
DEMS/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/RUSSIA/SANCTIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In what was most likely a largely symbolic vote, 136 House Republicans joined with Democrats on Thursday [1-17-19] in an overwhelming show of disapproval of the Trump administration’s policy toward three Kremlin-aligned companies. The House voted 362 to 53 to block the Treasury Department from lifting sanctions against the companies, which are controlled by the Russian oligarch Oleg V. Deripaska. Had a similar resolution also passed the Republican-controlled Senate, it would have blocked the Treasury Department’s move and led to the enforcement of the sanctions against the aluminum giant Rusal and two linked firms. But an effort by Senate Democrats failed on Wednesday to clear the 60-vote threshold required for passage, despite winning support from 11 Republicans.”

Kenneth P. Vogel, “136 House Republicans Join Democrats in Vote Against Russia Sanctions Relief,” The New York Times online, January 17, 2019