COVID-19/HOUSING: “Approximately 14 million Americans have fallen behind on rent, many at risk of eviction. If we don’t act now there will be a wave of evictions and foreclosures in the coming months as the pandemic rages on. This would overwhelm emergency shelters and increase COVID-19 infections as people have nowhere to go and can’t […]
Category: Housing
HOUSING/WOMEN: “But the women of the suburbs are going to vote for President Trump, because we love you, and we’re saving you a horrible, a horrible thing was going to happen, frankly, and it’s been happening for years, and it’s been a very bad situation. So we solved it. We terminated it. It is gone. […]
2020 ELECTION/HOUSING/JOBS/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Right now: – Almost 23 million Americans are on unemployment – Nearly 1 in 5 small businesses have closed their doors – Millions of people are at risk of being evicted We simply can’t afford another four years of Donald Trump.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 1, 2020 2:42 am […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “And one thing I know about suburban women… because women, suburban or otherwise, they want security… And I love women, and I can’t help it. They’re the greatest. I love them much more than the men, much more than the men. So I’m saving suburbia. I’m getting your kids back to school… And you […]
ANTIFA/HOUSING/WOMEN: “So the fake news was saying, ‘We think that Donald Trump is having problems with suburban women.’ I said, ‘Why? Because I’m going to stop crime from going to the suburbs?’ Because you know Antifa and the anarchists, they view the suburbs as next. That’s what they would like. Right? So the suburban woman […]
DEMS/HOUSING/KAMALA HARRIS: “So the Democrats, let’s say the Democrats, the radical left Democrats, they have an extreme agenda. He’s just a vehicle. He’ll be there for about four weeks or so. Then you’ll have Kamala, Kamala. That will not be the first woman president. You’re going to have a woman president, maybe soon, maybe soon, […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “I am saving the suburbs. I’m getting rid of a regulation. I’m getting rid of a regulation that will move a project next to your beautiful house. Congratulations. You like having a nice project next to your house, I don’t think so. And with it comes plenty of crime. That’s why they keep saying, […]
HOUSING: [Norah O’Donnell: “The president said on the stump, ‘I saved the suburbs. You should– you should thank me.’”] “He wouldn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn. Go out in the suburbs now. It’s not 1950. There are Black and white families living next door to one another, drivin’ each other’s kids […]
2020 ELECTION/CRIME/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Finally! Suburban women are flocking over to us. They realize that I am saving the Suburbs – the American Dream! I terminated the Regulation that would bring projects and crime to Suburbia. Not on my watch! Biden will bring the Regulation back, but bigger and worse.“ ––Donald Trump,, October […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “Women of the suburbs, please raise your hands. Okay. Look at it. Look at that crowd. So women of the suburbs, look, here’s the story, women of the suburbs, the fake news has been saying, ‘The women of the—‘ They said this last time too, ‘Women don’t like Trump.’ Then they saw— Then they […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “I think the women from the suburbs are looking for a couple of things. One of them is safety, one of them is good, strong security, and one of them is they don’t want to have low-income housing built next to their house. And you know who makes up 30% of your suburbs? Minorities, […]
2020 ELECTION/2A/BORDER/CRIME/DEMS/FRACKING/HOUSING/IMMIGRATION/JOBS/JOE BIDEN/OIL/POLICE/RELIGION/SOCIALISM/TAXES: “Joe Biden and the Democrat Socialists will kill your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve your borders, release criminal aliens, raise your taxes, confiscate your guns, end fracking, destroy your suburbs, and drive God from the public square.“ ––Donald Trump,, October 15, 2020 9:24 am […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “So can I ask you to do me a favor, suburban women, will you please like me? Please. Please. I saved your damn neighborhood, okay? The other thing I don’t have that much time to be that nice. You know, I can do it, but I got to go quickly. We don’t have time. […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “I don’t want to build low-income housing next to your house. Okay, if that’s okay? And I ended the regulation, the rule that made the zoning so impossible that you had to destroy your communities. And then I hear the suburban woman. I think that the suburban woman, and I used to say suburban […]
EDUCATION/HOUSING/SOCIAL SECURITY: “We’re going to make four years of public college and universities tuition free for any family that makes less than $125,000 a year. We’re going to make community college and job training programs free for all hardworking Americans that qualify. And if you’re buying your first home, we’re going to provide a $15,000 […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “You know, a lot of people talk about the women of the suburbs, right, women of the suburbs. They do or don’t like Trump. I don’t know. But what I have done is incredible for the suburbs. The suburbs are over, as you know. The suburbs will become more unsafe than the cities, run […]
2020 ELECTION/2A/ECONOMY/JOE BIDEN/HOUSING/POLICE/SHUTDOWN/SUPREME COURT/TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Biden will Shutdown the Economy at the tip of a hat, raise your Taxes, knock out your Second Amendment and Defund, or close, your Police. The Suburbs would be next, get ready. Also, and incredibly, PACK THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. This is not what the USA wants!!! #MAGA“ […]
CRIME/DEMS/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Biden supports Cory Booker [D-NJ]’s Bill that will force low income housing in the Suburbs, which will lower property values and bring crime to your neighborhoods. If Dems win, GOODBYE SUBURBS!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 7, 2020 1:38 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/CAMPAIGN/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “Suburban Women are trending strongly to our campaign because they want SAFETY, SECURITY, and love the fact that I terminated the REGULATION that would destroy their neighborhood and with it, the American Dream. Biden would bring the REGULATION back in a MUCH stronger form!!!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 30, 2020 7:42 pm […]
2016 ELECTION/HOUSING/WOMEN: “‘Women in the suburbs don’t like President Trump.’ I don’t think so. That happened last time. Remember last time? They said, ‘He will not do well with women. He will not do well with women. He will not do well with women.’ These were the idiots on election night four years ago, ‘He […]
HOUSING/REGULATIONS: “I ended a regulation that nobody would have done. This brings public housing, low-income housing into the suburbs. By the way, just so we can get this right, 30% of the people in the suburbs are low income people. 30% of the people in the suburbs are minorities… It’s the worst thing you’ve ever […]
HOUSING: “Everyone is talking about me and the suburbs. I knocked out the regulation that allows low-income housing in the suburbs. Then I hear oh, the people in the suburbs don’t like me. You better like me because you’re going to have– Your suburbs aren’t going to be so great. They say that women in […]
HOUSING: “You know, I got rid of this regulation that was going to destroy your suburbs. Destroy your suburbs. I call it the Obama Regulates. They’re building nice projects right next to your beautiful home. Lots of luck… A couple of stories where written. I wish the women living in the suburbs would read these […]
2020 ELECTION/2A/BORDER/ECONOMY/ENERGY/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TAXES: “At no time before has there been a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies, & two agendas for the future. On November 3rd, Wisconsin will decide whether we will quickly return to record prosperity—or whether we allow Joe Biden to impose a $4 trillion… …dollar tax hike, ban American […]
HOUSING/KAMALA HARRIS/POLITICAL FIGURES: “I ended a rule, a regulation where low income housing has been forced into the suburbs and this has been going on for a long time, but especially so under Biden and Obama. I ended it, I terminated it. Not going to happen anymore unless I’m not here, in which case they’re […]
2020 ELECTION/2A/AUTO INDUSTRY/BORDER/ECONOMY/ENERGY/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/MICHIGAN/TAXES/VACCINES: “On November 3rd, Michigan will decide whether we will quickly return to record prosperity—or whether we allow Sleepy Joe Biden to impose a $4 TRILLION DOLLAR TAX HIKE, ban American Energy, confiscate your guns, shutdown the economy, shutdown auto production, delay… …the vaccine, destroy the suburbs, erase your borders, and indoctrinate […]
ANTIFA/HOUSING: “They want to destroy your suburbs. Look at what I’ve done for your suburbs. You know what I’ve done. You know what I’ve done. Does anybody want to have somebody from Antifa as a member and as a resident of your suburb? I don’t think so too much. ‘Say, darling, who moved in next […]
CIVIL UNREST/DEMS/HOUSING/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Democrats never even mentioned the words LAW & ORDER at their National Convention. That’s where they are coming from. If I don’t win, America’s Suburbs will be OVERRUN with Low Income Projects, Anarchists, Agitators, Looters and, of course, ‘Friendly Protesters’.“ ––Donald Trump,, September 10, 2020 4:14 am […]
FAKE NEWS/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRANSPORTATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Fake News asks why I bring up [Senator Cory] Booker. It’s because Biden supports Booker’s bill that forces federal control of local zoning and low income housing in suburbs… …If in doubt, ask why the bill withholds $12 billion in highway funds until local authorities agree to federal control? I […]
CRIME/HOUSING: “And I just put out something: The suburbs are coming big to us because the suburbs are next. If you elected this guy [Joe Biden], the suburbs would be overwhelmed with violence and crime. So that’s where we are. This is the most important election in the history of our country.” -Donald Trump, “Remarks […]
CRIME/HOUSING/WOMEN: “We’re going to be appointing very pro crime judges, but they want to destroy your suburbs. You know, the rule, the regulation that I just terminated. They want to build low income projects in the suburbs. They’ve been doing it. They’ve been destroying suburbs. We’re not doing it anymore. Somebody said ‘suburban women, how’s […]
HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/OBAMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sleepy Joe Biden has pledged to ABOLISH Suburban Communites as they currently exist by reinstating Obama’s radical AFFH Regulation. There goes Suburbia!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 8, 2020 8:05 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/DEMS/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/PROTESTS “Democrats admit that President Trump’s message is ‘working’ on violence coming to the Suburbs in a Looney Biden Administration. Plus, Biden just doubled down on forcing Federal control of local zoning. This means low income housing and projects. So much for the American Dream!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 8, 2020 7:51 am […]
HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “Right now in the United States of America, we don’t have the kind of housing funding we had back in our administration earlier before that, even the Republican administrations. No one should have to pay more than 30% of their income to be able to live and have housing, including people on the […]
CORONAVIRUS/HOUSING/TRUMP ADMIN: “The Trump Administration announced Tuesday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will use its authority to temporarily ban residential evictions for certain renters through the end of the year… Renters seeking protection under the new program must certify that they are unable to pay their rent because of the coronavirus […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “But for women, more than anything else, they want security, they want safety. They have to have safety. They talk about the suburban woman. What I did recently, I ended the regulation that provided low-income housing that – that mandated low-income housing–“ [Laura Ingraham: “That was Obama’s rule.”] “That was the Obama rule. It […]
HOUSING: “You saw what I did. I ended the rule. You’re not going to have low income housing built in your suburbs anymore, but nobody writes that because the fake news doesn’t want to write that, but everyone knows. Unless our friends in the suburbs have gotten a lot dumber than they used to be, […]
HOUSING/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: Executive Order on Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations -Donald Trump, “Executive Order on Targeting Opportunity Zones and Other Distressed Communities for Federal Site Locations,”, Aug. 24, 2020 […]
2020 ELECTION/CRIME/DEMS/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “Why would Suburban Women vote for Biden and the Democrats when Democrat run cities are now rampant with crime (and they aren’t asking the Federal Government for help) which could easily spread to the suburbs, and they will reconstitute, on steroids, their low income suburbs plan!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 22, 2020 […]
HOUSING: “I think that the suburban housewife, as you say, and I think that women and men living in the suburbs who fulfilled their American Dream or at least got a big part of it, they now live in a safe, beautiful area. They don’t want to have people coming in and forcing low-income housing […]
HOUSING/HUD/OBAMA ADMIN: “We reversed an Obama-Biden regulation that would have empowered the Department of Housing and Urban Development to abolish single-family zoning, compel the construction of high-density ‘stack and pack’ apartment buildings in residential neighborhoods, and forcibly transform neighborhoods across America so they look and feel the way far-left ideologues and technocratic bureaucrats think they […]
DEMS/HOUSING/HUD: “The crime and chaos in Democrat-run cities have gotten so bad that liberals are even getting out of Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Rather than rethink their destructive policies, the left wants to make sure there is no escape. The plan is to remake the suburbs in their image so they resemble the dysfunctional cities […]
JOE BIDEN/HOUSING: “No one will be safe in Biden’s American, no city, no town, no suburb will be spared. And you see how I did something to help the suburbs of our country last week? A lot of people don’t want to even talk about it, but we did something that nobody else would have […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/DEMS/HOUSING: “I want to make it unmistakably clear that I’m protecting people from evictions. They didn’t want to do that. The Democrats didn’t want to do a protection from evictions — people getting evicted because of the coronavirus or the ‘China virus,’ whatever you want to call it. We have 20 — now we’re up […]
2020 ELECTION/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “The ‘suburban housewife’ will be voting for me. They want safety & are thrilled that I ended the long running program where low income housing would invade their neighborhood. Biden would reinstall it, in a bigger form, with Corey Booker in charge! @foxandfriends @MariaBartiromo“ ––Donald Trump,, August 12, 2020 1:59 am […]
EXECUTIVE ORDERS/HOUSING: “While Trump has publicly pushed for Congress to extend the eviction ban put in place by the CARES Act, his housing order does not actually issue an eviction moratorium. Rather, it instructs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to ‘consider’ whether temporarily banning residential […]
COVID-19/EXECUTIVE ORDERS/HOUSING: “The Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Director of CDC shall consider whether any measures temporarily halting residential evictions of any tenants for failure to pay rent are reasonably necessary to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 from one State or possession into any other State or possession… The Secretary of […]
CORONAVIRUS/HOUSING: “[M]y administration’s exploring executive actions to provide protections against eviction. Eviction is a big problem, very unfair to a lot of people. It wasn’t their fault that this virus came from a far away land. As well as additional relief to those who are unemployed as a result of the [coronavirus].” -Donald Trump as […]
HOUSING: “What we’re doing is we got rid of low income housing in the suburbs. People’s dream was being ripped from them. Now, if you live in the suburbs, you don’t have to worry about that. You have a beautiful home. You fought like crazy to get into the suburbs. By the way, African American, […]
COVID-19/HOUSING: “We want to take care of the eviction problem. People are being evicted very unfairly. It’s not their fault. It’s China’s fault; it’s not their fault. And people are being evicted, and we can do that with an executive order. So if we don’t get — and we want to do it relatively quickly. […]
HOUSING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “You know I ended that horrible rule where they were building low income housing in the middle of the suburbs right next to your house and really destroying a lot of families and a lot of — a lot of — a lot of the American dream. And I ended it. I […]
HOUSING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “If you look at some of the states, I won’t insult anybody by naming those states, but you know what they are. They want bailout money. They’re not interested in the people. They’re not interested in unemployment. They’re not interested in evictions, which is a big deal. The evictions, they want to […]
HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Rent is due today. Donald Trump abdicated his responsibility to lead us out of this COVID-19 crisis—and we now face a potential housing crisis because of it. Mr. President: Act now to make sure Americans don’t have to choose between a roof over their heads or food on the table.” -Joe […]
CONGRESS/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “To prevent a catastrophic rise in evictions and homelessness, President Trump must work with Congress to act swiftly and enact a broad emergency housing support program for renters, just as we would in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Such a step would get help out quickly and at scale so […]
ECONOMY/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “More than 30 million Americans are struggling to get by as their unemployment benefits are about to get sharply cut. Over the next two months, with no federal eviction moratorium in place, as many as 20 million families could find themselves out in the street without a safe place to live. […]
ECONOMY/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today is the first day of another month where rent and mortgage payments are due for millions of Americans who are already living on the edge. It comes a day after President Trump and Leader McConnell sent the Senate home for the weekend and allowed enhanced unemployment insurance, which millions of […]
HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “So we ended a rule that was a very horrible rule for people in suburbia — in the suburbs. And that rule has been a very unfair rule for a long time and it was going to be made a lot worse by Biden and Cory Booker. It’s a rule that, basically, you […]
HOUSING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I just ended the rule on suburbs. You know, the suburbs — people fight all of their lives to get into the suburbs and have a beautiful home. There will be no more low-income housing forced into the suburbs. I abandoned and took away and just rescinded the rule. It’s been going […]
DEMS/HOUSING/NANCY PELOSI: “We want to work on the evictions so that people don’t get evicted. We’ll work on the payments for the people. And the rest of it, we’re so far apart, we don’t care. We really don’t care. We want to take care of the people. The Democrats aren’t taking care of the people. […]
CRIME/HOUSING/JOE BIDEN/OBAMA: “I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood… …Your housing prices will go up based on the market, and crime will go down. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden […]
HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “My housing plan will give a $15,000 tax credit to first-time home-buyers, expand affordable housing, and reverse President Trump’s efforts to gut fair housing enforcement. We’re going to remove the barriers to homeownership that hold back too many Americans of color.” -Joe Biden,, July 28, 2020 3:50 pm […]
HOUSING: “The White House eliminated a sweeping Obama-era fair housing regulation on Thursday and replaced it with a much weaker rule amid an effort by President Donald Trump to paint rival Joe Biden as a danger to the suburbs… Trump has hinted at the plan in recent weeks, casting the Obama rule as ‘devastating’ for […]
HOUSING/JOE BIDEN: “They [Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden] want to enforce Obama-Biden’s radical AFFH [Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing] regulation that threatens to strip localities of federal affordable housing funds unless they change the zoning laws to fit the federal government’s demands. So the AFFH is a disaster. It’s been a disaster. It’s ruining the suburbs, […]
JOE BIDEN: “He [Joe Biden] wants to abolish the suburbs if you think. He wants to hurt the suburbs by putting low-income far-left bureaucrats and the bureaucrats are going to put people into the suburbs. They’re going to bring people, eliminate single-family zoning. They want to eliminate single-family zoning bringing who knows into the suburbs. […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HUD/NATIVE AMERICANS/TREASURY: “In addition to nearly $8 billion that Treasury provided tribal communities, @HUDgov is releasing an additional $25 million in #CARESAct funding today to respond to the CoronaVirus with improved housing, indoor air quality, and food pantry support.” ––Donald Trump,, July 17, 2020 10:34 am […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/TRAVEL BAN: “To ensure that our democratic values are able to rise to new heights, I will take decisive steps to strengthen our foundation. That means immediately reversing Trump’s cruel and counterproductive asylum, travel ban, and family separation policies — and reaffirming our innate identity, reflected in our Constitution and emblazoned in the Statue […]
JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “At the request of many great Americans who live in the Suburbs, and others, I am studying the AFFH housing regulation that is having a devastating impact on these once thriving Suburban areas. Corrupt Joe Biden wants to make them MUCH WORSE. Not fair to homeowners, I may END!“ –Donald Trump, […]
ECONOMY/HOMELESSNESS/HOUSING/JOBS/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows… For many Americans, access to affordable housing is becoming far too difficult. Rising housing costs are forcing families to dedicate larger shares of their monthly incomes […]