FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/JOE BIDEN: “Former President Donald Trump is claiming he would have gotten a better seat than President Joe Biden at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral. Monday’s state funeral was one of the biggest gatherings of world leaders in years, to bring closure to Britain’s longest-reigning monarch, who died Sept. 8 at age 96… ‘If I […]
Category: Foreign Dignitaries
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/MIKE POMPEO/TRUMP ADMIN: “The State Department inspector general is investigating whether Trump administration officials helped themselves to expensive Trump-branded gifts meant for foreign dignitaries, NBC News confirmed Tuesday… The inspector general’s broad look at missing gifts during the Trump administration also includes a whiskey bottle worth $5,800 that was given to then-Secretary of State […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/JAPAN: “Just had a wonderful conversation with my friend, Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan, who will be leaving office soon. Shinzo will soon be recognized as the greatest Prime Minister in the history of Japan, whose relationship with the USA is the best it has ever been. Special man!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 30, […]
BRITAIN/CORONAVIRUS/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great News: Prime Minister Boris Johnson has just been moved out of Intensive Care. Get well Boris!!!” –Donald Trump,, April 9, 2020 1:39 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/INDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Extraordinary times require even closer cooperation between friends. Thank you India and the Indian people for the decision on HCQ. Will not be forgotten! Thank you Prime Minister @NarendraModi for your strong leadership in helping not just India, but humanity, in this fight!” –Donald Trump,, April 8, 2020 1:11 pm […]
BRITAIN/CANADA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!” […]
CANADA/CORONAVIRUS/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Just had a nice conversation with Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau of Canada. Great to hear that his wonderful wife Sophie is doing very well. The United States and Canada will continue to coordinate closely together on COVID-19.” –Donald Trump,, March 14, 2020 2:06 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/INDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The roads are a hive of activity: women hoisting buckets of sand, work crews laying down fresh tar, an army of sweepers attacking debris and a new wall going up in front of a slum, apparently to hide it from passers-by. President Trump is scheduled to land in the western city […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/SWITZERLAND/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Heading to Davos, Switzerland, to meet with World and Business Leaders and bring Good Policy and additional Hundreds of Billions of Dollars back to the United States of America! We are now NUMBER ONE in the Universe, by FAR!!” –Donald Trump,, January 20, 2020 7:59 pm […]
EU/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on his great WIN! Britain and the United States will now be free to strike a massive new Trade Deal after BREXIT. This deal has the potential to be far bigger and more lucrative than any deal that could be made with the E.U. Celebrate Boris!” […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UK: “Looking like a big win for Boris in the U.K.!” –Donald Trump,, December 12, 2019 11:06 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Just had a very good meeting with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and representatives of Russia. Discussed many items including Trade, Iran, North Korea, INF Treaty, Nuclear Arms Control, and Election Meddling. Look forward to continuing our dialogue in the near future!“ –Donald Trump,, December 10, 2019 5:51 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/MEXICO/NANCY PELOSI/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Nancy Pelosi sat Mexico’s top trade negotiator and foreign minister down in her office and gave the two men an ultimatum. It was late September, and Democrats feared Mexico was not going to implement labor protections mandated by the new North American trade agreement. So Pelosi convened a small, […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/NATO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Trump reality show: NATO edition certainly had its share of plot twists and dramatic reveals on Wednesday [12-4-19]. Hot mics! World leaders caught on tape discussing the American president! President Donald Trump calling the Canadian Prime Minister ‘two-faced’! A secret meeting with the controversial Turkish leader! The cancellation of a […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/NATO/TRADE DEALS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Enjoyed my meeting with Prime Minister @BorisJohnson of the United Kingdom at @10DowningStreet last night. Talked about numerous subjects including @NATO and Trade.” –Donald Trump,, December 4, 2019 4:22 am […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/NATO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RoyalFamily: ?An official photograph of Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, NATO Secretary General and Heads of State and Gov…” –Donald Trump,, December 4, 2019 3:57 am […]
CANADA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump just met with Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau of Canada.“ –Donald Trump,, December 3, 2019 12:45 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/FRANCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump just met with President @EmmanuelMacron of France—a partner of the United States in many key ven…” –Donald Trump,, December 3, 2019 11:26 am […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/NATO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Their bromance once made headlines. But on Tuesday [12-3-19], it was clear that the days of President Trump and President Emmanuel Macron of France trading cheek kisses and clasping hands were gone. On the sidelines of a gathering for the 70th anniversary of NATO, Mr. Trump took his one-time friend to […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “RT @thehill: #BREAKING: Ukraine’s Zelensky: I never talked to Trump about ‘position of a quid pro quo’…” –Donald Trump,, December 2, 2019 2:28 pm […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/NATO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump barreled into London like a bowling ball on his first trip to Britain as president last year, testing the special relationship by criticizing then-Prime Minister Theresa May’s approach to Brexit in the pages of The Sun ahead of his visit while praising her political rival at the time, Boris […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump met with Prime Minister @BoykoBorissov earlier today on measures to strengthen the strategic par…” –Donald Trump,, November 25, 2019 11:55 pm […]
DEMS/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “RT @RepMarkMeadows: I am struck by Schiff’s attempt to characterize President Trump’s conversation with President Zelensky as a ‘demand.’ I…” –Donald Trump,, November 19, 2019 1:06 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “RT @Jim_Jordan: TODAY the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Vadym Prystaiko, verified what we already knew: ‘I have never seen a direct relation…” –Donald Trump,, November 14, 2019 9:52 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “RT @Jim_Jordan: Calls & meetings: 7/25—Call between @POTUS and Zelensky 7/26—Volker & Taylor meet Zelensky 8/27—John Bolton meets Zelensky…” –Donald Trump,, November 14, 2019 9:51 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TURKEY: “RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump gave an update on relations with Turkey at the top of his meeting with President Erdogan. https:…” –Donald Trump,, November 14, 2019 6:29 am […]
DEMS/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TURKEY: “RT @TeamTrump: President @realDonaldTrump on the Democrat’s hearing while he was meeting with the leader of Turkey: ‘I would much rather fo…” -Donald Trump,, November 14, 2019 6:28 am […]
AFRICA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Just had a meeting with top representatives from Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan to help solve their long running dispute on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, one of the largest in the world, currently being built. The meeting went well and discussions will continue during the day!” –Donald Trump,, November […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TURKEY: “President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey accused President Trump on Friday [10-18-19] of having broken with ‘diplomatic and political courtesy’ by sending him a letter threatening to destroy the Turkish economy if he did not behave in ‘the right and humane way’ in Syria…At the same time, Mr. Erdogan said, ‘we […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/KURDS/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TURKEY: “U.S. President Donald Trump warned Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in a letter about Turkey’s incursion into Syria, ‘Don’t be a tough guy’ and ‘Don’t be a fool!’ The Oct. 9 letter was released by the White House on Wednesday as Trump battled to control the political damage following his decision to […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/ITALY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump will host Italian President Sergio Mattarella at the White House on Oct. 16, the White House said on Friday [10-11-19]. The two leaders will ‘celebrate the strong and enduring historical ties between the United States and Italy, which underpin our bilateral relationship,’ the White House said. The […]
ELECTION/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Donald Trump pledged to ‘drain the swamp’ of money and influence in Washington. But sludge has kept pouring in — and some of it is coming from foreigners who are trying to buy sway with the president and his advisers. Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, associates of Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @senjudiciary: TODAY: Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC urges Prime Ministers of Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom to continue working wit…” -Donald Trump,, October 6, 2019 5:05 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/FRANCE/IRAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The telephone line had been secretly set up. President Trump waited on the other end. All President Hassan Rouhani of Iran had to do was come out of his hotel suite and walk into a secure room where Mr. Trump’s voice would be piped in via speaker. Mr. Rouhani and his […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “The White House concealed some reconstructed transcripts of delicate calls between President Trump and foreign officials, including President Vladimir V. Putin and the Saudi royal family, in a highly classified computer system after embarrassing leaks of his conversations, according to current and former officials. The handling of Mr. Trump’s calls […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “If that perfect phone call with the President of Ukraine Isn’t considered appropriate, then no future President can EVER again speak to another foreign leader!” -Donald Trump,, September 27, 2019 10:24 am […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “RT @CBSNews: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says he doesn’t want to be involved in US elections and he didn’t feel ‘pushed’ during…” –Donald Trump,, September 26, 2019 6:59 am […]
DEMS/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “Sometimes President Trump is in the Oval Office when he talks on the phone with a president or prime minister. Occasionally he is flying aboard Air Force One. Often he is in the White House residence, picking up the phone from the Treaty Room, or from his private suite, to connect […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UN: “President Donald Trump’s first speech to the United Nations was met with gasps as he threatened to hurt Iran and Venezuela, and then nicknamed North Korea’s leader ‘Rocket Man.’ Trump’s second address elicited outright laughter in the chamber hall when he bragged his administration had accomplished more in two years than […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….with a foreign leader. Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in?’ @GreggJarrett” –Donald Trump,, September 21, 2019 4:47 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: Earlier: President @realDonaldTrump welcomed the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Oval Office!…” –Donald Trump,, September 16, 2019 4:53 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @JuddPDeere45: …. The @POTUS wishes his friend, the Amir, a speedy recovery and looks forward to welcoming him back to Washington as s…” –Donald Trump,, September 9, 2019 5:40 am […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @JuddPDeere45: Today, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump was informed that His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the State…” –Donald Trump,, September 9, 2019 5:40 am […]
EU/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/MIKE PENCE/TRUMP PEOPLE/UK: “Battered by serial defeats in Parliament, scolded by members of his own party, abandoned by even his own brother, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain looked this week like someone who could use a friend. He got one Thursday [9-5-19]— or at least a faithful understudy — in the person of […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/GOLF/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The incompetent Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, was bothered that I played a very fast round of golf yesterday. Many Pols exercise for hours, or travel for weeks. Me, I run through one of my courses (very inexpensive). President Obama would fly to Hawaii. Kahn should focus on….” –Donald Trump,, […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/GOLF/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The incompetent Mayor of London, Sadique Kahn, was bothered that I played a very fast round of golf yesterday. Many Pols exercise for hours, or travel for weeks. Me, I run through one of my courses (very inexpensive). President Obama would fly to Hawaii. Kahn should focus on….” –Donald Trump,, […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/EPA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “World leaders and major companies intent on dealing with climate change have settled on a strategy for handling President Donald Trump: snub him. When Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency this week proposed withdrawing Obama-era rules to limit emissions of methane from oil and gas wells or pipelines, major oil companies said […]
BREXIT/BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump attacked U.K. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Wednesday [8-28-19] for aggressively pushing for a vote of no confidence against newly minted Prime Minister Boris Johnson…Corbyn told reporters he would attempt to challenge Johnson with a vote of no confidence after Johnson announced in a letter to Conservative […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/FRANCE/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “From the moment French President Emmanuel Macron tore up the G7 road map by canceling the joint communique, he transformed the gathering of the world’s seven largest advanced democracies. His tactic opened the door to a weekend of head-snapping spin and surprise, not least that President Trump stayed, smiling and handshaking […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G7/INDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Just wrapped up a great meeting with my friend Prime Minister @NarendraModi of India at the #G7Summit in Biarritz, France!” –Donald Trump,, August 26, 2019 7:26 am […]
CHINA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great respect for the fact that President Xi & his Representatives want ‘calm resolution.’ So impressed that they are willing to come out & state the facts so accurately. This is why he is a great leader & representing a great country. Talks are continuing!” –Donald Trump,, August 26, […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @realDonaldTrump: The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than e…” –Donald Trump,, August 25, 2019 1:37 pm […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great working breakfast this morning with Prime Minister @BorisJohnson at the Hôtel du Palais in Biarritz, France! #G7Biarritz” –Donald Trump,, August 25, 2019 3:05 am […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @Scavino45: President @realDonaldTrump and Prime Minister @BorisJohnson catching up with each other tonight in France! #G7Biarritz https…” –Donald Trump,, August 24, 2019 5:50 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/FRANCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Just had lunch with French President @EmmanuelMacron. Many good things are happening for both of our countries. Big weekend with other world leaders!” –Donald Trump,, August 24, 2019 10:22 am […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “After they wooed him in Taormina, Italy, in 2017, President Trump snubbed world leaders by dropping out of the Paris climate accords. When they reached consensus in Charlevoix, Canada, a year later, Mr. Trump abruptly refused to sign their joint statement and escalated his trade war with personal insults. And as […]
DENMARK/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘I’m not going to enter a war of words with anybody, including the American president,’ Denmark’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, told a Danish television channel on Wednesday [8-21-19]. Too late. In Denmark, a small country with powerful neighbors, commitment to international alliances is bedrock policy, and polite, measured political debate is […]
DENMARK/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!” –Donald Trump,, August 20, 2019 6:51 pm […]
DENMARK/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time….” –Donald Trump,, August 20, 2019 6:51 pm […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @KTHopkins: The nipple-height Mayor of Londonistan has NEVER been so unpopular. He has MINUS approval ratings because we are stab-city.…” –Donald Trump,, August 3, 2019 7:27 am […]
ELECTION/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UK: “Congratulations to Boris Johnson on becoming the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He will be great!” –Donald Trump,, July 23, 2019 6:29 am […]
CELEBS/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Just had a very good call with @SwedishPM Stefan Löfven who assured me that American citizen A$AP Rocky will be treated fairly. Likewise, I assured him that A$AP was not a flight risk and offered to personally vouch for his bail, or an alternative….” –Donald Trump,, July 20, 2019 8:52 […]
EU/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/GERMANY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Ursula von der Leyen has called Donald Trump’s discussions of NATO ‘immature,’ questioned why he wants to be a ‘best buddy’ with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and even suggested the president is uncomfortable with strong female leaders. Now she’ll be his main counterpart in the European Union. On Tuesday [7-16-19], von der […]
ELECTION/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @AmbJohnBolton: US is proud to be supporting Interim President Guaido & the democratically elected National Assembly, which is courageou…” –Donald Trump,, July 6, 2019 7:12 am […]
ECONOMY/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G20/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The leaders of virtually every country that I met at the G-20 congratulated me on our great economy. Many countries are having difficulties on that score. We have the best economy anywhere in the world, with GREAT & UNLIMITED potential looking into the future!” –Donald Trump,, June 29, 2019 7:29 […]
CLIMATE CHANGE/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G20/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is pressuring some of his fellow leaders to help weaken a G-20 commitment on fighting climate change in a move that could kill chances of agreeing on a final leaders’ declaration. Three senior officials told POLITICO that Trump is trying to enlist the leaders of Saudi Arabia, […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G20/GERMANY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to focus on the world’s problems, perhaps as a way of limiting discussion on their own tensions. In a meeting on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit here in Osaka, Japan, Trump and Merkel centered their comments on problems in […]
ELECTION/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “They were having a good time. Like old friends reuniting, they warmly shook hands, smiled and chatted amiably. And then President Trump brushed off Russia’s interference in American democracy with a joke as President Vladimir V. Putin chuckled. The first encounter between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin since the special counsel […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G20/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump plunged back into the world of international diplomacy on Friday [6-28-19] with characteristic provocation, keeping some of America’s closest allies, including his hosts, off balance even as he sought advantage on an array of economic and security disputes with profound consequences. Mr. Trump opened a series of high-stakes meetings […]
CHINA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/G20/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will arrive Thursday [6–27-19] at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan — his third time attending the yearly gathering as President and, in some ways, the most consequential. He is expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping for trade talks that could have a lasting impact on […]
CANADA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It was my great honor to host Canadian Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau at the @WhiteHouse today!????” –Donald Trump,, June 20, 2019 12:49 pm […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “He is a national disgrace who is destroying the City of London!” –Donald Trump,, June 15, 2019 6:17 pm […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “LONDON needs a new mayor ASAP. Khan is a disaster – will only get worse!” –Donald Trump,, June 15, 2019 1:47 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I meet and talk to ‘foreign governments’ every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about ‘Everything!’ Should I immediately…..” –Donald Trump,, […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/MELANIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS will welcome Polish President @andrzejduda and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda for their…” –Donald Trump,, June 12, 2019 9:33 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/POLAND/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It was a pleasure to host my friends President Andrzej Duda and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda of Poland at the @WhiteHouse today. U.S.-Poland ties are at an all-time high. Thank you for being such an exemplary Ally!” -Donald Trump,, June 12, 2019 7:34 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/MILITARY/POLAND/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump welcomed Poland’s nationalist president to the White House on Wednesday [6-12-19] with an elaborate show of support, promising more American troops, defending Warsaw’s record on democracy and staging a rare and showy F-35 jet flyover to mark their friendship. In his latest embrace of Europe’s nationalist surge, Mr. Trump […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When President Trump visited Britain in 2018 and met Queen Elizabeth II, he caused a social media stir by walking in front of the British monarch as they inspected her honor guard, forcing her to step around him — a breach of protocol. On Thursday [6-6-19], a day after his first […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “It looked for all the world like a boardroom scene from ‘The Apprentice,’ with President Trump appraising the candidates to succeed Prime Minister Theresa May, even as she stood by his side at a news conference on Tuesday [6-4-19]…And then, as if slipping off-camera to interview the contenders, Mr. Trump sought […]
EU/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “European leaders are subjecting President Donald Trump to a crash course in history, hoping to use D-Day commemorations to shake his skepticism about alliances that have kept global peace for three-quarters of a century. The President saw for himself on Thursday the human price paid by thousands of Americans buried under […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “British environment minister Michael Gove, one of the favourites to replace Prime Minister Theresa May, said he had not had a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday [6-5-19] but had exchanged a few words with him on Monday [6-3-19]. Local media had reported that Trump was due to meet […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “US President Donald Trump told ITV’s ‘Good Morning Britain’ in an interview aired Wednesday [6-5-19] that he spoke with Prince Harry during his visit to Buckingham Palace on Monday [6-3-19], but not about his comments on Meghan, Duchess of Sussex…When asked last week about Meghan’s comments in 2016 — before she […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UK: “Could not have been treated more warmly in the United Kingdom by the Royal Family or the people. Our relationship has never been better, and I see a very big Trade Deal down the road. ‘This trip has been an incredible success for the President.’ @IngrahamAngle” –Donald Trump,, June 5, […]
BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP FAMILY: “When Queen Elizabeth II welcomed the president on Monday [6-3-19] for his first state visit to Britain, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner watched from a Buckingham Palace balcony. Later, at a state banquet, Eric Trump posed for photographs. During dinner, Donald Trump Jr. tucked into a menu including lamb and […]
BREXIT/BRITAIN/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump said at a joint news conference with Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday [6-4-19] that he believed Brexit would eventually happen, adding that Britain is ‘a very, very special place and I think it deserves a special place.’ The comments came in the Durbar Court of the Foreign Office […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/GERMANY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, recalling how the Berlin Wall’s destruction 30 years ago taught her that anything was possible, exhorted Harvard’s 2019 graduating class on Thursday [5-30-19] to reject isolationism and nationalism, embrace the fight against climate change, see the world through others’ eyes and never ‘describe lies as truth […]
ELECTION/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/INDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a big election victory that put his Hindu nationalist party on course to increase its parliamentary majority. ‘Congratulations to Prime Minister @narendramodi and his BJP party on their BIG election victory,’ Trump said on Twitter. ‘Great things are in store […]
EU/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/RACISM/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “He’s rolled back democratic checks on his power, mused about creating a European ethnostate and erected a razor-wire fence to keep migrants out, angering the rest of the European Union. So why was Hungary’s far-right prime minister Viktor Orbán meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Monday […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: This afternoon, President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary to the Oval Office.” –Donald Trump,, May 13, 2019 3:02 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @WhiteHouse: President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic for his first visit in the Oval Office toda…” –Donald Trump,, May 3, 2019 4:48 pm […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/GOLF/JAPAN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday [4-27-19] said at a rally that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told him Japan is investing $40 billion in new car factories in the United States. Trump attended the Green Bay, Wisconsin rally after playing golf with Abe at Trump’s National Golf Club in northern […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/JAPAN/MELANIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Without close friends in Asia, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appears to be using every opportunity, even the emperor’s accession, to court President Donald Trump. Abe is scheduling a rushed visit to Washington to meet with Trump and celebrate first lady’s birthday, and then is inviting him to be first foreign […]
EGYPT/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is welcoming Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi to the White House on Tuesday [4-16-19] for a second official visit. The two leaders are expected to address topics including human rights, natural gas development in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and Egypt’s efforts to defuse tensions in Gaza through negotiations with […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/FRANCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump paid a visit to Mount Vernon last year with French President Emmanuel Macron, and according to new details relayed by associates to Politico, the experience was ‘truly bizarre.’ Mount Vernon president and CEO Doug Bradburn, who led the tour, according to Politico, has told several people that the […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/FRANCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump had some advice for George Washington. During a guided tour of Mount Vernon last April with French president Emmanuel Macron, Trump learned that Washington was one of the major real-estate speculators of his era. So, he couldn’t understand why America’s first president didn’t name his historic Virginia compound […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP BUSINESS: “The Trump International Hotel and Tower in Manhattan, near the southwest corner of Central Park, is a 44-story building with a mix of luxury condominiums and hotel suites that go for more than $2,500 a night. Unit 32G, a two-bedroom, 1,767-square-foot apartment with sweeping views of the park, is owned by an […]
FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/HUMAN RIGHTS/MYANMAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The United States needs to raise pressure on Myanmar to resolve a massive refugee crisis following what many officials and human rights researchers around the world believe was an act of genocide, a top foreign diplomat urged this week. In an interview with POLITICO in Washington, Foreign Minister A.K. Abdul […]
EGYPT/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump welcomed Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, to the White House on Tuesday [4-9-19], and bestowed on his ally what he most eagerly sought: a ringing endorsement of his strongman rule. Mr. el-Sisi, 64, a former general who took power in a military coup in 2013, is seeking to amend […]
CHINA/FOREIGN DIGNITARIES/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will meet on Thursday [4-4-19] with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, who is in Washington for trade talks, according to Trump’s schedule released by the White House on Wednesday [4-3-19] night. The meeting is scheduled to take place at 4:30 p.m. EDT (2030 GMT) in the Oval Office, […]