
SPORTS: “[D]uring the Sunday of the Miami Grand Prix weekend, former U.S. President Donald Trump’s visit to the McLaren team garage drew significant attention and controversy. McLaren has since issued a statement clarifying their position, emphasizing their non-political nature while respecting the presidential office… In response to widespread discussion and scrutiny, McLaren released a detailed […]

Read More… from 5/5/2024


JOE BIDEN/SPORTS: “When the United States lost to Sweden in the Women’s World Cup on Sunday [August 6, 2023]… For former President Donald J. Trump, it was a sign of national decline. The loss was ‘fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden,’ Mr. Trump wrote on […]

Read More… from 8/7/2023


GOLF/SPORTS: “I wonder if the PGA players who didn’t heed my advice and take the massive amounts of money that was offered to them by LIV Golf, feel somewhat ‘stupid’ right now. I predicted a MERGER, and that is exactly what happened, but whether LIV succeeded or failed, what the hell did they have to […]

Read More… from 6/13/2023


SAUDI ARABIA/SPORTS: “Former president Donald Trump spoke highly of LIV Golf, as the controversial golf tour hosts this weekend’s tournament at the Trump National Golf Club – Washington, DC… ‘I think the (PGA) Tour made a major mistake by playing games. They have unlimited money, and they love it. And it’s been great publicity for […]

Read More… from 5/25/2023


CPAC/JOE BIDEN/SPORTS: “I will revoke every Biden policy promoting the chemical castration and sexual mutilation of our youth and ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. That should be easy. We will keep men out of women’s sports. How ridiculous. That will take place on day one. […]

Read More… from 3/4/2023


ARIZONA/SPORTS: “Sorry football fans! Because the Super Bowl was held in Arizona, the results of the game, after a lengthy analysis currently taking place of the ‘holding’ call, will not be known for at least 4 weeks. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed the game!” -Donald […]

Read More… from 2/13/2023


CELEBS/SPORTS: “Former President Trump doubled down on his attacks on superstar singer Rihanna on Sunday night following her Super Bowl performance… ‘EPIC FAIL: Rihanna gave, without question, the single worst Halftime Show in Super Bowl history — This after insulting far more than half of our Nation, which is already in serious DECLINE, with her […]

Read More… from 2/12/2023


GOLF/SPORTS: “Trump announced on his social media platform on Tuesday that he won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club in unincorporated West Palm Beach last weekend, despite not playing the first round of the tournament. Members arrived the second day surprised to see Trump with a five-point lead, according to the Daily […]

Read More… from 1/24/2023


RUSSIA/SPORTS: “Former President Donald Trump lashed out Sunday [July 31, 2022] at American WNBA star Brittney Griner as ‘spoiled,’ and indicated he wouldn’t make any deals to get her out of prison in Russia because she ‘makes a lot of money.’ Griner was arrested in Moscow in February as she entered the country for a tournament […]

Read More… from 7/31/2022


9/11/SAUDI ARABIA/SPORTS: “Former President Donald Trump on Thursday defended hosting a Saudi-funded tournament at his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., by casting doubt on any connection between Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. When asked to respond to harsh criticism from families of Sept. 11 victims who are urging Americans to protest the Saudi-backed […]

Read More… from 7/28/2022


GOLF/SPORTS: “So INTERESTING to see the PGA Tour finally start to treat its players fairly now that the LIV Tour has opened to such a big BANG! They have finally increased purses to players, substantially, and I am sure will soon be reducing their massive executive salaries in order to make things work. The players are now asking, however, why […]

Read More… from 6/22/2022


SPORTS: “Trump once again expressed his feelings about James during a political rally in Nebraska. When the subject turned to transgender athletes, Trump took aim at James. ‘I’ll say this to LeBron James who I don’t like very much,’ Trump said during his speech. ‘I’ll say, ‘LeBron, did you ever have thoughts about going woman? […]

Read More… from 5/2/2022


SPORTS: “Former United States President Donald Trump said in a message to his email list that MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred and New York Yankees president Randy Levine invited him to attend Game 4 of the World Series between the visiting Houston Astros and host Atlanta Braves on Saturday. However, MLB officials sent an email to […]

Read More… from 10/30/2021


CANCEL CULTURE/SPORTS: “Anybody that changes the name of the once storied Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Guardians should not be running for the United States Senate representing the Great People of Ohio. The Atlanta Braves didn’t change their name, and the Florida State Seminoles didn’t change their chant, but Cleveland has, and they were there […]

Read More… from 9/20/2021


SPORTS: “If our soccer team, headed by a radical group of Leftist Maniacs, wasn’t woke, they would have won the Gold Medal instead of the Bronze. Woke means you lose, everything that is woke goes bad, and our soccer team certainly has. There were, however, a few Patriots standing. Unfortunately, they need more than that […]

Read More… from 8/5/2021


SPORTS: “Can anybody believe that the Cleveland Indians, a storied and cherished baseball franchise since taking the name in 1915, are changing their name to the Guardians? Such a disgrace, and I guarantee that the people who are most angry about it are the many Indians of our Country. Wouldn’t it be an honor to […]

Read More… from 7/22/2021


2020 ELECTION/BORDER/SPORTS: “So now even our Kentucky Derby winner, Medina Spirit, is a junky. This is emblematic of what is happening to our Country. The whole world is laughing at us as we go to hell on our Borders, our fake Presidential Election, and everywhere else!” -Donald Trump, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” […]

Read More… from 5/9/2021


GEORGIA/SPORTS/VOTING: “Now they’ve moved the [Major League Baseball] All-Star game because they thought the [Georgia voting] bill was too tough, when it’s not. They’re woke. Woke is not good for our country… I think people are giving up on baseball anyway, you look at the fans, they’re way down, everything’s way down, I don’t think […]

Read More… from 4/6/2021


BUSINESS/GEORGIA/MITCH MCCONNELL/VOTING: “Georgia’s got a lot of difficulties. In this new [voting] law, I don’t believe they have signature matching… it’s very watered down from the original one… It’s very sad that the [Georgia] secretary of state signed the consent decree. Because the consent decree made it very tough for a Republican to win in […]

Read More… from 4/6/2021


BUSINESS/SPORTS/TRUMP POST-PRESIDENCY/VOTING: “Baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans, and now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because they are afraid of the Radical Left Democrats who do not want voter I.D., which is desperately needed, to have anything to do with our elections. Boycott baseball and all of the woke companies that are […]

Read More… from 4/2/2021


DEMS/JOE BIDEN/SPORTS/TRANSGENDER/WOMEN: “Joe Biden and the Democrats are even pushing policies that would destroy women’s sports… Now young girls and women are in sets that they are now being forced to compete against those who are biological males. It’s not good for women. It’s not good for women’s sports, which worked so long and so […]

Read More… from 2/28/2021


CANCEL CULTURE/NATIVE AMERICANS/NFL/OHIO/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Oh no! What is going on? This is not good news, even for ‘Indians’. Cancel culture at work! RT @USRealityCheck Cleveland Indians dropping controversial team name The Cleveland Indians are dropping their controversial nickname, according to a report. Following in the footsteps of the Washington Football Team, Cleveland will remove […]

Read More… from 12/13/2020


2020 ELECTION/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/QUOTE/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “The GREAT Bobby Bowden, one of the best coaches EVER in College Football, on his full recovery from Covid-19 ‘….America is the greatest country this side of heaven. I’ve had a chance to get a lot of wins in my life, but I really wanted to win this one because I […]

Read More… from 10/22/2020


NFL/PROTESTS/SPORTS: “And I think what the, uh, football ought to get back to football and basketball to basketball and let politics remain separate. And if people wanna protest, they can. But they shouldn’t be protesting on the sidelines during a football game, especially when they’re making $10 million a year for something that they’d be […]

Read More… from 10/21/2020


CHINA/MEDIA/NBA/NFL/QUOTE/SPORTS: “Viewership for NBA Finals Finale Crash Nearly 70%, Beaten by Random Sunday Night Football Game https://breitbart.com/sports/2020/10/12/viewership-for-nba-finals-finale-crash-nearly-70-from-2019-again-beaten-by-random-sunday-night-football-game/ via @BreitbartNews Maybe they were watching in China, but I doubt it. Zero interest!” ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 12, 2020 10:14 am […]

Read More… from 10/12/2020


ECONOMY/NEW YORK/SPORTS: “No, people want their schools open. They don’t want to be shut down. They don’t want their state shut down. They want their restaurants. I look at New York. It’s so sad what’s happening in New York. It’s almost like a ghost town, and I’m not sure it can ever recover what they’ve […]

Read More… from 9/29/2020


NFL/POLITICS/PROTESTS/SPORTS: “ ‘Cratered’. We have plenty of politics to go around without disrespecting our great American Flag or Anthem. I thought the NFL learned their lesson two years ago. The people will not put up with this (again). Just not worth it, hard to watch! RT @dhookstead The NFL’s TV ratings have crated, and are […]

Read More… from 9/16/2020


EDUCATION/NFL/SPORTS: “It’s also crucial for colleges and universities to stay open. And we hope that they do indeed stay open, and we want to see Big 10 football… And it’ll be a great thing for our country and the players. And the coaches want to do it really badly… And the players are missing a […]

Read More… from 9/10/2020


EDUCATION/RALLY/SPORTS: “The governor [of Michigan] should open up the state, open up the schools, play Big 10 football; we want them to do that. Big 10 is looking very strongly at opening up their season, but we’re not getting any cooperation from the governor of Michigan.. So we look forward to a good time. I […]

Read More… from 9/10/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Letters from so many coaches, athletes and others pushed hard for this. I agree, has done so much for so many! RT @BreitbartNews President Donald Trump on Friday said that he would award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to legendary Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz.“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, September 5, 2020 […]

Read More… from 9/5/2020


SPORTS: “President Trump: And you have a very good tennis player playing right now in the U.S. Open, right? President Vučić: The best in the world. By far, the best in the world… Number one, officially. Yes. President Trump: Djokovic. He’s a great player.” -Donald Trump and Aleksandar Vučić, “Remarks by President Trump, President Vučić […]

Read More… from 9/4/2020


DEMS/SPORTS: “I had a very good conversation with the Commissioner of Big Ten football, Kevin Warren. And I think it was very productive, about getting Big Ten playing again and immediately. And let’s see what happens. He’s a great guy. It’s a great conference. Tremendous teams. And we’re pushing very hard. I think the biggest […]

Read More… from 9/1/2020


JOE BIDEN/SPORTS: “The governor of Pennsylvania, the governor of Michigan, the governor of North Carolina. They control those [college football] teams directly or indirectly because so much money, so much aid, so many other things, including traffic signs and everything else that they have to give. Those governors control those schools. That’s all done by […]

Read More… from 9/1/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “People are tired of watching the highly political @NBA. Basketball ratings are WAY down, and they won’t be coming back. I hope football and baseball are watching and learning because the same thing will be happening to them. Stand tall for our Country and our Flag!!!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, September 1, 2020 […]

Read More… from 9/1/2020


2020 ELECTION/DEMS/GOP/MEDIA/RUSSIA/SHUTDOWN/SPORTS: “Wow! Despite the Democrats views across TV and online lie (Con!), we had 147.9 million, the Republican National Convention blew the Democrat National Convention AWAY. Not even close! Just like their lies on Russia, Football (PLAY!) and everything else! NOVEMBER 3rd.“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 29, 2020 1:53 am […]

Read More… from 8/29/2020


CORONAVIRUS/SPORTS: “And by the way, another big Democrat hoax. Another big hoax. I want football back. I’m the one that’s been saying. Is that a correct statement? I want football back. These are young, strong guys. They’re not going to be affected by the virus. If you look at it, it’s generally older people. Older […]

Read More… from 8/28/2020


CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/DEMS/GOP/SHUTDOWN/SPORTS: “No, I want Big Ten, and all other football, back – NOW. The Dems don’t want football back, for political reasons, but are trying to blame me and the Republicans. Another LIE, but this is what we are up against! They should also open up all of their Shutdown States.“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August […]

Read More… from 8/28/2020


NBA/PROTESTS/SPORTS: “I don’t know much about the NBA protest. I know their ratings have been very bad, because I think people are a little tired of the NBA, frankly, but I don’t know too much about the protests. But I know their ratings have been very bad and that’s unfortunate. They’ve become like a political […]

Read More… from 8/27/2020


BUSINESS/SPORTS: “Through the Paycheck Protection Program, we’ve saved 5 million small businesses and 50 million jobs. This includes nearly 130,000 small businesses and 1.2 million jobs right here in North Carolina. And you’re ready to open up. You got to tell — and you’re ready to play football. Got to play football. You got to […]

Read More… from 8/24/2020


EDUCATION/SPORTS: “I would like to see schools open and I would like to see sports played. These are young people. They’re strong. They have very good immune systems, better than mine, I guess right, better than people that are a little bit older. But I would like to see schools open, and I would like […]

Read More… from 8/17/2020


CHINA/SPORTS: “It’s the plague from China — the plague from China. So what happens is — but the young children handle it very well. I want to open the schools. I hope Big Ten is going to do it. I tell you what, we got to play football. They put out false rumors. They say […]

Read More… from 8/17/2020


NFL/SPORTS: “I want to say that I want college football to come back. These are strong, healthy, incredible people… And, you know, I just want to say — it’s sort of sad because I’d been fighting for football to come back. We’re trying to help the NFL, as long as they stand for our National […]

Read More… from 8/15/2020


NFL/SPORTS: “But I won’t watch [football], I won’t watch if people don’t stand for the National Anthem. If they kneel, I don’t watch, including the Super Bowl. With that being said, we’re helping the NFL greatly on getting going, etc., etc. But I won’t care and I won’t watch if they don’t stand for the […]

Read More… from 8/11/2020


NBA/SPORTS: “Basketball is not working. I think basketball is not working because of the way they treated our flag and our anthem, if you want to know the truth. But it doesn’t seem to have anything. And I just, I looked at it and I couldn’t watch it.” -Donald Trump as quoted by Outkick, “President […]

Read More… from 8/11/2020


NFL/PROTESTS/SPORTS: [Clay Travis: “Mr. President, what do you hear about the NFL?”] “Well, they want to open and they want to open badly. And they’d been working with government. I would say this: If they don’t stand for the national anthem, I hope they don’t open. But other than that, I’d love to see them […]

Read More… from 8/11/2020


NBA/NFL/SPORTS: “You look at the NBA and what’s happening with the NBA and their poor ratings. I don’t know; can’t imagine why. But they didn’t stand, they didn’t show respect to our flag… The NFL had its problems, two years ago, when that happened. They went way down in their ratings and their fans, and […]

Read More… from 8/11/2020


NFL/PROTESTS/SPORTS: “I think when you have people kneeling, there are plenty of places you can protest, you don’t have to protest when they’re raising the flag and playing the national anthem. And when they’re kneeling during the national anthem, I’m not a watcher.” -Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase, “Interview: Geraldo Rivera Interviews Donald Trump […]

Read More… from 8/6/2020


SPORTS: “[W]hen I see people kneeling during the playing and disrespecting our flag and disrespecting our national anthem, what I do personally is turn off the game. And the ratings for the basketball are way down, if you know. And I hear some others are way down, too, including baseball because all of a sudden […]

Read More… from 8/5/2020


SPORTS: [Reporter: “A couple years ago you were very vocal about kneeling for the national anthem. Now, it seems that standing is the new kneeling in that only three players in the NBA… are actually standing for our nation’s anthem.”] “I think it’s disgraceful. We work with them. We work with them very hard trying […]

Read More… from 8/5/2020


COVID-19/JOE BIDEN/SPORTS: [Reporter: “Should there be sports right now though?”] “I think they should just follow the science. The one thing that seems to work a little bit, I don’t know, is basketball, where no one’s traveling. They’re all sequestered in one place… When you have a lot of football players turning down eight, 10 […]

Read More… from 7/28/2020


CHINA/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/ECONOMY/SPORTS/VACCINES: “Because of my strong focus on the China Virus, including scheduled meetings on Vaccines, our economy and much else, I won’t be able to be in New York to throw out the opening pitch for the @Yankees on August 15th. We will make it later in the season!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 26, 2020 […]

Read More… from 7/26/2020


PROTESTS/SPORTS: “It’s great that baseball is back, and other sports are back. I hope everyone is standing. I hope they are not going to be kneeling when the flag is raised. I don’t like to see that. That would hurt a lot of people in our country. They don’t want to see that with the […]

Read More… from 7/23/2020


ELIZABETH WARREN/MINORITIES/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “They name teams out of STRENGTH, not weakness, but now the Washington Redskins & Cleveland Indians, two fabled sports franchises, look like they are going to be changing their names in order to be politically correct. Indians, like Elizabeth Warren, must be very angry right now!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 6, […]

Read More… from 7/6/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “My condolences to the Steinbrenner family, and the entire @Yankees Organization, on the passing of Hank Steinbrenner. He was a friend and will be missed greatly by all! https://t.co/nHsO7Wy0oM“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, April 15, 2020 10:48 am […]

Read More… from 4/15/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….We will get through this together, and bats will be swinging before you know it. In the meantime, take care of mom and dad, and know that this will not be forever! @littleleagueceo” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, April 4, 2020 2:40 pm […]

Read More… from 4/4/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “To all of our youth who are missing the start of their @LittleLeague seasons, hang in there! We will get you back out on the fields, and know that you will be playing baseball soon….” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, April 4, 2020 2:40 pm […]

Read More… from 4/4/2020


MEDIA/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the @nytimes, the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. ‘Trump is reaching too many people, we must stop him.’ said one lunatic. See you at 5:00 P.M.!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, March 29, 2020 […]

Read More… from 3/29/2020


JAPAN/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Congratulations to Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and the IOC, on their very wise decision to present the Olympics in 2021. It will be a great success, and I look forward to being there!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, March 25, 2020 9:54 am […]

Read More… from 3/25/2020


JAPAN/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We will be guided by the wishes of Prime Minister Abe of Japan, a great friend of the United States and a man who has done a magnificent job on the Olympic Venue, as to attending the Olympic Games in Japan. He will make the proper decision!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, March 23, […]

Read More… from 3/23/2020


CALIFORNIA/LAWSUITS/SPORT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Tuesday [2-18-20] veered into politics during a briefing on preparations for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, criticizing the city’s political leadership for failing to curtail its homelessness epidemic. Trump said if Los Angeles doesn’t ‘clean it up fast,’ he will intervene. ‘If they can’t do it […]

Read More… from 2/18/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I look forward to attending the Daytona 500 on Sunday with lots of my great friends from Florida, including the France family and @RepMichaelWaltz from #FL6. See you there, good luck to everyone! @NASCAR @SenRickScott @marcorubio @GovRonDeSantis https://t.co/e0SUl4GfBm“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, February 14, 2020 5:40 pm […]

Read More… from 2/14/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Pete Rose played Major League Baseball for 24 seasons, from 1963-1986, and had more hits, 4,256, than any other player (by a wide margin). He gambled, but only on his own team winning, and paid a decades long price. GET PETE ROSE INTO THE BASEBALL HALL OF FAME. It’s Time!” –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 2/8/2020


AFRICAN AMERICANS/ELECTION/SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In front of an audience of 102 million Super Bowl viewers Sunday [2-2-20] night, Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old African-American woman, became the unlikely face of President Trump’s re-election campaign. In a 30-second spot that cost Mr. Trump’s campaign millions of dollars, Ms. Johnson’s face fills up the screen as she […]

Read More… from 2/4/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game and a fantastic comeback under immense pressure. We are proud of you and the Great State of Missouri. You are true Champions!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, February 2, 2020 10:27 pm […]

Read More… from 2/2/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game, and a fantastic comeback, under immense pressure. You represented the Great State of Kansas and, in fact, the entire USA, so very well. Our Country is PROUD OF YOU!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, February 2, 2020 10:15 pm […]

Read More… from 2/2/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I promised to restore hope in America. That includes the least among us. Together, let’s KEEP AMERICA GREAT! Text TRUMP to 88022 if you liked our Super Bowl ad! https://t.co/Lgjt53B7QX“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, February 2, 2020 6:56 pm […]

Read More… from 2/2/2020


SPORTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: At #wef20, President @realDonaldTrump discusses bringing the @FIFAWorldCup to the United States! ⚽ https://t.co/amDAHET2Gx“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, January 22, 2020 12:22 am […]

Read More… from 1/22/2020