
DEMS/ELECTION/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “In New Jersey, voters slashed the number of Republicans in Congress from five down to two, and possibly only one. In New York, Democrats declared victory in three congressional races in President Trump’s home state, ejecting the last remaining Republican from New York City. And in the six other states in the Northeast, the lone remaining Republican congressman, Representative Bruce Poliquin of Maine, was clinging to his seat on Wednesday [11-7-18}, his fate to be decided by the second choices of third-party voters through ranked-choice voting. If the country delivered a mixed verdict nationally on Mr. Trump and his brand of unrepentant nationalism and white-hot rhetoric on immigration in the 2018 midterms — Democrats seized the House and ceded ground in the Senate, and the two parties split key governorships — the results were far clearer in a region that once defined moderate Republicanism in America.”

Shane Goldmacher and Nick Corasaniti, “A Trump-Fueled ‘Wipeout’ for House Republicans in Northeast,” The New York Times online, November 7, 2018