
GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Republican leaders delayed until Friday [6-22-18] a vote on an immigration bill designed to be a compromise between the party’s moderates and conservatives, amid concerns over whether the legislation had enough support to pass. The bill had been scheduled to be the second of two contentious votes Thursday [6-21-18] afternoon as the House pressed forward with its immigration reform effort. A day earlier President Donald Trump instructed his administration to try to detain asylum-seeking families together amid outrage over his policy of separating children. But the president also pressed Congress to act as well. On Thursday, the House went ahead and voted on a first, more conservative bill, which was defeated by a wide margin, with 193 votes in favor and 231 against. Leaders have focused on passing the second bill, which they describe as a compromise that aims to meet each of the ‘four pillars’ that Mr. Trump has demanded be part of any immigration overhaul. A provision in the compromise bill would also end the practice of separating adults and children crossing the border by detaining them together.”

-Louise Radnofsky and Natalie Andrews, “House Postpones Vote on Immigration Bill Until Friday,” The Wall Street Journal, June 21, 2018 4:11 pm