
DEMS/ELECTION/GOP/HOUSE OF REPS/TRUMP PEOPLE: “U.S. Democrats on Wednesday [6-6-18] said the results of nominating contests in California and New Jersey put them in a stronger position to gain control of Congress in November and oppose Republican President Donald Trump. The morning after the busiest day of the primary election season, when voters in eight states picked candidates for the November election, California Democrats ensured they would have a chance of winning back some of the 10 Republican-held U.S. House of Representatives seats they are targeting. California is key to Democrats’ hopes of gaining a majority in the 435-seat House, which would require flipping 23 seats. A Democrat-controlled House would likely stall much of Trump’s policy agenda and could lend strength to any potential effort to impeach Trump if Democrats decide grounds exist, either by virtue of the ongoing probe into Russian election interference by special counsel Robert Mueller or other reasons..But solid turnout by Republican voters on Tuesday [6-5-18] underscored the challenges Democrats will face in trying to win in the conservative areas like suburbs of Los Angeles and Sacramento, as well as in rural areas that supported Trump in the presidential election two years ago.”

-Sharon Bernstein, Joseph Ax, “Democratic hopes for House control buoyed by voting results,” Reuters, June 6, 2018 9:34 am