
CUBA/FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump slammed former President Barack Obama’s dealings with the communist regime in Cuba on Friday [6-16-17] in Miami, charting his own course of more confrontational relations with the Castro-led government… The change is posture, however, is only a partial shift from Obama’s policy. Diplomatic relations between the United States […]

Read More… from 6/16/2017


2016 ELECTION/DONALD ON DONALD/INTELLIGENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump confirmed Friday [6-16-17] he was under investigation and appeared to take aim at a senior Justice Department official, in a tweet that seemed to encapsulate his frustration with the ongoing focus on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election. ‘I am being investigated for firing the FBI […]

Read More… from 6/16/2017


CONFLICT OF INTEREST/CUBA/ETHICS/FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “The proposed changes in US-Cuba relations that President Donald Trump will unveil Friday in Miami could adversely impact hotel brands that directly compete with Trump’s business empire, making it more difficult for them expand their foothold in Cuba. Trump’s changes in Cuba policy include prohibiting ‘financial transactions, including […]

Read More… from 6/16/2017


DHS/DREAMERS/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/JOHN KELLY: “The Trump administration late Thursday [6-15-17] announced that it has formally reversed part of President Obama’s immigration actions from 2014. The Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, or DAPA, program would have deferred deportations for the undocumented parents of U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents who […]

Read More… from 6/16/2017


FAKE NEWS/ROBERT MUELLER/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump attacked what he called a ‘phony story’ on Thursday [6-15-17] after a report that he is under investigation for possible obstruction of justice by the special counsel probing alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign. ‘They made […]

Read More… from 6/15/2017


SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will travel to the Supreme Court on Thursday [6-15-17] to celebrate the appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch, and pay a rare visit to a branch of government he vowed to reshape during the campaign. Trump’s visit is likely to be short, and Gorsuch’s swearing-in is ceremonial, but the […]

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MIKE PENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s first domestic mega-moment has arrived, and his measured reaction to the unexpected tragedy is being praised by all sides as they gauge his temperament in a time of crisis. Trump touched on all the key notes in the immediate hours after Wednesday’s [6-14-17] shooting at a congressional GOP […]

Read More… from 6/14/2017


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump told Republican senators lunching at the White House Tuesday [6-13-17] the House-passed health care reform bill he celebrated earlier this year was ‘mean,’ a source told CNN. Trump made clear multiple times that he was pleased that the Senate negotiations appeared to be moving away from where the House […]

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CAMPAIGN/FBI/ROBERT MUELLER/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Last month’s appointment of Robert S. Mueller III as a special counsel to investigate possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia enraged President Trump. Yet, at least initially, he holstered his Twitter finger and publicly said nothing. But behind the scenes, the president soon began entertaining the idea of firing […]

Read More… from 6/13/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VETS: “The passage of the @DeptVetAffairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act is GREAT news for veterans! I look forward to signing it! https://t.co/k45aci25BT” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 13, 2017 06:18pm […]

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2016 ELECTION/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “One of President Donald Trump’s friends said he believes the President is considering dismissing special counsel Robert Mueller, who was appointed to lead the FBI investigation into Russia’s potential ties to the 2016 election. ‘I think it is a consideration the President has had because Mueller is illegitimate as special counsel,’ […]

Read More… from 6/13/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration on Monday [6-12-17] threw out a new rule intended to limit the numbers of endangered whales and sea turtles getting caught in fishing nets off the West Coast, saying existing protections were already working. Economically, the new rule would have had ‘a much more substantial impact on the fleet […]

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IMMIGRATION/TRAVEL BAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A second federal appeals court on Monday [6-12-17] ruled against President Trump’s revised travel ban. The decision, from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, was the latest in a string of court rulings rejecting the administration’s efforts to limit travel from several predominantly Muslim […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


CONFLICT OF INTEREST/ETHICS/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In a new legal challenge to President Trump, Maryland and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit Monday [6-12-17] alleging that his failure to shed his private businesses has undermined public trust and violated constitutional bans against self-dealing. The lawsuit, filed in a Maryland federal court, makes many of the […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump began on Monday [6-12-17] to nominate replacements for dozens of United States attorneys whom he fired shortly after taking office, sending eight names to the Senate for confirmation as chief federal prosecutors in their regions. Mr. Trump purged most of the nation’s top federal prosecutors in March, demanding their immediate […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


BANKING/TREASURY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration will recommend limits on the U.S. consumer-finance regulator and a reassessment of a broad range of banking rules in a report to be released as early as Monday [6-12-17], according to people familiar with the matter. The report from the Treasury Department, drafted in response to a February executive […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “According to the White House website, the role of the Office of Communications is to ‘craft the message’ President Trump delivers to the world. But that’s obviously total crap. Trump crafts his own message and delivers it himself to the world every day via Twitter. The role of his entirely superfluous communications […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Iowa officials are seeking federal permission to implement a plan that would alter major aspects of the Affordable Care Act in the state, an effort that will draw close attention from other states facing a meltdown of their health-insurance marketplaces next year. Trump administration officials said they were aware of the Iowa […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


COMMERCE/LABOR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration intends to unveil this week a plan to trim regulations it believes constrain U.S. manufacturing growth, potentially affecting environmental permits, worker safety and labor rules, an administration official said. The U.S. Commerce Department’s regulations ‘hit list’ recommendations follow more than three months of study and consultation with industry on […]

Read More… from 6/12/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UK: “President Trump is considering scrapping or postponing a planned visit to Britain this year amid a billowing backlash over comments he made after the recent terrorist attack in London, two administration officials said. Over the past week, Mr. Trump has expressed increasing skepticism to aides about the trip after coming under […]

Read More… from 6/11/2017


LABOR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump next week will make expansion of apprenticeship programs the center of his labor policy, aimed at filling a record level of open jobs and drawing back Americans who have left the workforce. Apprenticeships are an underused form of workforce training in the U.S. compared with European countries and have […]

Read More… from 6/10/2017


HEALTHCARE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WOMEN: “Not long after President Trump took the oath of office, a busload of women’s health advocates made the first of a series of 860-mile round trips from Las Vegas to the Nevada capital, Carson City. Their mission: to push state legislators to expand insurance coverage for contraception. It worked. On Saturday [6-3-17], […]

Read More… from 6/9/2017


JAMES COMEY/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “After remaining mute on Thursday [6-8-17] during harsh testimony from the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey accusing him of lying, President Trump tweeted early Friday that Mr. Comey had given him ‘vindication’ in the Russia investigation. ‘Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication,’ he wrote at […]

Read More… from 6/9/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A great honor to host and welcome leaders from around America to the @WhiteHouse Infrastructure Summit.… https://t.co/5f6cN3HboQ” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 9, 2017 01:48pm […]

Read More… from 6/9/2017


LABOR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/ALEXANDER ACOSTA: “When President Donald Trump took office, many in the financial industry were confident that a looming retirement-savings rule they had opposed for years would soon be dead. To their dismay, the core principle of the rule was implemented Friday [6-9-17]. The resilience of the so-called fiduciary rule is partly attributable […]

Read More… from 6/9/2017


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Senate Democrats said they were disturbed and had more questions about President Donald Trump’s conduct following former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday — but they weren’t ready to say he obstructed justice. While their House counterparts have already started drawing up articles of impeachment, Senate Democrats danced around the obstruction of […]

Read More… from 6/8/2017


CRIME/DRUGS/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The federal prison population is expected to grow next year by 4,171 to a total of 191,493 as the Trump administration steps up prosecutions of illegal immigrants and drug offenders, reversing the trend toward a smaller prison population under former President Barack Obama. That estimate of 2% growth in fiscal 2018 was […]

Read More… from 6/8/2017


FBI/JAMES COMEY/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Accusations of lying whizzed across Washington Thursday [6-8-17] as fired FBI Director James Comey concluded his bombshell session on Capitol Hill. Comey himself suggested during his three-hour sworn testimony that President Donald Trump had a shaky commitment to telling the truth. The White House decried the accusation. Meanwhile, Trump’s outside lawyer […]

Read More… from 6/8/2017


RELIGION/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump sought comfort in the figurative embrace of his evangelical supporters Thursday [6-8-17] as the FBI director he recently fired told Congress about their conversations, telling a religious gathering that they are ‘under siege’ but will emerge ‘bigger and better and stronger than ever.’ Trump made no reference to Comey […]

Read More… from 6/8/2017


LEAKS/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “While President Trump stayed unusually silent on James Comey, his lawyer stressed Thursday [6-8-17] that Comey’s testimony proved that Trump did not collude with Russia during last year’s election nor try to obstruct justice in the FBI investigation — and went on to accuse the former FBI director of directing unauthorized news […]

Read More… from 6/8/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/IRAN/TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Rarely has the Trump administration spoken of Iran other than to condemn it as the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism and an aspiring nuclear weapons state. So when the White House woke on Wednesday [6-7-17] to images of a possible Islamic State attack on Tehran, it prompted a sharp quandary: How […]

Read More… from 6/7/2017


NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House on Wednesday [6-7-17] announced a new slate of 11 judicial nominees, making good on a promise last month to name monthly waves of candidates to the federal bench in a methodical effort to fill more than 120 openings. The administration’s attention to judicial vacancies stands in contrast to its […]

Read More… from 6/7/2017


ETHICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A former White House ethics czar and ambassador to the Czech Republic during the Obama said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony is ‘the equivalent of the Nixon tapes.’ ‘I think it’s remarkable,’ Norman Eisen told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on CNN’s ‘Newsroom.’ ‘Clearly Director Comey is looking ahead to the […]

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LABOR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/ALEXANDER ACOSTA: “The Labor Department began taking steps Wednesday [6-7-17] to roll back high-profile Obama administration policies, days ahead of President Donald Trump’s planned visit to the department to outline worker-training initiatives. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta told members of Congress Wednesday the department would begin rewriting overtime regulations within weeks, while also […]

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FBI/NOMINATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump took to Twitter early Wednesday [6-7-17] morning to break the news about his pick for FBI director. ‘Details to follow,’ he wrote at the end of his 128-character announcement of a major appointment. But for hours, the details didn’t follow, with the White House breaking from the thorough communications […]

Read More… from 6/7/2017


FAA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House bid to privatize the nation’s air-traffic control system faces hurdles including widespread Democratic opposition, many skeptical GOP senators and industry divisions that scuttled earlier efforts. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao tried to rev up support Wednesday [6-7-17] by offering assurances that rural communities won’t be shortchanged, and that airport towers […]

Read More… from 6/7/2017


FBI/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/CHRIS WRAY: “President Donald Trump is tapping former Assistant Attorney General Chris Wray to serve as the next director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the president said in a tweet Wednesday [6-7-17] morning. Mr. Wray, a former senior Justice Department official who has since served as a white-collar defense lawyer, met […]

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NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump has roughly 1,100 top-tier positions to fill across his administration. So far, he’s nominated only 111 of them. No president in modern history has fallen so far behind in naming heads of agencies, assistant secretaries, ambassadors and other critical leadership roles that require Senate approval. As of Tuesday [6-6-17], only […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Voters have a clear message for President Donald Trump: Stop tweeting. A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows the vast majority of voters, 69 percent, say Trump uses Twitter too much. Fifty-nine percent say the president’s use of Twitter is a bad thing, and even a majority of voters say Trump’s tweets hurt […]

Read More… from 6/7/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Before he took office, Donald Trump promised to roll back the reach of the federal government, saying that he would end the ‘regulation industry’ on the first day of his presidency. The effect has been immediate and dramatic: According to data compiled by POLITICO, significant federal regulation since Trump’s inauguration has slowed […]

Read More… from 6/7/2017


FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump – under pressure to cut back on 140-character cannonades – shot back Tuesday [6-6-17] morning with two tweets defending his use of social media and slamming ‘fake’ news organizations for trying to deny him his political sword and shield. ‘The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get […]

Read More… from 6/6/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/SAUDI ARABIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump thrust himself into a bitter Persian Gulf dispute on Tuesday, taking credit for Saudi Arabia’s move to isolate its smaller neighbor, Qatar, and rattling his national security staff by upending a critical American strategic relationship. In a series of tweets, Mr. Trump said his call for an end […]

Read More… from 6/6/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP FAMILY/DONALD JR/ERIC TRUMP/UK: “President Donald Trump’s sons are defending their father’s attack against London’s mayor over his handling of the recent extremist attack. In an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America, Donald Trump Jr. said London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan ‘should do something to fix the problem rather than just sit there and […]

Read More… from 6/6/2017


BORDER/MEXICO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “President Donald Trump floated putting solar panels on his planned Mexican border wall in a meeting with legislative leaders Tuesday [6-6-17] afternoon, according to White House and Capitol Hill officials. It was unclear why Trump brought up the topic, but he presented the panels as a way to fund the wall, which […]

Read More… from 6/6/2017


BUDGET/LOBBYING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A proposal in President Donald Trump’s budget to eliminate a regulator and cut government spending is drawing criticism from an unexpected source: Washington’s business lobby. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta is expected to outline the administration’s plans for reducing spending at the agency at a budget hearing Wednesday [6-7-17]. One proposal put forth […]

Read More… from 6/6/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/NIKKI HALEY/UN: “The United States is expected to threaten to quit the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday, with Nikki Haley, the American Ambassador to the U.N., set to deliver an ultimatum. Haley, who will speak to council members in Geneva, is expected to say the U.S. will leave the council […]

Read More… from 6/6/2017


IMMIGRATION/TRAVEL BAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump rebelled on Monday against his own advisers who ‘watered down’ his original executive order barring visitors from select Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States and who insisted on calling it something other than a travel ban. Returning to one of the issues that animated the early days of […]

Read More… from 6/5/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UK: “As President Trump strains alliances and relationships around the world, some of the nation’s top career diplomats are breaking publicly with him, in what amounts to a quiet revolt by a cadre of public servants known for their professional discretion. On Monday [6-5-17], the chargé d’affaires at the American Embassy in […]

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CHINA/CLIMATE CHANGE/FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “David Rank, the chargé d’affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, has left the State Department over the Trump administration’s decision to quit the 2015 Paris agreement to fight climate change, a senior U.S. official said on Monday. A State Department spokeswoman confirmed Rank’s departure, but said she was unable […]

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FBI/JAMES COMEY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump will not invoke executive privilege to block former FBI Director James Comey’s scheduled testimony before Congress this week, the White House said on Monday [6-5-17]. ‘In order to facilitate a swift and thorough examination of the facts sought by the Senate Intelligence Committee, President Trump will not […]

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FAA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today, I announced an Air Traffic Control Initiative to take American air travel into the future – finally! ➡️… https://t.co/NIIorkSRJN” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 5, 2017 04:25pm […]

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FAA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration wants to turn over control of the nation’s skies to private business. President Trump announced plans Monday to privatize the nation’s air traffic control system, arguing that it is the best way to modernize the system. ‘We live in a modern age, but our air traffic control system is […]

Read More… from 6/5/2017


TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “US President Donald Trump renewed his criticism of London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Monday [6-5-17], a day after attacking his handling of the weekend’s terror attack in the city. Trump, writing on Twitter Monday, said: ‘Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his *no reason to […]

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TRAVEL BAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “George Conway, the husband of White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway and one-time top contender of a key Justice Department job, took to Twitter Monday [6-5-17] to criticize President Donald Trump for his morning travel ban tweets. Trump tweeted several times on the proposed travel ban from six Muslim-majority countries, saying […]

Read More… from 6/5/2017


AMBASSADOR/CABINET/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump accused Democrats in the Senate of slowing the confirmation process for his appointees, including foreign ambassadors, even though Senate rules allow Republicans, the chamber’s majority party, to move appointees along without Democratic votes. ‘Dems are taking forever to approve my people, including Ambassadors. They are nothing but OBSTRUCTIONISTS! Want […]

Read More… from 6/5/217


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s tweets look nothing like the statements customarily made by commanders in chief. But they are the most direct window into the President’s thinking. So a new Twitter account is automatically transforming his social media outbursts into official-looking press releases from the White House. The bot checks Trump’s account every […]

Read More… from 6/5/2017


NATO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump drew backlash last month after he did not explicitly endorse Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s founding document during his summit with NATO allies in Brussels. And it appears his own national security team was blindsided by it. The article, known as the collective-defense clause, stipulates that […]

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TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “On one level, President Trump reacted to Saturday [6-3-17] night’s terrorist attack in London much as his predecessors might have. He expressed solidarity and telephoned Britain’s prime minister to offer condolences. ‘WE ARE WITH YOU,’ he wrote to Britons. But even as the investigation into the attack was getting underway, Mr. Trump […]

Read More… from 6/4/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/EPA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/SCOTT PRUITT: “Despite announcing plans to pull out of the Paris climate accord, President Donald Trump’s language and that of his EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, seem at odds with the actions he proposes taking. ‘We will be environmentally friendly,’ the President reassured. The next day, Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency administrator stood […]

Read More… from 6/3/2017


LGBTQ/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has yet to issue a proclamation for Pride Month, breaking a recent tradition that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender advocacy groups call ‘deeply disappointing’ but not entirely surprising. June is historically recognized as LGBT Pride Month. Former President Barack Obama issued a federal proclamation every year dating back to […]

Read More… from 6/2/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump invoked the people of Pittsburgh to defend his climate change decision Thursday [6-1-17], and the city’s mayor bristled in response. Explaining his choice to withdraw the US from the Paris climate agreement, Trump said: ‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.’ Pittsburgh’s Democratic Mayor […]

Read More… from 6/2/2017


IMMIGRATION/SUPREME COURT/TRAVEL BAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s administration filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday [6-1-17] night seeking to reverse rulings by lower courts in Hawaii and Maryland that blocked a temporary ban on travel to the United States from six majority-Muslim countries. The Trump administration says the Constitution gives the president […]

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CUBA/FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump likely will fulfill a campaign promise this month by curbing some of the ties with Cuba that former president Barack Obama adopted when he made his historic overture to the communist island. Trump threatened during campaign stops in the Cuban-American enclave of Miami to cut ties with Cuba. After […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “My job as President is to do everything within my power to give America a level playing field. #AmericaFirst?? ➡️… https://t.co/hL7OwbWzyi” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 1, 2017 05:50pm […]

Read More… from 6/1/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VIETNAM: “When President Donald Trump pulled out of a 12-country free-trade accord in January, it upended the plans of banker-turned-entrepreneur Rose Tran in Vietnam. Ms. Tran had raised $50 million to set up a suit factory in Ho Chi Minh City, betting on the increased access to markets like the U.S. that […]

Read More… from 6/1/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/EPA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/SCOTT PRUITT: “Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt on Thursday [6-1-17] would not say whether President Donald Trump still considers climate change a ‘hoax.’ When flatly asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper, ‘Does the President believe climate change is a hoax?’ the EPA administrator responded: ‘This is not about whether climate change […]

Read More… from 6/1/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump is expected to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, three officials with knowledge of the decision said, making good on a campaign pledge but severely weakening the landmark 2015 climate change accord that committed nearly every nation to take action to curb the warming of the […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


ETHICS/LOBBYING/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump has given at least 16 White House staff members dispensation to work on policy matters they handled while employed as lobbyists or to interact with their former colleagues in private-sector jobs, according to records released late Wednesday [5-31-7]. The details on these so-called ethics waivers — more than five times […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Momentous arguments inside the West Wing over the future of the Paris climate accord became a messy public spectacle on Wednesday [5-31-7], with some aides saying that President Trump had decided to abandon the landmark global warming agreement while others insisted that no decision had been made. Three administration officials with […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “There was a time in the not-too-distant past when President Trump refrained from flamethrowing messages on Twitter. That time is over. Never mind that his aides have asked him to stop. Never mind that now the lawyers have told him to stop. Even though his White House has been warned that tweets […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VIETNAM: “U.S. President Donald Trump discussed trade with Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc during a White House visit on Wednesday [5-31-17] and welcomed the signing of business deals worth billions of dollars and the jobs they would bring. General Electric Co (GE.N) said earlier it had signed deals with Vietnam worth […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


LEGAL/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House on Wednesday [5-31-17] took its first public steps to cordon off response efforts to the Russia probe from the day-to-day work of the administration, acknowledging openly that President Donald Trump had hired an outside attorney to handle the swirling controversy. Asked at an off-camera briefing for reaction to upcoming […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democrats quickly denounced the Trump administration’s expected move to withdraw from the Paris climate accord Wednesday [5-31-7], calling it a political decision with grave ramifications for the well-being of the planet. The decision, which will be announced this week, would put the US at odds with nearly every other nation on […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/ISRAEL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is expected to renew the waiver that keeps the US embassy in Tel Aviv, avoiding, for now, a controversial move to Jerusalem, several senior administration and diplomatic sources told CNN. Trump promised throughout the 2016 campaign that he would move the US embassy from to Jerusalem, an action […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has been handing out his cellphone number to world leaders and urging them to call him directly, an unusual invitation that breaks diplomatic protocol and is raising concerns about the security and secrecy of the U.S. commander in chief’s communications. Trump has urged leaders of Canada and Mexico […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


FBI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump will interview two more candidates for F.B.I. director on Tuesday [5-30-17] as he resumes his search for a replacement for James B. Comey, who was dismissed earlier this month, the White House said. Mr. Trump will meet with Christopher Wray, a former assistant attorney general overseeing the criminal division under […]

Read More… from 5/30/2017