
TRUMP BUSINESS/WEALTH: “Former President Donald Trump said in a court filing Monday [February 14, 2022] that he ‘denies knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth’ about his company’s finances. A day later, he issued a blistering 1,100-word statement in response to his longtime accounting firm Mazars USA dropping the Trump […]

Read More… from 2/17/2022


TRUMP BUSINESS/WEALTH: “On Tuesday evening [February 15, 2022], former President Donald J. Trump… issued a statement of self-defense with new claims about his wealth… Mr. Trump referred to a ‘June 30, 2014 Statement of Financial Condition’ prepared by the accounting firm, Mazars USA, showing that the year before his first presidential run his net worth […]

Read More… from 2/16/2022


JOE BIDEN/LATINOS/WEALTH: “We cannot close the racial wealth gap if we allow billionaires to exploit Opportunity Zones tax breaks to pad their wealth, rather than investing in projects that benefit distressed low-income communities and Americans that are struggling to make ends meet.” -Joe Biden, “The Biden Agenda for the Latino Community,” medium.com, Aug. 4, 2020 […]

Read More… from 8/4/2020


WEALTH: “And while I can’t honestly say I need an 80-foot living room, I do get a kick out of having one.”  – Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz, “The Art of the Deal,” Nov. 12, 1987 […]

Read More… from 11/12/1987


DONALDISM/WEALTH: “Let me tell you something about the rich. They have a very low threshold for pain.”  – John Taylor, “Trump’s Newest Toy,” New York Magazine, Feb. 11, 1983 […]

Read More… from 2/11/1983