GOP/KARL ROVE/LIZ CHENEY: “If the Republican Party is going to be successful, they’re going to have to stop dealing with the likes of Karl Rove and just let him float away, or retire, like Liddle’ Bob Corker, Jeff ‘Flakey’ Flake, and others like Toomey of Pennsylvania, who will soon follow. Let’s see what happens to […]
Tag: Pat Toomey
GOP/MITT ROMNEY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great! RT @america1stwomen Breaking: Mitt Romney [R-UT], Lisa Murkowski [R-AK] and Pat Toomey [R-PA] all sign up for primary challengers.“ ––Donald Trump,, January 3, 2021 4:25 am […]
2020 ELECTION/LAWSUIT/MEDIA/OBAMA/PENNSYLVANIA/QUOTE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “Thanks [radio personality] Mark [Levin]. It’s all a continuation of the never ending Witch Hunt. Judge [Matthew] Brann, who would not even allow us to present our case or evidence, is a product of Senator Pat ‘No Tariffs’ Toomey of Pennsylvania, no friend of mine, & Obama – No wonder. […]
ANDREW MCCABE/CARTER PAGE/JAMES COMEY/JOE BIDEN/LEAKS/MITT ROMNEY/OBAMA/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION: “Do RINO’S Pat Toomey & Mitt Romney have any problem with the fact that we caught Obama, Biden, & Company illegally spying on my campaign? Do they care if Comey, McCabe, Page & her lover, Peter S, the whole group, ran rampant, wild & unchecked – lying & […]