2020 ELECTION/MEDIA/QUOTE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘10% of voters would have changed their vote if they knew about Hunter Biden.’ Miranda Devine @nypost @TuckerCarlson But I won anyway!“ [Editor’s Note: Twitter included the following notification at the bottom of the tweet: “This claim about election fraud is disputed.”] ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, December 9, 2020 2:37 pm […]
Tag: New York Post
CHARITY/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research https://nypost.com/2020/11/14/biden-cancer-initiative-spent-millions-on-payroll-zero-on-research-report/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons via @nypost“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, November 14, 2020 6:07 pm […]
2020 ELECTION/ENDORSEMENT/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Thank you! #MAGA https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1323188959015542784/zZZ2SaJm?format=jpg&name=small” [Editor’s Note: the link is for a New York Post article which endorses Trump for re-election.] ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 26, 2020 4:36 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CORRUPTION/CRIME/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA: “Wow. Today’s @nypost story on Joe Biden’s corruption is a monster. Many witnesses to a crime against our Country. This isn’t going away. Even the Lamestream Media is starting to say it must be covered!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 22, 2020 6:10 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CORRUPTION/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Very proud of the @nypost, my former ‘hometown newspaper’. They have said and shown what everyone knows about Sleepy Joe Biden. He is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 18, 2020 6:02 am […]
CONGRATS/CORRUPTION/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Congratulations to the @nypost for having exposed the massive corruption surrounding Sleepy Joe Biden and our Country. He’s always been a corrupt politician. Disgraceful!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, 2020 5:22 pm […]
CORRUPTION/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/SOCIAL MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TWITTER: “So terrible that Facebook and Twitter took down the story of ‘Smoking Gun’ emails related to Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in the @NYPost. It is only the beginning for them. There is nothing worse than a corrupt politician. REPEAL SECTION 230!!!“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 14, 2020 […]
2020 ELECTION/JOE BIDEN/OBAMA/POLLS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING: “‘56% of registered voters tell Gallup that they are better off than they were 4 years ago (under Obama/Biden), while only 32% said they were worse off.’ Highest number on satisfaction yet recorded, by far. [email protected]… And it will only get better!!! VOTE“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 11, 2020 2:49 […]
2020 ELECTION/CAMPAIGN/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/DEMS/FLORIDA/GOP/PENNSYLVANIA/QUOTE: “‘You see it in enthusiasm for the President outside Walter Reed Hospital. You see it in Registrations, from Florida to Pennsylvania & West Virginia, where Republicans are outstripping Democrats by 2 to 1. If the President bounces back onto the campaign trail, he will be an…. ….invincible hero, who not only survived every […]
ISRAEL/MEDIA/UAE: “Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize following Israel-UAE accord https://nypost.com/2020/09/09/trump-nominated-for-nobel-peace-prize-by-norwegian-official/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons via @nypost“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, September 9, 2020 2:59 am […]
2020 ELECTION/ECONOMY/NEW YORK: “Vote for TRUMP on November 3rd. I am going to bring our beloved New York back! RT @nypost New York’s economic outlook ranked worst in the nation https://trib.al/Nm4z4aU“ ––Donald Trump, Twitter.com, August 14, 2020 3:52 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/DEMS/POLICE: “ ‘Democrats & Activists call to Defund Police Departments. They’ve gone so far Left that they eat their young.’ @mirandadevine @nypost @foxandfriends“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 9, 2020 2:01 am […]
CIVIL UNREST/JOE BIDEN/POLICE: ” ‘If Biden had any passion or respect for law enforcement, he kept it well hidden in his Philadelphia address. He criticized cops far more than he did arsonists & looters.’ Michael Goodwin, @nypost“ –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, June 7, 2020 10:40 am […]