CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/HOLIDAY/NEW YORK/RELIGION/SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING! RT @SCOTUSblog Just before midnight on the night before Thanksgiving, the Supreme Court blocked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo from enforcing attendance limits at religious services. The vote is 5-4, with [John] Roberts and the three liberals dissenting. Here is the ruling:“ ––Donald Trump,, November 26, […]
Tag: Andrew Cuomo
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/NEW YORK/POLITICS/VACCINES: “I LOVE NEW YORK! As everyone knows, the Trump Administration has produced a great and safe VACCINE far ahead of schedule. Another Administration would have taken five years. The problem is, @NYGovCuomo said that he will delay using it, and other states WANT IT NOW… ….We cannot waste time and can only give […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/CRIME/MEDIA/NEW YORK: “Governor Cuomo has shown tremendously poor leadership skills in running N.Y. Bad time for him to be writing and promoting a book, especially since he has done such a poor job with Covid and Crime. So many unnecessary deaths. The City & State have sunk to historic lows… ….Washington wants nothing to do […]
FLORIDA/NEW YORK: “Hey, with what’s going on in New York, it’s so sad, Greg. It’s so sad how they’ve ruined that place… He [Governor Andrew Cuomo] did a very poor job and, a very sad thing… You know, he’s a thug, and he’s very unappreciative and it’s one of those things. They run New York. […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/MEDIA/NEW YORK/QUOTE: New York Governor Andrew “Cuomo Dodges on Whether Sending COVID Patients into Nursing Homes Was a Mistake via @BreitbartNews. He really blew it. Could have put people in Convention Center or Hospital Ship. Didn’t have a clue!!!“ ––Donald Trump,, October 12, 2020 10:24 am […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/FDA/NEW YORK/SENIORS/VACCINES: “Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York wants to put New York at the END of the Vaccine List in that he doesn’t trust the @FDA or Federal Government, even though the Vaccines are being developed by the finest Labs in the World. Wish he trusted us on Nursing Homes!“ ––Donald Trump,, September […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/NEW YORK/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “One of the WORST governors in the USA [Andrew Cuomo, of New York]. Caused 11,000 deaths in nursing homes alone due to his bad moves and incompetence. At least he said I ‘did a phenomenal job’. But he didn’t!!!” ––Donald Trump,, September 10, 2020 2:39 am […]
NEW YORK/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “[New York] Governor [Andrew] Cuomo has completely lost control. Sad!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 10, 2020 2:38 am […]
2020 ELECTION/CRIME/DEMS/NEW YORK/POLICE/TAXES: “Police Chief, and most of the police in Rochester, N.Y., have resigned. The Democrat Mayor and, of courses, Governor Cuomo, have no idea what to do. New York State is a mess – No Money, High Taxes & Crime, Everyone Fleeing. November 3rd. We can fix it!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 8, […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/INVESTIGATIONS/NEW YORK/SCANDAL: “.@NYGovCuomo should get his puppet New York prosecutors, who have been illegally after me and my family for years, to investigate his incompetent handling of the China Virus, and all of the deaths caused by this incompetence. It is at minimum a Nursing Home Scandal – 11,000 DEAD!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 3, […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/NEW YORK: “Governors Andrew Cuomo of New York has the worst record on death and China Virus. 11,000 people alone died in Nursing Homes because of his incompetence!“ ––Donald Trump,, September 3, 2020 2:38 am […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/NEW YORK: “Everything a Governor asked the Federal Government for with respect to the Pandemic, they got. They all said, on tape, the Federal government did a great job. Governor Cuomo used the word ‘phenomenal.’ The Task Force worked well with the States. Feds bailed out many States!“ ––Donald Trump,, August 29, 2020 11:49 […]
2020 ELECTION/DEMS/NEW YORK/QUOTE/TAXES: ” ‘I live in New York. Even the most Liberal friends that I have are thinking twice about voting Democrat this time because they’ve seen what’s happened to the City under @NYCMayor de Blasio and the State under @NYGovCuomo – They’re getting eaten up by taxes.’ @DavidAsmanfox“ ––Donald Trump,, August 19, […]
CRIME/NEW YORK/NRA/TEXAS: “A horrible Governor. Crime is taking over NYC & State, everyone is leaving. He is after the NRA – They should move to Texas or elsewhere, and must get tough. Cuomo killed 11,000 people in nursing homes alone. Crooked & Incompetent! RT @gatewaypundit On Same Day as DNC Speech AP Reports Cuomo Killed […]
CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/MEDIA: “Cuomo, just like his brother Fredo, has not got a very good memory! RT @TrumpWarRoom Democrat Andrew Cuomo praised the Trump Administration’s coronavirus response as ‘extraordinary efforts and acts of mobilization,’ and called it a ‘tremendous accomplishment.’ “ ––Donald Trump,, August 17, 2020 5:07 pm […]
CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/DEMS/PROTESTS: ” ‘This is no longer about peaceful protesting, this is about angry, violent, criminal mobs taking over certain (Democrat run) cities. It is a lack of political leadership in that city.’ Chad Wolf @DHSgov @foxandfriends @NYGovCuomo @NYCMayor“ ––Donald Trump,, July 6, 2020 3:31 am […]
CHICAGO/CIVIL UNREST/CRIME/NEW YORK: “Chicago and New York City crime numbers are way up. 67 people shot in Chicago, 13 killed. Shootings up significantly in NYC where people are demanding that @NYGovCuomo & @NYCMayor act now. Federal Government ready, willing and able to help, if asked!“ ––Donald Trump,, July 5, 2020 11:20 am […]
CARESACT/NEW YORK: “I am proud to announce the first $500M of $3.9B in CARES Act transit funding headed to the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Important funding to keep transit systems clean and operating to get people back to work! Spend it wisely! @NYGovCuomo @NYCMayor“ –Donald Trump,, May 14, 2020 5:15 am […]
AOC/CHUCK SCHUMER/NEW YORK: “Cryin Chuck Schumer, compared to what other Senators have brought home to their states, has brought very little back to N.Y. A totally overrated loser, the one thing he has given them is SALT. He never even called me to stop it. No wonder Cuomo & most others can’t stand him. AOC!“ […]
NEW YORK/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Cuomo’s been calling daily, even hourly, begging for everything, most of which should have been the state’s responsibility, such as new hospitals, beds, ventilators, etc. I got it all done for him, and everyone else, and now he seems to want Independence! That won’t happen!” –Donald Trump,, April 14, 2020 […]