SPACE FORCE/TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “What we’ve done has been amazing by any standard. We rebuilt the United States military. We created a new force called Space Force. That in itself would be a major achievement for a regular administration. We were not a regular administration. We took care of the vets, 91% approval rating. They’ve […]
Category: Space Force
MILITARY/SPACE FORCE/UN/USA: “We restored American strength at home and American leadership abroad. The world respects us again. Please don’t lose that respect. We reclaimed our sovereignty by standing up for America at the United Nations and withdrawing from the one-sided global deals that never served our interests. And NATO countries are now paying hundreds of […]
CONGRATS/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “One of the Trump Administration’s great achievements into the future will be the authorization and start up of the SPACE FORCE. 75 years since Air Force. Congratulations to all! RT @SpaceForceDoD Today, after a yearlong process that produced hundreds of submissions and research involving space professionals and members of the general […]
MIKE PENCE/SPACE FORCE: “I bring greetings and congratulations from the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump. We just left the Oval Office with the President. And from the very first moment that he conceived of the idea of creating a new branch of our Armed Forces dedicated to our security in space, […]
MILITARY/SPACE FORCE: “We’ve been building up our military. We spent $2.5 trillion in the last three and a half years. And we’ve never had anything like it, in terms of equipment and all of the elements that we put together. Space Force, we’re very proud of. Brand new. Nobody thought that could happen. So we’ve […]
2020 ELECTION/CORRUPTION/MILITARY/QUOTE/SPACE FORCE/TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VA/VOTER FRAUD/WALL: “‘President Trump has done many great things (biggest tax & regulation cuts in history, Space Force, rebuilding our military, fixing the V.A., the Wall), but perhaps the most important of all will be what he is doing now, exposing the massive corruption in our Electoral Process.’“ [Editor’s Note: Twitter […]
2020 ELECTION/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “SPACE FORCE. VOTE!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 5, 2020 1:02 am […]
SPACE FORCE: “Space Force is developing rapidly. It’s — I think it’s gonna go down as one of the more important things we’ve done. You know, it’s the sixth branch of the military.” -Donald Trump, “President Trump talks Supreme Court, Space Force, law & order in one-on-one with WHIO-TV,”, Sep. 21, 2020 […]
SPACE FORCE/WALL: “You know, you don’t hear about the wall anymore because we won. When you win — if you’re us — you never hear about it again. And we have page after page of achievement that you never hear of anymore. And people say, ‘Oh, let’s not talk about Space Force. Let’s not talk […]
NASA/SPACE FORCE: “By the way when I took over NASA, it was dead. It was gone, right? It was gone. There was nothing. There was grass growing on the runways… grass, through the crevices on the runway. It was terrible and now it’s the most vital space program anywhere in the world. Not only the […]
BORDER/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “What I’ve done, nobody’s done what I’ve done in the first three and half years, whether it’s Space Force, rebuilding our military, building the wall. The wall is going to be completed right toward the end of the year, 500 miles of wall, which is amazing. Nobody thought that would be […]
JOE BIDEN/NASA/SPACE FORCE: “NASA was Closed & Dead until I got it going again. Now it is the most vibrant place of its kind on the Planet…And we have Space Force to go along with it. We have accomplished more than any Administration in first 3 1/2 years. Sorry, but it all doesn’t happen with […]
NASA/SPACE FORCE: “I was watching, the other day, NASA. NASA was essentially closed down. And now I’m watching those rockets go up, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. Over the weekend, we just saw the — the capsule and how professional, how brave they were, but how professional it was handled — professionally. And […]
SPACE FORCE/RALLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I very proudly created the sixth branch of the United States Armed Forces: the Space Force. Big deal. That’s a big deal. That’s a big deal. You think just that — if you did just that, that’s like, ‘Oh, that’s a good presidency.’ Think of that… At first, they smiled when […]
MILITARY/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “This is a very special moment because this is the presentation of the Space Force flag. So we’ve worked very hard on this. And it’s so important from a defensive standpoint, from an offensive standpoint, from every standpoint there is… And the importance strategically, militarily, and even from a pure civilian […]
SPACE FORCE: “Today I was presented with the brand new @SpaceForceDoD flag in the Oval Office. I will take Great Pride in displaying it at the @WhiteHouse!“ –Donald Trump,, May 15, 2020 8:28 am […]
ISIS/OBAMA/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “You know, I believe we’ve done more than any president in the history of our country in the first three years, three and a half years. I really believe that. When you look — even if you look — Space Force. Space Force. Also take a look at terrorism. Al Baghdadi, […]
SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @VP: President @realDonaldTrump made a promise to the American people that our Nation will maintain leadership in space and the agreemen…” –Donald Trump,, December 11, 2019 2:07 pm […]
SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @VP: Thanks to the leadership of President @realDonaldTrump, America is leading in Space!“ –Donald Trump,, December 11, 2019 8:33 am […]
NATO/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “.@NATO has now recognized SPACE as an operational domain and the alliance is STRONGER for it. U.S. leadership ensures peace through strength and we must continue to show strength and WIN on all fronts – land, air, sea, and SPACE!” –Donald Trump,, December 4, 2019 5:43 pm […]
SPACE FORCE/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @senrobportman: Today I saw firsthand the critical and innovative research and ground tests for the international space community being…” –Donald Trump,, August 31, 2019 7:06 am […]
SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Establishment of the U.S. Space Command!” –Donald Trump,, August 29, 2019 3:40 pm […]
SPACE FORCE: “Tomorrow is a very big day because tomorrow will represent 50 years from the time we planted a beautiful American flag on the moon. And that was an achievement — possibly, one of the great — considered one of the great achievements ever. And we’re going a lot further now. We’re going to […]
MILITARY/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump, a noted conspiracy theorist, is skeptical of UFOs. But his Space Force could come in handy: Senators want answers about UFOs sighted by Navy pilots. By UFO, we mean unidentified flying object and not necessarily aliens. They’re probably not aliens, but the unidentified objects recorded by Navy pilots […]
CONGRESS/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Pentagon has sent a legislative proposal to Congress calling for the establishment of a Space Force within the United States military, a top defense priority for the Trump administration, senior defense officials said Friday [3-1-19]. If authorized by Congress, the proposal would allow for the creation of a sixth service […]
MILITARY/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Tuesday [2-19-19] signed his much-awaited presidential directive laying out how his administration wants to organize a military Space Force. ‘It’s the future. It’s where we’re going,’ Trump said at the White House. ‘I suspect, whether we like it or not, that’s where we’re going. It’s space. That’s […]
SPACE FORCE: “The Space Force will organize, equip, and train the next generation of warriors to deter aggression and defend the nation, our allies, and American interests against hostile actions in the form of space and taking place in space.” -Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump at Signing Ceremony for Space Policy Directive-4,”, Feb. […]
NATIONAL SECURITY/SPACE FORCE: “America must be fully equipped to defend our vital interests. Our adversaries are training forces and developing technology to undermine our security in space, and they’re working very hard at that. That’s why my administration has recognized space as a warfighting domain and made the creation of the Space Force a national […]
SPACE FORCE: “Today, I’m thrilled to sign a new order taking the next step to create the United States Space Force. So important, when you look at defense, when you look at all of the other aspects of where the world will be someday. I mean, this is the beginning. This is a very important […]
CONGRESS/MILITARY/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump signed a new policy directive Tuesday [2-19-19] laying out his administration’s long-awaited plans for establishing a Space Force…The document, officially called Space Policy Directive-4, was discussed earlier Tuesday by Gen. David Goldfein, the chief of staff of the Air Force…Defense officials tell CNN that following Trump’s signing of […]
CONGRESS/DEFENSE/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump moved forward with his planned United States Space Force on Tuesday [2-19-19], signing an order to begin the process for establishing a new branch of the military that would be dedicated to handling threats in space. Mr. Trump’s directive orders the Defense Department to ‘marshal its space resources to […]
CONGRESS/MILITARY/SPACE FORCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will sign a directive on Tuesday [[2-19-19] to establish a new branch of the military dedicated to space but instead of being a fully independent department it will remain part of the Air Force to assuage concerns in Congress, a senior administration official told POLITICO. The presidential directive, […]