HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/JOE BIDEN/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today, in a bipartisan vote, the House voted to impeach and hold President Trump accountable. Now, the process continues to the Senate—and I hope they’ll deal with their Constitutional responsibilities on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation.“ ––Joe Biden,, January 13, 2021 […]
Category: House of Reps
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/JOE BIDEN/MINIMUM WAGE/SENATE: “It’s long past time to raise the minimum wage, so hardworking people earn at least $15 an hour. I hope that Democratic control of the House and Senate will ensure prompt action to get it done.“ ––Joe Biden,, January 12, 2021 8:00 am […]
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/MILITARY/NATIONAL SECURITY/SOCIAL MEDIA/VETO: “I hope House Republicans will vote against the very weak National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which I will VETO. Must include a termination of Section 230 (for National Security purposes), preserve our National Monuments, & allow for 5G & troop reductions in foreign lands!“ ––Donald Trump,, December 8, 2020 […]
2020 ELECTION/FAKE NEWS/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible! RT @PhilipRucker The Washington Post surveyed all 249 Republicans in the House […]
2020 ELECTION/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Not statistically possible. Rigged Election! RT @Cernovich Trump off ballot in 2018 – GOP loses 40 House seats Trump on ballot 2020 – GOP holds every House seat – GOP gains 12 House seats – Statewide GOP’s make gain Trump had 95% party approval rating, highest ever. But he […]
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Thank you! A lot of Senators and House Members are very happy that I came along. Think I’ll stick around for awhile! RT @thebradfordfile LOL. The GOP thinks Trump is just going to go away? He’s the most popular Republican in history.“ ––Donald Trump,, November 30, 2020 4:32 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It was my great honor to help, a tremendous achievement! RT @MattWolking ‘Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As Toss-Ups. Republicans Won All 27.“ ––Donald Trump,, November 19, 2020 1:19 am […]
CONGRESS/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HOUSE OF REPS/JOE BIDEN: “Right now, Congress should come together and pass a COVID relief package like the HEROES Act that the House passed six months ago. Once we shut down the virus and deliver economic relief to workers and businesses, then we can build back better than ever before.“ ––Joe Biden,, November 16, […]
2020 ELECTION/2A/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/MILITARY/NANCY PELOSI/TAXES/VETS/VOTING: “So important to VOTE for Republicans in the House. Break away from Pelosi and her high Taxing new Radical Left friends. Protect your 2nd Amendment, Military, Vets, and sooo much more!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 25, 2020 2:08 am […]
2020 ELECTION/FLORIDA/HOUSE OF REPS/QUOTE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “So true! RT @RepMattGaetz ‘We have a warrior, and he’s a good guy, but he loves to fight, and he loves this state, and he loves fighting for Florida, and he loves fighting for our country. And his name is Representative Matt Gaetz.’ -President @realDonaldTrump“ ––Donald Trump,, October […]
CARESACT/HOUSE OF REPS/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The House & Senate should IMMEDIATELY Approve 25 Billion Dollars for Airline Payroll Support, & 135 Billion Dollars for Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business. Both of these will be fully paid for with unused funds from the Cares Act. Have this money. I will sign now!“ ––Donald Trump,, […]
GUNS/HOUSE OF REPS/JOE BIDEN/LEGISLATION/MITCH MCCONNELL: “26 years ago today, the Violence Against Women Act became law. In the years since, it has saved countless lives and helped change the culture around sexual assault and domestic violence. Writing and championing the law remains one of my proudest accomplishments. With each reauthorization, VAWA has become stronger. The […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Nancy Pelosi says she got ‘set up’ by a Beauty Parlor owner. Maybe the Beauty Parlor owner should be running the House of Representatives instead of Crazy Nancy?“ ––Donald Trump,, September 3, 2020 8:27 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI: “Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask – despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 2, 2020 3:12 am […]
ENDORSEMENT/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS: “Steve has my Complete and Total support. HE IS GREAT! RT @GOP MEET THE CANDIDATE: Steve Daines —Fmr. Businessman, Fmr. U.S. House Rep, and Current U.S. Senator for Montana —@DainesforMT is the Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate in Montana #MTSen #mtpol #RNC2020“ ––Donald Trump,, August 29, 2020 2:33 am […]
CONGRATS/FLORIDA/HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI: “Great going [Florida House of Representatives candidate] Laura [Loomer]. You have a great chance against a Pelosi puppet! RT @RaheemKassam Laura Loomer Delivers Stunning Primary Victory in Trump’s Voting District“ ––Donald Trump,, August 18, 2020 5:54 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/SENATE/VENEZUELA: “The Democrats in the House are trying to undo my big win Travel Ban Bill, which successfully keeps very bad and dangerous people out of our great Country. Passed along party lines. Hopefully, will be DEAD in the Senate! The Dems have gone Stone Cold Left – Venezuela on steroids!“ ––Donald Trump, […]
CRIME/FISA/HOUSE OF REPS/VETO/SPYGATE: “If the FISA Bill is passed tonight on the House floor, I will quickly VETO it. Our Country has just suffered through the greatest political crime in its history. The massive abuse of FISA was a big part of it!“ –Donald Trump,, May 27, 2020 12:16 pm […]
FISA/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/SCANDAL/SPYGATE: “I hope all Republican House Members vote NO on FISA until such time as our Country is able to determine how and why the greatest political, criminal, and subversive scandal in USA history took place!“ –Donald Trump,, May 26, 2020 1:21 pm […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI/SENATE: “There is tremendous CoronaVirus testing capacity in Washington for the Senators returning to Capital Hill on Monday. Likewise the House, which should return but isn’t because of Crazy Nancy P. The 5 minute Abbott Test will be used. Please inform Dr. Brian P. Monahan. @MarkMeadows“ ––Donald Trump,, May 2, 2020 […]
BUSINESS/DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “…& costly. Workers & small businesses need money now in order to survive. Virus wasn’t their fault. It is ‘HELL’ dealing with the Dems, had to give up some stupid things in order to get the ‘big picture’ done. 90% GREAT! WIN BACK HOUSE, but throw Massie out of Republican […]
HOUSE OF REPS/LEGISLATION/TRAVEL BAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday [2-12-20] voted, 22-10, to terminate President Donald Trump’s expanded travel ban and rein in presidential authority to issue such travel restrictions. Now headed to the House floor, the bill is not expected to clear the Republican-controlled Senate. The legislation would void all of […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “With Votes in the House tomorrow, Democrats want to make it harder for Presidents to defend America, and stand up to, as an example, Iran. Protect our GREAT COUNTRY!” -Donald Trump,, January 29, 2020 6:59 pm […]
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House is actively exploring a way to give President Donald Trump’s staunchest House allies a public role in the upcoming Senate impeachment trial, according to five sources familiar with the matter, as the president looks to mount an aggressive defense in the upper chamber. One idea under consideration […]
DEMS/ELECTION/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Reps. Ben McAdams and Joe Cunningham, two of the most endangered House Democrats, said Monday [12-16-19] they will vote to impeach President Donald Trump, in a boon for party leaders just days ahead of the vote. Fifteen Democrats in districts won by Trump have now said publicly they will back […]
ELECTION/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump committed criminal bribery and wire fraud, the House Judiciary Committee alleges in a report that will accompany articles of impeachment this week. The report, a 169-page assessment of the case for Trump’s removal from office, contends that Trump committed ‘multiple federal crimes’ — ones that Democrats addressed […]
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Republicans House members were fantastic yesterday. It always helps to have a much better case, in fact the Dems have no case at all, but the unity & sheer brilliance of these Republican warriors, all of them, was a beautiful sight to see. Dems had no answers and wanted […]
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A fiercely divided House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Friday [12-13-19], setting up a historic vote before the full House that would make him only the third president to be impeached. The impeachment articles, passed over sharp Republican protests, accused the president of abusing […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday [12-11-19] will begin formal consideration of two articles of impeachment against President Trump, convening an evening ‘markup’ session for lawmakers to start what is expected to be a two-day debate about Democrats’ charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The process is […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/USMCA: “Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s landmark trade deal with President Donald Trump gives vulnerable House Democrats a crucial legislative victory amid GOP accusations that they’re obsessed with impeachment. Yet some Democrats are fretting the agreement comes at an unacceptable cost: Boosting Trump’s reelection, potentially in a major way. The president […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment Tuesday [12-10-19] morning charging President Donald Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, a historic step that will define Trump’s presidency and plunge Washington even deeper into a state of partisan polarization. Read the full text below or see the full […]
CORRUPTION/DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “’Any president has the authority to investigate corruption. The President himself released the transcript of the call. Now the Democrats have no evidence of a crime and no evidence of violating the law. This is a kangaroo court in the House, but it’s going to go to the Senate,…” –Donald […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @GrahamLedger: LEDGER REGISTER: Will the partisan political impeachment inquiry of President Trump by the weaponized House of Representa…” -Donald Trump,, December 6, 2019 10:16 pm […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @CQnow: House Judiciary members @RepDougCollins and @RepMattGaetz huddle before the start of the panel’s hearing on the impeachment inqu…” -Donald Trump,, December 6, 2019 10:02 pm […]
HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @IngrahamAngle: A GREAT DAY for @realdonaldtrump. Terrible day for House of Representatives.” –Donald Trump,, December 6, 2019 7:47 am […]
EMOLUMENTS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When the House drafts articles of impeachment in the coming days, one of the original accusations of wrongdoing against President Donald Trump — that he is illegally using his office to make money — is unlikely to make the cut. It’s a blow to lawmakers and watchdog groups who have […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday [12-5-19] that the House of Representatives would begin drafting impeachment articles against President Trump, pushing ahead with a rapid timetable that could set the stage for a vote before Christmas to charge him with high crimes and misdemeanors. Invoking the words of the […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee asked President Trump on Friday [11-29-19] whether he intends to mount a defense during the committee’s consideration of impeachment articles, setting a deadline of next Friday [12-6-19] for Mr. Trump and his lawyers to decide if they will present evidence or call witnesses. […]
CHINA/HOUSE OF REPS/LEGISLATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The House on Wednesday [11-20-19] overwhelmingly passed legislation aimed at protecting human rights in Hong Kong, one day after a unanimous vote in the Senate drew condemnation from Beijing as an unwarranted interference in its domestic affairs. The bill now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk. The White House had […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “The House of Representatives opened historic impeachment hearings on Wednesday [11-13-19] and took startling new testimony from a senior American diplomat that further implicated President Trump in a campaign to pressure Ukraine to publicly commit to investigating former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. In a nationally televised hearing from […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘There’s nothing there! I’m trying to let the House know that they’re dividing America for no good reason. We’ve got a lot of things we should be doing, like lowering drug costs & getting a trade deal with Mexico and Canada.’ @LindseyGrahamSC The Do Nothing Dems have gone crazy!” –Donald […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. House committees conducting the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on Friday [11-8-19] released transcripts from closed-door depositions with former White House adviser Fiona Hill and current White House adviser Alexander Vindman. Hill is the former senior director for European and Russian affairs on Trump’s National Security Council, […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump said he was unconcerned about the impeachment inquiry as witnesses’ testimony becomes public but did not want to support the process by letting his top aide testify behind closed doors on Friday [11-8-19]. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump dismissed transcripts of closed-door testimony […]
DEMS/ELECTION/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @marklevinshow: The walking dead: the House Democrats who lied to voters in Trump districts in 2018 to get elected.…” –Donald Trump,, November 3, 2019 11:00 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….should give their own transcripts of the interviews to contrast with Schiff’s manipulated propaganda. House Republicans must have nothing to do with Shifty’s rendition of those interviews. He is a proven liar, leaker & freak who is really the one who should be impeached!” –Donald Trump,, November 3, 2019 […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The House on Thursday [10-30-19] took a historic vote to set ground rules for its fast-moving impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump — a move that essentially starts the clock for an eventual decision on whether to oust the president. Thursday’s vote — roughly along party lines — was partly […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “House impeachment investigators on Wednesday [10-30-19] summoned John R. Bolton, President Trump’s former national security adviser, and two top White House lawyers to testify next week in their inquiry into Mr. Trump’s pressure campaign on Ukraine, closing in on critical witnesses as they prepare to go public with […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RepLeeZeldin: This impeachment resolution just introduced is fatally flawed. Just another awful misstep by House Dems running a circus,…” –Donald Trump,, October 29, 2019 10:08 pm […]
HOUSE OF REPS/KURDS/MILITARY/SANCTIONS/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TURKEY: “The House voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday [10-29-19] to impose a series of sweeping sanctions on Turkey over its brutal assault on the Kurds in northern Syria, dealing its second bipartisan rebuke to President Trump this month for pulling back American forces to allow for the Turkish incursion. The measure drew […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @LindseyGrahamSC: A vote now is a bit like un-Ringing a bell as House Democrats have selectively leaked information in order to damage P…” –Donald Trump,, October 29, 2019 6:54 am […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @GOPoversight: Dems plan to cut even more House members out of their ridiculous, unfair, and biased impeachment process. Only Schiff’s…” –Donald Trump,, October 29, 2019 6:42 am […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Justice Department won’t have to give the House of Representatives secret details from the Mueller criminal investigation for use in its impeachment probe this week, a federal appeals court said Tuesday [10-29-19]. But it’s not clear yet how long that deadline to turn over the information will stay […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday [10-30-19] will begin building a formal political process designed to impeach a President — a momentous task attempted only three times before in nearly two and a half centuries of US history. The Democratic-led House Rules Committee will sit at 3 p.m. ET to consider a […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RepDougCollins: Democrats have no concern for the rules. Pelosi violates House rules and her majority gives her a free pass. Schiff…” –Donald Trump,, October 24, 2019 9:08 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @HouseGOP: It’s simple. The American people deserve transparency, yet House Democrats continue to ram through their impeachment investig…” –Donald Trump,, October 23, 2019 12:46 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans are going to fight harder than ever to win back the House because of what the Do Nothing Democrats have done to our Country!” –Donald Trump,, October 23, 2019 6:36 am […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RepAnnWagner: As a cosponsor of the resolution to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, I was disappointed Nancy Pelosi did not even allow a vote o…” -Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:43 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @RepLaMalfa: Tonight, I joined @SteveScalise, @RepAndyBiggsAZ, & @HouseGOP in voting to censure Rep. Adam Schiff. Of course, Democrats…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:42 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RepJohnJoyce: It is disappointing that House Democrats blocked a vote to condemn and censure Chairman Adam Schiff for lying to the Amer…” -Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:42 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @LouDobbs: Condemn Shifty Schiff. @Jim_Jordan on House Republicans voting to censure Adam Schiff. #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs https://t.c…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:41 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @dogoodmore: Lawmaker leading charge to censure Adam Schiff says he’s engineering ‘total political hit job’ on Trump…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:41 pm […]
DEMS/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: On Monday, I, along with the vast majority of my @HouseGOP colleagues, will press forward with my motion to censure Ada…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:39 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @Rep_Watkins: The resolution to #CensureSchiff failed on the floor tonight. I guess Democrats are okay with Adam Schiff: ▪️ Spreading…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:36 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: Adam Schiff may not have been held accountable tonight, but the American people are very much aware of his reckless dis…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:35 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @newtgingrich: Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have both become embarrassingly dishonest. They, along with the rest of the House Democrats,…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:32 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: COMING UP: I’m joining @SandraSmithFox on @AmericaNewsroom to discuss tonight’s vote on my motion to condemn and censur…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:31 pm […]
DEMS/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @SteveScalise: Adam Schiff must be held accountable for his lies. Tonight Republicans will move to censure & condemn him for deliberate…” –Donald Trump,, October 21, 2019 7:31 am […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘Because the House has already voted against the Impeachment Proceeding, the current inquiry is totally invalid. The current sham of a so-called investigation is nothing more than an unconstitutional power grab. It needs to end.’ @JasonChaffetz @seanhannity Corrupt Adam Schiff” -Donald Trump,, October 18, 2019 8:57 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP BUSINESS: “Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), chairman of the House committee that oversees federal buildings, threatened today to subpoena the General Services Administration if the agency does not hand over documents related to the Trump Hotel by next week. DeFazio’s committee, the House Transportation Committee, has been investigating the federal government’s lease of […]
AMBASSADOR/EU/HOUSE OF REPS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/UKRAINE: “Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, bolstered Democrats’ impeachment inquiry Thursday [10-17-19] as he broke sharply from President Donald Trump in testimony before House investigators. During nearly nine hours of testimony, Sondland said he reluctantly indulged what he described as the president’s efforts to run Ukraine […]
HOUSE OF REPS/NANCY PELOSI/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democratic leaders cut short a meeting with Republican President Donald Trump after he had a ‘meltdown’ over a House of Representatives vote condemning his Syria withdrawal and showed no signs of having a plan to deal with a crisis there. Trump called Pelosi […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Hope all House Republicans, and honest House Democrats, will vote to CENSURE Rep. Adam Schiff tomorrow for his brazen and unlawful act of fabricating (making up) a totally phony conversation with the Ukraine President and U.S. President, me. Most have never seen such a thing!” –Donald Trump,, October 16, […]
AMBASSADOR/FOREIGN POLICY/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A former top White House foreign policy adviser told House impeachment investigators this week that she viewed Gordon D. Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union, as a potential national security risk because he was so unprepared for his job, according to two people familiar with […]
HOUSE OF REPS/MIDDLE EAST/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The House on Wednesday [10-16-19] dealt a stinging bipartisan rebuke to President Trump for his decision to withdraw American forces just inside Syria’s border, registering overwhelming opposition in Congress to a move that has thrown the region into bloody chaos and unraveled Middle East policy. In a rare break […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘The Democrat Party has hijacked the House of Representatives…’ @MarkLevinShow” –Donald Trump,, October 14, 2019 5:16 pm […]
HOUSE OF REPS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘The House gone rogue! I want to remind you a little bit about the ring leader in this whole rogue operation against the President of the United States…’ @MarkLevinShow” –Donald Trump,, October 14, 2019 5:34 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Democrats are going to lose a lot of House Seats because of their Fraudulent use of Impeachment. Schiff fabricated phone call, a crime. Democrat Senate Seats will also be put at risk, even some that were supposedly safe. Look at Louisiana last night, North Carolina last week!” –Donald Trump, […]
COURTS/DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP TAXES: “President Trump’s accounting firm must comply with a House committee’s demands for eight years of his financial records, a federal appeals court panel ruled on Friday [10-11-19] in a major victory for House Democrats in their struggle against his vow to stonewall ‘all’ of their oversight subpoenas. In a 66-page ruling, […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Democrats prepared on Wednesday [10-9-19] to force the Trump administration anew to answer questions in their impeachment investigation, one day after President Trump and the White House declared that they would defy Congress in one of the most extraordinary assertions of executive authority in modern times. House chairmen leading […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RepMarkMeadows: Reminder that while House Democrats have spent basically their entire first year as a majority this Congress throwing a…” –Donald Trump,, October 8, 2019 8:48 pm […]
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “RT @LindseyGrahamSC: Also, House Republicans should have the ability to find out ALL THOSE involved in providing information to the whistle…” –Donald Trump,, October 6, 2019 5:05 pm […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “RT @LindseyGrahamSC: It’s not right Democrats in the House helped the whistleblower prepare their complaint.” –Donald Trump,, October 6, 2019 5:05 pm […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/MIKE PENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “House impeachment investigators widened the reach of their inquiry on Friday [10-4-19], subpoenaing the White House for a vast trove of documents and requesting more from Vice President Mike Pence to better understand President Trump’s attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. The subpoena, addressed to Mick […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/MEDICARE/PHARMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump charged Thursday [10-3-19] without evidence that the pharmaceutical industry was behind House Democrats’ impeachment proceedings, suggesting it was payback for his administration’s effort to lower drug costs…The president was speaking at a Florida event to sign an executive order aimed at beefing up Medicare and its offshoot […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Leader McCarthy, we look forward to you soon becoming Speaker of the House. The Do Nothing Dems don’t have a chance!” –Donald Trump,, October 3, 2019 12:04 pm […]
DEMS/ELECTION/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Donald Trump was in trouble with women voters long before House Democrats launched a formal impeachment inquiry against him last week. Since then, his standing has grown only worse. Nearly a half-dozen polls conducted since last Tuesday [10-1-19], when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi directed her colleagues to proceed […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Democrats moved on Wednesday [10-2-19] to compel the White House to cooperate in their impeachment inquiry, announcing plans to issue a subpoena by Friday [10-4-19] if it did not comply with requests for documents related to President Trump’s efforts to press Ukraine to investigate a leading political rival, and […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “The Democratic head of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, learned about the outlines of a C.I.A. officer’s concerns that President Trump had abused his power days before the officer filed a whistle-blower complaint, according to a spokesman and current and former American officials. The early […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump was watching television in the White House on Wednesday [10-2-19] morning when cable news channels started airing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, warning at a news conference that any attempts by the president to stonewall their impeachment investigation […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/MIKE POMPEO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Democrats, moving quickly to escalate their impeachment inquiry into President Trump, subpoenaed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday [9-27-19], demanding that he promptly produce a tranche of documents and a slate of witnesses that could shed light on the president’s attempts to pressure Ukraine to help tarnish […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Friday [9-27-19] declared all-out Twitter war on Rep. Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence chairman who has emerged over the past week as a driving force of Democratic lawmakers’ newly announced impeachment inquiry. The president lashed out in a quartet of morning posts, incensed by the California […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump’s campaign is entering the darkest days of his presidency — as House Democrats begin a formal impeachment inquiry 13 months out from the 2020 election — with a singular strategy: convince voters the most powerful man in the world is now a powerless victim of partisan politics. With […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “House Democrats rushed on Wednesday [9-25-19] to plot the course of their formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump, getting their first glimpses of the secret intelligence whistle-blower complaint that touched off the investigation that could lead to his removal But even as they obtained crucial details about allegations that Mr. […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “President Donald Trump on Tuesday [9-24-19] reacted with fury to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement of a formal impeachment inquiry, firing off a burst of tweets accusing the speaker of detracting from his keynote address at the United Nations General Assembly with ‘Witch Hunt garbage’…In five minutes of remarks, […]
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Tuesday [9-24-19] that the House would launch a formal impeachment inquiry in response to the dispute over Mr. Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his potential 2020 rival, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. The rising furor has heightened interest in how the […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “For months, dozens of House Democrats anxiously avoided even the mention of impeaching President Trump — right up until the moment that they demanded it. The sudden embrace of an impeachment inquiry by previously reluctant House Democrats — most notably Speaker Nancy Pelosi — is attributable to one fundamental fact: […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “A potentially explosive complaint by a whistle-blower in the intelligence community said to involve President Trump emerged on Thursday [9-19-19] as the latest front in a continuing oversight dispute between administration officials and House Democrats. While the allegation remains shrouded in mystery, it involves at least one instance of Mr. […]
HOUSE OF REPS/MILITARY/SPENDING/TRUMP BUSINESS: “Since Donald Trump took office, the U.S. military has spent nearly $200,000 at the president’s luxury Scotland resort, according to figures and documents the Pentagon provided to the House Oversight Committee. The spending, which has all occurred since August 2017, paid for the equivalent of hundreds of nights of rooms at […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “As Corey Lewandowski stated very clearly yesterday in front of the House Judiciary Committee, President Trump didn’t do anything wrong or illegal. But they all know that. The Democrats are hurting our Country, and getting nothing done. Shameful! @CLewandowski_ @foxandfriends” –Donald Trump,, September 18, 2019 6:08 am […]
DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “The White House on Monday [9-16-19] blocked two more former aides to President Trump from testifying in House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, but cleared a third witness, Corey Lewandowski, to appear publicly on Tuesday [9-17-19] and answer limited questions about potential obstruction of justice by the president. The White House […]