2020 ELECTION/AFRICAN AMERICANS/JOE BIDEN: “That shouldn’t be hard. Corrupt Joe has done nothing good for Black people! RT @jsolomonReports Trump campaign adviser: Kanye could be trying to siphon black votes away from Biden | Just The News“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 11, 2020 2:12 am […]
Tag: Jon Solomon
FAKE NEWS/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/RUSSIA/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION: “John, among others, should have gotten a Pulitzer for exposing Russia, Russia, Russia as Fake News. He was right. The ‘journalists’ who got them were all WRONG. Take back the Pulitzers, which have become a JOKE! RT @jsolomonReports My new book Fallout comes out next Tuesday and we are doing something […]
DEFENSE/FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/RUSSIA: “This was just another phony hit job by the @nytimes. They had no source, they made it up. FAKE NEWS! RT @jsolomonReports Another leaked Russia allegation withers: Defense officials say Russian bounty info has not been corroborated | Just The News“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 11, 2020 2:04 am […]
DEMS/HILLARY CLINTON: “This man should be extradited, tried, and thrown into jail. A sick lier who was paid by Crooked Hillary & the DNC! RT @jsolomonReports Credibility shredded? British court identifies at least five inaccurate or unproven allegations in just one of the many memos that made up Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier | Just The […]