
HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Our worst threat to unemployment is @ObamaCare. It will also destroy our country’s basic standards. ‘ “ [2:27:35 PM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


IRAQ/LIBYA/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “When will our nation’s sacrifices be respectfully appreciated? Iraq and Libya should reimburse us in oil.” [1:31:24 PM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


DEBT: “The Debt is our nation’s greatest threat. @BarackObama is out of touch.” [11:50:16 AM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


IRAN/IRAQ/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “Why aren’t we getting any oil from Iraq before we leave? We are leaving the country wide open for Iran. Big mistake.” [4:26:13 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


CHINA: “When will Washington stand up to China. China is manipulating its currency and stealing our jobs. Washington should move on legislation.” [3:48:49 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


MEDIA: “I heard, because his show is unwatchable, that @Lawrence has made many false statements last night about me. Maybe I should sue him?” [12:23:00 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


POLITICS: “THe 2012 election is the most important in my lifetime. We must nominate a candidate who will win and will roll back @BarackObama’s damage.” [4:28:15 PM]

 – 10/25/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/25/2011


OBAMA: “Does @BarackObama ever work? He is constantly campaigning and fundraising–on both the taxpayer’s dime and time—not fair!” [2:10:37 PM]

 – 10/25/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/25/2011


LIBYA/MIDDLE EAST: “Libya is adopting a more radical form of Sharia Law now under their new leadership. Is this what @BarackObama wanted?” [4:42:29 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


JOBS: “So much for creating American jobs–@BarackObama gave $529 Million to a ‘Green’ car company—so they can be manufactured in Finland.” [4:11:08 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 24, 2011 04:11pm


JOBS: “The job plan by @BarackObama is nothing more than a second stimulus. The first failed and so will this one.” [3:45:10 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


IRAN/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “We are leaving Iraq after expending a tremendous amount of blood and treasure. We should be reimbursed with oil! — Don’t give it to Iran.” [1:01:39 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


ECONOMY: “The Dollar is at an all-time WWII low against the Yen. The Fed’s recklessness is going to lead to record inflation.” [12:39:52 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


CHINA: “Why do we continue to sit idly by while China steals our national security and corporate secrets? China is an enemy, not a friend.” [3:15:10 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 03:15pm


MISC: “The Misery Index is at a 28 year high.” [2:24:45 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 02:24pm


IRAN/LIBYA/MIDDLE EAST/OBAMA: “Why did @BarackObama liberate Libya and do nothing for the Iranian protestors? Iran is a threat to our national security.” [2:11:11 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 02:11pm


TAXES: “A simplified tax code will help promote growth in the private sector.” [11:12:33 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 11:12am


LIBYA/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “Why did we spend billions of our money on Libya if we are not going to get any of the country’s oil? What do we get out of this?” [10:14:18 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 10:14am


OIL: “Why is crude oil priced at $86/Barrel? OPEC is ripping us off. Not worth $30/Barrel. America needs new leaders.” [9:23:48 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 09:23am

Posted in Oil


PROTESTS: “The OWS protesters are doing nothing to advance the interests of the 99%. Time for them to go home!” [3:15:48 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 20, 2011 03:15pm


JOBS: “@BarackObama claims that all his choices were ‘the right ones.’ I am sure the 20% of Americans who are unemployed disagree.” [2:26:08 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 20, 2011 02:26pm


MEDIA: “Bob Beckel, a commentator for FOX is bad for the @FoxNews brand: @BobBeckel is close to incompetent.” [1:56:05 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 20, 2011 01:56pm


JOBS: “We must stop outsourcing our jobs overseas and end our multi-billion dollar trade deficits.” [12:09:54 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 20, 2011 12:09pm


CHINA/PROTESTS: “Both @BarackObama and China have embraced OWS. All want the decline of America. Time for the protesters to go home.” [12:55:43 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 19, 2011 12:55pm


OBAMA: “Our country is blowing up and @BarackObama is out campaigning.” [10:05:10 AM]

 -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 19, 2011 10:05am


IRAQ/OIL: “Iraq’s government is treating us like fools. We should demand their oil.” [4:07:25 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 18, 2011 04:07pm


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “If ObamaCare is not repealed then we can expect stagnant growth, long term unemployment and record high premiums.” [3:15:23 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 18, 2011 03:15pm


CHINA/PROTESTS: “Now China is publicly supporting the OWS protests http://t.co/CEkR8i40. It’s time for the protesters to go home.” [2:12:03 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 18, 2011 02:12pm


IRAN: “Iran was planning to attack the Israeli and Saudi DC embassies. We should respond accordingly. The diplomatic window is closed.” [11:13:43 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 18, 2011 11:13am


CHINA: “@BarackObama is holding Taiwan’s request for 66 advanced F-16’s. Wrong message to send to China.” [10:16:47 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 18, 2011 10:16am


IRAN: “It is time for Iran to face serious consequences. This regime is a threat to our national security.” [9:00:30 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 18, 2011 09:00


BUDGET: “Late last Friday @BarackObama announced his 2011 budget deficit was $1.299 trillion — the second largest in US history.” [4:52:12 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 17, 2011 04:52pm


CHINA: “@Johnboehner: Stop ‘The China Curse’ — Pass the China Currency Bill!” [4:03:35 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 17, 2011 04:03pm


DONALD ON DONALD: “Happy to have passed 800,000 followers. Looking forward to passing 1M sooner than later.” [3:37:11 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 17, 2011 03:37pm


OBAMA: “Why is @BarackObama always campaigning or on vacation?” [1:43:43 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 17, 2011 1:43pm


CHINA/MILITARY: “China’s military buildup is a major threat to the Free World. We must remain resolute and maintain our national defense at all costs.” [9:17:06 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 17, 2011 09:17am


ECONOMY/PROTESTS: “If the Wall Street protesters are upset about the economy then they should really be protesting @BarackObama at the White House.” [1:06:51 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 14, 2011 01:06pm


CHINA: “Stop ‘The China Curse’ — Pass the Chinese Currency Bill!” [11:11:33 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 14, 2011 11:11am


CHINA: “Mitt Romney is right about the Chinese rip-off of America.” [2:26:32 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 12, 2011 02:26pm


BUDGET/OBAMA: “When will @BarackObama release an actual budget?” [3:30:38 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 03:30pm


DONALDISM: “I don’t want to be the only billionaire in America—I want all Americans to be rich.” [2:31:07 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 02:31pm


JOBS: “If the Prez wants to create jobs talk to some business people—not liberal intellectuals.” [1:44:01 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 01:44pm


ECONOMY: “The only way to spread economic growth is to lower taxes and end unfriendly regulatory practices.” [1:15:42 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 01:15pm


FED: “The Fed’s reckless monetary policy is going to create record inflation.” [11:33:10 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 11:33am

Posted in FED


POLITICS: “New study shows 80% of Congress have no business experience–it shows!” [10:30:43 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 10:30am


MEDIA: “A guy named @BobBeckel on FOX, their resident liberal, was not born with much of a brain.” [10:06:09 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 11, 2011 10:06am


DONALDISM: “I have traveled the world. America is the most beautiful country on Earth.” [4:08:20 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 7, 2011 04:08pm


OBAMA: “The only job @BarackObama cares about is his own. Everything he does is for his own reelection.” [3:52:45 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 7, 2011 03:52pm


AFGHANISTAN: “When will we stop wasting our money on rebuilding Afghanistan? We must rebuild our country first.” [3:43:15 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 7, 2011 03:43pm


POLITICS: “The GOP primary schedule is a disaster. Not enough time.” [3:38:25 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 7, 2011 03:38pm


OBAMA: “@BarackObama is trying to pass another stimulus after the first was a complete failure. Does he really believe we are that stupid?” [3:21:06 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 7, 2011 03:21pm


ISRAEL/SYRIA/UN: “Why is the UN condemning @Israel and doing nothing about Syria? What a disgrace.” [1:07:14 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 6, 2011 01:07pm


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “In order to save Medicare and stop record premium increases–we must repeal ObamaCare.” [11:44:47 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 6, 2011 11:44am


ENERGY/MILITARY: “Washington is wasting over $2 billion this year on Solyndra type loans. Yet they want to cut military spending.” [10:32:56 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 6, 2011 10:32am


CHINA: “China is threatening Washington over the currency bill. We should pass it immediately.” [9:49:25 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 6, 2011 09:49am


DRUGS/GUNS/OBAMA: “@BarackObama sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels. They were used in the murders of Americans . Where is the outrage?” [12:11:49 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 5, 2011 12:11pm


OBAMA: “@BarackObama now says that he is an ‘underdog in 2012.’ America should be so lucky. We still need a solid candidate.” [11:04:20 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 5, 2011 11:04am


DEBT: “Our national debt has grown by 30% and a gallon of gas has doubled so far under @BarackObama. He is a disaster.” [3:05:02 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 4, 2011 03:05pm


TAXES: “The Democrats in the Super Committee want to raise taxes first in deficit talks. Huge mistake. Cut wasteful spending first.” [2:29:46 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 4, 2011 02:29pm


CELEBS: “Great meeting with @THEHermanCain yesterday in Trump Tower. Great guy!” [12:13:38 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 4, 2011 12:13pm


CELEBS: “It’s about time Italy recognized the innocence of @AmandaKnox—great news!” [3:56:14 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 3, 2011 03:56pm


CELEBS: “@AmandaKnox is innocent. Italian government should pay for this travesty. [10:18:16 AM] @USGovernment has done nothing to help @AmandaKnox. [10:44:48 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 3, 2011 10:44am


MEDIA: “Sadly, Vanity Fair is a rapidly dying magazine. Needs new blood–and fast! Going the way of SPY Magazine.” [10:11:30 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 3, 2011 10:11am


JOBS: “The unemployment numbers are tragic. We are letting the world take our jobs. It has to stop!” [3:21:37 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 30, 2011 03:21pm


OBAMA: “@BarackObama said yesterday that we have ‘gone soft.’ How can the world respect us when our own President doesn’t?” [2:05:44 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 30, 2011 02:05pm


ENERGY: “How many more billions of dollars will @BarackObama continue to waste in these solar companies?” [1:27:58 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 30, 2011 01:27pm


CELEBS: “Everyone should boycott Italy if Amanda Knox is not freed—she is totally innocent.” [12:12:33 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 30, 2011 12:12pm


ECONOMY: “@VPBiden is actually right for once: Biden: ‘Voters should blame Obama, not Bush, for economy.’ http://t.co/ZJJ3LQOQ” [11:22:13 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 30, 2011 11:22am


JOBS: “A simplified tax code would spur economic growth and help create jobs. Unfortunately, Washington is incapable of simplifying anything.” [4:27:41 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 04:47pm


ECONOMY: “The only way for Medicare and Social Security to remain solvent is if our economy is healthy. @BarackObama doesn’t get it.” [4:13:13 PM]

 –  Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 04:13pm


FED: “The Fed’s reckless policies of low interest and flooding the market with dollars needs to be stopped or we will face record inflation.” [3:24:04 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 03:24pm

Posted in FED


IRAN: “The Iranians have just threatened to send warships to our coasts. They laugh at us. We can’t allow them to develop nuclear weapons.” [3:51:12 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 03:21pm


CHINA: “China does not negotiate from a position of strength, we simply negotiate against ourselves. We have all the advantages but don’t execute.” [2:50:19 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 02:50pm


MEDIA: “Really bad ratings for Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC—O’Reilly is killing him!” [11:56:27 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 11:56am


POLITICS: “@JonHuntsman has zero chance of getting the nomination. Whoever said I wanted to meet him? Time is money and I don’t waste mine.” [11:23:32 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 29, 2011 11:23am


BUDGET: “When will @BarackObama present an actual budget? Enough with the games.” [3:08:42 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 28, 2011 03:08pm


CHINA: “China is stealing our jobs. We need to demand China stop manipulating its currency and end its rampant corporate espionage.” [2:28:20 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 28, 2011 02:28pm 


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “ObamaCare must be completely repealed. A recent report from UBS shows that it is the number one reason employers are not hiring.” [1:43:55 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 28, 2011 01:43pm 


HOLIDAY: “Happy New Year to all my Jewish friends.” [11:35:09 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 28, 2011 11:35am


GUNS: “It seems @BarackObama had our tax dollars buy guns for Mexican drug lords that were used to kill Americans. We need answers now.” [3:32:23 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 27, 2011 03:32pm


DEBT: “Our country’s debt crisis cannot be solved by tax increases. We must cut government spending.” [10:34:00 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 26, 2011 10:34am 


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Obama Care’s taxes vest in 2014. Conveniently after the 2012 election. Coincidence?” [3:29:47 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 23, 2011 03:29pm


OIL: “OPEC is ripping us off on oil. We are ripping ourselves off by investing in unproven green energy. #Solyndra” [1:56:24 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 23, 2011 01:56pm

Posted in Oil


CHINA: “Our deficit spending is China’s gain. @BarackObama is bankrupting our country.” [11:17:21 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 23, 2011 11:17am


DEBT: “Government waste, fraud and abuse should be immediately addressed. This will help solve our deficit crisis both short and long term.” [11:25:01 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 22, 2011 11:25am


JOBS: “@BarackObama’s Jobs Plan sure looks like a Tax Increase Plan to me.” [3:25:17 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 21, 2011 03:25pm


AUSTRALIA: “Australia is a beautiful country with terrific people who love America.” [2:27:40 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 21, 2011 02:27pm


CHINA: “China is neither an ally or a friend–they want to beat us and own our country.” [2:12:52 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 21, 2011 02:12pm


CHINA: “Our next President must stop China’s Rip-off of America.” [11:02:37 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 21, 2011 11:02am


ISRAEL: “Rick Perry is right when he says we must stand by Israel in the UN.” [8:50:57 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 21, 2011 08:50am


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “ObamaCare will destroy small business–the backbone of America’s economy.” [3:30:05 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 20, 2011 03:30pm


POLITICS: “Sorry I will miss the CPAC gathering in Orlando–there in spirit–Obama must go.” [10:50:48 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 20, 2011 10:50am


OBAMA: “I find it really hard to listen to @BarackObama’s speeches. He doesn’t have a clue.” [3:55:17 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 19, 2011 03:55pm


OBAMA: “It seems there is never a problem for which @BarackObama cannot find a reason for another speech and another tax.” [3:21:20 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 19, 2011 03:21pm


JOBS: “How will raising taxes create jobs? Washington is all out of answers. New leadership is needed.” [1:24:22 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 19, 2011 01:24pm


AUSTRALIA/ISRAEL: “I am increasingly concerned with the UN’s ploy against @Israel this coming week and will monitor all events closely from Australia.” [11:15:14 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 19, 2011 11:15am


CHINA/ENERGY: “If China had a tenth of the natural resources we do then they would already be energy independent. Instead we continue to buy oil from OPEC.” [5:20:59 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 16, 2011 05:20pm


ENERGY/OBAMA: “@BarackObama—great job on Solyndra. You are some extremely skilled venture capitalist. Stick to the memoirs and speeches.” [3:41:34 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 16, 2011 03:41pm


JOBS: “@BarackObama — honored and excited to be listed on @AttackWatch. Thanks. BTW — where are the jobs? Donald.” [2:13:28 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 16, 2011 02:13pm


ISRAEL: “I applaud @netanyahu for announcing that he will show up at the UN to defend @Israel. A true US friend and great leader.” [11:33:17 AM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Sept. 16, 2011 11:33am