
ICE/POLICE/PROTESTS: “If you look at Portland tonight, if you take a look at what’s going on there — and I sent in the great people from the border and ICE and many other agencies. And we’re sending back big, very big league, as they would say, where we’re doing a real job, a lot of arrests and a lot of things are happening in Portland.

And frankly, the politicians are against it. They — it’s been going on for a long time. They’re ripping down Portland. Portland, Oregon, and ripping it down and we sent them in. We’re not taking it. We’re going to be looking very strongly at Chicago. We did a good job with Seattle…

So, we’re looking at a lot of these places run by very radical-left politicians, Democrats, in all cases, and we are doing what we have to do.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase, “Remarks: Donald Trump Holds a Virtual Michigan Tele-Rally – July 18, 2020,” factba.se, July 18, 2020