
HEALTHCARE/LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s tweets banning transgender Americans from serving in the armed forces not only sent shockwaves from the barracks to Capitol Hill, they also rocked the families of service members whose military health care coverage provides essential care for their transgender children. ‘I instantly started crying,’ Amanda Brewer told NBC Washington. Her […]

Read More… from 7/28/2017


FDIC/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House is considering a regional bank lawyer and former Senate staffer to lead the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., according to people familiar with the matter. Jelena McWilliams, chief legal officer at Fifth Third Bancorp . , could be nominated to be FDIC chairwoman, the people said. If chosen, she would […]

Read More… from 7/28/2017


CRIME/POLICE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump told a crowd of law-enforcement officers on Friday [7-28-17] they shouldn’t be ‘too nice’ when arresting ‘thugs,’ in remarks about combating gang activity. Addressing federal, state and local law-enforcement officers in Brentwood, N.Y., on the threat posed by the transnational street gang MS-13, Mr. Trump also talked about the […]

Read More… from 7/28/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/JOHN KELLY: “I am pleased to inform you that I have just named General/Secretary John F Kelly as White House Chief of Staff. He is a Great American… and a Great Leader. John has also done a spectacular job at Homeland Security. He has been a true star of my Administration” -Donald […]

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CRIME/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Departing for Long Island now. An area under siege from #MS13 gang members. We will not rest until #MS13 is eradicated. #LESM https://t.co/GsgbBUXyHS” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 28, 2017 11:24am […]

Read More… from 7/28/2017


JOBS/NEW YORK/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “New York officials have sought to help people in ailing upstate counties by offering jobs programs or tax cuts. President Donald Trump this week suggested another plan for residents there: Leave. ‘When you have an area that just isn’t working like upper New York state…you can leave, it’s OK, don’t worry […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


JEFF SESSIONS/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Senate Republicans on Thursday moved to block every path President Donald Trump might try to use to fire and replace Attorney General Jeff Session s, a step they worry would disrupt the independence of the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Sending the most powerful signal yet that Mr. […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


BORDER/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “House Republicans passed legislation on Thursday [7-27-17] funding President Donald Trump’s promised wall along the southwest border, having set the terms of the debate to let members avoid having to vote directly on the proposal. The measure passed 235-192. Five Democrats voted for the bill, with the support of 230 […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


COMMERCE/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s pledge to quickly provide big import protection to U.S. steelmakers has gotten bogged down in ‘complexity,’ with no clear deadline for completion, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told Congress on Thursday [7-27/17], according to lawmakers who attended the briefing. ‘The secretary used the word ‘complexity’ more than any other […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It was my great HONOR to present our nation’s highest award for a public safety officer – THE MEDAL OF VALOR to FIVE AMERICAN HEROES! https://t.co/j7ceXuBZ3f” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 27, 2017 05:49pm […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


LEGAL/LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s three-tweet plan to stop transgender individuals from serving in the military has yet to be clarified or implemented, but as it stands could run headlong into established case law. The same is true for the position the Trump administration took late on Wednesday [7-26-17], declaring that federal anti-discrimination law […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


GOP/INTELLIGENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A senior Republican senator said Thursday [7-27-17] he is crafting legislation to protect the independence of the special counsel investigation into Russian activity during the 2016 election, a response to President Donald Trump’s criticism of the probe, which he has called a ‘witch hunt.’ Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) told reporters Thursday […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Chief Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America apologized Thursday [7-27-17] to anyone in the scouting community who may have been offended or alarmed by President Donald Trump’s speech at the organization’s National Jamboree earlier this week. ‘I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “There will be ‘no modifications’ to the military’s transgender policy as a result of President Donald Trump’s declared ban on transgender men and women on Twitter, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs said in a message to top military officers on Thursday — the latest sign of the disarray following the commander-in-chief’s […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “A top adviser on Middle East issues to U.S. President Donald Trump left the National Security Council on Thursday [7-27-17] as the White House grapples with internal divisions as well as major policy issues involving Syria, Iran and Iraq. The Weekly Standard magazine was first to report the departure of […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Joseph Dunford, said in a written message on Thursday [7-27-17] to military leaders that there has been no change yet to the military’s policy on transgender personnel, despite plans for a ban announced by President Donald Trump. ‘There will be no modifications […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


GOP/LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans on Capitol Hill are scrambling to respond to President Donald Trump’s announcement Wednesday [7-27-17] to reinstitute a ban on transgender people serving in the military after conservatives who lobbied the White House say they were pushing only to prevent the Pentagon from paying for medical costs associated with gender confirmation — […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump could veto pending legislation that would slap new sanctions on Russia in order to push for a tougher deal, a top White House aide said on Thursday [7-27-17], as Moscow warned of retaliation if Washington pressed ahead with the measure. The idea of Trump seeking to strengthen […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


LGBTQ/MILITARY/PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Demonstrators flocked to a military recruiting station in New York City and gathered at a plaza named for a San Francisco gay-rights icon on Wednesday [7-26-17] to protest President Donald Trump’s abrupt ban on transgender troops in the military. A crowd of at least a few hundred people gathered around the U.S. […]

Read More… from 7/27/2017


ATTORNEY GENERAL/JEFF SESSIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump publicly attacked Attorney General Jeff Sessions for a third consecutive day on Wednesday [7-26-17], questioning why Mr. Sessions has not fired the acting director of the F.B.I. over his wife’s political ties to Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump has previously criticized the deputy F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, who […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


COAST GUARD/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “It is not often that the interests of a quiet rural community overtake those of the president. But after opposition from veterans, Olympians and children’s summer camps, the Coast Guard is retreating from plans to increase security on the Potomac River behind the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia. The […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


ATTORNEY GENERAL/JEFF SESSIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump has discussed with confidants and advisers in recent days the possibility of installing a new attorney general through a recess appointment if Jeff Sessions leaves the job, but he has been warned not to move to push him out because of the political and legal ramifications, according to […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


NOMINATIONS/RELIGION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sam Brownback, the beleaguered governor of Kansas whose aggressively conservative fiscal polices turned some fellow Republicans against him, will be nominated to serve as ambassador at large for international religious freedom, the White House said in a statement on Wednesday [7-26-17]. Mr. Brownback, 60, represented his home state in Congress before being […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


ATTORNEY GENERAL/GOP/JEFF SESSIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “For a week, some of President Trump’s top aides have tried to talk him down from his public campaign against Attorney General Jeff Sessions. It was exposing tensions within the administration, stirring consternation with the conservative base and setting off a revolt among Senate Republicans incensed over the treatment […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump’s detractors portray him as a do-nothing president with no big wins on issues such as health care, taxes and infrastructure. That may be true if the benchmark is legislation, but that’s an incomplete benchmark. To gauge a president’s impact you have go beyond the laws […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will bar transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military, he said, arguing their service brought ‘tremendous medical costs and disruption.’ ‘After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The European Union stands ready to act ‘within days’ if its concerns about the U.S. bill to impose new sanctions on Russia aren’t addressed, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said Wednesday [7-26-17]. The bill, which was passed Tuesday, includes provisions allowing President Donald Trump to sanction European companies who work on […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow… Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming… victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and […]

Read More… from 7/26/2017


ATTORNEY GENERAL/JEFF SESSIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDNET: “President Donald Trump expressed his disappointment in Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday and questioned the importance of Mr. Sessions’s early endorsement of Mr. Trump’s candidacy, but the president declined to say whether he planned to fire him. ‘It’s not like a great loyal thing about the endorsement,’ Mr. Trump said […]

Read More… from 7/25/2017


ATTORNEY GENERAL/GOP/JEFF SESSIONS/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans and former Justice Department officials rallied around Attorney General Jeff Sessions as he continued to weather public criticism from President Donald Trump over his decision to recuse himself from investigations into Russia’s election interference, and other concerns. The defenders voiced their support in response to a flurry of […]

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GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump called Monday [7-24-17] on Republican senators to vote this week to initiate debate on the party’s effort to overturn the law they call Obamacare, saying ‘now is the time’ for senators to keep their campaign promises. ‘For the past seven years Republicans have been united in standing up for […]

Read More… from 7/24/2017


JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/NOMINATIONS/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s nominee for a top Justice Department post defended his work for a Russian bank Tuesday [7-25-17] and he said Mr. Trump’s tweets attacking Attorney General Jeff Sessions were ‘difficult’ for him to hear. Brian Benczkowski, a lawyer who served in the George W. Bush Justice Department, appeared before […]

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BUDGET/EPA/SCOTT PRUITT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s administration is moving ahead with a plan to accelerate the rehabilitation of Superfund sites, polluted locations designated by the government for long-term cleanup projects. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt on Tuesday [7-25-17] signed off on recommendations from a task force that will accelerate cleanup efforts to reduce […]

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ATTORNEY GENERAL/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, defended the promises President Donald Trump made in his inaugural address even as the President himself has accused the Justice Department of leading a ‘witch hunt’ against him. During his short, tepidly received speech at the NAACP’s annual convention here, Rosenstein quoted from the […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VETS: “It was my great honor to join our wonderful Veterans at AMVETS Post 44 in Youngstown, Ohio this evening. A grateful nation salutes you! https://t.co/RxobYHP1oR” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 25, 2017 11:05pm […]

Read More… from 7/25/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “For 80 years, American presidents have been speaking to the National Scout Jamboree, a gathering of tens of thousands of youngsters from around the world eager to absorb the ideas of service, citizenship and global diplomacy. In keeping with the Scouts’ traditions, all eight presidents and surrogates who have represented them have […]

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ATTORNEY GENERAL/HILLARY CLINTON/JEFF SESSIONS/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump turned up the pressure on his own attorney general on Monday [7-24-17], calling him ‘beleaguered’ in a tweet questioning why the Justice Department is not investigating Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump’s comments are remarkable because if the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, is beleaguered of late it is […]

Read More… from 7/24/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “#2017Jambo- Remember your duty. Honor your history. Take care of the people God puts into your life – and LOVE & CHERISH your country! https://t.co/DnNYxGJm4I” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 24, 2017 08:13pm […]

Read More… from 7/24/2017


AMBASSADOR/GERMANY/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UN: “President Donald Trump has picked former U.N. spokesman Richard Grenell as U.S. ambassador to Germany, a White House official who spoke on condition of anonymity said on Thursday. Grenell served as U.S. spokesman at the United Nations from 2001 to 2008, during the administration of Republican President George W. Bush. Currently, Grenell […]

Read More… from 7/20/2017


CRIME/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In 1974, some of President Richard Nixon’s lawyers advised the president that he could pardon himself. In 1992, the Iran-Contra special prosecutor reached the opposite conclusion regarding President George H.W. Bush. Neither president took that step, and constitutional scholars say the question of the presidential self-pardon remains unresolved. But the U.S. Constitution, […]

Read More… from 7/24/2017


2016 ELECTION/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House on Sunday [7-23-17] indicated President Donald Trump was likely to support legislation that would punish Russia for interfering in the 2016 election, after months of questioning assertions about Moscow’s involvement. The Trump administration’s response to the sanctions bill is being closely watched, because a failure to sign it […]

Read More… from 7/24/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Thank you to @LOUDOBBS for giving the first six months of the Trump Administration an A+. S.C.,reg cutting,Stock M, jobs,border etc. = TRUE!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 23, 2017 07:23pm […]

Read More… from 7/23/2017


AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As the U.S. administration prepares its new strategy for Afghanistan, the Kabul government and its Western allies are working hard to develop an air force that gives government forces the advantage in their war against Taliban militants. The level of equipment, training and assets falls far short of matching the air assets […]

Read More… from 7/23/2017


MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “To every PATRIOT who will serve on the #USSGeraldRFord: ☑️Keep the watch?? ☑️Protect her?? ☑️Defend her?? ☑️LOVE HER?? Good Luck & Godspeed! https://t.co/shcz5GQkCh” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 22, 2017 07:50pm […]

Read More… from 7/2/2017


NAVY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A ship is only as good as the people who serve on it — and the AMERICAN SAILOR is the BEST in the world. @USNavy #USSGeraldRFord https://t.co/YmiTLXcCEh” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 22, 2017 02:22pm […]

Read More… from 7/22/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “This morning I will be going to the Commissioning Ceremony for the largest aircraft carrier in the world, The Gerald R. Ford. Norfolk, Va.” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 22, 2017 05:52am […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today, it was my privilege to welcome survivors of the #USSArizona to the WH. Remarks: https://t.co/gySxxqazBl https://t.co/gySxxqazBl https://t.co/ZJaLAfBcv0” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 21, 2017 05:42pm […]

Read More… from 7/21/2017


LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s strategy for fending off civil cases while in office is taking shape in a New York lawsuit accusing Mr. Trump of defamation and another in Kentucky that alleges he incited supporters to violence during a campaign rally. Mr. Trump’s lawyers, who say the allegations are meritless and are seeking […]

Read More… from 7/21/2017


ROBERT MUELLER/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Trump’s lawyers and aides are scouring the professional and political backgrounds of investigators hired by the special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, looking for conflicts of interest they could use to discredit the investigation — or even build a case to fire Mr. Mueller or get some members of […]

Read More… from 7/20/2017


BUDGET/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Four months after President Trump proposed eliminating the cultural agencies altogether, a bill to continue to finance the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities won approval this week from the House appropriations committee. The House bill, part of the process of thrashing out the […]

Read More… from 7/20/2017


GOP/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Billionaire health care mogul and GOP megadonor Mike Fernandez has one message to Republicans who don’t stand up to President Donald Trump: Grow a pair. ‘All the Republicans who hide behind the flag and hide the church, they don’t have the f—— balls to do what it takes,’ Fernandez told POLITICO Florida […]

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DRUGS/PHARMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Thursday [7-20-17] announced a $500 million investment that Corning Inc is making with pharmaceutical giants Merck and Pfizer to manufacture a new kind of glass for injectable drug vials. At a White House event, Trump said the effort will create nearly 1,000 jobs at facilities in New York […]

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AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump, arriving at the Pentagon to huddle with national security leaders Thursday, said ‘we’ll see’ if more U.S. troops are going to be sent to Afghanistan. Trump convened a closed ‘political-military’ meeting that lasted about 90 minutes and covered a range of national security topics, including a review of Afghanistan […]

Read More… from 7/20/2017


FBI/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday [7-20-17] unanimously approved the nomination of Christopher Wray to be FBI director following the dismissal of the agency’s former chief, James Comey, by President Donald Trump. All 20 members of the committee voted to approve Wray, a white-collar crime lawyer and former assistant attorney general […]

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CYBERWAR/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Moscow and Washington are in talks to create a joint cyber security working group, Russia’s RIA news agency reported on Thursday [7-20-17], citing Andrey Krutskikh, a special presidential envoy on cyber security. U.S. President Donald Trump said earlier this month he had discussed the idea of creating such a group with President […]

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GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump returned to Twitter on Wednesday [7-19-17] morning and said that Republican senators must keep their promise to America, but he was not specific about which promise on health care legislation he was discussing. Republicans have been promising for seven years to undo President Barack Obama’s signature Affordable Care Act, but […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/USDA: “President Trump on Wednesday [7-19-17] nominated Sam Clovis, a former college professor and talk radio host who has challenged the scientific consensus that human activity has been the primary driver of climate change, to serve in the Agriculture Department’s top scientific post. ‘Dr. Clovis was one of the first people through […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


ECONOMY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration says it is moving forward with its aggressive plans to shred government rules and regulations. The White House on Wednesday [7-19-17] released its first official report on its rollback efforts, claiming that during President Trump’s first five months in office it had brought about savings for the economy rather […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


BANKING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “During the presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump pointed to his relationship with Deutsche Bank to counter reports that big banks were skeptical of doing business with him. After a string of bankruptcies in his casino and hotel businesses in the 1990s, Mr. Trump became somewhat of an outsider on Wall Street, […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump has ended the clandestine American program to provide arms and supplies to Syrian rebel groups, American officials said, a recognition that the effort was failing and that the administration has given up hope of helping to topple the government of President Bashar al-Assad. The decision came more than a month […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “President Trump’s commission investigating voter fraud held its first meeting Wednesday [7-19-17] amid a swirl of partisan acrimony and questions about whether it is looking for facts or has already decided which facts it is trying to find. The session featured an early statement by Mr. Trump, whose baseless claim that […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


ATTORNEY GENERAL/JEFF SESSIONS/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump said on Wednesday [7-19-17] that he never would have appointed Attorney General Jeff Sessions had he known Mr. Sessions would recuse himself from overseeing the Russia investigation that has dogged his presidency, calling the decision ‘very unfair to the president.’ In a remarkable public break with one of […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


MIKE PENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “President Donald Trump called on states to turn over voter records sought by his recently formed election-integrity commission at the panel’s first official meeting on Wednesday [7-19-17]… The panel, chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and formally called the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, has run into early legal […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


NAFTA/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “The Trump administration on Wednesday [7-19-17] tapped a veteran trade official involved in the original North American Free Trade Agreement to lead new talks with Canada and Mexico on an overhaul of the agreement starting next month. John Melle, the current assistant U.S. trade representative for the Western Hemisphere, will […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


ARMY/MILITARY/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration plans to name Mark Esper as its nominee for Army secretary, administration and congressional sources confirmed to CNN. Esper is the third person the Trump administration has named as its pick for Army secretary after the first two picks both dropped out — one over financial vetting issues and […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


AFRICAN AMERICANS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has declined an invitation to address the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Wednesday [7-19-17]. The White House did not offer any details on why Trump would not speak to the 108-year-old civil rights group… […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


LABOR/NAFTA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A day after the Trump administration unveiled its objectives for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement, U.S. businesses and a major labor coalition sparred over the merits of an international arbitration system embedded in the agreement with Canada and Mexico. The arbitration provision, contained in Nafta’s Chapter 11 and known as […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


DHS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The United States has ended a four month ban on passengers carrying laptops onboard U.S. bound flights from certain airports in the Middle East and North Africa, bringing to an end one of the controversial travel restrictions imposed by President Donald Trump’s administration. Riyadh’s King Khalid International Airport was the last of […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


IMMIGRATION/SUPREME COURT/TRAVEL BAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. Supreme Court rejected on Wednesday [7-19-17] a bid by President Donald Trump to include grandparents and other relatives in his travel ban on people from six Muslim-majority countries. But in a partial win for Trump, the court gave the government more leeway to enforce a separate ban on […]

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AMBASSADOR/NOMINATIONS/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump announced his intention Tuesday [7-18-17] to nominate former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman to be U.S. ambassador to Russia. If confirmed, the former 2012 GOP presidential candidate would take over a high-profile post amid ongoing investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and potential contacts between Russian officials and the […]

Read More… from 7/19/2017


RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a second, previously undisclosed talk on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg earlier this month, a White House official said Tuesday [7-18-17]. The conversation took place on the same day that the two leaders met earlier for more […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump was fed up with the grind of health care legislation, and at a dinner with Republican senators on Monday [7-17-17] at the White House, he let them know it. He told the lawmakers how annoyed he was with one Republican who was not there, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


CHINA/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As the Trump administration prepares for its first formal economic talks with China here Wednesday [7-19-17], Chinese officials highlighted their ability to quell trade tensions with the new American president, while some U.S. business groups expressed concern their government might not push Beijing hard enough. After Donald Trump’s November election, ‘many […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VENEZUELA: “The Trump administration said it was prepared to impose ‘strong and swift’ economic sanctions on Venezuela, including banning its crude-oil exports to the U.S., if its president moves ahead with a plan to rewrite the country’s constitution. A senior U.S. administration official said Tuesday [7-18-17] that the White House was considering […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP FAMILY/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Following the biggest legislative debacle of President Donald Trump’s first six months in office, the White House on Tuesday [7-18-17] was some hands on deck. The president’s most senior aides appeared eager to move on from the health care loss, busying themselves with their own pet projects. Counselor Kellyanne Conway […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


NOMINATIONS/SEC/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate former Senate Republican aide Hester Maria Peirce to be a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the White House said on Tuesday [7-18-17]. Peirce is a former Senate Banking Committee staff member and currently is the director of the Financial Markets Working Group at […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Senate on Tuesday [7-18-17] confirmed Patrick Shanahan to be the No. 2 official at the Pentagon, in a 92-7 vote. The final vote sailed through the Senate, but it wasn’t always smooth sailing for Shanahan on Capitol Hill. He was excoriated during his confirmation hearing last month by Sen. John McCain, […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


TAXES/TREASURY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s pick to run the Treasury Department’s tax policy office said he wished he had acted differently when the accounting firm he helped lead was marketing aggressive tax shelters. David Kautter was director of Ernst & Young LLP’s national tax practice when the firm was selling sophisticated tax shelters to […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017


NAFTA/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration released its road map for remaking the North American Free Trade Agreement that aims to preserve ‘Buy America’ provisions and reduce the U.S. trade deficit, but steps back from some of President Donald Trump’s most fiery campaign rhetoric on trade with Mexico and Canada. The blueprint for a […]

Read More… from 7/18/2017