DEFENSE/TRUMP ADMIN: “The Defense Department electronically wiped the phones of some former top officials who served under then-President Donald Trump, including deleting text messages related to last year’s attack on the US Capitol. Government lawyers made that admission in a court filing tied to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by American Oversight, a government […]
Category: Defense
DEFENSE/DRONES/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America,I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that additional actions are necessary to ensure the security of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) owned, operated, and controlled by the Federal […]
ANTIFA/DEFENSE/DHS/FBI/INTERIOR/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/POLICE/SECRET SERVICE/TERRORISM: “Antifa is a Terrorist Organization, stay out of Washington. Law enforcement is watching you very closely! @DeptofDefense @TheJusticeDept @DHSgov @DHS_Wolf [Chad Wolf] @SecBernhardt Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt] @SecretService @FBI“ ––Donald Trump,, January 5, 2021 11:25 am […]
2020 ELECTION/DEFENSE/MILITARY: “In an extraordinary rebuke of President Donald Trump, all 10 living former secretaries of defense are cautioning against any move to involve the military in pursuing claims of election fraud, arguing that it would take the country into ‘dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory.’ The 10 men, both Democrats and Republicans, signed on to […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/VETO: “The Senate pushed through a bill on defense spending against Trump’s strong objections – just 20 days before he leaves office. Meeting in a rare New Year’s Day session, the Senate secured the two-thirds majority needed to override the veto with bipartisan support two days before a new Congress will be sworn in on […]
2020 ELECTION/DEFENSE/GEORGIA/GOP/SOCIAL MEDIA/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans should have gotten rid of Section 230 in the Defense Bill, and you wouldn’t have had this problem. Never learn!!! RT @NRSC Big Tech is at it again. Facebook has shut down the ad account for the Georgia Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee for NRSC [National Republican Senate […]
DEFENSE/ELIZABETH WARREN/GOP/MILITARY/SENATE/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Weak and tired Republican ‘leadership’ will allow the bad Defense Bill [National Defense Authorization Act] to pass. Say goodbye to VITAL Section 230 termination, your National Monuments, Forts (names!) and Treasures (inserted by Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren), 5G, and our great soldiers…. ….being removed and brought home from foreign lands who do […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/VETO: “The House of Representatives on Monday [Dec. 28, 2020] voted to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the sweeping defense bill known as the National Defense Authorization Act, delivering a bipartisan rebuke to the President… The bill will next head to the Senate for the chamber’s veto override attempt. The $740 billion bill includes […]
BERNIE SANDERS/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/DEFENSE/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VETO: “Give the people $2000, not $600. They have suffered enough! RT @_nalexander Senator [Bernie] Sanders [I-VT] will filibuster any attempt for the Senate to override Trump’s veto for the NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act] until a vote for the stimulus increase to $2000 is brought to the floor. This may force […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I simply want to get our great people $2000, rather than the measly $600 that is now in the [defense] bill. Also, stop the billions of dollars in ‘pork’.“ ––Donald Trump,, December 26, 2020 3:10 am […]
DEFENSE/SOCIAL MEDIA/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VETO: “I will not stand by and watch this travesty of a [defense] bill happen without reigning in Big Tech. End Section 230 now, before it is too late. So bad for our Country. Show courage, and do what’s right!!! RT @PaulSzoldra White House statement:“ ––Donald Trump,, December 26, 2020 […]
CHINA/DEFENSE/GOP/MILITARY/RUSSIA/SENATE/SOCIAL MEDIA/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VETO: “Our $740 defense bill is a gift to China, Russia & Big Tech. It fails to terminate the internationally dangerous Section 230, won’t allow us to bring our troops back home (where they belong), renames & destroys our forts & National Monuments, & makes 5G almost impossible! RT @CNBC Trump vetoes […]
DEFENSE/NATIONAL SECURITY/VETO: “I am returning, without my approval, H.R. 6395, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (the ‘Act’). My Administration recognizes the importance of the Act to our national security. Unfortunately, the Act fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military’s history, […]
DEFENSE/VETO: “President Trump vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 Wednesday, calling it a ‘gift’ to U.S. adversaries China and Russia and making good on a promise to veto if it did not repeal a law that shields certain Big Tech companies from liabilities. In his letter, he singled out Section 230 […]
DEFENSE/JOE BIDEN/LGBTQ/MILITARY/OBAMA: “Ten years ago today, I joined President Obama as he signed the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell into law. Thanks to sound implementation by civilian and uniformed leaders across the @DeptofDefense, today our military is stronger, more capable, and more inclusive for all who serve.“ ––Joe Biden,, December 22, 2020 7:48 […]
BUDGET/DEFENSE/VETO: “President Donald Trump said Thursday [Dec. 17, 2020] he will reject the sweeping defense bill that authorizes a topline of $740 billion in spending and outlines Pentagon policy… Congress must now vote again to override Trump… The bill, which typically passes with strong bipartisan support and veto-proof majorities, authorizes a topline of $740 billion […]
CHINA/DEFENSE/LINDSEY GRAHAM/MEDIA/MILITARY/SOCIAL MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTE BY MAIL/VETO: “I will Veto the Defense Bill, which will make China very unhappy. They love it. Must have Section 230 termination, protect our National Monuments and allow for removal of military from far away, and very unappreciative, lands. Thank you! RT @DailyCaller Lindsey Graham: ‘Social Media Companies And Mail-In […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDER: Executive Order on Providing an Order of Succession within the Department of Defense […]
DEFENSE/JOE BIDEN/MILITARY: “I have worked closely with Secretary-designate Lloyd Austin. He is the definition of duty, honor, and country. I know that under his leadership, the Department of Defense will advance the security of the American people in ways that always honor our highest values and ideals.“ ––Joe Biden,, December 9, 2020 3:00 pm […]
DEFENSE/JOE BIDEN/MILITARY/NOMINATIONS: “Secretary-designate Lloyd Austin is feared by our adversaries, respected by our allies, and beloved by the men and women of America’s armed forces. I am honored to nominate him as the 28th Secretary of Defense.“ ––Joe Biden,, December 9, 2020 1:35 pm […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/TRUMP VETO: “The House passed the National Defense Authorization Act with a veto-proof margin on Tuesday, dealing a blow to President Trump’s threat to veto the legislation… President Trump has already vowed to veto the legislation if does not include a provision scrapping a law that protects social media companies from liability, known as Section […]
BIDEN PEOPLE/DEFENSE/JOE BIDEN/MILITARY: “Throughout his lifetime of dedicated service, General [Lloyd] Austin has demonstrated exemplary leadership, character, and command. Tune in as I introduce my nominee for Secretary of Defense.″ ––Joe Biden,, December 9, 2020 7:42 am […]
BIDEN PEOPLE/DEFENSE/NOMINATIONS: “The next secretary of defense will need to immediately quarterback an enormous logistics operation to help distribute COVID-19 vaccines widely and equitably… The next secretary of defense will need to ensure the well-being and resilience of our service members and their families, strained by almost two decades of war… And the next secretary […]
BIDEN PEOPLE/DEFENSE/NOMINATIONS: “Today, I ask Lloyd Austin to once more take on a mission for the United States of America—this time as the secretary-designate of the Department of Defense. I know he will do an outstanding job. In his more than 40 years in the United States Army, Austin met every challenge with extraordinary skill […]
BIDEN PEOPLE/DEFENSE/ISIS/JOE BIDEN/MILITARY/OBAMA/TERRORISM: “I know General [Lloyd] Austin. I trust him. Because I know how he reacts under pressure. When ISIS emerged as a terrorist threat, President Obama and I turned to General Austin in the Situation Room and he led us through. Now, I turn to him again as Secretary of Defense.” ––Joe Biden, […]
BIDEN PEOPLE/DEFENSE/JOE BIDEN/MILITARY: “In the many hours we’ve spent together in the Situation Room and with our troops—I’ve witnessed General [Lloyd] Austin’s character. He shares my belief that we are strongest when we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.″ [Editor’s Note: the link is […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/NATIONAL SECURITY/SOCIAL MEDIA: “And by the way, tell our senators end Section 230. End Section 230. Put it in. We put it in. I want it in the defense bill. Put it in because it’s a national security problem. It’s a big national security. So hopefully, Mitch and the senators will put it in. But […]
DEFENSE/SOCIAL MEDIA/USMCA: “On Tuesday night [Dec. 1, 2020], Trump announced that he would veto the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act, which provides hundreds of billions of dollars to fund the US armed forces, if it didn’t include a repeal of Section 230… [F]or all Trump’s stated opposition to Section 230, his administration’s own trade deal […]
BUDGET/DEFENSE/SOCIAL MEDIA: “President Trump tweeted late Tuesday [Dec. 1, 2020] that he will veto the National Defense Authorization Act unless Congress repeals Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which critics say unfairly shields social media platforms from liability over items posted on their platforms. These opponents have been vocal that tech behemoths like […]
AFGHANISTAN/DEFENSE/IRAQ/MILITARY: “Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller announced Tuesday [Nov. 17, 2020] that the US will withdraw thousands more US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq by Jan 15, 2021 — just days before President-elect Joe Biden takes office… Currently there are approximately 4,500 US troops in Afghanistan and 3,000 troops in Iraq. A senior […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday [Nov. 9, 2020] became the first high-profile Cabinet member fired by President Trump in what is expected to be a purge of security officials following the election of former Vice President Joe Biden… Esper drew Trump’s ire after implicitly criticizing the president’s threat to use active-duty troops […]
DEFENSE/SENATE: “I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately.. …Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service.“ ––Donald Trump,, […]
CHINA/DEFENSE/IRAN/IRAQ/ISIS/JOE BIDEN/MILITARY/WAR: “No one has been more wrong, more often than Biden. He voted FOR the Iraq War, he supported the defense sequester that gutted our military, he opposed the mission to take out Osama bin Laden, he opposed killing Soleimani, he oversaw the rise of ISIS, and he cheered the rise of… …China as […]
DEFENSE/NAVY/RELIGION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The United States Navy, or the Department of Defense, will NOT be cancelling its contract with Catholic Priests who serve our men and women in the Armed Forces so well, and with such great compassion & skill. This will no longer be even a point of discussion! @CardinalDolan“ ––Donald Trump,, September […]
DEFENSE/FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/RUSSIA: “This was just another phony hit job by the @nytimes. They had no source, they made it up. FAKE NEWS! RT @jsolomonReports Another leaked Russia allegation withers: Defense officials say Russian bounty info has not been corroborated | Just The News“ ––Donald Trump,, July 11, 2020 2:04 am […]
CDC/DEFENSE/FEMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Thank you @DeptofDefense, @USACEHQ, @USNationalGuard, @FEMA, and @CDCgov!“ –Donald Trump,, April 3, 2020 12:33 pm […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @DeptofDefense: LIVE: #USNSComfort arrives in New York in support of the DOD’s #COVID19 response efforts. (no sound)…” -Donald Trump,, March 30, 2020 11:56 am […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Invoke ‘P’ means Defense Production Act!” -Donald Trump,, March 27, 2020 10:29 am […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Defense Production Act is in full force, but haven’t had to use it because no one has said NO! Millions of masks coming as back up to States.” –Donald Trump,, March 24, 2020 7:00 am […]
BUDGET/DEFENSE/ENTITLEMENTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump released a $4.8 trillion budget proposal on Monday [2-10-20] that includes a familiar list of deep cuts to student loan assistance, affordable housing efforts, food stamps and Medicaid, reflecting Mr. Trump’s election-year effort to continue shrinking the federal safety net. The proposal, which is unlikely to be approved in its […]
BUSINESS/COURTS/DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Amazon has asked a federal court to let it depose President Trump and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, arguing that hearing from them is essential to determining if they intervened against the internet company when the Pentagon awarded a multibillion-dollar contract to a competitor. The request, which was unsealed on Monday, escalates a […]
BORDER/DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “Great photos from a SOUTHERN BORDER WALL Briefing with Secretary of Defense, Mark @EsperDoD!“ –Donald Trump,, January 30, 2020 3:01 pm […]
DEFENSE/FOREIGN AID/IMPEACHMENT/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “The House on Monday [10-7-19] expanded its sprawling impeachment inquiry, issuing subpoenas to the Defense Department and the Office of Management and Budget for documents that could solve lingering mysteries about whether President Trump’s decision to withhold security aid for Ukraine was tied to his efforts to pressure the government […]
DEFENSE/FOREIGN AID/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “President Donald Trump’s freeze of military aid for Ukraine landed this summer at a Pentagon in turmoil, led by its third acting secretary in just a few weeks — with no leader at the top with the stature to quash the move. The leadership vacuum at the top of the Defense […]
DEFENSE/IRAN/MILITARY/OIL/SAUDI ARABIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump is sending a modest deployment of American troops to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with air and missile defense systems, in response to the attacks on Saudi oil facilities, which the administration blames on Iran. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper called the decision, which came on […]
DEFENSE/FEDERAL FUNDING/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “The Trump administration is preparing to take money from military construction funds more than six months after first promising to do so in order to build sections of the wall along the US-Mexico border, according to multiple administration and defense officials. Though it’s unclear which military construction would be put on […]
BUSINESS/DEFENSE/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Pentagon is slamming the brakes on its mega-competition to award a $10 billion cloud computing contract after President Donald Trump suggested the Defense Department might have rigged the contest in favor of Amazon, a frequent target of his criticism. Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who assumed his post July 23, is now […]
DEFENSE/PENTAGON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great morning at the Pentagon yesterday. Congratulations to our new Defense Secretary, Mark @EsperDoD!” –Donald Trump,, July 26, 2019 1:17 pm […]
DEFENSE/PENTAGON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Beautiful Welcome Ceremony at the Pentagon this morning for our new Secretary of Defense, Mark @EsperDoD!” –Donald Trump,, July 25, 2019 12:04 pm […]
DEFENSE/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “The Senate overwhelmingly confirmed Mark T. Esper as secretary of defense on Tuesday [7-23-19], ending the longest period by far that the Pentagon had been without a permanent leader. Mr. Esper, an Army infantryman who fought in the Persian Gulf war of 1991 before becoming a lobbyist for the military contractor […]
DEFENSE/MILITARY/SAUDI ARABIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Saudi Arabia’s King Salman approved hosting U.S. forces in the country to boost regional security and stability, the state news agency (SPA) reported on Friday [7-19-19]. The U.S. Defense Department confirmed the move in a statement, saying it would deploy troops and resources to Saudi Arabia to ‘provide an additional deterrent’ […]
BORDER/IMMIGRATION/MILITARY/PENTAGON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Pentagon will send an additional 1,100 active-duty troops and 1,000 members of the Texas National Guard to assist in securing the United States border with Mexico, the Defense Department announced on Wednesday [7-17-19], in a move that would significantly expand the American military presence there. The deployment would increase the number […]
DEFENSE/HOLIDAY/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Two M1 Abrams tanks from Georgia and several other armored vehicles are sitting in a rail yard in Southeast Washington, a few miles from the Lincoln Memorial, waiting to be displayed during the city’s Fourth of July celebration at President Trump’s request. The presence of the tanks, which were first photographed on […]
DEFENSE/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Trump nominated Mark T. Esper, the secretary of the Army and former West Point classmate of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on Friday [6-21-19] to be the next defense secretary. If confirmed, Mr. Esper, an Army infantryman who fought in the Persian Gulf war of 1991 before becoming a lobbyist […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “….I thank Pat for his outstanding service and will be naming Secretary of the Army, Mark Esper, to be the new Acting Secretary of Defense. I know Mark, and have no doubt he will do a fantastic job!” –Donald Trump,, June 18, 2019 11:59 am […]
DEFENSE/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Donald Trump on Friday [6-14-19] offered a tepid assessment about Pat Shanahan’s chances of becoming the permanent defense secretary, saying, ‘We are going to see.’ Trump on Tuesday [6-11-19] indicated Shanahan’s nomination was a done deal, even though it’s been more than a month since the White House announced on […]
ATTORNEY GENERAL/COMMERCE/DEFENSE/DHS/DNI/ECONOMY/FCC/INFRASTRUCTURE/NATIONAL SECURITY/SECRETARY OF STATE/TECHNOLOGY/TREASURY/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in information and communications technology and services, which store and communicate vast amounts of sensitive information, facilitate the digital economy, and support critical infrastructure and vital emergency services, […]
DEFENSE/INTELLIGENCE/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “More space technologies that were long only available in the defense and intelligence communities are beginning to break into the commercial market — in part because of the Trump administration’s willingness to consider such transfers, according to Melanie Corcoran-Freelander, the chief technology officer at Ursa Space Systems, which uses synthetic aperture radar […]
DEFENSE/MILITARY/NOMINATION/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s choice of Pat Shanahan as permanent Defense secretary sets the stage for a Senate showdown on his rocky tenure as acting Pentagon chief — as well as Trump’s own stewardship of military affairs. The confirmation process, which could begin within weeks, is likely to reignite questions about ethics and […]
DEFENSE/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Trump will nominate Patrick M. Shanahan as his second defense secretary, trying to cement the acting Pentagon chief against an expected challenging battle with lawmakers and Defense Department officials skeptical of him, White House officials said on Thursday [5-9-19]. The announcement, in a tweet from Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White […]
DEFENSE/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Donald Trump plans to nominate acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, a former Boeing Co executive, as his defense secretary, breaking with tradition by choosing a Pentagon chief who made a career at a top defense company, the White House said on Thursday [5-9-19]. Shanahan had been under investigation by the […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “A quarter of the Pentagon’s most senior civilian posts remain filled by temporary personnel who are unconfirmed by the Senate – a high number that has slowed decisions, handicapped the department in policy disputes and shifted more power to the White House, according to recently departed Pentagon officials. Including acting Defense […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “By the power vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows… Section 925 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (10 U.S.C. 1564 note) provides that the Secretary of Defense has the authority to […]
DEFENSE/NORTH KOREA/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected and directed a ‘new tactical guided weapons firing test’ Wednesday [4-17-19], according to a report from the country’s state media. The report, published Thursday [4-18-19] morning local time (Wednesday evening ET) by news agency KCNA, did not state exactly what kind of weapon was […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “Defense Department personnel have charged more than $300,000 at Trump-branded properties since the start of Donald Trump’s presidency through last November, according to internal agency documents obtained by CNN. The transactions range from lodging expenses at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, to restaurant tabs at the Trump International […]
DEFENSE/NATO/SPENDING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday [4-2-19] his pressure on NATO nations to pay more for their defense is leading to tens of billions of dollars more in contributions, but the allies may need to boost their budgets even more. Trump used a well-worn script about burden-sharing with NATO Secretary General […]
BORDER/DEFENSE/DHS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “The Department of Homeland Security has requested assistance from the Defense Department to mount approximately 218 miles of new and replacement barriers along the US-Mexico border, according to documents released by the Sierra Club, a grassroots environmental organization. In a February 25 memo to the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump’s historic investments in our defense industrial base keep two of his biggest promises to voters…” –Donald Trump,, March 21, 2019 9:38 pm […]
DEFENSE/EU/MILITARY/NATO/SPENDING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Despite many European countries boosting their defense budgets, only seven of the 29 NATO allies are currently reaching the recommended spending target of 2% of gross domestic product, according to NATO’s annual report, which was published Thursday [3-14-19]. President Donald Trump has long criticized NATO countries over their failure to meet the […]
DEFENSE/EU/MILITARY/NATO/SPENDING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Despite many European countries boosting their defense budgets, only seven of the 29 NATO allies are currently reaching the recommended spending target of 2% of gross domestic product, according to NATO’s annual report, which was published Thursday [3-14-19]. President Donald Trump has long criticized NATO countries over their failure to meet the […]
DEFENSE/DNI/MILITARY/NATIONAL SECURITY/TERRORISM/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Findings. (a) Section 3 of Executive Order 13732 of July 1, 2016 (United States Policy on Pre- and Post Strike Measures To Address […]
COAST GUARD/DEFENSE/DHS/JOBS/MILITARY/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS/VETS: “By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to promote employment opportunities for United States military veterans while growing the cadre of trained United States mariners available to meet United States requirements for national and economic security, […]
BORDER/DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “Even if everything goes according to plan, it will likely be months before construction on President Donald Trump’s sought-after border wall can even start, according to senior defense officials. Trump recently declared a national emergency on the southern border, a move that in theory will allow his administration to tap and repurpose […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump moved forward with his planned United States Space Force on Tuesday [2-19-19], signing an order to begin the process for establishing a new branch of the military that would be dedicated to handling threats in space. Mr. Trump’s directive orders the Defense Department to ‘marshal its space resources to […]
DEFENSE/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The story in the New York Times regarding Jim Webb being considered as the next Secretary of Defense is FAKE NEWS. I’m sure he is a fine man, but I don’t know Jim, and never met him. Patrick Shanahan, who is Acting Secretary of Defense, is doing a great job!” -Donald Trump, […]
AFGHANISTAN/CABINET/DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Patrick Shanahan was thrust into the spotlight during his debut as acting U.S. defense secretary on Wednesday [1-2-19], sitting next to President Donald Trump as he publicly disparaged Shanahan’s predecessor, lampooned the war in Afghanistan and called Syria a land of ‘sand’ and ‘death.’ The former deputy defense secretary officially took […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “I am pleased to announce that our very talented Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will assume the title of Acting Secretary of Defense starting January 1, 2019. Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as Deputy, & previously Boeing. He will be great!” -Donald Trump,, December 23, […]
DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….equipment. General Mattis was a great help to me in getting allies and other countries to pay their share of military obligations. A new Secretary of Defense will be named shortly. I greatly thank Jim for his service!” –Donald Trump,, December 20, 2018 5:21 pm […]
DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “General Jim Mattis will be retiring, with distinction, at the end of February, after having served my Administration as Secretary of Defense for the past two years. During Jim’s tenure, tremendous progress has been made, especially with respect to the purchase of new fighting….” -Donald Trump,, December 20, 2018 5:21 […]
DEFENSE/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @VP: Today, @POTUS Trump will direct the @DeptofDefense to establish a Combatant Command that will oversee all of our military activitie…” -Donald Trump,, December 18, 2018 11:53 am […]
BUDGET/CONGRESS/DEFENSE/MILITARY/SPENDING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump has backed plans to request $750 billion from Congress for defense spending next year, a U.S. official said on Sunday, signaling a Pentagon spending hike at a time of potential belt-tightening elsewhere in the government. Trump, faced with a budget deficit at a six-year high, told his Cabinet […]
BORDER/DEFENSE/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has approved a memorandum that grants new authority to US troops on the Southwest border to protect Customs and Border Protection personnel from migrants if they engage in violence, according to the Pentagon. Department of Defense spokesperson Lt. Col. Michelle Baldanza confirmed to CNN that the Pentagon had received […]
BORDER/CENTRAL AMERICA/DEFENSE/IMMIGRATION/MIDDLE EAST/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “More than 5,000 active-duty military troops will deploy to the southern border by the end of this week, Defense Department officials said on Monday [10-29-18], an escalation of a midterm election show of force against a caravan of Central American migrants that President Trump has characterized as an ‘invasion of […]
DEFENSE/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @DeptofDefense: Never forgotten! On Oct. 23, 1983, the #Beirut Marine Barracks bombing took the lives of 241 #Marines, #sailors and #sol…” -Donald Trump,, October 23, 2018 4:51 pm […]
DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “National security leaders fear that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is on his way out — and that Donald Trump’s next Pentagon chief will be far more subservient to the president’s unilateral and bombastic whims. Mattis was instrumental in pulling back on Trump’s vow to ‘carpet bomb’ ISIS or pull troops […]
ASIA/CHINA/DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/MILITARY/TRUMP PEOPLE: “U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis held high-profile talks with his Chinese counterpart on Thursday [10-18-18], as the United States seeks to forge to more resilient military ties that can withstand mounting pressure between the world’s two largest economies. Mattis saw first hand last month how growing Sino-U.S. friction can undermine military contacts […]
BUDGET/DEFENSE/GOVERNMENT/MILITARY/SPENDING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday [10-17-18] instructed federal department leaders to slash 5 percent from their budgets next year, signaling a renewed interest in belt-tightening amid mounting deficits…Even the military could see slight cuts from its current budget: Trump said the Pentagon’s budget would ‘likely be $700 billion,’ according to a White […]
DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “US Secretary of Defense James Mattis said Monday [10-15-16] he has ‘never talked’ with President Donald Trump about leaving the administration despite the President’s calling him ‘sort of a Democrat’ who ‘may leave’ his position…Mattis also dismissed the President’s remark suggesting he had affiliation with the Democratic Party. ‘I’ve never registered […]
CHINA/DEFENSE/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Pentagon released a report Friday [10-5-18] accusing China of seeking to undermine the US military’s industrial base, the latest in a series of US jabs at Beijing…The study, mandated by US President Donald Trump last year in an executive order, identified nearly 300 ‘vulnerabilities’ that could affect the supply of critical […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/EDUCATION/HHS/SPENDING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump signed a massive spending bill on Friday, providing hundreds of billions of dollars for the Department of Defense and averting the threat of a federal government shutdown at least until December. The bill includes $675 billion to fund the Defense Department for the full year ending on Sept. […]
DEFENSE/IMMIGRATION/MIKE POMPEO/REFUGEES/STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It has been strange and unsettling to watch how much effort the Trump team has put into damaging the U.S. government’s own refugee resettlement program, but give them points for effectiveness. On Monday [9-17-18], Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the refugee ceiling for the coming fiscal year will be […]
DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday [9-18-18] dismissed recent news reports that tensions between him and President Donald Trump point to his exit soon. Asked by a reporter whether such reports should be taken seriously, he replied, ‘No. I wouldn’t take it seriously at all. It’s like most of those kind […]
DEFENSE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today, I took action to strengthen our Nation’s defenses against biological threats. For the first time in history, the Federal Government has a National Biodefense Strategy to address the FULL RANGE of biological threats!“ -Donald Trump,, September 18, 2018 1:21 pm […]
DEFENSE/HURRICANE/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @DeptofDefense: #Pets are family, too. ? @SCNationalGuard #soldiers conduct ongoing rescue and recovery efforts to help those affected b…” -Donald Trump,, September 17, 2018 4:43 am […]
DEFENSE/HURRICANE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @DeptofDefense: More than 7,000 #ServiceMembers, @USNationalGuard and #ActiveDuty, are standing by to assist as #HurricaneFlorence hits…” –Donald Trump,, September 14, 2018 12:04 pm […]
DEFENSE/JAMES MATTIS/MILITARY/TRUMP PEOPLE: “US Secretary of Defense James Mattis made an unexpected trip to Afghanistan Friday [9-7-18], his visit coming as the US tries to make headway in the country after 17 years of war. Mattis met with Army Gen. Scott Miller, the new Commander of Resolute Support and US Forces-Afghanistan, who assumed the role […]
DEFENSE/ICE/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Alex Karp grew up in a liberal household and considers himself a progressive. He voted for Hillary Clinton, and he lives and works in Silicon Valley. Yet Mr. Karp, the chief executive of Palantir, has found himself increasingly at odds with his peers in the technology industry as it publicly distances itself […]
CHINA/DEFENSE/NORTH KOREA/TRADE WAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump on Wednesday [8-29-18] tried to make China the scapegoat for his stalled diplomacy with North Korea, accusing it of undermining the American-led pressure campaign against Pyongyang because of an escalating trade dispute with the United States. In a series of late-afternoon tweets, issued under the headline ‘Statement From […]
DEFENSE/MIKE POMPEO/MILITARY/NORTH KOREA/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Defense Secretary Jim Mattis opened the door on Tuesday [8-28-18] to restarting large-scale military exercises on the Korean Peninsula, appearing to contradict President Trump, who had labeled the war games costly and ‘provocative’ two months ago in trying to lower tensions with North Korea. Mr. Mattis insisted that the step […]