ECONOMY/GOP/JOBS: “I just signed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act to further improve our VERY POPULAR AND SUCCESSFUL program to help small businesses. THANK YOU to our GREAT REPUBLICAN SENATORS! @senatemajldr @marcorubio @SenatorCollins @SteveDaines @SenThomTillis @SenCoryGardner“ –Donald Trump,, June 5, 2020 7:28 am […]
Tag: Republicans
ENDORSEMENT: “True. Steve is a GREAT SENATOR. Need him badly in Washington. Complete and Total Endorsement! RT @SteveDaines Having spent 28 years in the private sector creating jobs, I’ll work with @realDonaldTrump to rebuild our economy and get Montana back on track.“ –Donald Trump,, June 5, 2020 2:16 am […]
CONGRESS/DEMS/GOP/IMPEACHMENT/JOHN BOLTON/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The Senate impeachment trial adjourned Friday evening [Jan. 31, 2020], with a plan to return Monday morning to continue. Closing arguments will be presented Monday, after which senators will be permitted to speak on the floor. A final vote, during which President Trump is expected to be acquitted, is expected next […]