MITT ROMNEY: “So nice to see RINO Mitt Romney booed off the stage at the Utah Republican State Convention. They are among the earliest to have figured this guy out, a stone cold loser!” -Donald Trump, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,”, May 3, 2021 […]
Category: Mitt Romney
GOP/MITT ROMNEY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Great! RT @america1stwomen Breaking: Mitt Romney [R-UT], Lisa Murkowski [R-AK] and Pat Toomey [R-PA] all sign up for primary challengers.“ ––Donald Trump,, January 3, 2021 4:25 am […]
2020 ELECTION/MITT ROMNEY/OBAMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RINO Mitt Romney should read this. I’m sure, however, that he feels he got slaughtering by Obama ‘fair and square’. RT @WayneDupreeShow It’s creepy how Trump always knows what’s coming…Back during 2012 election he predicted the 2020 election…“ ––Donald Trump,, November 20, 2020 1:52 am […]
2020 ELECTION/JOE BIDEN/MITT ROMNEY/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: Utah Governor “Mitt [Romney] can’t be thrilled about this [Biden forgetting his name]! Joe also said yesterday he’s running for the U.S. Senate (again) and totally forgot where he was (wrong State!). Joe has never been a nice or kind guy, so it’s easier to find this obvious & […]
2020 ELECTION/FLORIDA/HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/MITT ROMNEY/POLLS/SENATE: “Biden losing big in Florida. Only Fake Polls show otherwise! Bad for Healthcare. Thinks he’s running for the Senate. Forgot Mitt Romney’s name, and where he was!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 12, 2020 12:18 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/JOE BIDEN/MITT ROMNEY/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Sleepy Joe Biden had a particularly bad day today. He couldn’t remember the name of Mitt Romney, said again he was running for the U.S. Senate, and forgot what State he was in. If I did any of this, it would be disqualifying. With him, he’s just Sleepy Joe!“ […]
MITT ROMNEY/NOMINATIONS/SUPREME COURT: “So this will be my third [Supreme Court nomination] and we’re in great shape. You see what’s going on with the Republican party, how unified the Republican party is? Right. Now we’re unified. It’s a beautiful thing to say. Thank you, Mitt. Thank you. Appreciate it. Even Mitt’s on board. Even Mitt’s […]
MITT ROMNEY/OBAMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Obama is lucky he ran against @MittRomney, a man with very little talent or political skill, as opposed to someone who knows how to fight and win!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 10, 2020 2:56 am […]
HILLARY CLINTON/MITT ROMNEY/OBAMA: “I almost ran in the — I call it the Romney year. He should have won that race easily. That should have been a race that was won easily. He choked. But that was one that would have, I think, been easier than beating Hillary. That was second term Obama. He had […]
ANDREW MCCABE/CARTER PAGE/JAMES COMEY/JOE BIDEN/LEAKS/MITT ROMNEY/OBAMA/RUSSIA INVESTIGATION: “Do RINO’S Pat Toomey & Mitt Romney have any problem with the fact that we caught Obama, Biden, & Company illegally spying on my campaign? Do they care if Comey, McCabe, Page & her lover, Peter S, the whole group, ran rampant, wild & unchecked – lying & […]
2016 ELECTION/2A/GOP/JOHN MCCAIN/KELLYANNE CONWAY/MILITARY/MITT ROMNEY/REAGAN/SUPREME COURT/TAXES: “A group of RINO Republicans who failed badly 12 years ago, then again 8 years ago, and then got BADLY beaten by me, a political first timer, 4 years ago, have copied (no imagination) the concept of an ad from Ronald Reagan, ‘Morning in America’, doing everything possible to…. […]
MITT ROMNEY: [Reporter: “On Thursday, the White House announced a congressional task force for reopening America. It included every Republican senator but Mitt Romney… Does that show that you’re still holding a grudge against Mitt Romney?”] “Yeah, it does. Yeah. No, I’m not a fan of Mitt Romney at all. No, I had 52 Republican […]
IMPEACHMENT/MITT ROMNEY/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Fresh off a series of scathing attacks from Donald Trump because of his vote to remove the president from office, Mitt Romney spent Tuesday [2-11-20] hunting for votes for the president’s agenda. Life outside the Senate might never be the same for the Utah Republican, who became the first senator to […]
IMPEACHMENT/MITT ROMNEY/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Romney hurt some very good Republican Senators, and he was wrong about the Impeachment Hoax. No clue!“ –Donald Trump,, February 9, 2020 10:58 am […]
MITT ROMNEY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The feeling of many about @MittRomney!“ –Donald Trump,, February 8, 2020 11:20 pm […]
MITT ROMNEY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “…But, just like the people of West Virginia will no longer look at weak & pathetic Joe Manchin the same (I got the Pension Bill approved, Manchin couldn’t do it), the wonderful people of Utah will never look at ‘grandstander’ Mitt Romney with anything but contempt & disgust!” –Donald Trump, […]
IMPEACHMENT/MITT ROMNEY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “…always continue. Every Republican Senator except Romney, many highly religious people, all very smart, voted against the Impeachment Hoax. @SenCapito was all in (a great person). I was told by many that Manchin was just a puppet for Schumer & Pelosi. That’s all he is!” -Donald Trump,, February 7, 2020 […]
ELECTION/MITT ROMNEY/OBAMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Had failed presidential candidate @MittRomney devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election. Read the Transcripts!” –Donald Trump,, February 6, 2020 12:22 am […]