
GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump called Monday [7-24-17] on Republican senators to vote this week to initiate debate on the party’s effort to overturn the law they call Obamacare, saying ‘now is the time’ for senators to keep their campaign promises.
‘For the past seven years Republicans have been united in standing up for Obamacare’s victims,’ with a pledge to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act and replace it with a more conservative approach, he said. ‘We as a party must fulfill that solemn promise to the voters of this country.’
The party’s 52-member Senate caucus has been hamstrung by competing desires over how to resolve the fate of the ACA, including how much to strike and what to put in its place. Mr. Trump tried to focus Monday on what has historically united Republicans—their opposition to the law, including the promises made by Democrats for what it would achieve.
Mr. Trump called those promises ‘a big, fat, ugly lie.’
Democrats remain united in opposing the GOP move, saying that they believe the ACA’s gains, which include reducing the number of uninsured by around 20 million, should be built on, not reversed.”

-Louise Radnofsky, “Trump Urges GOP Senators to Overturn Affordable Care Act,” The Wall Street Journal online, July 24, 2017 04:16pm