
DEFENSE/VETO: “President Trump vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 Wednesday, calling it a ‘gift’ to U.S. adversaries China and Russia and making good on a promise to veto if it did not repeal a law that shields certain Big Tech companies from liabilities.

In his letter, he singled out Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act as a reason for the veto, arguing that failing to terminate it ‘will make our intelligence virtually impossible to conduct.’…

He also took issue with language in the NDAA that would require ‘the renaming of certain military installations.’ Those provisions would phase out facilities named after Confederate military figures.”

– Michael Ruiz and Lucas Y. Tomlinson, “President Trump vetoes National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021,” foxnews.com, Dec. 23, 2020