
NASA/SPACE FORCE: “I was watching, the other day, NASA. NASA was essentially closed down. And now I’m watching those rockets go up, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. Over the weekend, we just saw the — the capsule and how professional, how brave they were, but how professional it was handled — professionally. And it was really something to behold.

But we started up NASA again, and very soon we’ll be going to Mars. And we are — very importantly, we created the Space Force, and NASA will be a big part of that. So that’s defense. That’s not going to Mars; that’s defending our country, and it’s something that’s very, very important — what we’ve done.”

-Donald Trump, “Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H.R. 1957, The Great American Outdoors Act,” whitehouse.gov, Aug. 4, 2020