2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “These scoundrels are only toying with the @sendavidperdue (a great guy) vote [in the Georgia Senate runoff]. Just didn’t want to announce quite yet. They’ve got as many ballots as are necessary. Rigged Election!“ [Editor’s Note: Twitter included the following notification at the bottom of the tweet: “This claim about election […]
Tag: David Perdue
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “GEORGIA! Get out today and VOTE for @KLoeffler [Kelly Loeffler] and @Perduesenate [David Perdue]!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, January 5, 2021 8:25 am […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “Georgia, get out and VOTE for two great Senators, @KLoeffler [Kelly Loeffler] and @sendavidperdue [David Perdue]. So important to do so!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, January 5, 2021 4:02 am […]
2020 ELECTION/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Pleased to announce that @KLoeffler [Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler] & @sendavidperdue [David Perdue] have just joined our great #StopTheSteal group of Senators. They will fight the ridiculous Electoral College Certification of Biden. How do you certify numbers that have now proven to be wrong and, in many cases, fraudulent!“ ––Donald Trump, […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/RALLY/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “Will be in Georgia on Monday night, 9:00 P.M. to RALLY for two GREAT people, @sendavidperdue [David Perdue] & @KLoeffler [Kelly Loeffler]. GET READY TO VOTE ON TUESDAY!!!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, January 2, 2021 3:12 am […]
2020 ELECTION/DEFENSE/GEORGIA/GOP/SOCIAL MEDIA/TECHNOLOGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans should have gotten rid of Section 230 in the Defense Bill, and you wouldn’t have had this problem. Never learn!!! RT @NRSC Big Tech is at it again. Facebook has shut down the ad account for the Georgia Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee for NRSC [National Republican Senate […]
2020 ELECTION/GOP/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: Georgia Senators Kelly “Loeffler, [David] Perdue Support Increasing Relief Payments to $2K https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/12/29/kelly-loeffler-david-perdue-support-increasing-payments-2k-we-need-get-relief-americans-now/ via @BreitbartNews. Republicans must support the $2000 payments and must FIGHT the crooked presidential election. We won big!“ [Editor’s Note: Twitter included the following notification at the bottom of the tweet: “Election officials have certified Joe Biden as […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/RALLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “On behalf of two GREAT Senators, @sendavidperdue & @KLoeffler, I will be going to Georgia on Monday night, January 4th., to have a big and wonderful RALLY. So important for our Country that they win!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 27, 2020 11:49 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CONGRESS/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/GEORGIA: “In the crucial Georgia Senate runoff races, Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are using President Donald Trump’s latest push for larger [coronavirus] stimulus checks to bash incumbent GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. In video posted Tuesday night, Trump called the $900 billion Covid relief bill passed by Congress an […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Governor @BrianKempGA and his puppet @GeoffDuncanGA , together with the Secretary of State of Georgia [Brad Raffensperger], are very slow on Signature Verification, and won’t allow Fulton County to be examined. What are these RINOS hiding? We will easily win Presidential State race. @KLoeffler and…. ….@sendavidperdue will not be able to […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “David is a great guy and patriot. Thank you Lauren! RT @lawindsor SCOOP: GA Senator David Perdue told me today that he will keep fighting for Donald Trump and challenge the Electoral College on Jan 6“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 20, 2020 5:30 am […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/GOP/RALLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As badly as we were treated in Georgia by the ‘Republican’ Governor [Brian Kemp] and ‘Republican’ Secretary of State [Brad Raffensperger], we must have a massive victory for two great people, @KLoeffler [Kelly Loeffler] & @sendavidperdue, on January 5th. I will be having a big Rally for them on Monday night, […]
2020 ELECTION/DEMS/GEORGIA/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democrats weakened the Signature Verification (and other) safeguards in Georgia. @staceyabrams played @BrianKempGA & Secretary of State [Brad Raffensperger], for fools. Consent Decree, which is terrible for Republicans (and honest people!), must be opened up NOW – [Republican Senate runoff contenders] David [Perdue], Kelly [Loeffler], and I will then win!“ [Editor’s […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “If failing Governor @BrianKempGA would allow signature verification, [Republican Senate runoff contenders] David [Perdue] & Kelly [Loeffler] would WIN!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 12, 2020 8:23 am […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RINOS @BrianKempGA, @GeoffDuncanGA, & Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, will be solely responsible for the potential loss of our two GREAT Senators from Georgia, @sendavidperdue & @KLoeffler. Won’t call a Special Session or check for Signature Verification! People are ANGRY!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 7, 2020 1:50 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Live Updates Trump Holds Georgia Rally for Sens. [Kelly] Loeffler, [David] Perdue https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/12/05/live-updates-trump-holds-georgia-rally-for-sens-loeffler-perdue/ via @BreitbartNews. A great evening in beautiful Georgia!“ [Editor’s Note: Twitter included the following notification at the bottom of the tweet: “This claim about election fraud is disputed.”] ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 5, 2020 6:45 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The best way to insure a @KLoeffler and @sendavidperdue VICTORY is to allow signature checks in the Presidential race, which will insure a Georgia Presidential win (very few votes are needed, many will be found). Spirits will soar and everyone will rush out and VOTE! @BrianKempGA“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 3, 2020 […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The ‘Republican’ Governor of Georgia, @BrianKempGA, and the Secretary of State [Brad Raffensperger], MUST immediately allow a signature verification match on the Presidential Election. If that happens, we quickly and easily win the State and importantly, pave the way for a big David [Perdue] and Kelly [Loeffler] WIN!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/GOP/RALLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Will be going to Georgia for a big Trump Rally in support of our two great Republican Senators, David [Perdue] and Kelly [Loeffler]. They are fantastic people who love their Country and love their State. We must work hard and be sure they win. #USA“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 2, 2020 […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “No, the 2020 Election was a total scam, we won by a lot (and will hopefully turn over the fraudulent result), but we must get out and help [Georgia Senate runoff contenders] David [Perdue] and Kelly [Loeffler], two GREAT people. Otherwise we are playing right into the hands of some very […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “Why isn’t the @GASecofState Brad Raffensperger, a so-called Republican, allowing us to look at signatures on envelopes for verification? We will find tens of thousands of fraudulent and illegal votes… …This could also be very helpful to @SenDavidPerdue and @SenatorLoeffler. Why is he afraid of Stacey Abrams? We don’t need […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “The Governor of Georgia [Brian Kemp], and Secretary of State [Brad Raffensperger], refuse to let us look at signatures which would expose hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots, and give the Republican Party and me, David Perdue, and perhaps Kelly Loeffler, a BIG VICTORY… …Why won’t they do it, and […]
2020 ELECTION/GEORGIA/SENATE: “Wow! Governor [Brian] Kemp will hopefully see the light before it is too late. Must finally take charge! Two GREAT Senators [David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler], who do so much for Georgia and truly love the USA, are in a must win battle with two incompetents who don’t have a clue! RT @Claire_FOX5 […]
2020 ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I strongly stand with [Georgia Republican Senators] Kelly [Loeffler] & David [Perdue]. They are both great and MUST WIN! RT@KLoeffler We will ALWAYS stand with @realDonaldTrump! ??“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, November 16, 2020 2:33 am […]
2020 ELECTION/2A/DEMS/SENATE/SUPREME COURT: “So now the Democrats are working to gain control of the U.S. Senate through their actions on John James, David Perdue, and more. Would End the Filibuster, ‘Life’, 2A, and would Pack and Rotate the Court. Presidency becomes even more important. We will win!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, November 5, 2020 8:20 pm […]
ENDORSEMENT: “Congratulations to @KarenHandel on running a great race and terrific primary victory – 75%, despite tough competition. Previously beat Jon Ossoff who, after his 2017 Congressional failure, is now running against a GREAT Senator, David @PerdueSenate… …We need Karen in Washington badly! She loves Georgia and the USA. Has my Complete and Total Endorsement! […]
2A/CHUCK SCHUMER/CRIME/ENDORSEMENT/MILITARY/NANCY PELOSI/SANCTUARY CITIES/TAXES/VETS: “We need our Great David Perdue (@PerdueSenate) in the Senate to Drain the Swamp & Make America Great Again! His Radical Liberal opponent, Jon Ossoff (who we beat in 2017), supports LAWLESS Sanctuary Cities, wants to raise your taxes, & weaken our Great Military. He is a puppet… …of Schumer and […]