ARMY/NAVY/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A great honor! RT @dhookstead Thunderous ‘USA! USA! USA!’ chants break out as President Donald Trump arrives for the Army/Navy game.“ ––Donald Trump,, December 13, 2020 6:16 pm […]
Tag: college football
2020 ELECTION/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/QUOTE/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “The GREAT Bobby Bowden, one of the best coaches EVER in College Football, on his full recovery from Covid-19 ‘….America is the greatest country this side of heaven. I’ve had a chance to get a lot of wins in my life, but I really wanted to win this one because I […]
ECONOMY/NEW YORK/SPORTS: “No, people want their schools open. They don’t want to be shut down. They don’t want their state shut down. They want their restaurants. I look at New York. It’s so sad what’s happening in New York. It’s almost like a ghost town, and I’m not sure it can ever recover what they’ve […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/SHUTDOWN/SPORTS: “Great News: BIG TEN FOOTBALL IS BACK. All teams to participate. Thank you to the players, coaches, parents, and all school representatives. Have a FANTASTIC SEASON! It is my great honor to have helped!!!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 16, 2020 3:33 am […]
DEMS/SPORTS: “I had a very good conversation with the Commissioner of Big Ten football, Kevin Warren. And I think it was very productive, about getting Big Ten playing again and immediately. And let’s see what happens. He’s a great guy. It’s a great conference. Tremendous teams. And we’re pushing very hard. I think the biggest […]
JOE BIDEN/SPORTS: “The governor of Pennsylvania, the governor of Michigan, the governor of North Carolina. They control those [college football] teams directly or indirectly because so much money, so much aid, so many other things, including traffic signs and everything else that they have to give. Those governors control those schools. That’s all done by […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/SPORTS: “It shows you the lie of the Democrats. I’m the one that says play football. I said they are young, strong people. They are not going to have a problem with COVID or the China virus or whatever you want to call it. I’m the one. And they didn’t like my narrative, so they […]
SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Had a very productive conversation with Kevin Warren, Commissioner of the Big Ten Conference, about immediately starting up Big Ten football. Would be good (great!) for everyone – Players, Fans, Country. On the one yard line!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 1, 2020 5:18 am […]
NFL/SPORTS: “I want to say that I want college football to come back. These are strong, healthy, incredible people… And, you know, I just want to say — it’s sort of sad because I’d been fighting for football to come back. We’re trying to help the NFL, as long as they stand for our National […]
CORONAVIRUS/SPORTS: “We want to get football in colleges. These are young, strong people. They won’t have a big problem with the China virus. So we want to see college football start, and, hopefully, a lot of great people are going to be out there. They’re going to be out there, playing football, and they’ll be […]