
HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/MIKE PENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “House impeachment investigators widened the reach of their inquiry on Friday [10-4-19], subpoenaing the White House for a vast trove of documents and requesting more from Vice President Mike Pence to better understand President Trump’s attempts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals. The subpoena, addressed to Mick […]

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CORRUPTION/DEMS/INVESTIGATIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “President Trump denied again on Friday [10-4-19] that there was any quid pro quo attached to his pressure on Ukraine to investigate his political enemies, but text messages and testimony collected by congressional investigators indicated that his own representatives saw it differently. Envoys representing Mr. Trump sought to leverage the power of […]

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AGRICULTURE/ENERGY/EPA/TRADE WAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture jointly proposed new rules on Friday that would increase ethanol consumption at the expense of oil refineries to help corn and soybean farmers buffeted by President Trump’s trade wars. The plan would overhaul the system of quotas for ethanol, a fuel that […]

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AGRICULTURE/ENTITLEMENTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Agriculture Department moved again this week to cut spending on food stamps, this time proposing changes that would slice $4.5 billion from the program over five years, trimming monthly benefits by as much as $75 for one in five struggling families on nutrition assistance. The latest plan would cut benefits for […]

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DEMS/GOP/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “Republican leaders are struggling to settle on a clear message and effective strategy for responding to Democrats’ aggressive and fast-moving impeachment investigation of President Trump, thrown off by early stumbles and a chaotic White House that have upended efforts to set a steady tone. With Mr. Trump effectively functioning as a one-man […]

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CONGRESS/DEMS/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Nancy Pelosi today, on @GMA, actually said that Adam Schiffty Schiff didn’t fabricate my words in a major speech before Congress. She either had no idea what she was saying, in other words lost it, or she lied. Even Clinton lover @GStephanopoulos strongly called her out. Sue her?” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, […]

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CORRUPTION/DEMS/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “We are simultaneously fighting the Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party. Always tough to beat the ‘Press,’ but people are beginning to see how totally CORRUPT they are, and it makes our job a whole lot easier!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 8:35 pm […]

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JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @JesseBWatters: ‘Just because Joe Biden is running against President @realdonaldtrump doesn’t mean he’s above the law.’ #TheFive https:/…”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 8:17 pm […]

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CORRUPTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As the President of the United States, I have an absolute right, perhaps even a duty, to investigate, or have investigated, CORRUPTION, and that would include asking, or suggesting, other Countries to help us out!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 8:04 pm […]

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IMPEACHMENT/JOE BIDEN/UKRAINE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Last week the House of Representatives opened an inquiry into whether the President of the United States has committed impeachable offenses. Its investigation will focus on evidence that Donald Trump attempted to extort a foreign government — the Government of Ukraine — to manufacture charges against me, to go after my […]

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CHINA/IMPEACHMENT/JOE BIDEN/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “President Donald Trump’s shocking request Thursday [10-3-19]  on the White House lawn that not only Ukraine, but also China, should investigate the Bidens, may have shown his open defiance of impeachment threats, but it also gave major air time to the innuendo the president and his allies have been trying to […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “’…blowing MASSIVE holes inside of the theory, the narrative, that Chairman Schiff has been providing to the public.’ @RepLeeZeldin https://t.co/CUJhiKZfgr” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 6:19 pm […]

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CHINA/IMPEACHMENT/TRADE WAR/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump just tossed his most pressing economic issue into the morass of impeachment politics. Trump’s suggestion Thursday [10-3-19] that Beijing should investigate a political rival, moments after threatening America’s ‘tremendous power’ in the ongoing trade talks with China, exposes his long-running negotiations with the world’s No. 2 economy to […]

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MEDICARE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Today at The Villages in Florida, it was my great honor to sign an Executive Order on protecting and improving Medicare for our Nation’s Seniors. Today’s action is only the latest of many important steps we are taking to dramatically improve healthcare for the American People! https://t.co/nWfn2r10o5” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, […]

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MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “‘It was just a congenial phone call, but its become so big. I’ve never seen the Media work so hard with so little.’ @greggutfeld @FoxNews Witch Hunt!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 4:21 pm […]

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DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/MEDICARE/PHARMA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump charged Thursday [10-3-19] without evidence that the pharmaceutical industry was behind House Democrats’ impeachment proceedings, suggesting it was payback for his administration’s effort to lower drug costs…The president was speaking at a Florida event to sign an executive order aimed at beefing up Medicare and its offshoot […]

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ELECTION/JOE BIDEN/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is urging Fox News not to run a Trump 2020 campaign advertisement it claims ‘spreads false, definitively debunked conspiracy theories.’ In a letter to Fox News and Fox Business general counsel Lily Claffee, Biden campaign manager Greg Schultz wrote that the ad ‘falsely states’ that ‘Biden offered […]

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GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, and record setting fundraising that has taken place over the past two weeks. Thank you!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 12:16 pm […]

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MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @RichLowry: Excited to share that my new book, “The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free” will be out Novembe…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 6:47 am […]

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STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @ByronYork: So State Department inspector general asks for ‘urgent’ briefing on Capitol Hill. Trump and Ukraine! Then admits he’s had ‘u…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 6:37 am […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @NancyJKoch: Franklin Graham calls for prayer to ‘change hearts’ of Democrats – A call to pray for our Nation and its healing❣️@realDon…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 5:49 am […]

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MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “‘The Ukraine controversy continues this morning as new documents obtained by @FoxNews show that a former Ukrainian prosecutor said that he was forced to back off looking into a firm tied to Hunter Biden.’ @MariaBartiromo Does anyone other than Fake News protectors have a doubt?” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 3, 2019 5:37 […]

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DEMS/ELECTION/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Donald Trump was in trouble with women voters long before House Democrats launched a formal impeachment inquiry against him last week. Since then, his standing has grown only worse. Nearly a half-dozen polls conducted since last Tuesday [10-1-19], when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi directed her colleagues to proceed […]

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AGRICULTURE/AIRLINE INDUSTRY/EU/TARIFFS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WTO: “The Trump administration said Wednesday [10-2-19] that it would impose tariffs on European aircraft, French wine and cheese, Spanish olive oil and other goods starting Oct. 18, after the World Trade Organization granted the United States permission to tax as much as $7.5 billion of European exports annually. The tariffs are […]

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DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Democrats moved on Wednesday [10-2-19] to compel the White House to cooperate in their impeachment inquiry, announcing plans to issue a subpoena by Friday [10-4-19] if it did not comply with requests for documents related to President Trump’s efforts to press Ukraine to investigate a leading political rival, and […]

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DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “The Democratic head of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, learned about the outlines of a C.I.A. officer’s concerns that President Trump had abused his power days before the officer filed a  whistle-blower complaint, according to a spokesman and current and former American officials. The early […]

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CONGRESS/IMPEACHMENT/STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The cryptically worded request marked urgent from the State Department’s independent watchdog set Congress on edge. The message, according to Steven A. Linick, the department’s inspector general, was that he needed to meet — and right away — with senior congressional staff members to give them copies of documents related to the […]

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DEMS/HOUSE OF REPS/IMPEACHMENT/INTELLIGENCE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Trump was watching television in the White House on Wednesday [10-2-19] morning when cable news channels started airing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Representative Adam B. Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, warning at a news conference that any attempts by the president to stonewall their impeachment investigation […]

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ELECTION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Mississippi, there is a VERY important election for Governor on November 5th. I need you to Get Out and Vote for our Great Republican nominee, @TateReeves. Tate is strong on Crime, tough on Illegal Immigration, and will protect your Second Amendment….” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 2, 2019 6:27 pm […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Do Nothing Democrats should be focused on building up our Country, not wasting everyone’s time and energy on BULLSHIT, which is what they have been doing ever since I got overwhelmingly elected in 2016, 223-306. Get a better candidate this time, you’ll need it!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 2, 2019 10:48 […]

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DEMS/MIKE POMPEO/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Adam Schiff should only be so lucky to have the brains, honor and strength of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. For a lowlife like Schiff, who completely fabricated my words and read them to Congress as though they were said by me, to demean a First in Class at West Point, […]

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IMPEACHMENT/NANCY PELOSI/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Nancy Pelosi just said that she is interested in lowering prescription drug prices & working on the desperately needed USMCA. She is incapable of working on either. It is just camouflage for trying to win an election through impeachment. The Do Nothing Democrats are stuck in mud!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

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DEMS/ECONOMY/ELECTION/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “All of this impeachment nonsense, which is going nowhere, is driving the Stock Market, and your 401K’s, down. But that is exactly what the Democrats want to do. They are willing to hurt the Country, with only the 2020 Election in mind!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 2, 2019 10:19 am […]

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BORDER/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Now the press is trying to sell the fact that I wanted a Moat stuffed with alligators and snakes, with an electrified fence and sharp spikes on top, at our Southern Border. I may be tough on Border Security, but not that tough. The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!” -Donald Trump, […]

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BORDER/MEDIA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Now the press is trying to sell the fact that I wanted a Moot stuffed with alligators and snakes, with an electrified fence and sharp spikes on top, at our Southern Border. I may be tough on Border Security, but not that tough. The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!” -Donald Trump, […]

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DEMS/IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “All the Do Nothing Democrats are focused on is Impeaching the President for having a very good conversation with the Ukrainian President. I knew that many people were listening, even have a transcript. They have been at this ‘stuff’ from the day I got elected. Bad for Country!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE: “Congressman Adam Schiff should resign for the Crime of, after reading a transcript of my conversation with the President of Ukraine (it was perfect), fraudulently fabricating a statement of the President of the United States and reading it to Congress, as though mine! He is sick!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 2, 2019 […]

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GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “RT @GOP: HUGE Q3 fundraising numbers thanks to @GOPChairwoman, @parscale, and of course the STRONG enthusiasm behind @realDonaldTrump! http…” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 2, 2019 9:00 am […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/UKRAINE/WHISTLEBLOWER: “So if the so-called ‘Whistleblower’ has all second hand information, and almost everything he has said about my ‘perfect’ call with the Ukrainian President is wrong (much to the embarrassment of Pelosi & Schiff), why aren’t we entitled to interview & learn everything about….” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 1, 2019 8:19 am […]

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BORDER/MILITARY/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WALL: “Massive sections of The Wall are being built at our Southern Border. It is going up rapidly, and built to the highest standards and specifications of the Border Patrol experts. It is actually an amazing structure! Our U.S. Military is doing a GREAT job.” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 2, 2019 8:06 am […]

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CALIFORNIA/COURTS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “I won the right to be a presidential candidate in California, in a major Court decision handed down yesterday. It was filed against me by the Radical Left Governor of that State to tremendous Media hoopla. The VICTORY, however, was barely covered by the Fake News. No surprise!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

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CHINA/FOREIGN POLICY/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “President Donald Trump congratulated the People’s Republic of China for its 70th anniversary Tuesday [10-1-19] morning. Senate Republicans were in no mood to celebrate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) compared China under President Xi Jinping to a ‘modern version of Maoist China’ and criticized the government for violence against […]

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CAMPAIGN FINANCE/ELECTION/GOP/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee raised a combined $125 million over the past three months, Trump’s campaign announced Tuesday [10-1-19]— a massive total that disturbed some Democrats who believe their party should be more focused on countering Trump’s head start in the 2020 presidential election. The […]

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IMPEACHMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the….”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 1, 2019 6:41 pm […]

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TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTING “….People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!” -Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 1, 2019 6:41 pm […]

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GOP/IMPEACHMENT/SENATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/WHISTLEBLOWER: “As President Donald Trump and his allies attack the whistleblower who kicked off the House’s impeachment inquiry, the unidentified person gained a powerful ally on Tuesday [10-1-19]: Chuck Grassley. The most senior GOP senator has fashioned a career on protecting whistleblowers during presidencies of both parties. And in the middle of one […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “….a Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer Democrat (John Bel Edwards), who does nothing but stymie all of the things we are doing to Make America Great Again. Don’t be fooled, John Bel Edwards will NEVER be for us. Early voting has already started! @LAGOP”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 1, 2019 5:15 pm […]

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FEDERAL RESERVE/TRADE WARS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump on Tuesday [10-1-19] lashed out at the Federal Reserve after a widely tracked gauge of U.S. manufacturing showed the sector shrank for the second straight month, coming in at its worst reading since 2009. Manufacturers have been slammed by a sharp drop in new export orders as […]

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DEMS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Why isn’t Congressman Adam Schiff being brought up on charges for fraudulently making up a statement and reading it to Congress as if this statement, which was very dishonest and bad for me, was directly made by the President of the United States? This should never be allowed!”  –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October […]

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FEDERAL RESERVE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “As I predicted, Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve have allowed the Dollar to get so strong, especially relative to ALL other currencies, that our manufacturers are being negatively affected. Fed Rate too high. They are their own worst enemies, they don’t have a clue. Pathetic!” –Donald Trump, Twitter.com, October 1, […]

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