
BORDER/CHILDREN/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has taken almost every possible Republican position on immigration in the span of a week as he’s tried to deal with the crisis he created of separating thousands of children from their parents at the border. He’s changed policies, made declarations, said his hands were tied, untied them to sign an executive order that may or may not accomplish anything, blamed Democrats, blamed his predecessors, demanded Congress act, tried to force Congress to act, refused to endorse a specific congressional bill, promised a sweeping immigration reform was possible and, most recently, said Congress should just give up for a while. The tangle of statements coming from the President’s mouth, his Twitter feed, and secondhand reports of what he told Republicans during a trip to Capitol Hill are more confusing than his wife’s decision to wear an ‘I really don’t care. Do U?’ jacket on a surprise trip to see detained kids at the border.”

-Z. Byron Wolf, “In 1 week, Trump has tied himself into an impossible immigration knot,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 22, 2018 5:05 pm