
DEMS/POLITICS: “Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam won Virginia’s Democratic primary for governor Tuesday [6-13-17], in the most significant intraparty contest between the party’s establishment and insurgent wings since Democrats’ trouncing in the 2016 presidential election. In the Republican primary for governor, the party establishment was rattled anew by the disruptive forces unleashed by President Donald Trump’s […]

Read More… from 6/14/2017


DEMS/GOP/LABOR/NOMINATIONS/POLITICS: “Five months into President Donald Trump’s administration, the federal agency that referees disputes between unions and business is still controlled by Democrats, complicating the White House’s effort to roll back government oversight of the labor market. National Labor Relations Board decisions during President Barack Obama’s tenure resulted in some big victories for labor, including […]

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ATTORNEY GENERAL/DEMS/JAMES COMEY/RUSSIA/TRUMP PEOPLE/JEFF SESSIONS: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions infuriated Democratic senators Tuesday [6-13-17] by repeatedly thwarting their efforts to shed light on the firing of James Comey, as he blasted secret innuendo and leaks over his own conduct. In a fiery Senate intelligence committee hearing, Sessions raised his voice in indignation as he rejected […]

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DEMS: “The Democrats have no message, not on economics, not on taxes, not on jobs, not on failing #Obamacare. They are only OBSTRUCTIONISTS!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 11, 2017 07:49am […]

Read More… from 6/11/2017


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Senate Democrats said they were disturbed and had more questions about President Donald Trump’s conduct following former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony Thursday — but they weren’t ready to say he obstructed justice. While their House counterparts have already started drawing up articles of impeachment, Senate Democrats danced around the obstruction of […]

Read More… from 6/8/2017


DEMS/GOP/POLITICS: “Democrats are jumping on Georgia congressional candidate Karen Handel for saying she’s against a ‘livable wage’ during a debate in the Peach State Tuesday night. When asked about her position on minimum wage, Handel, a Republican, responded: ‘This is an example of a fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative. I do not […]

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DEMS/HILLARY: “Crooked Hillary Clinton now blames everybody but herself, refuses to say she was a terrible candidate. Hits Facebook & even Dems & DNC.” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, May 31, 2017 07:40pm […]

Read More… from 5/31/2017


2016 ELECTION/DEMS/ELECTORAL COLLEGE: “I don’t know if you saw, but if you watch the Democrats now, the anger — the anger and hatred, and they’re trying to figure out where did all these people came that voted for Donald Trump? Remember they said — because the Electoral College is a very, very hard, they say, […]

Read More… from 4/4/2017


DEMS/GOP/POLITICS: “When Richard J. Durbin joined the Senate in 1997, his junior status relegated him to an unenviable task: serving in the minority on the Governmental Affairs Committee as the Republican-led panel exhaustively examined claims of an insidious Chinese plot to help President Bill Clinton in the 1996 elections. ‘We went on for months in […]

Read More… from 3/3/2017


DEMS/POLITICS/TOM PEREZ: “Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez was chosen to be the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, defeating Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison. Soon after, President Trump tweeted, ‘Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC. I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican […]

Read More… from 2/26/2017


DEMS/WALL: “When will the Democrats, and Hillary in particular, say ‘we must build a wall, a great wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it?’ Never!”  – 12/25/2015, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, 12/25/2015 […]

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DEMS/OBAMA/TORTURE: “Obama & Democrat leaders did a great disservice by releasing the papers on torture. The world is laughing at us—they think we are fools!”  – 12/11/2014, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, trumptwitterarchive.com, 12/11/2014 […]

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DEMS/OBAMA/SHUTDOWN: “Obama & the Democrats want this shutdown. They think it helps their electoral prospects for 2014. Don’t believe!”  – 10/1/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/1/2013 […]

Read More… from 10/1/2013


DEMS/POLITICS: “Interesting…the last time a Democrat succeeded a two-term Democratic pres. was in 1836 when Martin Van Buren succeeded Andrew Jackson.”  – 7/10/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, trumptwitterarchive.com, 7/10/2013 […]

Read More… from 7/10/2013


BREITBART/DEMS/IMMIGRATION/MEDIA: “.@BreitbartNews continues to do great work in exposing the left wing financing behind amnesty http://t.co/4eIxT7O0zf”  – 6/3/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, trumptwitterarchive.com, 6/3/2013 […]

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CHUCK HAGEL/DEMS/OBAMA: “You have to feel bad for the Democrat Senators. They don’t want Hagel either. Just following Obama’s orders.” [04:18:33 PM]  – 2/26/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 2/26/2013 […]

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BUSH [W]/DEMS/OBAMA: “Can you imagine if Bush’s administration drafted a memo legalizing the killing of Americans?! Democrats are such hypocrites.” [04:42:41 PM]  – 2/7/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 2/7/2013 […]

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DEMS/OIL: “Exxon donated $250g to Obama’s inaugural http://t.co/ny2KsoLs I guess the Democrats have no problem accepting money from *big oil.*” [01:37:04 PM]  – 1/23/2013, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 1/23/2013 […]

Read More… from 1/23/2013


DEMS/NATIONAL DEBT/OBAMA: “Scary. Obama and the Democrat Senate have accrued over $5T worth of debt without passing a budget in the last 3 years. 4 more years?” [2:57:30 PM]  – 10/30/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/30/2012 […]

Read More… from 10/30/2012


DEMS/ECONOMY: “Living in denial–only 15% of Democrats think that recent economic news is poor http://t.co/qgn0G7vw” [10:10:00 AM]  – Sept. 25, 2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 9/25/2012 […]

Read More… from 9/25/2012


DEMS/POLLS: “All these polls released by news outlets are oversampling Democrats. They want to influence public perception of the race.” [3:49:44 PM]  – Sept. 24, 2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 9/24/2012 […]

Read More… from 9/24/2012


DEMS/RUSSIA/VETS: “No surprise. @DNC displayed Russian ships in tribute to vets http://t.co/Q6BpWj0I Did they mean to honor the Russians?” [3:49:23 PM]  – Sept. 12, 2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 9/12/2012 […]

Read More… from 9/12/2012


DEMS/ECONOMY/ELECTION: “The delegates at the @DNC convention keep shouting ‘Four More Years.’ Four more years of 18% real unemployment and another $6T in debt?” [1:59:56 PM]  – Sept. 6, 2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 9/6/2012 […]

Read More… from 9/6/2012


DEMS/JOBS: “I wish the 23 million who are unemployed were able to celebrate like the Democrats in Charlotte right now.” [2:24:21 PM]  – Sept. 5, 2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 9/5/2012 […]

Read More… from 9/5/2012


DEMS/NATIONAL DEBT: “With all the talk of fiscal responsibility at the @DNC convention yesterday, it was ironic that the debt passed $16T.” [1:36:34 PM]  – Sept. 5, 2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 9/5/2012 […]

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CAMPAIGN/DEMS: “Here’s a sneak peek at the @DNC convention theme: ‘It’s not our fault. Blame Bush. Oh, and government built it.’ “ [9:31:24 AM]  – 8/23/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 8/23/2012 […]

Read More… from 8/23/2012


CAMPAIGN/DEMS/POLITICS: “Obama was very disloyal to Wisconsin Democrats. @BarackObama never showed up to help them even though he promised he would. He campaigned everywhere but Wisconsin–they will remember in November.” [10:21:45 AM]  – 6/6/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Twitlonger.com, 6/6/2012 […]

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BUDGET/DEMS/PARTIES: “We will never cut spending until we actually work off of a budget. The Democrats haven’t passed one in over 3 years. What a joke.” [2:41:34 PM]  – 5/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 5/3/2012 […]

Read More… from 5/3/2012


DEMS/KEYSTONE: “69 Democrats voted in favor of the Keystone pipeline in the House this week http://t.co/06fs6g5y A major defeat for @BarackObama” [3:47:47 PM]  – 4/23/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 4/23/2012 […]

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CELEBS/DEMS/POLITICS: “Would anyone in the music industry treat a Democrat like this? @RealMeatLoaf is being punished for his political views http://t.co/Q0Cvjve3” [3:13:57 PM]  – 3/12/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 3/12/2012 […]

Read More… from 3/12/2012


DEMS: “Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hard to watch or listen to–no wonder our country is going to hell!” [9:49:32 AM]  – 2/24/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 2/24/2012 […]

Read More… from 2/24/2012


DEMS/OBAMA: “@BarackObama’s class warfare rhetoric is taking a backseat for the DNC convention. He is charging $1 Million for a single suite.” [6:06:52 PM]  – 2/10/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 2/10/2012 […]

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DEMS/TAXES: ” ‘The Democrats’ solution is the same solution they have for everything–tax, tax, tax. Just one problem: it doesn’t work’ #TimeToGetTough” [3:32:41 PM]  – 1/3/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 1/3/2012 […]

Read More… from 1/3/2012