
CONGRATS/HOLIDAY: “A Great 4th of July! America a great country who’s brightest days, with wise leadership, lie ahead.” [7:22:26 PM]

 – 7/6/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/6/2012


CANDIDATE/JOBS: “Hope and Change? Job numbers down. Time for @MittRomney” [6:08:05 PM]

 – 7/6/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/6/2012


POLITICAL FIGURES: “Keep an eye on Anthony Weiner. Weasels are hard to get rid of.” [6:07:08 PM]

 – 7/6/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/6/2012


COURTS/MEDIA: “As I anticipated, Justice Roberts made the cover of Time Magazine etc. The liberal media now loves him– he should be ashamed.” [4:13:59 PM]

 – 7/6/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/6/2012


JOBS: “Job numbers today— terrible! So what else is new?” [4:10:24 PM]

 – 7/6/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/6/2012


COURTS: “John Roberts arrived in Malta yesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there.” [4:42:35 PM]

 – 7/5/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/5/2012


PAKISTAN/TERRORISM: “When will Pakistan apologize to us for providing safe sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden for 6 years?! Some ‘ally.’ “ [4:22:54 PM]

 – 7/5/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/5/2012


OBAMA: “Today @BarackObama is in Ohio on a bus tour. Tomorrow Pennsylvania. How about actually running the country?” [4:11:55 PM]

 – 7/5/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/5/2012


JOBS: “May jobless numbers have been readjusted to 8.2%. @BarackObama’s economy is a disaster http://t.co/nJ0glzLd New numbers tomorrow.” [4:06:39 PM]

 – 7/5/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/5/2012


CELEBS: “I don’t care what people say, I like Tom Cruise. He works his ass off and never ever quits. He’s one of the few true movie stars.” [3:25:03 PM]

 – 7/5/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/5/2012


JOBS: “Welcome to @BarackObama’s America – 8.74 million workers on *Federal Disability’ http://t.co/V7cQCFNx Where are the jobs?!” [2:40:28 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TAXES: “Via @AP’s: ObamaCare ‘is a tax’ http://t.co/vZmg1g5v @BarackObama gave the largest tax increase in history on the middle class. Shameful!” [1:59:46 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


BUSINESS/OBAMA: “Hypocrite! in ’06 @BarackObama called private equity ‘the best opportunity for long-term economic vitality’ http://t.co/OCnibfe5” [1:50:57 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


IRAN/OBAMA: “Just as I predicted, @BarackObama is preparing a possible attack on Iran right before November. http://t.co/ISaJp1xo” [1:29:11 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


CAMPAIGN/OBAMA: “Wow–such sacrfices for his re-election. @BarackObama will not vacation in Martha’s Vineyard this summer.http://b.globe.com/Lj5bqW” [1:12:44 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


POLITICAL FIGURES: “Degenerate former Congressman Anthony Weiner is trying to make a comeback. He is a sick & perverted man that New York does not want or need.” [12:38:57 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


RELIGION/WTC: “Con Ed has won its suit against the Ground Zero Mosque developers http://t.co/WTuwxPJB The mosque is never going up.” [12:15:57 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


HOLIDAY/RECORDS: “Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day, America’s 236th birthday. Here is America’s actual birth certificate http://t.co/0Dnwgi5p” [12:13:19 PM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


OBAMA/OIL/OPEC/SAUDI ARABIA: “I believe @BarackObama made a deal with the Saudis to increase oil production until after the election. Then OPEC can have a field day. But yesterday, prices went up–they must think Obama is in trouble.” [11:13:37 AM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 7/3/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “The ‘brunt’ of ObamaCare will be shouldered by folks making under $120K http://t.co/OJTV1miD” [10:27:26 AM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


CAMPAIGN/LEGAL/OBAMA: “Is it legal for @BarackObama to make campaign donor calls from Air Force One? http://t.co/TJM5NNVT Obama is always fundraising on our dime.” [10:04:20 AM]

 – 7/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/3/2012


DONALD ON DONALD/TWITTER: “Happy to have just passed 1.3M Twitter followers. Love communicating with everyone daily.” [4:51:29 PM]

 – 7/2/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/2/2012


SPORTS: “David Wright of the NY Mets should have been on the 1st Team All Stars. He’s having a great year.” [4:46:04 PM]

 – 7/2/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/2/2012


CAMPAIGN: “Don’t believe @BarackObama’s whining–Pro-Romney SuperPAC spending is on par with Pro-Obama SuperPAC http://t.co/rSCMqggG” [4:39:35 PM]

 – 7/2/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/2/2012


COURTS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Dangerous–The USC ObamaCare ruling means the government can now tax you for inactivity.” [4:37:14 PM]

 – 7/2/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/2/2012


APPLE/CHINA: “WRONG: A China court ordered @apple to pay $60M to a Chinese company that registered iPad before @apple http://t.co/4sYZMQHh [4:28:05 PM] China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case. China is getting away with murder. http://t.co/L4FVnlof [4:31:09 PM]

 – 7/2/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/2/2012


ENERGY: “Interesting — studies show that wind farms have a warming effect on the climate” [3:37:31 PM]

 – 6/29/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/29/2012


BUSINESS: “Friends of mine who are driving Cadillacs–it is becoming a very hot car–are raving about what a great job @Cadillac has done.” [3:24:47 PM]

 – 6/29/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/29/2012


ELECTION/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “ObamaCare has 21 tax hikes http://t.co/05sjPOxx There’s now only one solution–defeat @BarackObama this November! #GOMITT” [3:17:11 PM]

 – 6/29/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/29/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TEA PARTY: “Great news–here comes the Tea Party! @MittRomney has received 42k donations online & raised over $4.2 million since the ObamaCare decision.” [2:28:57 PM]

 – 6/29/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/29/2012


COURTS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Interesting that Roberts said it was a tax in order to come out with his good public relations decision when Obama and his counsel stated it was not a tax. [2:20:16 PM] Justice Kennedy should be proud of himself for sticking to his principles, in light of Justice Roberts’ bullshit! [2:24:05 PM]

 – 6/29/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/29/2012


COURTS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Justice Roberts turned on his principles with absolutely irrational reasoning in order to get loving press from the Washington establishment. He should be ashamed of himself. [12:53:59 PM] Justice Roberts did the Republican Party and @MittRomney a great favor. He essentially said ObamaCare is a tax, a major one at that, and Republicans are now really energized for the November elections. [1:00:39 PM] It seems that Justice Scalia originally wrote the majority on ObamaCare and Roberts then switched his position. http://t.co/09769AIk [1:33:16 PM]

 – 6/29/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/29/2012


ENERGY: “Wind Farms are not only disgusting to look at but also cause tremendous damage to their local ecosystems. http://t.co/fZndm7zB” [4:12:08 PM]

 – 6/28/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/28/2012


CANDIDATE/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Obamacare will bankrupt our country and lead to socialized medicine. We must all focus now on electing @MittRomney this November.” [3:41:50 PM]

 – 6/28/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/28/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMA/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Remember this—@BarackObama told @GStephanopoulos in 09 that it is ‘not true’ that the individual mandate is a tax http://t.co/XNsbCxCs” [1:44:29 PM]

 – 6/28/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/28/2012


COURTS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part of Georgetown society more than anyone knew. [12:23:27 PM] The USC made a terrible decision today. How can a requirement to buy private health insurance logically be a Government tax?! [12:26:20 PM]

 – 6/28/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/28/2012


LEAKS/OBAMA: “It is terrible that @BarackObama did not appoint an independent counsel to investigate the national security leaks. No accountability.” [3:24:49 PM]

 – 6/27/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/27/2012


JOBS/OBAMA: “Who’s the outsourcer? @BarackObama’s campaign is using a travel company with outsourced jobs in China and India. http://t.co/rW8CaIsc” [2:27:46 PM]

 – 6/27/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/27/2012


CANDIDATE/ELECTION/JOBS: “Unemployment has been over 8% for a record 40 straight months. @MittRomney’s election will end the @BarackObama downturn.” [4:15:24 PM]

 – 6/26/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/26/2012


CHINA: “Scary–now China’s Development Bank is looking to buy U.S. homes and developments http://t.co/Y50nOI5R They will own our country soon.” [2:47:25 PM]

 – 6/26/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/26/2012


ISRAEL/MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD: “Welcome to the new Egypt Muslim Brotherhood representatives who won’t take questions from Israeli journalists http://t.co/OilIIIub” [1:52:45 PM]

 – 6/26/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/26/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMA/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Outrageous- @BarackObama has spent over $2.7B on implementing @ObamaCare since the oral arguments at SCOTUS http://t.co/RPwiLB86” [3:41:59 PM]

 – 6/25/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/25/2012


CANDIDATE/POLITICS: “I am glad America is starting to get to know @MittRomney the way I know him. A wonderful & decent family man with sharp business acumen. He will make America great again.” [2:50:07 PM]

 – 6/25/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/25/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMA/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Another broken promise by @BarackObama: @ObamaCare actually increases income inequality http://t.co/hULkXMqC It must be fully repealed!” [2:28:48 PM]

 – 6/25/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/25/2012


MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD/OBAMA: “The Islamists have won. Just as I predicted, the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over Egypt. @BarackObama never should have abandoned Mubarek. [1:31:29 PM] What a statesman! @BarackObama made sure to quickly call the Muslim Brotherhood victor to congratulate him on the ‘Milestone’ election http://bit.ly/MLVbCg [1:41:12 PM]

 – 6/25/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/25/2012


DONALDISM/ENTERTAINMENT/MEDIA: “Everybody kisses your ass when you’re hot. If you’re not hot, they don’t even call. So it’s always good to stay hot.”

 – “I Am,” CNBC.com, June 24, 2012, Donald Trump, Transcript, 6/24/2012


ENERGY: “Wind Power is proving to be very costly and unsightly.” [3:25:03 PM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/22/2012


CHINA/MEDIA: “Sometimes there is justice. A Chinese military newspaper was hacked. http://t.co/CgZyoszb” [2:51:59 PM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/22/2012


ENERGY/JOBS: “The $9B that @BarackObama spent in *Stimulus* for Solar, Wind Projects created 910 total jobs, costing $9.8M each. http://t.co/ar9GHKlz” [12:38:48 PM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/22/2012


ECONOMY: “Moody’s is out to make publicity. The bank downgrades from yesterday don’t make up for @Moody’s giving AAA ratings on the mortgage backed bonds. They don’t have a clue–third rate.” [12:15:58 PM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/22/2012


EDUCATION: “U.S. tuitions are completely out of control. In the last 4 years, the average price has gone up by 15%. http://t.co/BUNtYpbt Unsustainable!” [11:45:26 AM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/22/2012


SPORTS: “Congrats to @MiamiHEAT on winning @NBA championship. @MickyArison is a tremendous owner & has done wonders for (cont) http://t.co/1uZiBeXj” [10:49:05 AM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/22/2012


CAMPAIGN/CANDIDATE: “Good messaging and staying on point. @MittRomney called @BarackObama ‘anti-investment, anti-business, anti-jobs’ http://t.co/N7bVK7IY” [10:33:55 AM]

 – 6/22/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/22/2012


ECONOMY: “Sad–just 16% of American parents think their children will be better off than them http://t.co/N6svVkUK We can do much better!” [4:33:37 PM]

 – 6/21/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/21/2012


CAMPAIGN/CANDIDATE: “The @BarackObama campaign took in $39M in May but spent $44.6M. Sound familiar!” [3:37:46 PM]

 – 6/21/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/21/2012


CRIME/MILITARY/WOMEN: “Rape is a huge problem in the U.S. military. Over 19,000 rapes last year.” [10:45:15 AM]

 – 6/21/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/21/2012


COURTS/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “The USC should be ruling any day now on @ObamaCare. Hopefully we will get the right result.” [4:14:30 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


CAMPAIGN/PROTESTS: “SHOCK – @BarackObama’s people are sending paid political organizers to heckle at @MittRomney events http://t.co/TdZTHk2v” [4:05:56 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


FAST & FURIOUS/LEAKS/OBAMA: “Yesterday there was yet another massive intelligence leak by the @BarackObama administration. http://t.co/3xYbmuyx [3:52:23 PM] CORRUPT–with the national security leaks and Fast & Furious, there are clearly at least two cover ups in @BarackObama’s White House. [3:56:02 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


MEXICO/OBAMA/SAUDI ARABIA: “The Amateur! First @BarackObama was caught bowing to the Saudi King but now the President of Mexico! http://t.co/f0CFiUS9” [3:36:33 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


ADVICE: “Now is the time to buy housing, before values have fully recovered. In 5 years, remember I told you so.” [3:23:56 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


DONALD ON DONALD/ENTERTAINMENT: “.@MacMiller’s ‘Donald Trump’ just hit 60 million hits. Maybe I should go into a new business.” [3:14:10 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


DONALD ON DONALD/GOLF/OBAMA: “I look forward to playing golf with President @BarackObama someday.” [4:34:09 PM]

 – 6/20/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/20/2012


RUSSIA: “Putin has no respect for our President — really bad body language.” [6:14:53 PM]

 – 6/19/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/19/2012


CHINA/IRAN/OBAMA/RUSSIA/SYRIA: “Now the Chinese are planning a war game w/ the Iranians,Syrians & Russians along Syrian coast. http://t.co/4B9uLXxV Laughing at @BarackObama” [3:33:37 PM]

 – 6/19/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/19/2012


SPORTS: “Congrats to Roger Clemens, he showed great courage. This case never should have been brought to trial. Andy Pettitte did the right thing.” [3:13:31 PM]

 – 6/19/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/19/2012


ELECTION/OBAMA: “Now even @BarackObama’s old professors are coming out in opposition to his re-election. http://t.co/QoH1or3m He has embarrassed them.” [2:58:59 PM]

 – 6/19/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/19/2012


ECONOMY/EU: “My @SquawkCNBC interview re: Europe’s financial mess, investing in Spain, Germany’s economy and the future of the Euro http://t.co/MtwYtrNz” [2:53:15 PM]

 – 6/19/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/19/2012


CHINA/POLITICAL FIGURES: “On Friday @VPBiden said that China has better cities and airports than the US. Well what has @BarackObama done about it the last 3 years?!” [4:39:04 PM]

 – 6/18/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/18/2012


GOLF/OBAMA/POLITICS: “I don’t mind that @BarackObama plays a lot of golf. I just wish he used it productively to make deals with Congress!” [3:59:18 PM]

 – 6/18/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/18/2012


CHINA/INTELLIGENCE: “The U.S. needs to protect our intelligence assets, especially in China. If the Chinese want to spy on us, then we need to return the favor.” [3:03:45 PM]

 – 6/15/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/15/2012


IMMIGRATION: “Today’s announcement by @BarackObama on immigration was done for reelection. He is using the office of the presidency as a campaign tool.” [2:24:42 PM]

 – 6/15/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/15/2012


ELECTION/GOP: “Now is the time for the @GOP to be united with the mission of electing @MittRomney this November. Stop with the public divisions.” [1:55:46 PM]

 – 6/15/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/15/2012


OBAMA/RECORDS: “I wonder when we will be able to see @BarackObama’s college and law school applications and transcripts. Why the long wait?” [1:51:18 PM]

 – 6/15/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/15/2012


ELECTION/FRANCE/OBAMA: “Shocking–over 92% of France–who just elected a socialist for its new PM–want @BarackObama re-elected http://t.co/6emqKVhx” [2:13:31 PM]

 – 6/14/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/14/2012


DONALD ON DONALD: “Today is my birthday. My wish is for our country to be great and prosperous again.” [12:39:40 PM]

 – 6/14/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/14/2012


CAMPAIGN/CANDIDATE/POLITICS: “Today both @BarackObama and @MittRomney are giving speeches on their economic policies in Ohio. The choice is clear. @MittRomney can lead America to prosperity.” [12:04:18 PM]

 – 6/14/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/14/2012


ADVICE: “The one positive from the plunge in household wealth is that we are in a buyer’s market. This is the time to buy!” [4:10:30 PM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


ECONOMY/NATIONAL DEBT/OBAMA: “SCARY-$6T in debt and $1T annual budget deficits later, @BarackObama is asking for more time to fix the economy http://t.co/Wp4ozvQx” [3:56:32 PM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


CHINA: “China’s currency manipulation is one of our nation’s greatest sovereign threats. The yuan has appreciated 40% against our dollar since 2005.” [3:32:35 PM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


CANDIDATE/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “The @MittRomney healthcare plan post ObamaCare relies on consumer choices with more options http://t.co/b3IvAjvi The perfect remedy!” [3:26:28 PM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


KEYSTONE: “Thanks to @BarackObama rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, China has become Canada’s biggest oil consumer. China is laughing at us!” [2:41:31 PM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


POLITICAL FIGURES: “Biden @VP Spends $1 Million Annually for Weekend Trips http://t.co/FIsVfaV0” [10:39:07 AM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


EU: “The Euro, put in place to hurt the U.S., is done! — will have less negative impact than most think.” [9:29:47 AM]

 – 6/13/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/13/2012


LEGAL/VOTING: “Good–@FLGovScott is suing the Federal Government so he can protect the voter rolls http://t.co/4TYPvqvh Florida must be a legal election.” [3:59:32 PM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/12/2012


CHINA/IRAN/OBAMA/OIL: “Sad.@BarackObama has already exempted major oil importers on Iranian sanctions and is negotiating a waiver with China.http://nyti.ms/KAOnVq” [3:36:21 PM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/12/2012


ECONOMY: “Scary–Americans private wealth fell 40% from 2007-2010 http://t.co/WoEWPYj5 But @BarackObama thinks the private economy is ‘doing fine.’ “ [3:12:37 PM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/12/2012


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “.@MittRomney is 100% right. The US Supreme Court should do ‘the right thing’ & overturn ObamaCare or the country will go bankrupt. http://apne.ws/KAMdFc” [2:54:24 PM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/12/2012


ASIA/BUSINESS: “Welcome to the new reality. Goldman Sachs just based their new Asia Pacific chairman not in Tokyo, but Beijing. http://t.co/wNWdZjTE” [2:37:36 PM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/12/2012


MEDIA/OIL/OPEC/SAUDI ARABIA: “Don’t believe the media stories. OPEC and the Saudis have not been doing us any favors recently with oil outputs. Oil should be $30/barrel.” [2:14:51 PM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/12/2012


POLITICAL FIGURES: “Sadly, it took a hit & run auto accident to make us aware of who our Secretary of Commerce is–and such an important position!” [11:35:23 AM]

 – 6/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/12/2012


LEAKS: “The Justice Department’s investigation into the national security leaks is not independent. This is a very grave situation.” [4:06:26 PM]

 – 6/11/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/11/2012


SPENDING: “WASTE–HUD is spending $70M to teach grant recipients how to spend the money from their grants http://t.co/zKgdVbCd Does it get any dumber?” [4:04:32 PM]

 – 6/11/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/11/2012


CHINA/MILITARY: “China has copied our military’s F-22 Raptor design http://t.co/Oqi65Leb We should offset their theft from our debt.” [3:35:30 PM]

 – 6/11/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/11/2012


ECONOMY/OBAMA: “Last Friday’s gaffe by @BarackObama claiming that the private sector ‘is doing fine’ ’ is illustrative.Everything to him revolves around gov’t” [1:34:01 PM]

 – 6/11/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/11/2012


DONALD ON DONALD/ENTERTAINMENT: ” ‘Donald Trump’ song is up to almost 60 million hits—- crazy!” [1:10:13 PM]

 – 6/11/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/11/2012


SPORTS: “.@MannyPacquiao was robbed in his title fight on Saturday night. No wonder boxing is dying. Bring back the 15 round fights.” [12:27:10 PM]

 – 6/11/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/11/2012


MISS USA/WOMEN: “Miss Florida was great in her denial of Miss Pennsylvania’s phoney statements. She blows Miss Pennsylvania away- a different league .” [6:38:36 PM]

 – 6/9/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/9/2012


CELEBS/MISS USA: “Thanks to @TheRealMarilu, a great woman, for her wonderful defense of the Miss USA pageant.” [6:36:58 PM]

 – 6/9/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/9/2012


MISS USA: “Miss Pennsylvania is just looking for free publicity at the expense of the real winner of Miss USA Olivia Culpo. [6:24:06 PM] Accounting firm Ernst & Young and the celebrity judges are insulted by Miss Pennsylvania’s made up PR. [6:32:19 PM]

 – 6/9/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/9/2012