
2016 ELECTION/CONGRESS/DEMS/GOP/RUSSIA/SANCTIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE: “Republicans in Congress on Thursday [7-19-18] blocked a series of measures put forward by lawmakers — largely Democratic — desperate to isolate Republican leaders and publicly rebuke President Trump over his summit meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia this week. In the Senate, Republicans objected to two nonbinding measures that would have put the body on record as being in support of intelligence agency conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, called on Mr. Trump to fully impose sanctions against Russia and pressed for oversight of the summit meeting, including the production of any notes taken by Americans…After the White House press secretary said that Mr. Trump was not considering a Putin proposal to make a former American ambassador available to the Russian authorities for questioning, senators voted 98 to 0 in favor of a third nonbinding resolution expressing opposition to the Russian leader’s suggestion..In the House, Democrats sought to push many of the same points with different tactics, but saw no more success.”

-Nicholas Fandos and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “Republicans Block Anti-Putin Resolutions Before Senate Approves One Rebuke,” The New York Times online, July 19, 2018