
CLIMATE CHANGE: “Newly released emails prove that scientists have manipulated data on global warming. The data is unreliable. http://t.co/DdW3Hsvn” [2:25:45 PM]

 – 11/30/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/30/2011


BANKING: “The banks were bailed out by us. They should start lending to private entrepreneurs. The banks are slowing American growth.” [4:14:31 PM]

 – 11/29/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/29/2011


IRAN/OBAMA: “In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran.” [3:48:51 PM]

 – 11/29/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/29/2011


IRAN/NATIONAL SECURITY/NUCLEAR: “Iran’s continued public threats of annihilating @Israel are unacceptable. Iran’s nuclear drive must be stopped. #TimeToGetTough” [3:27:19 PM]

 – 11/29/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/29/2011


JOBS: “The CBO has confirmed that @BarackObama’s stimulus ‘crowds out’ private investment while not creating any jobs. http://t.co/nMSky9jb” [2:51:40 PM]

 – 11/29/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/29/2011


JOBS: “Real unemployment is at over 21%. Businesses won’t hire until @BarackObama is defeated in 2012. #TimeToGetTough” [1:51:06 PM]

 – 11/29/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/29/2011


ECONOMY/OBAMA: “Third quarter GDP was lowered to 2% . There won’t be any economic recovery until @BarackObama is defeated.” [4:45:01 PM]

 – 11/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/28/2011


EGYPT/OBAMA/TEA PARTY/TERRORISM: “Why does @BarackObama support the radical Islamists in Egypt protests yet has such a high disregard for the Tea Party?” [3:44:00 PM]

 – 11/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/28/2011


CHINA/GOVERNMENT: “Washington will continue to run record deficits into the election. We are borrowing at a rate of $1.40 from China. Truly unsustainable.” [3:31:52 PM]

 – 11/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/28/2011


IRAN/IRAQ/OIL: “Iran will soon take all of the oil in Iraq…and Iraq itself—Keep the oil.” [2:32:44 PM]

 – 11/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/28/2011


GOVERNMENT: “The failure of the ‘Super Committee’ shows Washington has truly incompetent leaders. #TimeToGetTough” [11:21:42 AM]

 – 11/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/28/2011


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “ObamaCare does indeed ration care. Seniors are now restricted to ‘comfort care’ instead of brain surgery. Repeal now! http://t.co/DJ7OqXwx” [10:13:21 AM]

 – 11/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/28/2011


TAXES: “I am happy to see the majority of the GOP candidates agree with me that the tax code must be simplified and the rates dropped.” [3:16:01 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


MEDIA: “Please only respond by tweet @lawrence because like everyone else, I don’t watch your show.” [2:19:12 PM]

 – 10/25/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/25/2011


CHINA/IRAN/NATIONAL SECURITY/NUCLEAR/RUSSIA: “American sanctions alone cannot stop Iran’s nuclear drive–and @BarackObama cannot get China and Russia to agree on new Iranian sanctions.” [12:22:10 PM]

 – 11/23/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/23/2011


DONALD ON DONALD/TRUMP NETWORTH: “In my new book #TimeToGetTough I make a full financial disclosure detailing my net worth. http://t.co/A2DDoheG” [11:05:04 AM]

 – 11/23/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/23/2011


DONALD ON DONALD/TWITTER: “I dictate my tweets to my executive assistant and she posts them. ‘Time is money’—The Art of the Deal.” [10:01:21 AM]

 – 11/23/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/23/2011


CHINA/GOVERNMENT: “Why are we giving China foreign aid? Couldn’t the Super Committee have agreed to at least cut that outlay? #TimeToGetTough” [5:15:50 PM]

 – 11/22/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/22/2011


OBAMA: “The habitual vacationer–@BarackObama–spent 9 days before the critical Super Committee deadline traveling. He failed to lead, again.” [4:12:42 PM]

 – 11/22/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/22/2011


CHINA: “As of September 30th, we have a record trade deficit with China of over $217Billion. They are ripping us off. #TimeToGetTough” [3:08:31 PM]

 – 11/22/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/22/2011


OBAMA: “Yesterday @BarackObama actually spent a full day in Washington. He didn’t campaign, fund raise or play golf. Shocking.” [1:09:10 PM]

 – 11/22/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/22/2011


DONALD ON DONALD: “My new book #TimeToGetTough — out Dec 5th — outlines how to make America rich again. Order now through Amazon http://t.co/aJla1EzL” [12:13:22 PM]

 – 11/22/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/22/2011


EGYPT/TERRORISM: “Egypt is turning into a hot bed of radical Islam. The current protest is another coup attempt. We should never have abandoned Mubarak.” [5:58:22 PM]

 – 11/21/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/21/2011


BUDGET/GOP: “The House’s failure to pass the Balance Budget Amendment was another unforced error by the GOP. Very disappointing.” [5:03:56 PM]

 – 11/21/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/21/2011


MILITARY/SPENDING: “When the Super Committee fails, @BarackObama will get exactly what he really wants–automatic cuts in defense spending. This is his plan.” [3:53:48 PM]

 – 11/21/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/21/2011


OBAMA: “If @BarackObama wanted the ‘Super Committee’ to succeed, he would have lead. Instead he has been campaigning. Where is the leadership?” [12:24:18 PM]

 – 11/21/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/21/2011


CHINA: “China’s economy is now projected to overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by 2027 http://t.co/c5sI2qTe #TimeToGetTough” [11:36:14 AM]

 – 11/21/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/21/2011


GOP/TAXES: “The Super Committee is finding ways to raise all our taxes without admitting it. The Republicans made a big mistake agreeing to this deal.” [10:20:52 AM]

 – 11/21/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/21/2011


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “ObamaCare is one of the greatest threats our country faces. It is unsustainable and will lead America into complete insolvency.” [5:18:20 PM]

 – 11/18/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/18/2011


CHINA/OBAMA: “Why is @BarackObama delaying the sale of F-16 aircraft to Taiwan? Wrong message to send to China. #TimeToGetTough” [4:34:39 PM]

 – 11/18/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/18/2011


OBAMA: “Washington is simply incapable of any moderation because @BarackObama is such an extreme leftist. He must be defeated. #TImeToGetTough.” [2:34:37 PM]

 – 11/18/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/18/2011


OBAMA: “Made in America? @BarackObama called his *birthplace* Hawaii ‘here in Asia.’ http://t.co/dQka2PIr” [11:54:21 AM]

 – 11/18/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/18/2011


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Regardless of the USC’s ruling, ObamaCare can only be defeated politically. It must be legislatively repealed or America will go bankrupt.” [10:57:58 AM]

 – 11/18/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/18/2011


CHINA: “China is complaining about 2,500 marines being placed in Australia. Meanwhile they are building bases across Latin America. #TimeToGetTough” 4:51:25 PM

 – 11/17/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/17/2011


ECONOMY: “The stimulus ‘is a net negative effect on the growth of GDP over 10 years’ –as admitted by @BarackObama’s own CBO http://t.co/otaKcGOV” [4:17:35 PM]

 – 11/17/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/17/2011


IRAN/ISRAEL/NATIONAL SECURITY/NUCLEAR: “@Israel faces an existential threat in Iran’s nuclear drive. Unfortunately @BarackObama is no friend of Israel.” [3:51:17 PM]

 – 11/17/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/17/2011


ENERGY/JOBS/KEYSTONE: “Crude has skyrocketed since @BarackObama delayed the Keystone Pipeline. Not only are 20,000 jobs gone, but family budgets are tightening.” [1:48:32 PM]

 – 11/17/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/17/2011


JOBS: “The Federal government has increased its employment by 12% since 2007. We need to stop replacing retired workers unless position is needed.” [1:11:12 PM]

 – 11/17/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/17/2011


OBAMA: “In the span of two months @BarackObama, the habitual vacationer, has called America ‘soft’ and lazy.’ He loves to criticize America.” [3:50:55 PM]

 – 11/16/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/16/2011


DONALD ON DONALD: “My new book, Time To Get Tough, comes out on December 5th. Pre-order on Amazon.com. It’s the best book I’ve ever written.” [10:46:03 AM]

 – 11/16/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/16/2011


TERRORISM/TORTURE: “Waterboarding KSM gave us the intelligence that lead to Bin Laden.” [5:27:05 PM]

 – 11/15/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/15/2011


EPA: “@BarackObama has increased the EPA budget by over 150%. The EPA is an impediment to both growth and jobs. It sends jobs overseas.” [4:45:36 PM]

 – 11/15/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/15/2011


NATIONAL DEBT/OBAMA: “@BarackObama has already added $5 Trillion to the national debt in less than 3 years. We must defeat him in 2012. #TimeToGetTough” [1:02:45 PM]

 – 11/15/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/15/2011


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Fewer Americans are now insured through their employers due to higher premiums. Obamacare must be fully repealed. http://t.co/4h5LjPLE” [6:34:07 PM]

 – 11/14/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/14/2011


KEYSTONE/OIL: “@BarackObama delayed the Keystone pipeline decision until 2013. Now Canada is looking to export more oil to China. http://t.co/E5XMnUHQ” [5:55:27 PM]

 – 11/14/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/14/2011


ECONOMY/OBAMA: “Americans who can afford to buy enough food is now at a 3 year low. Is this @BarackObama’s *recovery*? http://t.co/laeI0SFA” [5:52:42 PM]

 – 11/14/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/14/2011


OBAMA: “@BarackObama, the habitual vacationer, called America ‘lazy’ this past weekend while in Hawaii.” [4:19:44 PM]

 – 11/14/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/14/2011


JOBS/ KEYSTONE: “@BarackObama made a campaign decision on delaying the Keystone Pipeline to 2013.The pipeline would lower oil prices and create jobs.” [4:37:16 PM]

 – 11/11/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/11/2011


ECONOMY/OBAMA: “October has a 7% foreclosure increase last month. Is this @BarackObama’s economic recovery?” [4:24:03 PM]

 – 11/11/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/11/2011


ELECTION/OBAMA: “2012 is the most important election of my lifetime. @BarackObama must be defeated.” [4:08:10 PM]

 – 11/11/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/11/2011


MILITARY/VETS: “To the brave men and women, past and present, in our armed services- best wishes on Veterans Day.” [3:48:32 PM]

 – 11/11/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/11/2011


ISRAEL/MIDDLE EAST: “The Arab Spring has turned into the Islamist Winter. Our ally @Israel is in a perilous position. We must stand behind @Israel.” [3:31:09 PM]

 – 11/11/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/11/2011


DONALD ON DONALD/ISRAEL/MEDIA: “My interview with @IngrahamAngle discussing @THEHermanCain, @BarackObama’s mistreatment of Israel and GOP 2012. http://t.co/amW8rYRn” [1:45:42 PM]

 – 11/11/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/11/2011


JOBS/TAXES: “The death tax should be abolished — the Government is simply taxing you twice. It is also a job killer.” [5:13:39 PM]

 – 11/10/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/10/2011


ENERGY/OBAMA: “Solyndra’s government loan and subsequent bankruptcy prove that @BarackObama is both corrupt and inept.” [4:23:54 PM]

 – 11/10/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/10/2011


EU/FED: “The Fed should not bail out the EU. Europe’s financial mess is their problem, not our problem!” [3:54:06 PM]

 – 11/10/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/10/2011


POLITICS: “Herman Cain handled the pressure of the debate really well. @THEHermancain” [2:28:53 PM]

 – 11/10/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/10/2011


ECONOMY: “The Fannie and Freddie execs should not get million dollar bonuses with our tax dollars. They were bailed out with $169B of our money.” [11:26:44 AM]

 – 11/10/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/10/2011


KEYSTONE/OBAMA/OIL/PIPELINES: “President Obama postpones a decision on Keystone XL until after the 2012 election in the face of stiff opposition from enviromental activists and landowners.”

 – “A Tale of Two Pipelines,” Time Magazine, Feb. 2, 2017, Justin Worland, 11/10/2011


JOBS: “He is out of real solutions–@BarackObama’s job bill is nothing more than a tax increase.” 3:28:45 PM

 – 11/9/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/9/2011


PARTIES: “The @SuperCommittee will fail. The Republicans never should have agreed to the debt deal.” [2:39:22 PM]

 – 11/9/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/9/2011


ISRAEL/OBAMA: “Instead of trash talking @PMIsrael on the world stage, @BarackObama should be defending @Israel.” [12:04:52 PM]

 – 11/9/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/9/2011


IRAN/ISRAEL: “America should not be pressuring @Israel to show restraint against Iran. We should be working to stop Iran’s nuclear drive.” [11:31:33 AM]

 – 11/9/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/9/2011


OWS: “Some @OWS protesters are sincere people frustrated with the system–others just in for the party.” [10:17:28 AM]

 – 11/9/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/9/2011


ELECTION/GOP: “At the end of the day, Obama won the battleground states by less than 500,000 votes. This was a winnable race. GOP needs to do better!” [5:19:07 PM]

 – 11/8/2012, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/8/2011


ECONOMY: “A record high 6.7% of Americans are living in extreme poverty. This is tragic. We can do better.” [3:03:55 PM]

 – 11/8/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/8/2011


GOVERNMENT/SPENDING: “Our deficits are caused by runaway spending, not inadequate taxing. Washington does not have a revenue problem.” [4:54:26 PM]

 – 11/8/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/8/2011


GOVERNMENT/NATIONAL DEBT: “The Federal government spent over $3.7 trillion last year. This is unsustainable and a true danger. The American dream is being destroyed.” [4:17:17 PM]

 – 11/8/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/8/2011


IRAN/NATIONAL SECURITY/NUCLEAR: “Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons is a major threat to our nation’s national security interests. We can’t allow Iran to go nuclear.” [12:34:37 PM]

 – 11/4/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/4/2011


ECONOMY: “Malfeasance at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac helped cause our current financial meltdown.” [11:26:36 AM]

 – 11/4/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/4/2011


DONALD ON DONALD/MEDIA: “My interview on @gretawire discussing the economy and @TheHermanCain ‘Witch Hunt’ http://t.co/C0YnLOKl” [10:37:33 AM]

 – 11/4/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/4/2011


CHINA: “China *scorns* US cyber espionage charges–China does not respect us http://t.co/HwMz5NEa and feels Obama is a ‘dummy’ “ [1:19:53 PM]

 – 11/4/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/4/2011


OIL/OPEC: “The Oil Companies collude with OPEC to keep oil artificially overvalued. They need to be reigned in.” [2:57:25 PM]

 – 11/2/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/2/2011


NATIONAL DEBT: “The greatest threat to our security is our debt. It is already past 100% GDP. We need to make real budget cuts.” [2:03:04 PM]

 – 11/2/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/2/2011


ECONOMY/HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “The economy won’t fully recover until @ObamaCare is fully repealed. It is a job killer!” [1:05:03 PM]

 – 11/2/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/2/2011


EGYPT/MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD/OBAMA: “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood just made its first visit to Hamas-led Gaza. Why did @BarackObama promote the ‘Arab Spring’?” [11:46:29 AM]

 – 11/2/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/2/2011


MILITARY/OBAMA/TALIBAN: “Why is @BarackObama letting the Taliban know when our troops are leaving? http://t.co/V1CrdfCb This is dangerous for our soldiers.” [10:40:29 AM]

 – 11/2/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/2/2011


BANKRUPTCY/CHINA: “Another company that the DOE has given money to just filed for bankruptcy. This is how the money we borrow at 40% from China is wasted.” [9:09:13 AM]

 – 11/2/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/2/2011


MILITARY/NATIONAL DEBT: “The Republicans never should have agreed to this past summer’s debt deal. Military cuts will now come along with tax increases.” [4:45:10 PM]

 – 11/1/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/1/2011


CHINA: “THe Chinese military is already hacking our satellites http://t.co/SeQio55u. The Chinese government is not an American ally.” [4:09:35 PM]

 – 11/1/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/1/2011


CLIMATE CHANGE: “It snowed over 4 inches this past weekend in New York City. It is still October. So much for Global Warming.” [3:43:30 PM]

 – 11/1/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/1/2011


BENGHAZI: “The Al Qaeda flag is now flying over Benghazi. @BarackObama spent over $3Billion of our money for this?” [3:17:16 PM]

 – 11/1/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 11/1/2011


ECONOMY: “Our economy cannot stay competitive with policies like these: @BarackObama is proposing over $90 Billion in new regulations.” [2:18:56 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/28/2011, 


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “ObamaCare contains marriage penalty taxes. Why should married couples be penalized for having healthcare?” [12:55:19 PM]

 – 10/28/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/28/2011


MILITARY/TERRORISM: “The US Air Force won the war in Libya to clear the way for Islamic Extremist control of Libya.” [3:37:31 PM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


HEALTHCARE/OBAMACARE(ACA): “Our worst threat to unemployment is @ObamaCare. It will also destroy our country’s basic standards. ‘ “ [2:27:35 PM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


IRAQ/LIBYA/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “When will our nation’s sacrifices be respectfully appreciated? Iraq and Libya should reimburse us in oil.” [1:31:24 PM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


DEBT: “The Debt is our nation’s greatest threat. @BarackObama is out of touch.” [11:50:16 AM]

 – 10/27/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/27/2011


IRAN/IRAQ/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “Why aren’t we getting any oil from Iraq before we leave? We are leaving the country wide open for Iran. Big mistake.” [4:26:13 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


CHINA: “When will Washington stand up to China. China is manipulating its currency and stealing our jobs. Washington should move on legislation.” [3:48:49 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


MEDIA: “I heard, because his show is unwatchable, that @Lawrence has made many false statements last night about me. Maybe I should sue him?” [12:23:00 PM]

 – 10/26/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/26/2011


POLITICS: “THe 2012 election is the most important in my lifetime. We must nominate a candidate who will win and will roll back @BarackObama’s damage.” [4:28:15 PM]

 – 10/25/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/25/2011


OBAMA: “Does @BarackObama ever work? He is constantly campaigning and fundraising–on both the taxpayer’s dime and time—not fair!” [2:10:37 PM]

 – 10/25/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/25/2011


LIBYA/MIDDLE EAST: “Libya is adopting a more radical form of Sharia Law now under their new leadership. Is this what @BarackObama wanted?” [4:42:29 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


JOBS: “So much for creating American jobs–@BarackObama gave $529 Million to a ‘Green’ car company—so they can be manufactured in Finland.” [4:11:08 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 24, 2011 04:11pm


JOBS: “The job plan by @BarackObama is nothing more than a second stimulus. The first failed and so will this one.” [3:45:10 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


IRAN/MIDDLE EAST/OIL: “We are leaving Iraq after expending a tremendous amount of blood and treasure. We should be reimbursed with oil! — Don’t give it to Iran.” [1:01:39 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


ECONOMY: “The Dollar is at an all-time WWII low against the Yen. The Fed’s recklessness is going to lead to record inflation.” [12:39:52 PM]

 – 10/24/2011, Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, 10/24/2011


CHINA: “Why do we continue to sit idly by while China steals our national security and corporate secrets? China is an enemy, not a friend.” [3:15:10 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 03:15pm


MISC: “The Misery Index is at a 28 year high.” [2:24:45 PM]

 – Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 21, 2011 02:24pm