ANDREW MCCABE/DEMS/FBI/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “House Republicans have begun the process to subpoena the Justice Department for the memos written by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that reportedly detail the explosive comments reportedly made by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year about President Donald Trump, according to a Democratic aide. House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia, notified committee Democrats on Tuesday [9-25-18] that he intends to issue the subpoenas, as required by committee rules. Conservative allies of the President in Congress amplified their calls to release the memos after The New York Times and other news outlets reported last week that they include descriptions of Rosenstein discussing invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. Rosenstein also reportedly suggested that he or other officials wear a wire in conversations with the President in the days following the firing of FBI Director James Comey last year.”
–David Shortell, “GOP to subpoena memos that may detail Rosenstein’s comments about Trump,” CNN Politics,, September 25, 2018 10:03 pm