
ELECTION/GOP/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump’s intense focus on immigration in the run-up to the midterms appears to have stemmed GOP losses in Tuesday’s [11-6-18] election, according to a POLITICO analysis of 34 close House, Senate and gubernatorial races. Democrats took control of the House, as predicted, but Republicans were on track to expand their majority in the Senate. Pre-election fears by some Republicans that Trump’s inflammatory immigration message would sink GOP candidates in tight races proved overblown. And while more authoritative analysis awaits further election returns and more detailed polling analysis, the message appears in some races to have worked…Even so, several Republican candidates closely aligned with Trump’s immigration agenda were defeated, including Kansas gubernatorial nominee Kris Kobach and Rep. Dave Brat of Virginia.”

Ted Hesson, “Trump’s immigration push may have stemmed GOP losses,” Politico, November 7, 2018 10:05 am