
GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Tensions between President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans are rising, as lawmakers are being blamed by the president, House colleagues and many voters for the party’s failure to pass a major legislative initiative… Next month, the Republican-led Congress must pass a measure to keep the government funded beyond Sept. 30, when a […]

Read More… from 8/27/2017


REX TILLERSON/STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, in an interview Sunday [8/27/2017] on Fox News, said the U.S. maintains its commitment to freedom and equal treatment of people around the world after receiving international criticism for the White House’s various responses to a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., earlier this month… Asked about […]

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IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration is considering major reductions in cultural exchange programs, including those for au pairs and summer workers, that allow young people from foreign countries to work in the U.S., people familiar with the administration’s planning said. President Donald Trump’s ‘Buy American and Hire American’ executive order, issued in April, calls […]

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TAXES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I will also be going to a wonderful state, Missouri, that I won by a lot in ’16. Dem C.M. is opposed to big tax cuts. Republican will win S!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 27, 2017 08:15am […]

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MILITARY/SOMALIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Ten civilians, including three children, were killed in a raid by foreign and Somali forces on a farm in southern Somalia, a deputy governor said Friday [8-25-17]. The United States military confirmed that it had supported a counterterrorism operation in the area, and said it would look into the allegations. The deaths […]

Read More… from 8/25/2017


CRISIS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We will remain fully engaged w/ open lines of communication as #HurricaneHarvey makes landfall. America is w/ you! @GovAbbott @FEMA @DHSgov https://t.co/PryIqRxgLr” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 25, 2017 11:47pm […]

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TEXAS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Received a #HurricaneHarvey briefing this morning from Acting @DHSgov Secretary Elaine Duke, @FEMA_Brock, @TomBossert45 and COS John Kelly. https://t.co/cnkRZd6D6Z” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 25, 2017 11:02am […]

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ECONOMY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Gary Cohn, the White House’s economic policy director, said the Trump administration must do more to condemn hate groups and he did not defend President Donald Trump’s response to violence at a white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., two weeks ago. Mr. Cohn said he had come under ‘enormous pressure both to […]

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BORDER/BUDGET/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “The Pentagon is staring down weeks and possibly months of budget uncertainty that’s shaping up to be the most turbulent budget drama for the military in years. Once again, the US Armed Forces are caught in the middle of a bigger political fight — this time over President Donald Trump’s border wall […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Few, if any, Administrations have done more in just 7 months than the Trump A. Bills passed, regulations killed, border, military, ISIS, SC!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 25, 2017 05:44am […]

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DRUGS/HHS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Two weeks ago, in response to a reporter’s question, President Trump proclaimed that he considered the opioid crisis to be ‘a national emergency,’ leading many news organizations to report that a national emergency had been declared. But the Trump administration, perhaps caught off guard by the president’s statement, has not yet taken […]

Read More… from 8/24/2017


MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A GREAT HONOR to spend time with our BRAVE HEROES at the @USMC Air Station Yuma. THANK YOU for your service to the United States of America! https://t.co/4lJ94nxODu” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 24, 2017 07:21pm […]

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INTELLIGENCE/JAMES CLAPPER/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper questioned President Donald Trump’s ‘fitness to be in this office’ after the President’s wild speech in Phoenix Tuesday [8-22-17] night, it was likely only a matter of time before the President aimed his Twitter ire at the retired general. Indeed, Thursday morning came […]

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MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A great honor to spend time with our brave HEROES at the @USMC Air Station Yuma. THANK YOU for your service to the United Staes of America! https://t.co/FUtGBoTJLo” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 24, 2017 05:39pm […]

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EGYPT/FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump called Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday [8-24-17] and said he was keen to overcome any obstacles in the way of cooperation, just days after the U.S. said it would withhold some financial aid to Egypt… On Tuesday, two U.S. sources familiar with the matter told […]

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MISC/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As #HurricaneHarvey intensifies – remember to #PlanAhead. ☑️https://t.co/FMdmvohypy ☑️https://t.co/YL56ldeqoW ☑️https://t.co/t1s4AL3B47 https://t.co/tpXmOK70ug” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 24, 2017 02:31pm […]

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INTERIOR/RYAN ZINKE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says he is recommending changes to national monuments—vast nature reserves set aside by previous administrations—which could mean reducing the size of some of those protected federal lands. The Interior Department didn’t release a detailed account of Mr. Zinke’s suggested changes, but any reductions would likely launch a […]

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DHS/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “On Tuesday [8-22-17], I visited with the incredible men & women of @ICEgov & @DHSgov Border Patrol in Yuma, AZ. Thank you. We respect & cherish you! https://t.co/KSQddGqWzJ” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 24, 2017 12:13pm […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “The White House’s revolving door has seen more out than in lately, as White House director of rapid response Andrew Hemming became the latest communications and former Republican National Committee staffer to depart the chaotic Trump administration Thursday [8-24-17]. The departure, first reported by Politico, was a mutual decision, a White […]

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INTERIOR/RYAN ZINKE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said on Thursday [8-24-17] he has sent recommendations from his review of more than two dozen national monuments to President Donald Trump, indicating that some could be scaled back to allow for more hunting and fishing and economic development. The recommendations follow a 120-day study of […]

Read More… from 8/24/2017


TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VA: “..(enthusiastic, dynamic and fun) and the American Legion – V.A. (respectful and strong). Too bad the Dems have no one who can change tones!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 24, 2017 08:15am […]

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FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VA: “The Fake News is now complaining about my different types of back to back speeches. Well, there was Afghanistan (somber), the big Rally… (enthusiastic, dynamic and fun) and the American Legion – V.A. (respectful and strong). To bad the Dems have no one who can change tones!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August […]

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FAKE NEWS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VA: “The Fake News is now complaining about my different types of back to back speeches. Well, their was Afghanistan (somber), the big Rally… (enthusiastic, dynamic and fun) and the American Legion – V.A. (respectful and strong).To bad the Dems have no one who can change tones!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 24, […]

Read More… from 8/24/2017


JAMES MATTIS/LGBTQ/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The White House is expected to send guidance to the Pentagon in coming days on how to implement a new administration ban on transgender people in the military, issuing a policy that will allow Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to consider a service member’s ability to deploy in deciding whether to kick […]

Read More… from 8/23/2017


BORDER/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “President Trump has widened an extraordinary rift with his own party, as he threatened a government shutdown over his long-promised border wall and attacked key lawmakers whose votes he needs heading into a crucial legislative period. The escalating tensions between the Republican president and the Republican Congress endanger delicate negotiations in the […]

Read More… from 8/23/2017


ENERGY/RICK PERRY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration on Wednesday [8-23-17] released a major report urging actions to protect the ‘reliability and resilience’ of the nation’s electric grid, a move that could lay the groundwork for future support of America’s ailing coal and nuclear industries. The 187-page study, commissioned by Energy Secretary Rick Perry in April, […]

Read More… from 8/23/2017


POLITICAL FIGURES/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s seesawing response to the deadly racial violence in Charlottesville, Va., has been rebuked by countless politicians, business executives, community groups and religious leaders. The leaders of Britain and Germany spoke about the need to condemn such violence. Now the United Nations has weighed in, too. Without mentioning Mr. Trump […]

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POLITICS/NATIONAL DEBT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump issued an extraordinary challenge to his own party late Tuesday [8-22-17], threatening to shut down the government in a matter of weeks if Congress did not fund a wall on the southern border that was a signature promise of his campaign for the White House. Mr. Trump followed up […]

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DREAMERS/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has been unusually cautious about his plans for so-called Dreamers, but he’s running out of time to make up his mind. Ten conservative states have threatened to sue the administration in order to kill off the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, a 2012 initiative that has granted work […]

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RACISM/STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A science envoy for the Department of State sent a resignation letter to President Donald Trump on Wednesday with a not-so-subtle secret message: ‘IMPEACH.’ Daniel Kammen, a professor of energy at the University of California, Berkeley, told Trump in a letter dated Wednesday [8-23-17] that his decision to quit his State Department […]

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FOREIGN POLICY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP FAMILY/JARED KUSHNER: “President Donald Trump, who has pledged to broker the ‘ultimate deal’ between the Israelis and Palestinians, faces major obstacles to getting them to even negotiate as his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner arrives in Israel this week. The White House says the discussions will focus on ‘the path to […]

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RACISM/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump, in his first rally after the violent white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Va., earlier this month, attacked the news media and his fellow Republicans who were critical of his response to the protest. In an address of more than an hour, Mr. Trump accused the news media of ‘fomenting […]

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BORDER/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump on Tuesday [8-22-17] will meet with Border Patrol officials in Arizona before attending a campaign-style rally, as he seeks to move past one of the most difficult stretches of his controversy-roiled presidency. Mr. Trump will survey border equipment in Yuma and meet with members of the military before heading to […]

Read More… from 8/22/2017


POLICE/PROTESTS/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The police used tear gas to disperse crowds numbering in the thousands on Tuesday [8-22-17] night outside the Phoenix Convention Center as tempers flared around President Trump’s divisive speech at a campaign-style rally here. Hundreds of people ran off, streaming into the surrounding streets, coughing and wiping tears from their eyes. Police […]

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BUSINESS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Last Wednesday [8-23-17], even as top executives were abandoning President Trump’s business advisory councils after his remarks on white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Va., other industry leaders were busy making their interests known to a business-friendly White House. Jerry Howard, chief executive of the National Association of Home Builders, a trade group, […]

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EGYPT/FOREIGN POLICY/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration on Tuesday [8-22-17] denied Egypt $96 million in aid and delayed $195 million in military funding because of concerns over Egypt’s human rights record and its cozy relationship with North Korea. Analysts said they were surprised by the moves, which followed an Oval Office meeting in April between […]

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AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s appeal for India’s help on Afghanistan set off alarm bells on Tuesday [8-22-17] in Pakistan, where officials warned that the approach risked jolting a tumultuous relationship. They also expressed relief that Mr. Trump did not call for abrupt reductions in military aid to Pakistan, which the United States has long […]

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BUSINESS/ENERGY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Coal magnate Robert Murray has just joined Wall Street billionaire Carl Icahn in an exclusive club — wealthy backers of President Donald Trump who tried and failed to get lucrative concessions from his administration. Murray, CEO of Murray Energy, one of the nation’s biggest and most politically active coal miners, complained in […]

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CYBERWAR/NATIONAL SECURITY/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump would be required to notify U.S. lawmakers before creating a joint U.S.-Russia cyber security unit – an idea that has drawn criticism across the political spectrum – under legislation advancing in Congress. The proposal, if it became law, would be the latest in a series of maneuvers […]

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DONALDISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We will push onward to victory w/hope in our hearts, courage in our souls & everlasting pride in each & every one of you. God Bless America. https://t.co/44QYFSq07a” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 22, 2017 06:12pm […]

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NAVY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We pray for our fallen heroes who died while serving our country in the @USNavy aboard the #USSJohnSMcCain, and their families. https://t.co/t3kD8qj9Mt” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 22, 2017 02:15pm […]

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STEVE BANNON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Breitbart seems ready for one of Steve Bannon’s famed ‘wars.’ Just minutes after President Donald Trump concluded his Afghanistan policy speech Monday [8-21-17] night, the conservative site took an aggressive, critical approach to the address and Trump’s new policy. A banner headline blasted the president’s decision to extend the U.S. military […]

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PROTESTS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump called Monday [8-21-17] for peace and an end to bigotry in the U.S., nearly a week after a combative news conference in which he said both sides were to blame for a violent confrontation in Charlottesville, Va., between white nationalists and counterprotesters. ‘The young men and women we send […]

Read More… from 8/21/2017


AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/NATIONAL SECURITY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump’s skepticism about America’s involvement in Afghanistan was no secret to his staff. But his top national security officials were still taken aback at a meeting in the Situation Room on July 19, when an angry Mr. Trump began ripping apart their latest proposal to send thousands of additional American […]

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AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump put forward on Monday [8-21-17] a long-awaited strategy for resolving the nearly 16-year-old conflict in Afghanistan, but he declined to specify either the number of troops that would be committed, or the conditions by which he would judge the success of their mission there. In a nationally televised prime-time speech […]

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GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump’s impulse to punch back at Republicans who challenge him is dividing the party in Arizona and threatening the 2018 re-election of Sen. Jeff Flake, one of the party’s most vulnerable incumbents. Mr. Flake opposes Mr. Trump’s trade and border-wall plans, has criticized the president’s remarks about protests over a Confederate […]

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EXPORT-IMPORT BANK/GOP/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s nomination of former Rep. Scott Garrett to lead the Export-Import Bank has opened up yet another front in the Republican Party’s civil war. Pro-business trade groups, free-market advocates and even social conservatives and gay-rights activists are targeting GOP senators with competing lobbying efforts as they clash over Garrett’s […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “For some top figures in the Trump administration—the ones who occupy the more conventional space of the political world—last week was a tough one. They listened in distress as the president they work for appeared to defend a march marked by white-supremacist and anti-Semitic sentiments in Charlottesville. From the left, and […]

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AGRICULTURE/LGBTQ/NOMINATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sam Clovis, Donald Trump’s pick to be chief scientist for the Department of Agriculture, has argued that homosexuality is a choice and that the sanctioning of same-sex marriage could lead to the legalization of pedophilia, a CNN KFile review of Clovis’ writings, radio broadcasts, and speeches has found. Clovis made the comments […]

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SECRET SERVICE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump’s family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast… The agency has faced a […]

Read More… from 8/21/2017


CLIMATE CHANGE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration has decided to disband the federal advisory panel for the National Climate Assessment, a group aimed at helping policymakers and private-sector officials incorporate the government’s climate analysis into long-term planning. The charter for the 15-person Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment — which includes academics as […]

Read More… from 8/20/2017


SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Officials in the White House and in Arizona are bracing for a furious reception to President Trump’s campaign rally in Phoenix this week, amid the fallout from his comments faulting ‘both sides’ for racially charged violence in Charlottesville, Va. Of particular concern for some officials is the prospect that Mr. Trump may […]

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AFGHANISTAN/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will give a nationally televised address Monday [8-21-17] night to unveil his strategy for the long-running war in Afghanistan, the White House said, a plan expected to include sending as many as 4,000 more troops to the country. He’ll deliver the prime-time speech from Fort Myer in Arlington, Va., […]

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GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump returns to the White House Sunday [8-20-17] after a working vacation at his New Jersey golf club, amid signs he has alienated some congressional Republicans by saying both white-nationalist demonstrators and counterprotesters deserved blame for the recent violent clash in Virginia. Mr. Trump has a long to-do list: He […]

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PROTESTS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A group of alumni from one of the country’s most influential evangelical Christian universities is condemning their school’s president for his continued alignment with President Trump. A small but growing number of Liberty University graduates are preparing to return diplomas to their school. The graduates are protesting university President Jerry Falwell Jr.’s […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP FAMILY/MELANIA: “The White House announced early Saturday [8-19-17] that President Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, would not participate in this year’s Kennedy Center Honors, ‘to allow the honorees to celebrate without any political distraction.’ The decision was another episode in an already fraught week for the White House. Mr. Trump […]

Read More… from 8/19/2017


STEVE BANNON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Donald Trump seems intent on an amicable public breakup with his former chief strategist Steve Bannon. In a pair of tweets Saturday, the president lauded Mr. Bannon and wished him well upon his return to Breitbart News after a seven-month stint in the West Wing. ‘Steve Bannon will be […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Important day spent at Camp David with our very talented Generals and military leaders. Many decisions made, including on Afghanistan.” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 19, 2017 06:47am […]

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GUANTANAMO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump administration is making a fresh attempt at drafting an executive order on handling terrorism detainees, reviving a struggle to navigate legal and geopolitical obstacles to expand use of the Guantánamo Bay wartime prison, according to officials familiar with internal deliberations. Administration officials said President Trump had been expected to sign […]

Read More… from 8/18/2017


PROTESTS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sixteen prominent artists, authors, performers and architects resigned on Friday [8-18-17] from the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, the latest group to protest Donald J. Trump’s defense of white nationalists after the violent demonstrations in Charlottesville, Va. In a letter addressed to Mr. Trump, the committee members blasted his […]

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FDA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Food and Drug Administration has received dozens of reports over a decade about hair-straightening treatments that contain the carcinogen formaldehyde and can sicken salon workers and customers with burning and blisters in the nose and throat, nausea, and flulike symptoms. Yet six years after a consumer-safety group petitioned the agency to […]

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STEVE BANNON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped Mr. Trump win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion. The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Heading to Camp David for major meeting on National Security, the Border and the Military (which we are rapidly building to strongest ever).” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 18, 2017 09:09am […]

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GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “There is no annulling this marriage. For several weeks, congressional Republicans have grown more brazen, inch by careful inch, in creating a measure of distance from President Trump. Perhaps he should not declare war on the face of a female host of ‘Morning Joe,’ they have suggested, or antagonize Senator Mitch McConnell […]

Read More… from 8/17/2017


ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday [8-17-17] called on President Donald Trump to send an ‘unequivocal message’ that he would not stand for the ‘hate and racism’ seen over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, rejecting the president’s notion that blame lay with ‘both sides’ taking part in the event. ‘There are not two […]

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RACISM/TERRORISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Despite ongoing rebukes over his defense of white supremacists, President Trump defiantly returned to his campaign’s nativist themes on Thursday [8-17-17]. He lamented an assault on American ‘culture,’ revived a bogus, century-old story about killing Muslim extremists and attacked Republicans with a renewed vigor. Hours after a terrorist attack in Spain, Mr. […]

Read More… from 8/17/2017


BUSINESS/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As corporate chieftains on a White House advisory panel debated on Wednesday [8-16-17] on whether to disband, a few spoke up in favor of sticking with President Trump. They made their case in terms of business self-interest, patriotism and pragmatism. Jack Welch, the retired leader of General Electric, said the business leaders […]

Read More… from 8/17/2017