
GOP/HEALTHCARE/OBAMA/OBAMACARE(ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Politically…I should let it run badly. But I can’t do that, because I’m president for the people, and we ran that much better than President Obama ran it, much better than the last administration ran it…and spent a lot of money and running it properly. It’s still not good. It’s still not good, but I had a decision, do I want to run it great or do I want to run it really badly? Politically, I should have run it really badly, but I’m glad I made the decision to run it great. But running it great, it’s still lousy healthcare, and we are going to do something that’s going to be great healthcare. Always including, always having, again, the individual mandate gone, and preexisting conditions will be taken care of.”

-Donald Trump as quoted by Rev, “Transcript: Donald Trump Signs Nurse’s Day Proclamation, Contradicts Nurse on PPE,” rev.com, May 6, 2020