH/POLICE/PROTESTS: “The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice are announcing a joint operation center to investigate the violent, left-wing civil unrest. And again, in Portland alone, the federal government has already taken care of and arrested 100 rioters, just in that one city… The violence is fueled by dangerous rhetoric from far-left […]
PROTESTS: [Laura Ingraham: “But do you want your supporters to confront the left-wing protesters or do you want to leave it to law enforcement?”] “No. No… I want to leave it to law enforcement. But my supporters are wonderful, hardworking, tremendous people, and they turn on their television set and they look at a Portland […]
DHS/PROTESTS: “Portland has been burning for many years. For decades, it’s been burning… Now, we sent in Homeland Security. The reason we sent them in was to protect our courthouse. We have a $300 million courthouse, and they wanted to blow up our courthouse or burn it down. Take your choice, blow it up or […]
CIVIL UNREST/PROTESTS: “Portland is a mess, and it has been for many years. If this joke of a mayor doesn’t clean it up, we will go in and do it for them!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 31, 2020 3:13 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable. Shooting in the streets of a great American city is unacceptable. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same. We must not become a […]
JOE BIDEN/POLITICS: “The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable. Shooting in the streets of a great American city is unacceptable. I condemn this violence unequivocally. I condemn violence of every kind by any one, whether on the left or the right. And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same. It does […]
CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/DEMS/PROTESTS: “Ted Wheeler, the wacky Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat Mayor of Portland, who has watched great death and destruction of his City during his tenure, thinks this lawless situation should go on forever. Wrong! Portland will never recover with a fool for a Mayor…. ….He tried mixing with the Agitators and Anarchists and […]
CIVIL UNREST/NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “The National Guard is Ready, Willing and Able. All the Governor has to do is call! RT @stillgray Ted Wheeler is unfit to lead Portland, which needs to be federalized at this point. The longer the unrest is allowed to happen, the farther it spreads.“ ––Donald Trump,, August 30, 2020 12:59 […]
ANTIFA/CIVIL UNREST/DEMS/PROTESTS: “Democrat ‘Leadership’ has no clue. Request help now….Problem Over!!! RT @MrAndyNgo Antifa rioters have chased someone inside a petrol station in downtown Portland. They’ve surrounded the building. They’re extremely angry based on false antifa claims that a fascist shot & killed a black person tonight. #PortlandRiots“ ––Donald Trump,, August 30, 2020 12:31 […]
CHUCK SCHUMER/CIVIL UNREST/DEMS/NANCY PELOSI/NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “Our great National Guard could solve these problems in less than 1 hour. Local authorities must ask before it is too late. People of Portland, and other Democrat run cities, are disgusted with Schumer, Pelosi, and thier local ‘leaders’. They want Law & Order!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 30, 2020 […]
CIVIL UNREST/NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “The big backlash going on in Portland cannot be unexpected after 95 days of watching and incompetent Mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing. The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer.The Mayor is a FOOL. Bring in the National Guard!“ ––Donald Trump,, […]
CIVIL UNREST/NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “Kenosha has been very quiet for the third night in a row or, since the National Guard has shown up. That’s the way it works, it’s all very simple. Portland, with a very ungifted mayor, should request help from the Federal Government. If lives are endangered, we’re going in!“ ––Donald Trump,, […]
CIVIL UNREST/POLICE/PROTESTS: “If the incompetent Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, doesn’t get control of his city and stop the Anarchists, Agitators, Rioters and Looters, causing great danger to innocent people, we will go in and take care of matters the way they should have been taken care of 100 days ago!“ ––Donald Trump,, August […]
HOUSING: “You saw what I did. I ended the rule. You’re not going to have low income housing built in your suburbs anymore, but nobody writes that because the fake news doesn’t want to write that, but everyone knows. Unless our friends in the suburbs have gotten a lot dumber than they used to be, […]
NATIONAL GUARD: “Look at Portland. We want to send in the National Guard, we sent in Homeland Security just to protect our… couple of our buildings, including a courthouse, can you believe it? We sent in because they can’t protect it. So we sent, they did a very effective job. We could take care of […]
CIVIL UNREST/NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “Success: Since the National Guard moved into Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days ago, there has been NO FURTHER VIOLENCE, not even a small problem. When legally asked to help by local authorities, the Federal Government will act and quickly succeed. Are you listening Portland?“ ––Donald Trump,, August 28, 2020 7:01 am […]
GOP/CRIME: “In the strongest possible terms, the Republican Party condemns the rioting, looting, arson, and violence we have seen in Democrat-run cities all, like Kenosha, Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago, and New York, and many others, Democrat-run. There is violence and danger in the streets of many Democrat-run cities throughout America. This problem could easily be fixed […]
JOE BIDEN/POLICE: “Make no mistake, if you give power to Joe Biden, the radical left will defund police departments all across America. They will pass federal legislation to reduce law enforcement nationwide. They will make every city look like Democrat-run Portland, Oregon. No one will be safe in Biden’s America. My administration will always stand […]
CRIME/DEMS/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS: “Democrats and Biden didn’t even mention the Anarchists, Agitators, Looters and so called ‘Peaceful Protesters’ at their Convention. They will allow rampant crime, just as they do in Portland. If they ask us, as they must do, we will end crime in their Democrat run cities, FAST!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 27, 2020 […]
CIVIL UNREST/NATIONAL GUARD: “We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets. My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance (Portland should do the same!)… …TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW […]
CIVIL UNREST/NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “We again request Kate Brown (@OregonGovBrown), the Governor of Oregon, and Mayor @TedWheeler of Portland, to call up the National Guard like should have been done 3 months ago… …They must stop calling these anarchists and agitators ‘peaceful protestors’. Come back into the real world! The Federal Government is ready to end […]
CIVIL UNREST/MILITARY/NATIONAL GUARD: “Another bad night of Rioting in Portland, Oregon. A small number of Federal troops there to protect courthouse and other Federal property only (great job!). Wanting to be asked by City & State to STOP THE RIOTS. Would bring in National Guard, end problem immediately. ASK!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 22, 2020 […]
CRIME/DEMS: “[W]e are confronting the wave of crime in Democrat-run American cities. It’s absolutely shocking. When you look at Portland or New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, sometimes Los Angeles — Democrat-run cities — they’re a mess because they don’t get it. Either they don’t get it or there’s something that nobody else understands.” -Donald […]
BELARUS/PROTESTS: “You have to understand me: I like seeing democracy. Democracy is a very important word. It doesn’t seem like it’s too much democracy there, in Belarus. But we are speaking to lots of people. And we’ll be speaking, at the appropriate time, to Russia. And we’ll be speaking to other people that are involved. […]
CHICAGO/CIVIL UNREST/DEMS/ILLINOIS/NEW YORK: “The Democrats have to start enforcing Law and Order in their cities and states. New York City, Chicago and Portland are a total DISASTER!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 18, 2020 7:38 am […]
CAMPAIGN/PROTESTS/RALLY: “Wow! I don’t know what happened. Something happened. This was supposed to be just a quick little small gathering. This is what’s happening and we call it a peaceful protest. We’re supposed to have 50 people, right? So we have a little more and they turned away a lot of people outside. So we’ll […]
2020 ELECTION/POLICE: “[I]f we don’t win this [2020] election, every one of you, me, all of us, it will never be the country … I don’t think the country can ever come back to it. I used to use Venezuela a lot. I don’t know if I even really fully believed it but I’d say, […]
ANTIFA/JOE BIDEN/KAMALA HARRIS/TERRORISM: [OAN reporter: “Should Joe Biden, the Democrat Party, Kamala Harris — should they publicly denounce the Antifa as a — as a domestic terrorist organization?”] “They should. I think they’re afraid to. It’s — in my book, it’s a virtually apart of their campaign: Antifa. The Democrats act like, ‘Gee, I don’t […]
2020 ELECTION/JOE BIDEN: “If Biden wins [the 2020 election], you’re going to have a radical left. You’ll have every city looking like Portland, but you’ll have a radical left, and you’re going to have a stock market crash the equivalent of 1928 and 1929… You will have the stock market crash the equivalent of what […]
DEMS/POLICE: “What you’re seeing in Portland and Seattle, New York, Chicago is really the Democrat roadmap for America. They want every city in America to resemble Portland, in a form. They want to pass federal legislation gutting and hamstringing every police department in America. They want to get rid of your Second Amendment. They want […]
DEMS/PROTESTS: “Before providing today’s update on the China virus, I want to address the violence, looting, and rioting taking place in the Democrat-controlled cities of New York, Portland, Chicago, and Seattle. The mayors and governors of these states and cities have an absolute duty to use all resources necessary to end the violence and all […]
CIVIL UNREST/DHS/NATIONAL GUARD: “Portland, which is out of control, should finally, after almost 3 months, bring in the National Guard. The Mayor and Governor are putting people’s lives at risk. They will be held responsible. The Guard is ready to act immediately. The Courthouse is secured by Homeland!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 10, 2020 4:55 […]
PROTESTS: “On Portland: Finally, I’d like to address that situation. Portland is a disaster. It’s been a disaster for many, many years. Brave federal law enforcement officers singlehandedly — the officers, they singlehandedly saved the federal courthouse in Portland from lawless rioters and agitators and anarchists — and that’s what they are. You know, when […]
JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS: “What you’re seeing in Portland is the radical left’s agenda in action. Portland is their roadmap for America. If the radical left gets in — and they treat Joe Biden as a puppet; he’s merely a puppet. But if the radical left gets in, they look at Portland as a thing that they […]
POLICE/PROTESTS: “We want strong police. We’re not defunding the police. We’re probably, could say, we’re doing the opposite of defunding the police. You look at Portland. That’s all — that’s all radical left Democrat. They want every city to be like a Portland… If we didn’t go out to Portland, they would have knocked down […]
CIVIL UNREST/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “There is TREMENDOUS Lawlessness in America’s Liberal Cities. Would be so easy to stop but they have a clouded vision of what should be done. They are indoctrinated with a philosophy which will never work, a philosophy which would destroy America. Portland would be the norm!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 4, […]
CIVIL UNREST/MEDIA/QUOTE: “THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ‘Trump Wins in Portland’ ‘Something big has changed in Portland, Ore. After weeks of chaos and flames outside the city’s federal courthouse, the past few days have seen the violence subside dramatically. What happened?’ William McGurn @WSJ“ ––Donald Trump,, August 4, 2020 10:10 am […]
PROTESTS: “The anarchists and agitators that have brought mayhem to the streets of places like Portland and Seattle are now driving the agenda of the Democrat Party. They want to spread chaos to every city. They want everything to be like a Portland. They’d be very happy, or even a Seattle. They’d be very, very […]
CIVIL UNREST/DHS/POLICE: “Homeland Security is not leaving Portland until local police complete cleanup of Anarchists and Agitators!“ ––Donald Trump,, July 31, 2020 5:52 pm […]
PROTESTS/POLICE: “Now I understand they can’t get any police in Milwaukee because you’re not allowed to use pepper spray or tear gas because — if you have crowds. But I don’t think there’s any other way other than obvious way, which would be horrible. And that’s shooting itself, which would be horrible. But I don’t […]
DHS/MEDIA/PROTESTS: “Nothing started because the federal government was there. In fact, if we weren’t there, you would not have a courthouse right now. You know, they — the media, some of the media — not all of it, but some of it, they are saying that because the federal government walked in, they became worse. […]
DHS/PROTESTS: “Homeland Security moved a team of very talented people — strong, tough people. And the courthouse has been in very good shape. They’re not an offensive team; they’re a defensive team. They’re not allowed to be offensive, unfortunately. And you had radical anarchists. You had horrible people. You had agitators. They weren’t protesters. They […]
DHS/PROTESTS: “I just spoke on Portland. I just spoke with Chad Wolf, who’s doing a fantastic job at Homeland. And the courthouse is totally secure; it has been, ever since we’ve been there. We had to move in about a week and a half ago because they were going to take down the federal courthouse. […]
NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “It’s not our job unless, in case of emergency — which I consider now to be an emergency — it’s not our job to go in and clean out the cities. That’s supposed to be done by local law enforcement… We’re telling them, right now, that we’re coming in very soon — the […]
DHS/PROTESTS: “Homeland Security have done a fantastic job. They went to Oregon a little more than a week ago. The place was a mess. The city, Portland, was just a disaster. You see it, and a lot of people weren’t reporting it right. They tried to pretend it was a protest, as opposed to anarchists […]
CIVIL UNREST/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon, isn’t doing her job. She must clear out, and in some cases arrest, the Anarchists & Agitators in Portland. If she can’t do it, the Federal Government will do it for her. We will not be leaving until there is safety!“ ––Donald Trump,, July 30, […]
JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We need a president who will bring us together instead of tearing us apart and who will enforce the law faithfully rather than put his own political interests first.” -Joe Biden,, July 29, 2020 6:35 pm […]
NATIONAL GUARD/PROTESTS: “All you have to do is look at Portland. Look at the agitators. Look at the anarchists in Portland. And our people have done a great job in protecting our courthouse. And I told my people, a little while ago: If they don’t solve that problem locally, very soon, we’re going to send […]
POLICE/PROTESTS: “And as far as Portland is concerned, we’ve taken a very strong stand. They are anarchists. They’re radical, crazy people. And they’re either going to straighten it out for themselves — Portland, the police — and maybe if the state gets involved; that means the governor and the mayor. But they’re very weak people. […]
DEMS/CRIME/TAXES: “They want big bailout money for Democrats that ran cities terribly. Their cities are going down the tubes. If you look at Portland, if you look at what’s going in Seattle — Democrat-run cities, whether you like it or not, they’re terribly run, and they’re always over-taxed. So they’ve taxed them too much and […]
POLICE/PROTESTS: “I’ll give you a little report on Portland: We have the courthouse very well secured. Our people have done a fantastic job. You hear all sorts of reports about us leaving. We’re not leaving until they’ve secured their city. We told the governor, we told the mayor: ‘Secure your city.’ If they don’t secure […]
CIVIL UNREST/MEDIA: “.@FoxNews reported incorrectly what the Federal Government is doing with respect to Portland. We are demanding that the Governor & Mayor do their job or we will do it for them. To complicated to discuss in a Tweet, but bad reporting by Fox (possibly on purpose!). @DHSgov“ ––Donald Trump,, July 29, 2020 […]
CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/POLICE: “If the Federal Government and its brilliant Law Enforcement (Homeland) didn’t go into Portland one week ago, there would be no Portland — It would be burned and beaten to the ground. If the Mayor and Governor… …do not stop the Crime and Violence from the Anarchists and Agitators immediately, the Federal Government […]
POLICE/PROTESTS: “And we, as you know, have done a excellent job of watching over Portland and watching our courthouse where they wanted to burn it down. They’re anarchists. Nothing short of anarchists, agitators. And we have protected it very powerfully. And if we didn’t go there, I will tell you, you wouldn’t have a courthouse. […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/DEMS/ECONOMY/FAKE NEWS/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/POLICE/PROTESTS: “The Fake News Media is trying to portray the Portland and Seattle ‘protesters’ as wonderful, sweet and innocent people just out for a little stroll. Actually, they are sick and deranged Anarchists & Agitators who our great men & women of Law Enforcement easily control, but who… ….would destroy our American cities, […]
CIVIL UNREST/DHS/STATUES: “Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don’t do it! @DHSgov“ ––Donald Trump,, July 27, 2020 12:28 pm […]
CIVIL UNREST/PROTESTS: “The ‘protesters’ are actually anarchists who hate our Country. The line of innocent ‘mothers’ were a scam that Lamestream refuses to acknowledge, just like they don’t report the violence of these demonstrations!“ ––Donald Trump,, July 26, 2020 12:37 pm […]
CIVIL UNREST/MEDIA/PROTESTS: “The Lamestream Media, including @FoxNews, which has really checked out, is refusing to show what is REALLY going on in Portland, Seattle, and other places. They want the American public to believe that these are just some wonderful protesters, not radical left ANARCHISTS!“ ––Donald Trump,, July 26, 2020 9:37 am […]
DEMS/PROTESTS: “I have so many people on the left or call them Democrats, call them whatever you want, and then you look at what they’re doing with cities. Every city is run by a liberal Democrat and they’re going to hell, and we have to do something. We just sent people into Chicago. We sent […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/DHS/PROTESTS: “I said, ‘There’s nothing more important in our country than keeping our people safe, whether that’s from the China virus or the radical-left mob that you see in Portland’ — where I want to thank Homeland Security and others in law enforcement for doing a fantastic job over the last few days. They went […]
CRIME/POLICE/PROTESTS: “We’re offering all of them [cities with crime], let us go in. We will clean it up. We will clean it up. Now, in Portland, we had to do it because that was — that’s — they’re anarchists. That’s even — that’s a level that people haven’t seen, but they’re anarchists. And they were […]
CIVIL UNREST/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Recently watched failed RINO Tom Ridge, former head of Homeland Security, trying to justify his sudden love of the Radical Left Mayor of Portland, who last night was booed & shouted out of existence by the agitators & anarchists. Love watching pathetic Never Trumpers squirm!” ––Donald Trump,, July 23, 2020 […]
DHS/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We have a president who is determined to sow chaos and division… Now Homeland Security agents — without a clearly defined mandate or authority — are ranging far from federal property, stripped of badges and insignia and identifying markings, to detain people. They are brutally attacking peaceful protestors, including a U.S. […]
DHS/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS: “Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden accused the Trump administration on Tuesday of ‘egregious tactics’ in cracking down on protests in Portland, Oregon, saying the response by federal agents was stoking divisions in the country… Trump and Department of Homeland Security officials have defended the efforts of officers in Portland as the city has […]
POLICE/PROTESTS: “We’re going to have more federal law enforcement — that, I can tell you. In Portland, they’ve done a fantastic job. They’ve been there three days, and they really have done a fantastic job in very short period of time. No problem. They grab them; a lot of people in jail. They’re leaders. These […]
DEMS/POLICE: “I mean, we’re sending law enforcement. Portland was totally out of control. The Democrats — the liberal Democrats running the place had no idea what they were doing. They were ripping down — for 51 days, ripping down that city, destroying the city, looting it. The level of corruption and what was going on […]
CIVIL UNREST/PROTESTS: “We are trying to help Portland, not hurt it. Their leadership has, for months, lost control of the anarchists and agitators. They are missing in action. We must protect Federal property, AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal!“ ––Donald Trump,, July 19, 2020 2:42 am […]
DEMS/POLICE/PROTESTS/SOCIALISM: “They [Democrats] want to go socialism plus and that’s going to ultimately – and it can happen here just like it happened in Venezuela and many other places – it will lead to a failed country and you can see that. Look at what’s going on tonight in Portland, and if we didn’t have […]
ICE/POLICE/PROTESTS: “If you look at Portland tonight, if you take a look at what’s going on there — and I sent in the great people from the border and ICE and many other agencies. And we’re sending back big, very big league, as they would say, where we’re doing a real job, a lot of […]
TRANSPORTATION: “MAX Red line in Oregon is set to receive $99.99M in @USDOT funds to reduce delays in the Portland area, connect citizens to very important locations, and make transit GREAT! @trimet“ –Donald Trump,, May 28, 2020 12:17 pm […]
FEDERAL FUNDING/TRANSPORTATION: “I am proud to announce the Portland Area’s @trimet will receive over $184M in federal funds to support continued operations of their transit system. This will keep workers on the job and help the economic recovery by ensuring reliable transportation!“ –Donald Trump,, May 19, 2020 6:26 am […]