
DEMS/G7/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “So interesting that, when I announced Trump National Doral in Miami would be used for the hosting of the G-7, and then rescinded due to Do Nothing Democrat/Fake News Anger, very few in Media mentioned that NO PROFITS would be taken, or would be given FREE, if legally permissible!”  –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/20/2019


DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….because their so-called story didn’t come even close to matching up with the exact transcript of the phone call. Was it a Corrupt Adam Schiff con? Why didn’t the IG see this? When do we depose Shifty Schiff to find out why he fraudulently made up my phone call and read this..”  […]

Read More… from 10/20/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….fiction to Congress and the American People? I demand his deposition. He is a fraud, just like the Russia Hoax was, and the Ukraine Hoax is now. When do the Do Nothing Democrats pay a price for what they are doing to our Country, & when do the Republicans finally fight back?” […]

Read More… from 10/20/2019


DEMS/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “This Scam going on right now by the Democrats against the Republican Party, and me, was all about a perfect phone call I had with the Ukrainian President. He’s already stated, NO PRESSURE! Where is the Whistleblower, or the 2nd Whistleblower, or the ‘informant?’ All gone….” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 20, 2019 […]

Read More… from 10/20/2019


DEMS/HILLARY CLINTON/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “So now Crooked Hillary is at it again! She is calling Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard ‘a Russian favorite,’ and Jill Stein ‘a Russian asset.’ As you may have heard, I was called a big Russia lover also (actually, I do like Russian people. I like all people!). Hillary’s gone Crazy!” –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/19/2019


DEMS/G7/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….Therefore, based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility, we will no longer consider Trump National Doral, Miami, as the Host Site for the G-7 in 2020. We will begin the search for another site, including the possibility of Camp David, immediately. Thank you!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 19, 2019 […]

Read More… from 10/19/2019


DEMS/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “…..its own 50 to 70 unit building. Would set up better than other alternatives. I announced that I would be willing to do it at NO PROFIT or, if legally permissible, at ZERO COST to the USA. But, as usual, the Hostile Media & their Democrat Partners went CRAZY!” –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/19/2019


DEMS/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “I thought I was doing something very good for our Country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting the G-7 Leaders. It is big, grand, on hundreds of acres, next to MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, has tremendous ballrooms & meeting rooms, and each delegation would have…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

Read More… from 10/19/2019


DEMS/HILLARY CLINTON/RUSSIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Crooked Hillary Clinton just called the respected environmentalist and Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, a ‘Russian Asset.’ They need a Green Party more than ever after looking at the Democrats disastrous environmental program!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 19, 2019 2:47 pm […]

Read More… from 10/19/2019


DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘I don’t see anything that constitutes an Impeachable offense – Nothing here rises to the level of Impeachment. The Democrats are making a mistake with this secrecy.’ Kenn Starr, former Special Prosecutor”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 19, 2019 12:01 pm […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @SaraCarterDC: Democrat anger has grown so irrational that it has burst through the constitutional guardrails which protect our institut…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 19, 2019 11:02 am […]

Read More… from 10/19/2019


AMBASSADOR/DEMS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Corrupt Congressman Adam Schiff is angry that Ambassadors that he thought would be good for his fraudulent Witch Hunt, are turning out to be good for me – some really good! He’s got all meetings locked down, no transparency, only his illegal leaks. A very dishonest sleazebag!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 18, […]

Read More… from 10/18/2019


DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/RUDY GIULIANI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democrats building a case for impeachment are working to prove that when it came to pressuring Ukraine to investigate Democrats, Rudy Giuliani was Donald Trump’s brain…After a week of depositions from key figures in the impeachment inquiry, Democrats are coalescing around a push to prove that Trump committed impeachable offenses at […]

Read More… from 10/18/2019


DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP BUSINESS: “Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), chairman of the House committee that oversees federal buildings, threatened today to subpoena the General Services Administration if the agency does not hand over documents related to the Trump Hotel by next week. DeFazio’s committee, the House Transportation Committee, has been investigating the federal government’s lease of […]

Read More… from 10/18/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Can you believe I am doing this important work for our Country, and have to deal with Corrupt Adam Schiff and the Do Nothing Democrats at the same time? It was not intended to be this way for a President!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 18, 2019 10:51 am […]

Read More… from 10/18/2019


DEMS/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption. The Republican Party is the party of the American Worker, the American Family, and the American Dream! #KAG2020 https://t.co/qXB198T5cM” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 17, 2019 10:39 pm […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Tonight, we forcefully condemn the blatant corruption of the Democrat Party, the Fake News Media, and the rogue bureaucrats of the Deep State. The only message these radicals will understand is a crushing defeat on November 3, 2020! #KAG2020 https://t.co/QW1Rk99O4b“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 17, 2019 10:06 pm […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/RALLY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The radical left tolerates no dissent, it permits no opposition, it accepts no compromise, and it has absolutely no respect for the will of the American People. They are coming after me, because I am fighting for YOU! #TrumpRallyDallas #KAG2020 https://t.co/OthKwS1bud” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 17, 2019 9:57 pm […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/NAFTA/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday [10-17-19] that negotiations between the Trump administration and Democrats working to secure changes to the new North American trade pact are close to wrapping up, stressing that Democrats’ top concern is enforcing the deal. Democrats moved at least one step forward in their ongoing negotiations […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @GOPChairwoman: House Democrats are engaged in ‘Soviet style’ tactics in their effort to attack @realDonaldTrump. So true, @SteveScalis…”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 17, 2019 10:09 am […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @rww_gop: Voters are rejecting the Dems’ baseless obstruction & socialist agenda, and they’re making their voices heard loud & clear. Su…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 17, 2019 10:08 am […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


CORRUPTION/DEMS/ETHICS/G7/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP BUSINESS: “U.S. President Donald Trump will host next year’s Group of Seven economic summit of leaders of developed nations at his Florida golf resort, a move Democrats and others decried as more evidence of the president misusing his office for personal gain. White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney on Thursday […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “My warmest condolences to the family and many friends of Congressman Elijah Cummings. I got to see first hand the strength, passion and wisdom of this highly respected political leader. His work and voice on so many fronts will be very hard, if not impossible, to replace!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 17, […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/GOP/IMPEACHMENT/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump is intensely monitoring his standing among Senate Republicans as Democrats’ impeachment inquiry ramps up, according to senators who have been in contact with the president and White House officials. And with the microscope on their every move, some in the Republican Conference are taking a more proactive approach to […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/HEALTHCARE/MEDICARE/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/SENIORS/TEXAS/RALLY: “While we’re fighting for shared priorities, the American people, the Democrat Party has never been farther outside of the mainstream. They’ve gone nuts. Every Democrat running for president is pushing a healthcare agenda that would utterly eviscerate Medicare. My administration will always protect Medicare for our beloved seniors. And we will always protect […]

Read More… from 10/17/2019


DEMS/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I am the only person who can fight for the safety of our troops & bring them home from the ridiculous & costly Endless Wars, and be scorned. Democrats always liked that position, until I took it. Democrats always liked Walls, until I built them. Do you see what’s happening here?”  –Donald […]

Read More… from 10/16/2019


DEMS/ISIS/KURDS/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “Washing his hands of Syria, President Donald Trump declared Wednesday [10-16-19] the U.S. has no stake in defending the Kurdish fighters who died by the thousands as America’s partners against IS extremists. Hours later, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats walked out of a meeting at the White House, accusing […]

Read More… from 10/16/2019


DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Hope all House Republicans, and honest House Democrats, will vote to CENSURE Rep. Adam Schiff tomorrow for his brazen and unlawful act of fabricating (making up) a totally phony conversation with the Ukraine President and U.S. President, me. Most have never seen such a thing!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 16, […]

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DEMS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I’m fighting for the American people, but the Democrats’ sole focus is fighting against ME with their fraudulent Witch Hunt. Go to https://t.co/Dt42WogFxM and tell Democrats in Congress that Enough is Enough!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 16, 2019 5:19 pm […]

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DEMS/NANCY PELOSI/SYRIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democratic leaders cut short a meeting with Republican President Donald Trump after he had a ‘meltdown’ over a House of Representatives vote condemning his Syria withdrawal and showed no signs of having a plan to deal with a crisis there. Trump called Pelosi a ‘third-rate […]

Read More… from 10/16/2019


DEMS/GOP/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republicans are totally deprived of their rights in this Impeachment Witch Hunt. No lawyers, no questions, no transparency! The good news is that the Radical Left Dems have No Case. It is all based on their Fraud and Fabrication!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 16, 2019 6:46 am […]

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DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘What is happening to President Trump with Impeachment is a Constitutional Travesty.’ @GrahamLedger The likes of which we have never seen before. It is Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi who should be impeached for fraud!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 16, 2019 6:14 am […]

Read More… from 10/16/2019


DEMS/ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “You would think there is NO WAY that any of the Democrat Candidates that we witnessed last night could possibly become President of the United States. Now you see why they have no choice but to push a totally illegal & absurd Impeachment of one of the most successful Presidents!” –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/16/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “Shifty Adam Schiff wants to rest his entire case on a Whistleblower who he now says can’t testify, & the reason he can’t testify is that he is afraid to do so because his account of the Presidential telephone call is a fraud & totally different from the actual transcribed call…”  –Donald […]

Read More… from 10/15/2019


DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “Tuesday [10-15-19] night’s Democratic debate will play out with some unusual background noise coming from Washington: whistles being blown by multiple people. Former ambassadors, top foreign policy aides and once-loyal campaign donors are disregarding orders from the White House to ignore congressional subpoenas, trudging up to Capitol Hill for marathon sessions of […]

Read More… from 10/15/2019


DEMS/INVESTIGATIONS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Democrats are allowing no transparency at the Witch Hunt hearings. If Republicans ever did this they would be excoriated by the Fake News. Let the facts come out from the charade of people, most of whom I do not know, they are interviewing for 9 hours each, not selective leaks.” –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/15/2019


CONGRESS/DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘It isn’t often I get angry at the dirty politics of the Democrats in Congress, but this time I am enraged and hope this impeachment charade will backfire on Reps. Pelosi & Schiff, & the Democrats. I have read thoroughly the telephone conversation between Trump & the President…”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

Read More… from 10/4/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “Shifty Schiff now seems to think they don’t need the Whistleblower, who started the whole Scam. The reason is that the Whistleblower has lost all credibility because the story is so far from the facts on the Transcript. Also, the second Whistleblower is no longer even mentioned!”  -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, […]

Read More… from 10/14/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “Shifty Schiff now seems to think they don’t need the Whistleblower, who started the whole Scam. The reason is that the Whistleblower has lost all credibility because the story is so far from the facts on the Transcrpt. Also, the second Whistleblower is no longer even mentioned!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, […]

Read More… from 10/14/2019


DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘It doesn’t speak for the FULL HOUSE because the FULL HOUSE hasn’t spoken. The Democrat Party is pushing this Impeachment. This is a Democrat Party Impeachment, as I have been saying, a silent COUP effort.’ @MarkLevinShow https://t.co/sA9EgI2yBL” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, 2019 5:19 pm […]

Read More… from 10/14/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘The Democrats are trashing this President, & in the process, trashing the U.S. Constitution. Frankly, the American People need to wake up to the reality that the Democrats are so drunk on power that they’re willing to destroy this Constitutional Republic.’ @GrahamLedger @OANN” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, 2019 5:19 pm […]

Read More… from 10/14/2019


DEMS/ELECTION/ELIZABETH WARREN/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Bernie Sanders is recovering from his heart attack. Joe Biden is under siege, and laying into Donald Trump. And the entire Democratic presidential field has become consumed with the House’s impeachment inquiry into the Republican president. With so many candidates responding to circumstances beyond their control — and the threat of […]

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DEMS/ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Former Democrat Senator Harry Reid just stated that Donald Trump is very smart, much more popular than people think, is underestimated, and will be hard to beat in the 2020 Election. Thank you Harry, I agree!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, 2019 5:54 am […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “….Democrat’s game was foiled when we caught Schiff fraudulently making up my Ukraine conversation, when I released the exact conversation Transcript, and when Ukrainian President and the Foreign Minister said there was NO PRESSURE, very normal talk! A total Impeachment Scam!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, 2019 5:39 am […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “Adam Schiff now doesn’t seem to want the Whistleblower to testify. NO! Must testify to explain why he got my Ukraine conversation sooo wrong, not even close. Did Schiff tell him to do that? We must determine the Whistleblower’s identity to determine WHY this was done to the USA..”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, […]

Read More… from 10/14/2019


CONGRESS/DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “‘Congressman Adam Schiff, who when seeing the REAL Ukraine phone call Transcript decided he’d better make up one of his own. ‘I’m going to say this only SEVEN times, so you better listen good. I want you to MAKE UP DIRT ON MY POLITICAL OPPONENT, UNDERSTAND, LOTS OF IT, AND…..”  –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/13/2019


DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Democrats are going to lose a lot of House Seats because of their Fraudulent use of Impeachment. Schiff fabricated phone call, a crime. Democrat Senate Seats will also be put at risk, even some that were supposedly safe. Look at Louisiana last night, North Carolina last week!”  –Donald Trump, […]

Read More… from 10/13/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @Jim_Jordan: Why won’t Democrats focus on helping the country, instead of attacking the President with this unfair and partisan process?”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 12, 2019 3:48 pm […]

Read More… from 10/12/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “‘I never saw so many subpoenas!’ @ShannonBream @FoxNews The Democrats have gone Crazy. Just read the Transcript, or listen to the New Ukraine President’s statement, NO PRESSURE! This is a Democrat Con Job. Impeach Schiff for FRAUD” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 11, 2019 10:25 pm […]

Read More… from 10/11/2019


DEMS/INVESTIGATIONS/STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “The State Department’s request went in early March to Marie L. Yovanovitch, a longtime diplomat who had served six presidents: Would she extend her term as ambassador to Ukraine, scheduled to end in August, into 2020? Less than two months later came another departmental communiqué: Get ‘on the next plane’ to Washington. […]

Read More… from 10/11/2019


COURTS/DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP TAXES: “President Trump’s accounting firm must comply with a House committee’s demands for eight years of his financial records, a federal appeals court panel ruled on Friday [10-11-19] in a major victory for House Democrats in their struggle against his vow to stonewall ‘all’ of their oversight subpoenas. In a 66-page ruling, […]

Read More… from 10/11/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @freedomcaucus: Being in contact with a key witness and then lying about it renders Adam Schiff unqualified to lead a fair and just inqu…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 11, 2019 10:46 am […]

Read More… from 10/11/2019


DEMS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “…Court Justice & I turned him down (he’s been terrible ever since), Shep Smith, @donnabrazile (who gave Crooked Hillary the debate questions & got fired from @CNN), & others, @FoxNews doesn’t deliver for US anymore. It is so different than it used to be. Oh well, I’m President!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

Read More… from 10/10/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “‘Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters Thursday his controversial July call with President Trump involved no bribe, blackmail or quid pro quo, as impeachment-minded Democrats claim.’ This should immediately end the talk of impeachment! https://t.co/0mOTK4dNC3” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 10, 2019 8:04 am […]

Read More… from 10/10/2019


DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “For a president steeped in marketing and branding, impeachment offers new terrain on which to run the Trump playbook of defining an issue, waging war and then never backing down. And the White House’s new strategy of treating impeachment primarily as a political argument puts President Donald Trump directly into his comfort […]

Read More… from 10/10/2019


DEMS/HEALTHCARE/MEDICARE/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/RALLY: “Every Democrat running for President is pushing a health care agenda that would end Medicare as we know it betraying our nation’s seniors. My administration will always protect Medicare for our beloved seniors and we will always protect patients with preexisting conditions.” -Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase, “Speech: Donald Trump Holds a […]

Read More… from 10/10/2019


DEMS/GOP/HEALTHCARE/MEDICARE/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/RALLY/SOCIALISM: “My administration is also fighting the Democrats, Socialist healthcare agenda that would obliterate Medicare. Republicans will protect Medicare and we will always protect patients with preexisting conditions.” -Donald Trump as quoted by Factbase, “Speech: Donald Trump Holds a Political Rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota – October 10, 2019,” factba.se, October 10, 2019 […]

Read More… from 10/10/2019


DEMS/HEALTHCARE/GOP/OBAMA/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: [Renee Passal: “Your administration has been working hard on innovative strategies and health care. How do you think this will help Minnesotans?”] “Well, I think it’s really good. Obamacare has been a disaster. We got rid of the individual mandate, as you know, which was the worst part of Obamacare, and what we’re […]

Read More… from 10/10/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “‘I don’t think it’s a Whistleblower at all. I think this is an anonymous source for the Democratic Staff in the House of Representatives. This is an insult to real Whistleblowers. Actual Whistleblowers go on to have their whole lives upended.’ John Kiriakou @TuckerCarlson” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 9, 2019 8:34 pm […]

Read More… from 10/9/2019


DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Democrats prepared on Wednesday [10-9-19] to force the Trump administration anew to answer questions in their impeachment investigation, one day after President Trump and the White House declared that they would defy Congress in one of the most extraordinary assertions of executive authority in modern times. House chairmen leading […]

Read More… from 10/9/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @MattWolking: Democrats are ‘deposing witnesses behind closed doors & denying Republicans fair time to ask questions & the right to call…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 9, 2019 8:55 am […]

Read More… from 10/9/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: It’s good that this partisan hit job is coming to light but based on the bullshit of the last 3 years did anyone really…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 9, 2019 8:54 am […]

Read More… from 10/9/2019


DEMS/ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Do Nothing Democrats are Con Artists, only looking to hurt the Republican Party and President. Their total focus is 2020, nothing more, and nothing less. The good news is that WE WILL WIN!!!!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 9, 2019 7:22 am […]

Read More… from 10/9/2019


DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “The Whistleblower’s facts have been so incorrect about my ‘no pressure’ conversation with the Ukrainian President, and now the conflict of interest and involvement with a Democrat Candidate, that he or she should be exposed and questioned properly. This is no Whistleblower…..” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 9, 2019 6:10 am […]

Read More… from 10/9/2019