
NATIONAL SECURITY/NORTH KOREA/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Senior American officials sent mixed signals on North Korea on Wednesday [8-9-17] as President Trump’s ‘fire and fury’ warning rattled allies and adversaries alike, a sign of his administration’s deep divisions as the outcast state once again threatened to wage nuclear war on the United States. The president’s advisers […]

Read More… from 8/9/2017


ENERGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice is asking President Donald Trump to extend his support for the coal industry by providing some $4.5 billion a year in federal funding for Eastern coal, a proposal miners in Western states say goes against free-market principles. The governor, who days ago switched parties to Republican from […]

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PROTESTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP TAXES: “The White House has an unusual onlooker Wednesday [8-9-17] — a large, inflatable chicken with golden orange hair. The inflatable chicken, situated on the Ellipse facing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is a visual that organizers of the Tax Day March have used in the past to coax President Trump to release his […]

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GOP/POLITICAL FIGURES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A close aide to President Donald Trump hit back Wednesday [8-9-17] against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, exhibiting further tension between the White House and Congress over Republicans’ failure to pass health care legislation. Dan Scavino, the White House director of social media, responded to McConnell’s comments that the President had […]

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NORTH KOREA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, one of President Trump’s evangelical advisers who preached the morning of his inauguration, has released a statement saying the president has the moral authority to ‘take out’ North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. ‘When it comes to how we should deal with evildoers, the Bible, […]

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LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “A lawsuit contending that President Donald Trump’s business dealings with and in foreign countries violate the Constitution is set to get a public airing in October in a New York federal courtroom. U.S. District Court Judge George Daniels issued an order Wednesday [8-9-17] setting oral arguments for Oct. 18 on a […]

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NATIONAL SECURITY/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Wednesday [8-9-17] boasted of the strength of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, vowing ‘there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world.’ ‘My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger […]

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LEGAL/LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Two advocacy groups sued President Trump in federal court Wednesday [8-9-17] over his declaration on Twitter last month that the Pentagon would a reinstate a ban on transgender people serving in the U.S. military. So far, the armed services have not implemented a ban or moved to discharge anyone, saying that it […]

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MILITARY/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before… Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!” -Donald […]

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NATIONAL SECURITY/NORTH KOREA/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “North Korea is reviewing plans to strike U.S. military targets in Guam with its medium-range ballistic missiles to create ‘enveloping fire,’ according to state media. The message came hours after President Trump warned North Korea that it will be ‘met with fire and fury and, frankly, power, the likes of […]

Read More… from 8/9/2017


IRAN/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “An unarmed Iranian drone buzzed an American Super Hornet fighter jet as it circled an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, Defense Department officials said on Tuesday [8-8-17]. A statement released by the military’s Central Command said that despite repeated radio calls demanding that Iran keep the drone clear of American flight […]

Read More… from 8/8/2017


HHS/TOM PRICE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price announced Tuesday [8-8-17] that President Donald Trump has no immediate plans to declare the nation’s opioid epidemic a public health emergency, a decision that flies in the face of the key recommendation by the President’s bipartisan opioid commission. Public health experts had said that […]

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NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration has identified its leading choices for the top federal prosecutors in Manhattan and Brooklyn, N.Y., including one who is a law partner of White House ally Rudy Giuliani and another who is a law partner of President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, according to a document sent to New York’s […]

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NATIONAL SECURITY/NORTH KOREA/NUCLEAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump threatened on Tuesday [8-8-17] to unleash ‘fire and fury’ against North Korea if it endangers the United States as tensions with the isolated nuclear-armed state grow into perhaps the most serious foreign policy challenge yet in his young administration. ‘North Korea best not make any more threats to […]

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SECRET SERVICE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump insists he’s on a ‘working vacation,’ but that hasn’t stopped the Secret Service from spending $13,500 on golf cart rentals ahead of this go-round in Bedminster, N.J. A purchase order, pulled by progressive super PAC American Bridge and reviewed by USA TODAY, showed the agency signed the golf cart […]

Read More… from 8/8/2017


DEMS/TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump White House is quietly courting a few dozen House Democrats on tax reform — eager to avoid the fate of the GOP’s straight party-line attempt to jam through a repeal of Obamacare. Even as congressional GOP leaders largely embrace a partisan path on taxes, White House officials have been wooing […]

Read More… from 8/8/2017


BUDGET/REBUILD OUR HIGHWAYS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It’s basically the opposite of a major government infrastructure program. Government spending on transportation and other public works is in decline as federal funding stagnates and state and local governments tighten their belts. Such spending equaled 1.4 percent of the nation’s economic output in the second quarter of 2017, the […]

Read More… from 8/8/2017


RELIGION/TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Since a makeshift bomb tore through a Minnesota mosque early Saturday [8-5-17] morning, President Trump has used Twitter, his preferred platform for communicating with the American people, to rail about ‘fake news,’ attack a Democratic senator from Connecticut and insist that he’s working hard while vacationing in New Jersey. One topic Trump […]

Read More… from 8/4/2017


POPE FRANCIS/RELIGION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s evangelical advisory board is asking Pope Francis for meetings with him and other high-level Vatican officials to discuss ‘efforts to divide evangelicals and Catholics.’ The request, which was first reported in Time, comes a few weeks after two of Francis’s closest allies published an extremely critical article about the […]

Read More… from 8/7/2017


CABINET/CLIMATE CHANGE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The average temperature in the United States has risen rapidly and drastically since 1980, and recent decades have been the warmest of the past 1,500 years, according to a sweeping federal climate change report awaiting approval by the Trump administration. The draft report by scientists from 13 federal agencies, which has […]

Read More… from 8/7/2017


FAKE NEWS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Saturday [8-5-17] appears to have unwittingly retweeted a Twitter user who built a public profile using a network of fake identities and stolen photos to hawk pro-Trump merchandise… The Twitter account linked to the website ProTrump45, which sells pro-Trump T-shirts, hoodies, and hats, and hosts a pro-Trump […]

Read More… from 8/7/2017


AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “To understand the Trump administration’s struggle to agree on a strategy to reverse the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, it’s useful first to look back in time. In early 2013, Donald Trump tweeted: ‘We should leave Afghanistan immediately. No more wasted lives.’ Early the following year, when President Barack Obama was trying to […]

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POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Never in U.S.history has anyone lied or defrauded voters like Senator Richard Blumenthal. He told stories about his Vietnam battles and… conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie. He cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child. Now he judges collusion?” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August […]

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FAKE NEWS/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before (despite some phony Fake News polling). Look at rallies in Penn, Iowa, Ohio… and West Virginia. The fact is the Fake News Russian collusion story, record Stock Market, border security, military strength, jobs… Supreme Court pick, economic enthusiasm, deregulation & […]

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SANCTUARY CITIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Sunday the city will file a federal lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s use of federal grant money as a way to force local authorities to cooperate with a crackdown on illegal immigration. The showdown over so-called sanctuary cities has been months in the making, as some […]

Read More… from 8/7/2017


ENERGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration is wading into one of the oldest and most contentious debates in the West by encouraging more coal mining on lands owned by the federal government. It is part of an aggressive push to both invigorate the struggling American coal industry and more broadly exploit commercial opportunities on public […]

Read More… from 8/6/2017


GOP/GUNS/JEFF SESSIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “At a recent gathering here hosted by the BamaCarry gun-rights group, Republican candidates vying to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ former U.S. Senate seat all invoked the same person: President Donald Trump… In the run-up to the Aug. 15 special-election primary, the GOP candidates are sparring over who would best advance […]

Read More… from 8/6/2017


MCMASTER/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump defended Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, his embattled national security adviser, on Friday [8-4-17] in the face of a full-bore campaign by the nationalist wing of his political coalition accusing him of undermining the president’s agenda and calling for his dismissal. General McMaster has angered the political right by […]

Read More… from 8/4/2017


LEAKS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans and Democrats denounced government leaking this week after transcripts of President Donald Trump’s calls with foreign leaders was exposed by the Washington Post. The rejection of leaks comes as Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected Friday [8-4-17] to a Justice Department investigation into leaks coming out of the government. Trump has […]

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DHS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great work being done by @FEMA @DHSgov w/state & local leaders to prepare for hurricane season. Preparedness is an investment in our future! https://t.co/e4rbchY3zM” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 4, 2017 04:38pm […]

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ATTORNEY GENERAL/JEFF SESSIONS/LEAKS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Friday [8-4-17] that the Justice Department was now pursuing three times as many leak investigations as the previous administration, a significant devotion of law enforcement resources to hunt down the sources of unauthorized disclosures of information that have plagued the Trump administration. Mr. Sessions […]

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TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Consumer confidence is at a 16 year high….and for good reason. Much more regulation ‘busting’ to come. Working hard on tax cuts & reform!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 4, 2017 05:26am […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “New Hampshire politicians criticized President Trump after a transcript of a phone call with the president of Mexico published on Thursday [8-3-17] showed he called the state ‘a drug-infested den.’ The remark came during his comments on the drug trade, criminal gangs and how he said they affected the state, according to […]

Read More… from 8/3/2017


LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When President Trump chose Twitter last week to announce that he planned to ban transgender service members from the military, he said his decision would safeguard the readiness of the armed forces and was made on the advice of his generals. Now, a week after Mr. Trump’s Twitter statements, military policy experts […]

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LGBTQ/POLICE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In the week since President Trump declared that transgender Americans would no longer be allowed in the military, some municipal officials have responded with an invitation: join our police force instead. Several cities — including Houston; Austin, Tex.; Aurora, Colo.; and Cincinnati — have encouraged transgender people to apply to their police […]

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GOP/POLITICS/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump chafed on Thursday [8-3-17] over the new dive in U.S. relations with Russia, widening a rift with his own Republican Party as he blamed Congress for causing the tensions with a new package of sanctions. Far removed from his election campaign promises to improve relations with Vladimir Putin and […]

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IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As President Trump embraces a proposal to sharply cut immigration to the United States, supporters of the plan point to the example of Australia and its ‘merit-based’ system for approving new immigrants. The plan Mr. Trump supports seeks to reduce immigration by curbing the ability of American citizens and legal residents to […]

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CLIMATE CHANGE/EPA/SCOTT PRUITT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration said late Wednesday [8-2-17] that it would not delay an Obama-era regulation on smog-forming pollutants from smokestacks and tailpipes, a move that environmental groups hailed as a victory. The Environmental Protection Agency decision came a day after 16 state attorneys general, all Democrats, filed a lawsuit challenging […]

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ENERGY/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Neil Chatterjee and Robert Powelson as members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, restoring a quorum to the agency. ‘After six months, we have finally restored a working quorum to FERC,’ Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski, chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said in […]

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OBAMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In mid-August 2011, then-non-politician Donald Trump levied a critique of President Barack Obama. ‘@BarackObama played golf yesterday. Now he heads to a 10 day vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. Nice work ethic.’ This was one of dozens of tweets criticizing Obama for playing golf… It was one of a handful that also dinged […]

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DEMS/GOP/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, standing next to President Donald Trump at a rally on Thursday [8-3-17] night, announced that he was changing political parties, ditching the Democrats and joining Trump’s Republicans. ‘I can’t help you anymore being a Democrat governor,’ Justice told the crowd. ‘So tomorrow I will be changing my […]

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CFTC/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. Senate voted on Thursday [8-3-17] to confirm two Republicans and one Democrat to serve on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the top U.S derivatives regulator. In a voice vote, the Senate approved the nominations of Republican Chris Giancarlo to serve as CFTC chairman, as well as Republican Brian Quintenz and […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “See you tonight Huntington, West Virginia! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain?? Tickets: https://t.co/ERU0xUWdCr https://t.co/obtDsdV94t” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 3, 2017 11:04am […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump is getting ready for a mega vacation. Friday [8-4-17], Trump is heading out to the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, for 17 days, AP reported. In the past, Trump has been vocal about his disapproval for taking vacations: ‘What’s the point? If you’re not enjoying your work, […]

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MEXICO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump pressured the Mexican president to stop voicing opposition in public to his plan to have Mexico pay for a border wall, according to transcripts of phone calls published on Thursday [8-3-17] that gave an insight into Trump’s attempts to influence foreign leaders in his first days in office. […]

Read More… from 8/3/2017


RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Switch on the news in Russia, and the message is clear: Washington is in chaos. Dmitry Kiselev, the host of a weekly television show, summed up U.S. President Donald Trump’s return from last month’s Group of 20 meeting in Germany by saying Mr. Trump had ‘plunged back into his native American hell, […]

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CIA/MIKE POMPEO/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The end came quickly for one of the costliest covert action programs in the history of the C.I.A. During a White House briefing early last month, the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, recommended to President Trump that he shut down a four-year-old effort to arm and train Syrian rebels. The president swiftly […]

Read More… from 8/2/2017


IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump embraced legislation on Wednesday [8-2-17] that would overhaul decades of immigration policy by replacing a system that favors family ties in deciding who can legally move to the United States with one based on skills and employability. At a White House announcement with two Republican senators, Mr. Trump put his […]

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POPE FRANCIS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of ‘hate’ with evangelical Christians to back President Trump, further alienating a group already out of the Vatican’s good graces. The authors, writing in a Vatican-vetted journal, singled out Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s chief strategist, […]

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NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “The White House has engaged in a slow-motion purge of hard-line officials at the National Security Council in recent weeks, angering conservatives who complain that the foreign policy establishment is reasserting itself over a president who had promised a new course. The latest to go was Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who ran […]

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EX-IM BANK/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is giving former Rep. Scott Garrett a chance to save his nomination to lead the Export-Import Bank just weeks after the president privately questioned the appointment amid intense pushback from business groups. The New Jersey Republican’s confirmation has been in doubt for months amid concern about his record […]

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JEFF SESSIONS/JOHN KELLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “New White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told Attorney General Jeff Sessions last weekend that his job was safe after Sessions endured several weeks of sharp public criticism from President Donald Trump, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday [8-2-17]. Kelly, who was named chief of staff by Trump […]

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FOREIGN POLICY/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump signed legislation on Wednesday [8-2-17] imposing sanctions on Russia and limiting his own authority to lift them, but asserted that the measure included ‘a number of clearly unconstitutional provisions’ and left open the possibility that he might choose not to enforce them as lawmakers intended. The legislation, which also […]

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DOW/ECONOMY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is proud of the U.S. stock market. He made that clear in tweets on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday [8-2-17], as the Dow Jones Industrial Average surpassed 22,000 for the first time, he announced his support for legislation to cut legal immigration—and then quickly changed topics to crow […]

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IMMIGRATION/MEXICO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Only hours after President Trump said Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto had called him to praise his migration policy, the Mexican government denied the two men had spoken recently by phone. Trump’s comment came Monday [7-31-17] as he was presenting his new chief of staff, John Kelly, who was moving to the […]

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MEXICO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In President Donald Trump’s telling, officials from Mexico City to Boy Scouts headquarters are lighting up his phone line with praise. In the leaders’ telling, though, the calls never happened. It’s an unusual pattern of pushback against the President of the United States, a frequent and expansive telephoner who sometimes hands out […]

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CHINA/ECONOMY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Foxconn Technology Group is not saying whether it plans to invest $30 billion in the United States, as President Donald Trump claimed he was told by the company’s leader ‘off the record.’ Trump announced to a group of small business leaders at the White House on Tuesday that Foxconn CEO Terry Gou […]

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MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VETS: “It was my great honor to pay tribute to a VET who went above & beyond the call of duty to PROTECT our COMRADES, our COUNTRY, & OUR FREEDOM! https://t.co/YS6y1WR30G” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 2, 2017 09:09am […]

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GOP/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump and two Republican senators on Wednesday will unveil a plan at the White House to overhaul the rules for legal immigrants, a proposal that would slash numbers overall and focus on skilled immigrants, the White House said. Trump will discuss his support for a bill developed by senators […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/KELLYANNE CONWAY: “Kellyanne Conway’s office has a different vibe than other corners of the West Wing. Unlike some of the drab work spaces belonging to her male counterparts, whose offices look as impersonal as the day they moved in, Conway’s office is decorated with colorfully framed, oversize family photos mounted on the […]

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FOREIGN POLICY/MIKE PENCE/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump will ‘very soon’ sign a law limiting his ability to lift sanctions against Russia, even though he has ‘concerns’ about the measure, Vice President Mike Pence said on Tuesday [8-1-17]. The announcement during a visit to Tbilisi, Georgia, comes as no surprise, because the Trump administration had signaled […]

Read More… from 8/1/2017


ETHICS/INTERIOR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/RYAN ZINKE: “The recalcitrant senator kept crossing up the inexperienced new president on big-ticket legislation even though they represented the same party. Frustrated and angry, the White House fought back, threatening retaliation both petty and portentous, eyeing federal jobs and programs in the state of the rebellious lawmaker to force obedience. While […]

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JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said morale at the Justice Department remains ‘pretty good,’ despite concerns by current and former prosecutors that President Donald Trump’s rebukes of the department’s leader are unsettling and have made it harder to do their jobs. Mr. Trump last week chastised Attorney General Jeff Sessions […]

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CHRIS WRAY/FBI/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Christopher Wray, President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation, won Senate confirmation Tuesday [8-2-17] with the support of most Democrats, putting the former Justice Department official and private lawyer in charge of an agency buffeted by political crosswinds that show few signs of diminishing. The bipartisan 92-to-5 […]

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COAST GUARD/DHS/LGBTQ/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The head of the Coast Guard is pledging he ‘will not break faith’ with transgender personnel, marking the strongest rebuttal yet by a leader of the armed forces to President Donald Trump’s declaration that he wants to ban all transgender troops. Commandant Paul Zukunft, in remarks to a Washington think tank […]

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JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtained by The New York Times. The document, an internal announcement to the civil rights division, […]

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CRIME/POLICE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The nation’s top narcotics officer repudiated President Donald Trump’s remarks about police use of force, issuing a memo saying Drug Enforcement Administration agents must ‘always act honorably’ by maintaining ‘the very highest standards’ in the treatment of criminal suspects. Chuck Rosenberg, who as acting DEA chief works for the president, told agency […]

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RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP FAMILY/DONALD JR: “Sen. Lindsey Graham said Tuesday [8-1-17] that a report that President Donald Trump personally dictated his son’s misleading statement regarding a meeting last summer with a Russian attorney ‘bothers me a lot,’ as do the president’s regular requests that the Senate do away with the legislative filibuster, a non-starter, according […]

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FAKE NEWS/LEGAL/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A new lawsuit filed in New York claims that President Donald Trump got an advance look on a Fox News story purportedly showing the Russians weren’t behind hacked DNC emails published by WikiLeaks. According to the complaint, Trump pushed Fox News to publish the story ‘immediately.’ The problem was that the […]

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CHINA/FOREIGN POLICY/NORTH KOREA/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, is calling on President Donald Trump to suspend the approval of all Chinese deals facing national security reviews in the U.S. until China acts more aggressively to press North Korea to curtail its nuclear and missile programs. Though Mr. Schumer and other top […]

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ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI/JOHN KELLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “John F. Kelly, President Trump’s new chief of staff, firmly asserted his authority on his first day in the White House on Monday [7-31-17], telling aides he will impose military discipline on a free-for-all West Wing, and he underscored his intent by firing Anthony Scaramucci, the bombastic communications director, 10 […]

Read More… from 7/31/2017


DRUGS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s commission on the opioid crisis asked him Monday [7-31-17] to declare a national emergency to deal with the epidemic. The members of the bipartisan panel called the request their ‘first and most urgent recommendation.’ Mr. Trump created the commission in March, appointing Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey to lead […]

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GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Senate Republicans have no plans to revive their party-line attempts to repeal Obamacare this summer, despite President Donald Trump’s increasing frustration over the chamber’s failed attempts last week to gut the law. ‘Until somebody shows us a way to get that elusive 50th vote, I think it’s over,’ said Sen. John Thune […]

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ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Anthony Scaramucci’s swift exit as U.S. President Donald Trump’s communications director on Monday [7-31-17] has no bearing on the pending sale of the firm he founded, SkyBridge Capital, parties involved in the deal said. ‘The transaction remains on track and is expected to close by the end of the summer,’ said Robert […]

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ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI/JOHN KELLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Anthony Scaramucci was removed from his position as White House communications director, just 10 days after his appointment to the post. Mr. Scaramucci, who is nicknamed ‘The Mooch,’ was removed at the urging of former Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, who was sworn in as White House chief of staff […]

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ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump felt Anthony Scaramucci, whom he fired as his communications chief on Monday [7-31-17], made inappropriate comments to The New Yorker magazine, the White House said. ‘The president certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropriate for a person in that position and he didn’t want to burden General Kelly,’ […]

Read More… from 7/31/2017


ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as communications director, three people close to the decision said Monday, relieving him just days after Mr. Scaramucci unloaded a crude verbal tirade against other senior members of the president’s senior staff. Mr. Scaramucci’s abrupt removal came just 10 days […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Trump said that there is no chaos in his administration as his new chief of staff reports to the White House for his first day on the job, but he continued to threaten Congress that he would cut lawmakers’ health insurance plans in a series of tweets on Monday morning. […]

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NATIONAL SECURITY/NORTH KOREA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When folks here in Washington end a summer filled with White House hijinks and an epic but inconclusive health-care debate, they will look up and discover something unsettling: The world has become a more dangerous place while everybody has been distracted. That’s most obviously true in North Korea, where its […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “As the president’s commission on voter integrity formally begins work, it is clear that members don’t see eye to eye on the key question facing the panel: Is there widespread fraud at the ballot box? Some of President Donald Trump’s appointees say yes, including its vice chairman, Kansas Secretary of State […]

Read More… from 7/31/2017


GOP/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s tumultuous past week has widened rifts in his party, between those who vocally support the president’s combative style and others who bridle at it, according to interviews with GOP officials and supporters across the country. Mr. Trump has long been a polarizing force among members of his party, but […]

Read More… from 7/30/2017


FOREIGN POLICY/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that the U.S. would have to cut 755 diplomats and staff in the country by September in retaliation for impending U.S. sanctions on Moscow. In an interview with Russian state television, Mr. Putin said the U.S. presence in Russia would be reduced by more than […]

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GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sen. Susan Collins, one of three Republican senators who blocked the GOP’s health-care bill last week, on Sunday said President Donald Trump’s threatened cuts in payments to insurers would be ‘detrimental’ to America’s poor. The secretary of health and human services, meanwhile, was noncommittal about the payments and also declined to say […]

Read More… from 7/30/2017


CHINA/NORTH KOREA/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I am very disappointed in China. Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, yet… they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk. We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!” -Donald […]

Read More… from 7/29/2017


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA)/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Saturday [7-29-17] to end government payments to health insurers if Congress does not pass a new healthcare bill and goaded them to not abandon their seven-year quest to replace the Obamacare law. In a Twitter message on Saturday, Trump said ‘if a new HealthCare Bill is […]

Read More… from 7/29/2017


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “If the Senate Democrats ever got the chance, they would switch to a 51 majority vote in first minute. They are laughing at R’s. MAKE CHANGE!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, July 29, 2017 06:47am […]

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