
CORONAVIRUS/DEMS: [Reporter: “Why not just sit down with Democrats personally and cut a deal [on the coronavirus stimulus bill]?”] “Because they want $1 trillion to go to their friends doing a bad job running certain cities and states that are doing very badly. You know, most of our country is running very well. Even in […]

Read More… from 8/14/2020


DEMS/PROTESTS: “Before providing today’s update on the China virus, I want to address the violence, looting, and rioting taking place in the Democrat-controlled cities of New York, Portland, Chicago, and Seattle. The mayors and governors of these states and cities have an absolute duty to use all resources necessary to end the violence and all […]

Read More… from 8/11/2020


CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I have now approved major disaster declarations for New York, California, Washington, Iowa, Louisiana, Texas, and Florida. That has great significance, as you know, and legal significance… We’re testing more than anybody right now. There’s nobody even close. And our tests are the best tests. They’re the most accurate tests… We have some […]

Read More… from 3/25/2020