2020 ELECTION/DEMS/MEDIA/QUOTE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘Don’t the voters have to know what the Federal prosecutor’s know. The establishment failed us. The media, congressional leaders, the Democrat Party? No wonder 74 (a pres. record) million Americans voted for Donald Trump, & they still don’t believe the outcome of this election… ….The American people deserve answers, better late […]
Tag: Laura Ingraham
MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great people. Tonight! RT @SaraCarterDC It’s an important night @HeyTammyBruce on @IngrahamAngle looking forward to joining you and everyone else tonight! Hope you all join us at 10 p.m. EST“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, November 25, 2020 1:24 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/CONGRATS/MEDIA/RALLY: “.@seanhannity will be talking about the big North Carolina Rally tonight. Great crowd! Also, congratulations to Sean, @TuckerCarlson and @IngrahamAngle on the Great Ratings!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, September 8, 2020 2:53 pm […]
2A/RELIGION/RUSSIA: [Laura Ingraham: “Mr. President, are you still having fun doing this?”] “I’m having a good time because we are doing a job like just about nobody else has ever done. And I said it before, I’ll say it again, and nobody even challenges me on it — I, this administration, despite all of the […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS: “I think that they are hurt much worse than people think. They are having a very hard time in China. China is going very bad inside, the real [coronavirus] numbers… China is doing very poorly. And they lost tens of thousands of people. They lost more than any other country. They just don’t report […]
CHINA/JOE BIDEN: “Joe, he doesn’t even criticize China. I’ve never even heard him even criticize China. He was the one that said, oh, China is wonderful. China is this, China is that. China is not the enemy, they are not the problem. I’ve taken billions and billions, tens of billions of dollars out of China… […]
JOE BIDEN/SPORTS: “The governor of Pennsylvania, the governor of Michigan, the governor of North Carolina. They control those [college football] teams directly or indirectly because so much money, so much aid, so many other things, including traffic signs and everything else that they have to give. Those governors control those schools. That’s all done by […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/SPORTS: “It shows you the lie of the Democrats. I’m the one that says play football. I said they are young, strong people. They are not going to have a problem with COVID or the China virus or whatever you want to call it. I’m the one. And they didn’t like my narrative, so they […]
DEBATES: [Laura Ingraham: “Why did you ask for a drug test before the debate? What prompted that with you and Joe Biden?”] “Because I watched Biden in the previous debates and he was horrible. And I watched him in the Bernie debate and he was normal. He wasn’t Winston Churchill, but he was normal. It […]
HILLARY CLINTON: [Laura Ingraham: “Hillary [Clinton] says you’re not going to leave office if you lose. You’re not going to leave office. How do you respond to her?”] “I think – I think Hillary is a sick woman. Honestly, she’s deranged. She is – remember the famous debate where she said, will you respect the […]
VOTE BY MAIL: “The biggest risk we have – I have to say – is this whole crazy thing where they’re sending out 80 million ballots to people that don’t even know what a ballot is. They’re getting a – they’re sending them all over. Who’s sending them? Where are they sending them? They’re sending […]
2016 ELECTION: “I think I did win the [2016 election] popular vote on a true sense. I think there was tremendous cheating in California. There was tremendous cheating in New York and other places. And if you take a look at the libertarian, they always talk about Jill Stein. Jill Stein took, what, half a […]
ATTORNEY GENERAL/INVESTIGATIONS/WILLIAM BARR: “I was investigated practically from the time I came down the escalator with our great first lady. I was under investigation, and it’s a disgrace. And it should never be allowed to happen again. And I say this openly. Bill Barr can go down as the greatest attorney general in the history […]
CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/NANCY PELOSI: “I’ll tell you, I can tell you what is happening. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to give any stimulus. We should have it. It wasn’t the people’s fault that China give us the virus. China gave us the virus, whether it was through incompetence or on purpose… I always tell her to go back […]
COVID-19: “We’ve done a great job in COVID but we don’t get the credit. We worked through the governors. The governors have gotten everything they wanted, every ventilator. We didn’t have ventilators — we had empty cupboards when I got there. As I said, the cupboards were bare.” -Donald Trump, “President Trump joins Laura Ingraham […]
POLICE: “The police are under siege because of things — they can do 10,000 great acts, which is what they do, and one bad apple, or a choker — you know a choker, they choke — shooting the guy in the back many times. Couldn’t you have done something different? Couldn’t you have wrestled him? […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/POLICE: “What the black community wants in this country is they want police and they want law and order. They don’t want what’s happening to their communities. They’re being affected in a much harsher, meaner manner than anybody else. That includes Hispanics, where I’m doing very well also. Look, they want law and order. […]
AFRICAN AMERICANS/OBAMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Obama didn’t give them criminal justice reform. I did. Obama didn’t give them opportunity zones. I did. Obama didn’t do all of the things – didn’t say – Obama could have saved the historically black colleges and universities. He didn’t do anything for them. He didn’t do anything for them. I’ve […]
HOUSING/WOMEN: “But for women, more than anything else, they want security, they want safety. They have to have safety. They talk about the suburban woman. What I did recently, I ended the regulation that provided low-income housing that – that mandated low-income housing–“ [Laura Ingraham: “That was Obama’s rule.”] “That was the Obama rule. It […]
JOE BIDEN: “Biden won’t calm things down. They will take over. They will have won. If Biden gets in, they will have won. He’s a weak person. He’s controlled like a puppet.” [Laura Ingraham: “Who do you think is pulling Biden’s strings? Is it former Obama officials?”] “People that you’ve never heard of, people that […]
BLM: “Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization. You remember ‘pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.’ That was – first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, I said that’s a terrible name. It’s so discriminatory. It’s bad for black people. It’s bad for everybody. And all of a sudden, it becomes […]
PROTESTS/STATUES: “I think Portland is very easy to handle because that’s a group of anarchists that are paid by the outside. And we’ve put a lot of people in jail. I don’t know if you know this or not. Remember, three or four months ago, we were having a problem with monuments. They were ripping […]
PROTESTS: [Laura Ingraham: “But do you want your supporters to confront the left-wing protesters or do you want to leave it to law enforcement?”] “No. No… I want to leave it to law enforcement. But my supporters are wonderful, hardworking, tremendous people, and they turn on their television set and they look at a Portland […]
DHS/PROTESTS: “Portland has been burning for many years. For decades, it’s been burning… Now, we sent in Homeland Security. The reason we sent them in was to protect our courthouse. We have a $300 million courthouse, and they wanted to blow up our courthouse or burn it down. Take your choice, blow it up or […]
MEDIA: ” ‘This is a flat out lie. They (the media) are making things up’ @CharlesHurt @IngrahamAngle The Lamestream Media is out of control. It would be impossible to fully explain how dishonest they are!“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 5, 2020 4:57 pm […]
DEMS/VOTE BY MAIL/VOTER FRAUD/VOTING: “No Voter Fraud! RT @IngrahamAngle Democrats need to fam the flames of fear. But if it’s safe enough to grocery shop, how is it not safe enough to vote?“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, May 21, 2020 4:43 pm […]