AOC/CHUCK SCHUMER/NEW YORK: “Cryin Chuck Schumer, compared to what other Senators have brought home to their states, has brought very little back to N.Y. A totally overrated loser, the one thing he has given them is SALT. He never even called me to stop it. No wonder Cuomo & most others can’t stand him. AOC!“ […]
Tag: Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
AOC/CHUCK SCHUMER/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19/MEDIA/NEW YORK: “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer was on a late night show using a false talking point over & over again. ‘We don’t have enough testing ,’ he would repeat, when he knows we have done a great job on Testing, just like we have on Ventilators and everything else. He lied, gave NY SALT. […]