
ELECTION/GOP/IMMIGRATION/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump hammered his hard line on immigration again on Thursday [11-1-18], but some Republicans wish he would shift focus to the economy, lest he drive away suburban voters and mobilize Latino communities against the GOP. Several Republican operatives and officials described a growing sense of fear within the party over Trump’s hard-line rhetoric on border security, which he has repeated nearly every day for the past three weeks…Operating under the assumption that talking tough on immigration can energize enough Republicans to stymie a ‘blue wave’ of Democratic midterm voters, Trump has spent the past week unveiling restrictive immigration policies at a dizzying pace and making erroneous declarations about a caravan of Central American migrants. Because such language worked for Trump in his bid for the presidency two years ago, he firmly believes it carries the same weight with conservatives and right-leaning independents this election season, according to two sources close to the White House.”

Gabby Orr, “Trump’s immigration obsession could backfire, some Republicans fear,” Politico, November 1, 2018 9:24 pm