
DONALDISM/WEALTH: “Let me tell you something about the rich. They have a very low threshold for pain.”

 – John Taylor, “Trump’s Newest Toy,” New York Magazine, Feb. 11, 1983


TRUMP BUSINESS: “I really value my reputation and I don’t hesitate to sue.”

 – Donald Trump, The Village Voice, Jan 15, 1979


DONALD ON DONALD: “I really value my reputation and I don’t hesitate to sue.”

 – Wayne Barrett and Jon Campbell, “How a Young Donald Trump Forced His Way From Avenue Z to Manhattan,” The Village Voice, Jan. 15, 1979


MARRIAGE/TRUMP FAMILY: Married Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr on April 9, 1977.

 – IMDB, IMDB.com, April 9, 1977


TRUMP PEOPLE/STEVE BANNON: “1975. Bannon won the Student Government Association presidency during his junior year at Virginia Tech.”
[The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]

 – Abigall Abrams,”The Age of Bannon,” Time Magazine, Feb. 13, 2017, 


DONALD ON DONALD: “What do people say about me? Do they say I’m loyal? Do they say I work hard?”

 -Donald Trump, The Village Voice, Jan. 15, 1979, 


TRUMP PEOPLE/STEVE BANNON: “1953 [November 27]. Born into an Irish-Catholic family, Bannon grew up near a naval base in Virginia.”

 – “The Age of Bannon,” Time Magazine, Feb. 13, 2017, Abigall Abrams, 11/27/1953


TRUMP FAMILY: Donald Trump born June 14, 1946

 – biography.com Editors, “Donald Trump Biography,” last updated November 18, 2016


ABRAHAM LINCOLN/IMMIGRATION/NATIONAL SECURITY: “I regard our immigrants as one of the principal replenishing streams which are appointed by Providence to repair the ravages of internal war and its wastes of national strength and health.”

 – “Fourth Annual Message” The American Presidency Project, Dec. 6, 1864, Abraham Lincoln, Transcript, 12/6/1864


ALEXANDER HAMILTON/IMMIGRATION/NATIONAL SECURITY: “Foreign influence is truly the Grecian Horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its entrance.”

 – “Pacificus No. 6,” The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates of 1793-1794, July 14, 1793, Alexander Hamilton, 7/14/1793