
BORDER/CHILDREN/DEMS/IMMIGRATION/POLLS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the Trump administration’s practice of taking undocumented immigrant children from their families and putting them in government facilities on US borders, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Only 28% approve. But among Republicans, there is majority support for the policy that has resulted in an uptick of children being separated from their families. The separations are the end result of the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy of criminally charging people who cross the border illegally. The new poll numbers follow harsh criticism that President Donald Trump and the Republican Party are receiving after implementing the new policy…The controversial policy does have support in subgroups, particularly among Republicans, 58% of whom approve of it. Outside the GOP there is much less support. Just 5% of Democrats and 27% of independents approve. Sixty-two percent of the people who approve of the job Trump is doing as President also approve of the immigration policy and so do 51% of self-described conservatives.”

-Grace Sparks, “Majority oppose policy that causes family separation, but Republicans approve,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 18, 2018 4:39 pm